96. How dare you to touch my Loving Husband....

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Your Love shines my Heart like the Sun that Shines the Earth....

He is my role model, my hero, my inspiration, my dream come true, my prince charming and my loving husband... If any one dare to misjudge him, ill treat him or raise their voice against him, I won't leave them easily...

My wife is behaving not less than a baby... She is in off mood these days and I have a tough task to handle her mood swings... A lot of pamperings are needed to calm her down...


Like a raging bull spitting the hot breathe to kill the opponents, Sid fumes angrily on seeing the sight over there... He badly wants that whatever he is seeing through his eyes should not be true and it should be just his false imagination only...

But his eyes assured him that it's happening in real for sure... Not able to tolerate the wrong thing that is happening before his eyes, Sid barges angrily towards the business tycoon, his role model, Abhishek Prem Mehra, who is trying to molest his best buddy, Pragya (Lolly)...

Abhi is startled, when out of nowhere, Sid comes between him and his darling wife Pragya... Shrinking his brows, Abhi wonders how is it possible for Sid to step inside their Private beach area... Even Pragya gave a questioning look, when Sid suddenly pulled her and makes her to stand behind his back...

Before Abhi and Pragya react to the situation, Sid gave a deadly glare towards Abhi and clutched his collars, shocking the couples to the core... A heavy gasp echoes from the right side where RK and Madhu are standing and also from the left side where Purab, Bulbul, Aaliya and Arjun are watching the scenario...

Seeing the fire in Sid's eyes, Abhi clearly understands that Sid would have misjudged the scenario... Before Abhi explains Sid what's going on, he felt a sharp sting in his cheeks and he is hell shocked as Sid is blasting on him angrily and is slapping on his both cheeks...

But Sid is startled to the core, when he falls on the ground suddenly... With a heavy gasp, Sid gets up from the floor and is scared to face Pragya, who is fuming like a raging volcano and is in a verge to kill him...

With a questioning look Sid looks at Pragya, who is keen to punish him for his doings... Sid's  cheeks started to turn blood red with the slaps and he would have lost all his teeth, if Abhi didn't pull Pragya away from Sid...

Abhi: Baby... Stop it... What are you doing????

Pragya: Noooo... Don't stop me, Abhi... How dare he... Who the bl***y he is to touch you... If you hadn't stopped me, I would have killed him...

Abhi: Baby... Relax... Let's talk and clear it off... Arrey yaar... Stop crying, Baby... Don't you know, I hate to see your tears...

Abhi cups Pragya's face and wipes her tears gently... Pragya traces Abhi's cheeks, which is having a burning sensation of the heavy slap, Sid has given to Abhi... Abhi makes a hizz sound in pain, while Pragya smooches her lips in his cheeks, to soothe his pain...

Sid blinks his eyes and watched at them in awe, as he didn't expected such a thing in his imagination too... Even RK and Madhu are shockingly looking at Abhi and Pragya, who are hugging, kissing and consoling, as if they are couples, made for each other...

When Abhi calls Pragya as Fuggy and Baby, the trio understands clearly that their best buddy Pragya is none other than the wife of their Idol Abhishek Prem Mehra... Now they are in a critical situation to even have a fight with their friend Lolly, who has hidden such a big secret from us, as Sid has messed up everything completely....


The roaring sea waves are breaking the silence of the place and is alerting the earth that a biggest storm is ready to hit them forcibly... Few minutes before if anyone has said to Sid that he is going to face a big storm, he would have laughed his butts out...

Never he expected that the things will get awkward like this... Sid doesn't know how to face his best buddy Pragya (Lolly), who is fuming in anger and is ready to kill him any time, for his misbehaviours...

Sid with roaring heart beats, struggles very hard to face the disgusting looks of Purab and Bulbul, who are looking at him as if he is some creepy creature... More than anything, Sid didn't expected that his own brother like Arjun will slap on him and bash him hardly, for ill treating his Jiju...

