97. I wipe her tears... She is overwhelmed...

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I wipe her tears and asked her what had happened... When I said some solutions to her problems, she is overwhelmed in joy...

Days are so harder for me and I don't know how I gonna pass through all these difficulties, to chase my biggest dreams... But having a supportive partner beside me, eases down all my worries...

If I've to choose between my dreams or my husband, I will happily choose him only, as nothing can replace him in my life...


The tall and majestic building of the city, which is standing proudly for more than three decades, is in a complete hustle bustle, as the students are rushing up to their classes... Some are murmuring, some are gossiping, some are sulking, some are complaining, as the break hour has ended up so soon...

Not bothering about any of the commotions going on in the college building, the Chairman of the college, Siddharth has rushed up soon and asked the peon to call Arjun Arora and Aaliya Khanna immediately... He instructed the peon to inform them that they need to meet him in the backyard of the college, as it is an emergency...

Sid quickly runs from there, holding all his breath and he never minds that the sweat beads are drenching his brand new shirt... His forehead veins are throbbing in pain and his mind keeps on thinking hardly that who is the culprit behind this deadly game...

Sid couldn't believe this at all... He felt so ashamed to be called as the chairman of the college, as he has failed to stop the cheap act, which gonna cost the life and dream of a person, who is so dear to him... He is so guilty, as he is also unaware of the happenings that had taken place in his very own classroom...

With much worry and tension, Sid runs and  quickly reached the spot, huffing and panting hardly and is badly in need of some air to breathe... More than his state, his heart ached on seeing the sight over there...

Blood tears oozed out from his eyes, as he is not in a state to see his bestie, his little doll Lolly, the Queen of the Business Tycoon Abhishek Prem Mehra, is in a pathetic and vulnerable state... Every single drop that flooded from Pragya's eyes brings a big pain to his heart...

Sid badly wanna kill the person, who played such a dirty game in Pragya's life... He is so helpless , as he can't even go near Pragya like Rk and Madhu, as she has abandoned Sid from her friendship zone, since the day Sid has slapped Abhi...

Eventhough Abhi is so friendly with Sid, none in his family is ready to forgive Sid that much easily... However, Sid least care about all these and he stood beside Pragya to show his support and care for her, as he can't give up on his friendship so easily...


Pools of blood tears started to leak down from Pragya's eyes and her heart is weeping with uncontrollable pain... Her whole self is trembling with fear, as the biggest question is threatening her like hell and it makes her to feel so weak...

Pragya's mind is completely blank and she is not in a good sense to think, how it has happened, what she can do to reconcile it and what measures she needs to do to make the hardest situation to turn in her favour... With only few more hours left in her hands, she couldn't figure out how she gonna replicate her 6 months of hardwork within this short span of time....

The dangerous question is scaring her like hell and she cries even more, which her husband Abhi, doesn't want to see in her... Abhi, being a Loving Husband can tolerate any of Pragya's tantrums, her mood swings and can bear her wierd behaviours too... But Abhi is not able to see a single bit of tear too from her eyes and he hates it to the core...

Pragya's painful cries echoes the isolated place and Rk and Madhu are trying all their might to convince her... They knew pretty well that only Pragya's Loving Husband Abhi can do the magic and bring her out of her misery...

Pragya is weeping like a helpless kid and she cries so hard and longs to be in the embrace of her husband... But poor soul completely forgets the fact that Abhi is not aware of the happenings...

Pragya is completely lost and she couldn't think of anything further... She gets unnecessarily angry on her husband Abhi, for not coming up before her eyes and not giving her the needed solace, which can bring peace to her mind... Pragya in her helpless situation scolded her husband Abhi, for letting her to cry like this...

Even in that sad state, RK, Madhu and Sid's lips curved a bit to smile, as Pragya is bashing her poor husband, who doesn't know about what has happened in the college... But none dare to stop Pragya from scolding Abhi, as they knew pretty well that she will give back harshly to anyone, if they comes between her and her husband...


Shock is an understatement for Aaliya and Arjun when they saw Pragya in a vulnerable state... When they came to know about what had happened, Aaliya's blood started to boil and she throws a murderous dagger on Sid, who is standing in the corner...

Arjun holds Aaliya's hand tightly to stop her from moving towards Sid, while she forcefully drags Arjun too along with her... With fire in her eyes, Aaliya clutched the collars of Sid and blasted on him angrily...

