95. We can play hide and seek, if you want.. You will hide & I will love you..

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Do anyone know, what's the biggest success of a writer???

Like me, All will answer easily that the sucess is determined by getting more votes and comments...

But in reality, the big success won't be considered by means of votes or comments...

To a writer , the hardest and difficult task is to pull the reader's attention towards your story and maintaining those readers, till you finish off the story, is a very big and tough challenge....

Well.... If you are a LOYAL READER AND FAN OF THIS STORY " LOVING HUSBAND", you can pull up your collars proudly and say that we are also a part of it....

Yes we did it together, my sweet friends and my darling readers ....

LOVING HUSBAND has become the First Ever Abhigya Fan Fiction in Watty to cross the massive 150,000+ reads.... 

( You can cross check, if you have any doubts too...)

This couldn't be possible without all your love and support.... Thanks for sparing all your time to read Loving Husband...

This story made me, who I'm now in watty and this is the story which paved way and identified the hidden talent in me...

I can happily say that From an amateur scribbler, I have grown up into a sensible and matured writer...

All the recognition, the followers, the love and support,  which myself and my stories are getting, are because of this story only...

I'm so happy and thankful to the almighty, as HE has given such a thought in my mind to pen down this story, which holds a special place in my heart always...

🎉🎉🎉 Special thanks to those
New readers, who are reading and voting on this story... Your support means a lot to me... 🎉🎉🎉

🌷Not to forget the stubborn Silent readers, who are still adamant not to vote, but encouraging me silently by reading this story...

Kudoos to you people... Will really work hard to get appreciation from you people, one day....🌷

🍃🍃🍃 A Royal Salute to all those Lovable souls for their remarkable votes and encouraging comments, which keeps me going on and on, without any halt....

Without you all, your Crazy/ Mahii couldn't have earned such accolades... Will be greatful to you people always.... 🍃🍃🍃

Dedicating this chapter to all the lovely readers of Loving Husband...


I always want to be the one, who makes your bad days better.. I want to be the one, who makes you to say that " My life has changed completely, from the  moment I have met you... "

After you enter in my life, I never try or pull up any efforts to lead a happy life... When I'm with you, it just happens naturally....

The great recipe for a relationship to work:


Mix everything together and in proper proportion... This secret recipe will make the relationship to work till eternity...


Abhi along with the crazy four Purab, Bulbul, Aaliya and Arjun discussed hardly about Pragya's anger and the ways to cool her down... All comes up with different ideas and suggestions, but nothing impressed Abhi at all....

Much to everyone's surprise and shock, the naughty and notorious Arjun came up with a brilliant idea, which will surely workout in their favour.... Abhi readily approved it, as he is so sure that it will make his Fuggy's anger to melt down completely...

They all discussed and made a good plan about the things to be taken care of... Abhi calls someone and gives all kind of instructions, so that everything will be ready in the mean time... Abhi ordered that it needs to be perfectly done and he won't be pleased, if any wrong or mistake happens, which will collapse their entire plans....

However, they all are confused about the days to choose for, to implement their plan into action... After a lot of thinking,
they finally concluded that they are going to execute this idea, after Sarla and Mohan Arora leaves to abroad...

As Bulbul is having a week off and Aaliya, Pragya and Arjun are having a break before their model exams, they finalized those dates, which is a mission to seek apology from Pragya... They all hified happily that Pragya has no other way than to forgive them, as they all are going to give a terrific love torture to her...

But the fate mocked at them in a teasing way, as it's going to be very hard to get forgiveness from Pragya... Moreover, no one is aware that a big storm is awaiting for them, which gonna shake Abhi and Pragya's life completely...


Pragya is highly irritated as her Loving Husband is behaving so odd and wierd these days... Pragya is pissed off as Abhi is not talking much to her and is playing a big hide and seek game with her...

Abhi made sure that Pragya had her medicines and food properly... He will be there to feed her, send her off to college and he will return back, when Pragya is in need of her magic pillow to have a sound sleep...
Anyone who is watching Abhi's movements can feel that he is always running behind his wife...

But honestly speaking, he had hardly speak with Pragya these days and he is making her  to crave for him more and more... Pragya is losing all her temper, as Abhi's behaviours are irritating her a lot...

Being an over pampered wife, Pragya has expected that Abhi will give his verdict and explanations for sending off her parents to abroad to look after the business prospects, replacing Abhi's place...  But Abhi didn't speak off about the topic, after she had blasted on him angrily...