Sid couldn't control his tears, as Aaliya murmurs that he is insane and doesn't even deserve the friendship of her Bhabhi, Pragya at all.... Aaliya even added that she will never forgive him ever in her life, for misbehaving with her Brother, who is more like a father to her...

With a heavy thud, Sid falls before Abhi and asked him to forgive him for his doings... But before Abhi could react or stop him, Pragya gave a deadly glare and shout on Sid that he has no class to talk with her Loving Husband at all...

Abhi: Fuggy... Baby, listen to me once... Sid is not at all at fault... He doesn't know about us na that's why he behaved like that... Just think that he did everything to safeguard and protect you...

But you are accusing him unnecessarily and all of you are cursing him, as if he has done a big sin... It's just a misunderstanding only... If I'm correct, Sid would have thought that I'm trying to manhandle you...

Sid would have guessed about me wrongly and he could have misjudged that I've faked to be a Loving Husband, who loves his wife dearly and is trying to misbehave with you...

Purab: Bhai... Don't try to save him from us... He is at fault and we don't have a big heart like you to forgive him or leave him easily... Please Bhai..  Don't favour him and don't even try to console Bhabhi and ask her to forgive him...

Abhi: Purab... Don't make it as a big issue....

Purab: We will... How dare he, Bhai... From the start itself, I didn't like him a bit too... I told many a times to all of you not to be so friendly with him, as I have find him as evil and with full of disgusting behaviours... Now see, what he has done...

Who the hell has given him permission to touch you, Bhai... He has to thank God as I'm still recovering... If I'm normal right now, I would have killed him and thrown him in the sea...

Purab roared like a lion, as he couldn't able to digest that Sid has the audacity to slap his brother and Abhi favouring Sid has irritated Purab a lot... Even Bulbul, Aaliya, Arjun and Pragya are in Purab's side only, as they hate Sid for his doings...

Abhi: Oh God!!! Purab... What's this yaar... Don't pour acid in your Bhabhi's anger and ignite the fire in her... It's very hard to calm her down... Try to understand people, Sid is not at fault...

Pragya: Don't even dream to favour him, Abhi... Everything is over... I hate this heartless man, as he has misunderstood the relationship of me with my husband...  He did a big sin by slapping you and I will never forgive him...

10 years of friendship is coming to a big end... More than Rk and Madhu, he is very close to me... But he proved to me that he is not worth to be called as my friend too...

Sid : Lolly...

Pragya: Stop it... Don't call me, Lolly... You have lost all the rights to call me as Lolly... Only Rk and Madhu can call me so... Is that clear...

Pragya blasted angrily and turns her face, cursing Sid with all her might... Abhi gave an assuring look to Sid and asked him to calm down... He gently pats on Sid's back and gestured Bulbul to take everyone into their Farm House...

Pragya, who watches that only Sid and Abhi are left, she gave a deadly glare to her husband Abhi, who tries to settle the issues between her and Sid... She runs as quickly as she can, not hearing Abhi's words at all...


Abhi enters the farm house, followed by the hesitant Sid, who is not able to meet the burning gaze of anyone and the sorry look of his friends... Sid's head is hung to the ground and his tears are drenching him completely...

Abhi: Listen everyone... It's me, who brought Sid inside this house... If anyone respect me, don't say anything to him... I won't force anyone to forgive him and I won't poke in anyone's privacy to mend the relationship with him....

But I don't want anyone in my family to curse my Fuggy's best buddy, who cared for her like a brother, all these years... If he is the one to be blamed for the mistakes, even I'm at fault...

Pragya: Abhi... You are not at fault...

Abhi: Calm down, Baby... It's me, who asked you to hide our marriage secret from everyone... Situations are not in our favour and we are forced to hide this big news, from your best buddies too...

Sid, Rk, Madhu... We are extremely sorry for hiding our marriage news from you people... My fuggy is not at any fault... Our marriage was fixed all of a sudden and we got married in a private gathering... Only our close relatives and some of my partner's family knew that I have married my Fuggy....

As you people have left her for a short vacation, My fuggy is not able to contact you to inform about the wedding news... Before your college starts, I got a promise from my Fuggy to keep our wedding as a secret, so that she can study peacefully...