Aaliya: How dare you, Sid... Why the hell you are doing like this haan??? You are disgusting... Why are you stooping so low and what you gonna get by doing all these...

Sid blinks his eyes and he makes a questioning look, as he couldn't understand why Aaliya is scolding him, out of no where... Arjun helplessly looks at the duo and her sister Pragya, who is crying and is not paying heed to any of the happenings...

Sid: Aaliya... I couldn't get you... I didn't do anything... Why are you shouting and scolding me... Even I'm  trying to find out the culprit... But we are helpless as the CCTVs didn't work due to power failure...

Aaliya: Don't bluff, you cheat... What kind of man, you are... Where is your so called friendship and why the hell you played such an ugly game in my Bhabhi's life...

Sid: What nonsense are you talking, Aaliya... This is not fair.... You never believed me and you can't put such a blame on me... Look... I've done 2 biggest mistakes in my life and I regret for it all my life...

But it doesn't mean that I will do such a kind of thing again... How can you even think that I will play in my Lolly's life... She is your Bhabhi now only, Aaliya... But she is my bestie and she is my little sister, who holds a special place in my heart...

After my mother, Lolly plays an important role in my life... I won't do any such things that will hurt her or spoil her dreams... It's a promise on my mother, I've not done anything...

I least care whether you believe me or not... But don't make me angry, by throwing your false accusations on me... I'm answerable only to Lolly and you have no rights to question me and spit unnecessary venoms on me...

Aaliya's eyes blurred suddenly, when Sid said that she has no rights to question him... Her hands leaves away slowly from Sid's shirt, while Arjun holds her firmly in his grip...

Arjun: May I know how come you know about all these??? When did you find out...

Sid gave a stern look on Arjun, who is questioning him like a stranger... He couldn't control his weeping heart as a brother like Arjun, who always calls him as Sid Bhai lovingly, is treating him in a different way...

Before Sid explains Arjun and Aaliya, his mobile buzzed with the name Abhishek Sir... Even the duo gasped in shock and mentally smacked themselves, as they failed to inform this matter to Abhi....

Aaliya feels so guilty, as she has accused and blamed Sid unnecessarily, who had called Abhi repeatedly to inform the happenings... Sid attends the call and puts it on speaker....

Sid: Abhishek Sir... This is Sid... I'm trying to reach you for a long time but you didn't attend my call.... Are you free now??? Can I have a word with you...

Abhi: Hey Sid... I'm really sorry yaar... I and Purab have come to attend an important meeting in the nearby city... I have put my mobile in silent mode and just now, I saw more than 50 missed calls from you...

Is everything is alright there???? Is my Fuggy is fine???? Sid... Sid... Is that my Fuggy crying??? Ho god... What happened Sid??? Why my Baby is crying???

Sid... Please give the phone to my Baby...

Sid thrusts the phone in Aaliya's hand while she moved towards her Bhabhi and hands over the mobile to her... With trembling hands Pragya clutched the mobile but it slipped away from her tear filled hands...

Madhu and Aaliya holds the shaking body of Pragya, while Rk got the mobile in his hand... Arjun caress Pragya's head gently and wipes her tears, while Sid is silently crying as he is abandoned to near Pragya...

Pragya: Ab... 😭😭😭😭... Abhi... 😭😭😭... I failed Abhi... ( Pragya's voice chokes and her tears splashed like a pool, drenching the mobile  screen)... Your Fuggy has lost it, Abhi...

Come to me, Abhi... Your Baby needs you... I... I 😭😭😭😭 can't handle this alone... I'm feeling lost and I'm assuming as if I'm standing alone in the middle of the fire...

Abhi... I want you to come near me and console me that this is just my worst nightmare... I've become a biggest failure, Abhi..  😭😭😭😭

For a loving husband like you, I'm worthless... 😭😭😭... I can't fulfill the promise I've made to you and my dreams got shattered into pieces... You won't hate me na for not fulfilling your wishes... 😭😭😭😭... Abhi.. Abhi... 😭😭😭

Abhi is completely broken as he can't bear the painful voice, the loud cries, the heart broken state of his Baby, who is questioning him about his love on her... It's so hard for him as his Fuggy is breathing his name like a mantra to wipe away her sadness....