What irked Pragya more is that Abhi didn't asked sorry or didn't even promised her that he will be resuming his works in abroad... Instead of doing anything, Abhi makes himself so busy and is hiding mostly from Pragya's eyes....


Three days before the travel of her parents, Pragya gives up all her ego and plans to seduce Abhi so that he will easily agree and accept her decision... Pragya dressed up stylishly, swayed her hips seductively and blushes so coyly to melt Abhi completely...

For sometime, Abhi lost all his sanity and is admiring his wife Pragya, who is looking like a barbie doll... But Abhi realizes so soon that if he gives up his control now, his Fuggy will play her card very well and will surely pack him to abroad, without any doubt...

Abhi shook his head, takes deep breaths, places his phone in his ears as if he has got a call, picked up his laptop bag and walks towards the door, shocking Pragya to the core... He smiles sweetly and moves out, after ruffling Pragya's hairs, making it to look like a bird's nest, which took four hours for Pragya to set...

Pragya is pissed off and she sets her hair, as quickly as she can... She stomps her feet angrily and barges out to have a good fight with Abhi... But to her disappointment, Purab is sitting along with Abhi and they are seriously having a meeting in a video call, with a business delegate in abroad...

Pragya moves out with a sad face, while Abhi and Purab let out a relieved breath and thanked their friend Peter, who has came on a video call to save them from Pragya... Though it's hard for Abhi, he is not ready to back off, as he wanna give a best surprise to his Fuggy, which will erase all the bad memories from her mind...


The day before their travel, the Aroras have packed all their luggages and headed towards the Mehra Mansion, as ordered by Abhi... Abhi hands over the passports, tickets, sim cards, some bank books, credit cards and the important files to Mohan Arora...

After having a brief discussion, all settles down to have their dinner... Sarla and Mohan looks at their daughter Pragya, who is struggling very hard and is longingly looking at them with moist eyes... After all, as the parents of Pragya, they understand clearly that their daughter has forgiven them and is badly wishing to talk with them, before they moves to abroad...

Without saying anything, Mohan and Sarla finishes off their dinner and heads towards the couch in the living room... They sits in the couch, leaving a space between them, hoping that Pragya will come and sit there...
The naughty four along with Abhi and Dadi are silent spectators over there and they are so eager to watch the sentimental scene...

After struggling hard for more than one hour, Pragya gets up with a clear determination.. She looks here and there and to Pragya's relief, no one is found there, other than her parents, as everyone are hiding cleverly behind the pillars... Pragya takes slow steps and headed towards her parents...

Pragya sits with a heavy thud, bringing a smile in Mohan and Sarla's face.. She didn't speak anything for sometime, but she leans towards her father's shoulder and holds her mother's saree pallu in her hand, like she used to do in her childhood...

Sarla with a heartfelt smile in her face, caress Pragya's hair gently while Mohan gave a soft peck in her forehead... Tears flooded in Pragya's eyes and both were shocked that their son in law Abhi will blast on them, if he sees that Pragya is crying...

They hurriedly wipes Pragya's tears and cooed her like a small baby... All were shockingly looking at the scene and were afraid that how Abhi will gonna react, after seeing the heavy outburst of Pragya...

Much to everyone's surprise, Abhi is watching the reunion of Pragya with her parents, with happy tears and smile in his face... Only he knows how much his Fuggy has suffered inwardly and how it's a hardest thing to do so for her...

Abhi is aware that Pragya had a great struggle by not talking with anyone in the family... Eventhough she terms this as a kind of punishment for not supporting her, it's Pragya, who bears the punishment ahead of them... She loves her family dearly and it's impossible for her to be away from them...

Using the golden chance in their favour, all steps out one by one from their hiding place and comes up with different ways to talk with Pragya..  But to their surprise, Pragya talks as usual with them, as if nothing has happened...

Abhi watches everything happily and walks towards his Fuggy, with full of love... When Abhi nears Pragya, she gets up suddenly from there and informs that she is feeling sleepy... She didn't bother to answer or hear Abhi, who is screaming Fuggy and Baby continuously...

Abhi: Oh God!!! What happened to this Fuggy??? Till I reach here, she is talking with you all normally only na... Why did she said suddenly that she is feeling sleepy and why is she running like this???

I can't understand her mood swings at all... Uff... That poor door in my room... Huh... I can't get any idea why my baby is banging the door like this...

Arjun: Jiju... It's a warning signal to alert you...

Abhi: Warnings and Alerts ... What for???