In between, a lot happened in our lives and our family went through a lot of problems... With many expected events are going on around us, we have forget to reveal about our marriage to you all...

Don't get angry on my wife or scold her, as she is already facing a big turmoil inside her... We are trying very hard to console her and that's why we have brought her here to give a small surprise to her...

As she was angry on me, she is not ready to accept the surprise, we have planned for her... That's why, she was running away from me and I was trying to catch her to bring her here... But... Sid misunderstood the situation and everything happened without our control...

Abhi explains everything clearly and a big silence prevails in the place... Not minding Sid, Pragya moves towards Rk and Madhu, who turns their faces angrily...  Pragya is in a verge to cry and Abhi's heart stings in pain on seeing the sight over there....

Before Abhi runs and cocoons his Baby Girl in his embrace, Rk and Madhu hugs Pragya tightly and kisses in her cheeks, making Abhi to boil in jealousy... Rk caress her hair while Madhu whispers something in Pragya's ears, making her cheeks to turn red...

Madhu: So... This is the secret of your sudden glow haan... I find it out, but you are very smart to escape from us... Anyways I'm so happy for you, Lolly... You deserve the best always....

Rk: Abhi, sir... Now I understood why you are so much in love with your wife... We always feel that Lolly is a baby and she should get in the hands of a best man, who can treat her like a Queen and loves her dearly, as that of a baby...

When you have explained us earlier that how much you love your wife, I felt that our Lolly should also get a husband like you... I can't explain how much I'm feeling happy after I know that our Lolly is your Fuggy...

Abhi smile brightly and pulls his wife Pragya in his embrace, who is showing cold shoulders to him... Pragya gave a questioning look, while Abhi pleads her to forgive him, as he badly wants to end the cold war between them...

All are laughing on seeing the scenario, as Pragya shows fake anger like a baby, to enjoy her husband's pamperings... Abhi never minds anyone's presence and is keen on cooing his Fuggy, who is whining and complaining like a baby...

Sid watches everything silently and moves to the corner of the living hall, not to spoil the happiness prevailing in the place... But he is aware of the burning gaze of Aaliya, who is cursing him for messing up with her brother....

Sid takes a deep breath and feels bothered, as he has badly fallen very low in the eyes of everyone in Aaliya's family... Sid can do nothing than feeling sorry on his own self, as his love life which is already at stake, is pushed to an unexpected ending...

But the determination and courage in Sid is not ready to accept his defeat that much easily and he vows to himself to get back to his love at any cost... He understands clearly that getting in the good books of Abhi is more essential than anyone, as Aaliya loves Abhi a lot, ahead of her own brother Purab...


" So sad... Feeling so pity on you, darling... No worries, darling... Your Ajju will take care of you..."

All wonders why Arjun is feeling sorry all of a sudden and whom he is consoling too... An unknown jealousy creeps up in Aaliya's face,  as she is not able to tolerate that Arjun is calling someone other than her as darling...

But Aaliya bursts into laughter on seeing Arjun, who is feeling sorry for the untouched snacks kept over there and is sighing deeply, as he is not able to eat it, because of the commotions taken place...

Bulbul gave a sharp hit in Arjun's back while Purab twists his ears and asked him to stop his childish behaviours... Pragya gives a hard punch in Arjun's belly while Abhi scolds Arju  to act maturely and not to act so silly...

Aaliya defends Arjun with all her might and argues with her brothers and bhabhis not to beat or scold her sweetheart, Arjun... Sid with blood red eyes watches Aaliya and Arjun, who are cuddling and cooing each other...

Sid couldn't tolerate the bonding of Arjun and Aaliya and he curses himself for his stupidity, as he is the sole reason to make Aaliya to turn her attention towards Arjun... He helplessly looks at the family of Aaliya, who are eager to see the union of Aaliya and Arjun...

Sid is aware that it's so easy for Arjun to love and marry Aaliya, ahead of him, as already Abhi and Pragya are married, while Purab and Bulbul are going to get married... However, he is not ready to give up on his love and obsession towards Aaliya and he wishes to fight back with all his might...