Abhi: Baby... Is this what you have thought about me haan... Alright... I understand your foul mood is letting you to talk all nonsense and I will deal with that later... Just tell me what makes you to talk like this haan...

Who said to you that you are a failure and how can you say that you are a loser... My Fuggy is born to Win... I have more confidence that you can pass through any problem very easily... Don't talk as if you have lost it completely...

I knew pretty well  that Rk, Madhu, Arjun and Aaliya are beside you... Even your close bestie Sid will be standing there with teary eyes, hey na... Here, your Loving Husband is always in your thoughts and now I'm talking to you only na...

You have a big crowd to support you in all your ups and downs... Our whole family is there to help you to move forward and chase your dreams... Then how can you say that you are a failure and you are handling the problems alone...

If my Fuggy can't be a winner, no one else can... I have full faith in my Baby and she won't back off without giving a big fight... Will you prove to the world that you are the best???

Huh.. Stop crying, Fuggy... It will take 3 to 4 hours for me to reach the city... If you keep on crying like this, your health only will get spoiled... Enough... Wipe your tears, right now... If a single drop of tear falls down from your eyes, think that Your Loving Husband is no more...

The line gets cut abruptly and Pragya's tear comes to a big halt... But all can clearly visualize that Pragya is holding her pain and  has buried her face in her knees... Knowing pretty well that their presence is needed beside Pragya, Sid got permissions from the professors for not attending the classes...


All are seated sadly in the living room of the Mehras... Pragya is lying in Dadi's lap and has buried her head completely seeking the motherly warmth from Dadi... No idea is striking in anyone's mind, as Pragya has not taken a backup copy of the project and they don't find any ways to replace the lost one...

That day is a worst day for Pragya, as not only her Project report is missing from the college premises, but also the pen drive, which has the entire project is missing from her bag... She couldn't put a blame on anyone, as she doesn't know who has this much hatred on her and played such a nasty game...

Even Pragya's besties were thinking of the same only... As the top ranks were always claimed by Pragya and her besties in their department, they can't accuse someone saying that the rankings have created some kind of rivalry and let's the person to do so...

It's a bitter reality that sometimes we ignore the culprits, thinking that they are not our rivals... Same happens here, as they all have forgotten the fact that a big gang is there, who hates that Pragya and her besties are the Business Tycoon Abhishek's die hard Fans...

More than anyone, it's Pragya, who claims her as the No. 1 fan of Abhishek Prem Mehra, always boasts that there's no one, who can replace the charm, will power, smartness and hardwork of their idol... Even she has argued many a times that no one can get such a big place in the business world at this young age like Abhi...

This increases the enmity of Pragya with a particular gang, whose gang leader is a distance relative of Abhi's rivaling company and she has a secret crush on Abhi's rival... She was waiting for the perfect chance to take revenge on Pragya, who has teased and mocked her gang and also Abhi's rival as worthless...

As only 2 days were left for the external examiner to examine and review their project reports, all have submitted their records and got it signed from their project guides, Head of the Department and the Principal too.. 

The Project Reports were kept in the small room, which is on the Backside of their Department Library... As it's in the extreme corner of the big college, many were not aware of that a room is there too...

It's a biggest shock to Pragya, when she came to know that her project report is missing from the big bundle of records... The power outbreak a day before, didn't let them to find out the culprit using CCTV footages and the gang too acted pretty well, which didn't let Pragya or her friends to have a suspicion on them...

With much sadness and worry, all were thinking hardly to replace it with a new project, which is liking filling the water in a broken vessel... But only with few hours left and having no proper backup, Pragya is helpless and has lost all the hopes to chase her dreams....


" Baby".... As soon as the word Baby reaches her ears, Pragya jumps up quickly and runs to be in the embrace of her husband, Abhi... Abhi's eyes moistened when Pragya asked him "It's paining, Abhi... Will you let me to cry, atleast now???? Please, Abhi... My heart is aching... Let my tears wipe my sorrows.."

With much pain and heaviness in his heart,  Abhi nods his head and hugged Pragya tightly, who screams Abhi with a shaky voice... Each and every drop of the precious pearl from Pragya's eyes, rips Abhi's soul into pieces...

The Loving Husband Abhi is not able to tolerate his Wife's sadness and he wanna find out a big solution to ease her problems... Holding her baby gently in his embrace, he caress her hairs and kisses her forehead, which Pragya is badly in need of...