Aaliya: Bhai... Bhabhi has forgiven all of us... But... She is so angry on you, as you are playing a hide and seek game with her... And... That Banging of door is a deadly warning to you...

Abhi: Say it clearly na... Already I'm feeling tensed... You people are talking in puzzles and irritating me too much...

Bulbul: Jiju... Pragya di is signalling that you are prohibited to enter your room... You have pissed her na, so she is showing cold shoulders to you....

Purab: Hey guys... Don't scare, bhai... Pragya bhabhi won't do like that...

Arjun:  Puru jijz, Don't give false hopes to Abhi jiju... Pragya di is hell angry on Jiju... A big storm is awaiting for you Jiju...

Feeling so pity on you, Jiju... So sad... The Abhishek Prem Mehra is not allowed to enter his very own room... What an injustice done to the Loving Husband like you...

Arjun with a pitiable voice teases Abhi, while he gasps in shock and runs towards his room, with much fear... Abhi let out a relieved breath, as the room door is not at all locked... Abhi tries all his attempts to wake up Pragya and make her to sleep on him... But she is so stubborn, not to move...

Accepting his defeat, Abhi gets changed and lays down near Pragya... He admires his Fuggy without blinking his eyes... Soon tiredness took him off and he drifted to sleep, unknowingly... But Pragya who is acting for a long time, moves to her magic pillow, as it's hard for her to sleep without it...


Days passes... The elder Aroras were sent off to abroad to look after the business over there... Abhi and Purab are so busy with the business deals here, while the other four are having a hectic schedule to prepare for their projects and exams...

In between, Dadi has to go over to meet Purab and Aaliya's parents, The Khannas, who invited her to come to their village, for doing a big pooja and also to attend the  festival in their hometown... As the youngsters have planned to give a surprise to Pragya, they send off Dadi to the village with Abhi's bodyguards...

However, the cold war between Abhi and Pragya did not come to an end at all... Other than mot6 talking normally and not coming to a compromise, Abhi does all his duties as a loving husband while Pragya enjoys her husband's over pamperings to her heartfelt content...


Meanwhile, Pragya's best buddies RK, Sid and Madhu finds out that she is hiding something big from them... They were super confused when they visited her house that weekend... They were so shocked to know from the neighbours that the elders Aroras have moved to abroad suddenly, while the younger Aroras were staying somewhere else...

Rk, Madhu along with Sid tries their level best to get the secrets from Pragya's mouth... But to their dismay, Pragya didn't said anything to them... She cleverly diverts the topic by saying fake reasons and unbelievable excuses...

As everything is going over board, they were tensed a lot... Sid assures Rk and Madhu that he will find out where the younger Aroras are staying... He moves towards Aaliya and Arjun, who are fighting for a single samosa in the college canteen...

But irking Aaliya to the core, Sid roughly pulled the samosa from Arjun's hand and stuffed it inside his mouth... He least bothered about the killer look of Aaliya, who is feeling a terrible pain in her heart...

Aaliya felt very bad and her mind alerts her repeatedly that Sid is going to come as a villain between her and Arjun for sure... Not minding anything, Sid bombards Arjun with his non stop questions...

Sid: Arjun... Don't come up with anymore lies... Where you three are staying??? Is that place is safe??? Damn it... Open your mouth, Arjun...

Are you thinking yourself as a hero??? Still you are not grown much, my boy... You have to protect your two elder sisters... We can't stay quite till we know that the place you people are staying are safe and secure...

Arjun: Sid bhai... It's that... Vo... Vo...

Sid: Just don't beat around the bush... Answer me...

Aaliya: Arjun, Pragya di and Bulbul bhabhi are staying with us...

Sid; Whatttttt....

Aaliya: Stop shouting, as if it's a wrong thing... You are just a friend to Pragya di... But they are family to us... You don't have any right to even react on their stay with us...

Better don't cross your limits and poke unnecessarily in our family matters, mister... If my Purab bhai finds out that you are involving unnecessarily in this, he will show you a living hell... Don't try to cross your line ever...

Aaliya makes a satisfied smile, after seeing the reactions she expected from Sid... She drags Arjun from there, who is feeling so bad, as Aaliya has purposely insulted Sid... He couldn't understand why Aaliya is behaving so odd with Sid, who is longing to talk with her...


Few days later......

Pragya glares at Arjun and Aaliya, who have cheated her and brought her to the farm house of the Mehras... They cleverly tricked her and convinced her that they are taking her to the library only... Instead they dragged her to the farm house, where a big surprise is awaiting for her...