The day went on happily, as Pragya has forgiven Abhi finally and is ready to celebrate her late birthday party, which Abhi has planned as a surprise for her, with the help of Arjun and Aaliya... Abhi feels contented on seeing the smile in Pragya's face, after a long time...

Arjun, who is an unpaid driver of the Mehras, took the charge as the photographer, to record the day's happenings... He makes a video call to his parents and also made a group conference with Dadi too to show the live view of the happenings....

The elders were shocked to hell on seeing Pragya's friends, while Abhi explains them what has happened, just hiding the Sid slapping him part alone.. The elders too felt relieved and they chatted with everyone happily....


Out of the one week of study holidays, Abhi made sure that 4 of the days should be of a private time of his Fuggy with him... He showered her with all his love and he is keen to prove the love he has on her...

Abhi: Baby... Are you happy??? Am I fulfilling all your wishes??? If not, tell me dear... I will try my level best to make it up for you, with all my might...

Pragya: I'm so so happy, Abhi... You are the best and it's you who keeps me happy always... You have fulfilled all my unsaid wishes too... You irritate me sometimes, but I find it also as the way of showing your love to me...

Abhi: Ahaan... So, you mean to say that I'm a good husband..

Pragya: No... Not at all...

Abhi (pouts sadly) : Whattttt... Am I not a good husband???

Pragya: Ofcourse... You are not a good husband... You are the best husband, any girl can dream for... You are the Loving Husband of Fuggy... You are the King, who rules my entire world...

Abhi pulls Pragya in his embrace and brushes his nose with hers... Their eyes are looking at each other with full of love and their lips are curving to a big smile... Soon, love fills the air and the duo starts to drown in loving each other...


After spending some quality time in the farm house, all returned to the Mehra Mansion... Purab and Abhi are back to work, while Bulbul resumes her college... Arjun and Aaliya are busy in preparing for their assignments and exams...

Pragya is the one, who is sulking a lot, after returning from the small trip... Her loving husband Abhi is getting on to her nerves again and is hell adamant to torture and irritate her...

Like a tuition teacher or the strict class teacher, who will torture her students to score good grades, Abhi is so strict with Pragya and is keep on lecturing her that she needs to concentrate well in her studies and has to prepare very well for the exams...

He is not ready to leave her easily nor interested to hear any of her excuses, to give some time to even relax too... Pragya is highly irritated as Abhi has cut down all their romantic time and he put a big ban not to have love making too...

Hardly Pragya gets her good night and good morning kiss too from Abhi, which is no less than a small peck.... He made sure that his lips shouldn't touch her more than a second, as he knew very well that he will lose his control...

Abhi even doesn't look at his Fuggy's eyes too, as he will be intoxicated if he sees it... He carefully avoids Pragya's intimate gazes and easily escapes from her seducing acts... He is stubborn enough that nothing should divert the attention of Pragya from studies...

Pragya's whinings and complaints gone in the deaf ears of Abhi and he will divert her easily by lecturing about the importance of studies and keeps on stressing about Pragya's dreams... Instead of hearing Abhi's lectures, Pragya will run away from there, bringing  a big smile in Abhi's lips...

Without any problems, the days were moving forward and all are busy in all their endeavours... Abhi takes care of his business pretty well and he being a loving husband, supported and encouraged his wife to flourish well in her exams...

But no one in the family expected the sudden shock at all.. Abhi never in his wild dreams would have believed that he will become a biggest hurdle to stop Pragya from writing the exams and moved ahead in fulfilling her dreams...



What has happened to Abhi???

Will it be possible for Pragya to complete her exams???

Will Pragya shines well in her exams and will she be able to fulfill her long term dream???

Will Sid be forgiven for his mistakes???

Will it be possible for Sid to get in the good books of Abhi and will he be able to propose Aaliya and ask her hand in for marriage???

Will Arjun be able to outbeat Sid and marry Aaliya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Do cast your votes and pen down your views...

Bidding adieu,



Will be


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