Pragya's eyes wobbled out from it's sockets when she spots Bulbul and Purab, who are throwing flowers on her, as a sort of a welcome gesture... She rolls her eyes and looks at the man behind all the dramas, her Loving  husband Abhi, who is standing in the centre with a flower bouquet in his hands...

Abhi makes an oops reaction and keeps his hand in his head, when Pragya gave a killer look and walks out from there... Abhi shouts Fuggy and runs behind her, while the others  doesn't know what to do to stop Pragya...

Abhi: Baby... Fuggy... Stop running... Listen to me yaar...

Pragya: Why I need to listen to you, haan??? You won't even bother to talk to me and inform me anything.... Instead I have to accept whatever you are doing, hey na....

Abhi: Baby... It's not like you think... We have planned this only for...

Pragya: Don't say surprise and all... I'm hating this word Surprise... Only my heart knows what that Surprise has done in my life...

Pragya runs hurriedly while Abhi follows her with much worry... Pragya keeps on shouting, not to follow her and it's impossible to reach her...

But Abhi being a Loving Husband didn't give up his attempts and chases her hardly, to explain her everything clearly... While Abhi tries hard to reach her, he is able to get only her shawl from her neck...

Pragya halts in her steps and looks at Abhi, who inhales her scent in her shawl and gave a sensual wink towards her... Pragya murmurs something under her breath and runs as hard as she can, making it hard for Abhi to reach her...

Abhi chases her hardly, but he is teasing and making fun of his Baby girl, his darling wife Pragya...  However, if anyone is watching the scenario, who is not aware that they are husband and wife, will surely misunderstand that a man is trying to manhandle a girl in a deserted area...

Not aware that they have uninvited guests in their private beach area, Abhi and Pragya are continuing their run and chase game... They don't have any idea that finally the time has come to reveal the secret of their marriage...


Meanwhile, RK along with Madhu and Sid have come to his Relative's farm house for a small get together and group study, which is close by to the farm house of the Mehras... Sid, who is restless thinking that Aaliya and Arjun are staying in the same house, comes out in need of a fresh air...

As Sid's mind is haunted with the images of Arjun and Aaliya's closeness, he walks out in full rage, not seeing the private area board kept over there... Sid enters the private zone of the Mehras without his knowledge...

Sid's heart is restless like the roaring sea waves and he doesn't know what to do to get in the good books of Aaliya... He is not ready to give up easily and he understands clearly that only his Friend Lolly (Pragya) can help him with this regard...

Suddenly, Sid hears the screaming sound of a girl in a considerable distance... Much to the shock of Sid, he spots his bestie Lolly, who is running so fast, as if she wants someone to save her from the man, who is following her...

Adding more to his shock, Sid spots his role model, the business tycoon Abhishek Prem Mehra, who have boasted in front of them that he loves his wife dearly, is inhaling Pragya's scent in her scarf ... Sid feels disgusted to see the scenario and his anger roses when Abhi is chasing Pragya, like a tiger behind it's prey...

Clearly misunderstanding the situation with his own assumptions, Sid runs quickly to save his bestie Pragya from Abhi... RK and Madhu, who came in search of Sid too have watched everything from far and they too rushed towards them...

Pragya's friends didn't noticed that Purab, Bulbul, Aaliya and Arjun have also reached there, but they are watching the scene with a smile in their faces... Even Pragya's friends didn't notice the shy smile in Pragya's face and the love in the eyes of Abhi...

When Abhi is few inches from Pragya, Sid comes in between them, shocking them to the core... Before Pragya talks anything, Sid holds her hands and makes her to stand behind his back, as if he is saving her from Abhi...

Abhi makes a teasing smirk and looks at Sid, who is burning him with full rage... Before Abhi react to the situation, he feels a burning sensation in his cheeks... Abhi is so shocked , as he didn't expected that Sid will slap him like this...

The naughty four gasps in shock and walks towards Sid with much anger... Rk and Madhu have spotted them and wonders what they all are doing there... But much to everyone's shock, Pragya *******....



What's going to happen next???

Will Pragya leaves Sid easily???

How will Pragya's friend gonna react, when the biggest secret is unfolded in front of them???

Will Sid is able to seek forgiveness from Aaliya, after doing a big blunder???

Will Arjun's route is cleared to marry Aaliya or will he became a cupid to unite Sid and Aaliya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Do cast your votes and pen down your comments...

Sorry for the delay... The votes didn't turned up, as I expected... That's why I have put the story on hold for the time being....

Hope to get more votes and comments...

Bidding adieu,


Will be


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