Understanding pretty well that Pragya wouldn't have any food and also is in need of some rest, Abhi gestures something to Bulbul, while she nods her head affirmatively and moves towards the kitchen...

Pragya, who is finding peace and solace in her husband's embrace, eats the food which Abhi has feed her and she drinks the milk too without even protesting... A big silence prevails in the whole house in few minutes and only the snoring sound of Pragya is heard, followed by the relieved breathe of everyone...

Making sure that Pragya is sleeping peacefully in their room, Abhi asks Pragya's besties along with Arjun and Aaliya to meet him in his study room... Through them Abhi came to know about the happenings...

Abhi: Oh God ... What can I do with this Fuggy??? For this simple thing only, this baby has cried this much... Huh... With the way she has talked to me, I too thought it as something big and hard to solve...

Phew... My baby is such a baby... She can handle this whole family's problems with much ease... She will boss us all and gives us the needed comfort, when we are in a big issue...

But when it comes to her silly and simple problems, she will make it as a big scene... This girl will show off , as if it's like lifting a mountain with a thumb...

Crazy Baby Girl of Mine... Huh... I don't know when she is going to grow up... And You people are also potraying this as a big deal... Unbelievable guys...

Aaliya: Bhai.... What are you saying... Tomorrow Morning 10 o' clock, Bhabhi needs to attend the external examination and has to present her project reports along with the signatures of the internal examiners...

Arjun: Jiju... Pragya Di has no back up in her Laptop and she has lost her pen drive too... How is it possible to replicate the project report???

We have only few more hours... How can you say Jiju, this is just a simple thing... We couldn't find out any solution to this problems...

Even Abhi's friends have the same question in their mind... But they are hell confused, as Abhi gave a sweet smile to them, which explains them clearly that he has got a solution to remove Pragya's problems...


Pragya felt an irritating groan, when the high pitch sound of the audio system dumbs her ear buds... With much fury, Pragya opens up her eyes and she gasped aloud as the time is just 5.30 in the morning...

Not feeling guilty for spoiling his Baby Girl's beautiful sleep, Abhi is shaking his body for the dance tunes... Abhi shreiks out in horror, as the flower vase kept in the night stand touches his elbow painfully and made an abrupt halt to the music, as the vase strikes exactly at the stop button of the music system...

With a goofy grin, Abhi jumps in the bed quickly... Understanding her husband's intentions quickly, Pragya covers her body fully with the blanket and shuts her eyes tightly... She is so stubborn not to move away from the bed and is not in a mood to listen to her husband's pleads today...

This is the day, Pragya is waiting for a long time and she has put all her heart and soul to face this day, which is her first fight towards her dreams... Alas, she is not in a condition to face this day, without the fruits of her hardwork...

The Mighty Queen is not ready to accept a defeat, being weaponless... She doesn't want to be a laughing stock and is not ready to bear anyone's pitiable and sorry looks... She feels so ashamed for backing off and her heart saddened with much worries...

Pragya's thoughts comes to an abrupt halt and she screams aloud, as she falls down suddenly in the warm water, which drenched her body completely... Thanks to her loving husband Abhi, who has setup a romantic bath in the Jacuzzi and made her to reach there...

Pragya gave a " Are you crazy look???" and she is hell confused with Abhi's wierd behaviours... Abhi too jumps in the bath tub, making the water droplets to kiss her body again... Pragya sulks with Abhi's odd doings, as she is not ready to do anything on the bad day and wanna burn all her pain with her tears...

But her husband is making her to smile and is showering her with his love... The warmth of the water, the scented candles, the auromatic oils, her husband's embrace, his sweet nothings, his simple gestures makes Pragya to forget all her worries...

Pragya is completely intoxicated in her husband's spell and she doesn't know what's going on around her too... She is not in a state to realize that she is fully bathed, cleaned up with a towel, dressed up elegantly in her beautiful anarkali, her hairs done in a prettier way...  

She is all ready with a matching earrings, a simple chain adoring her neck , a watch and bracelet adoring her hands and a light touchup in her face... Pragya is fully dressed to go to college and the credit belongs to her husband Abhi...

Pragya comes out of her dreamland , when she felt the warmth of her husband's lips in her cheeks, which is a healing medicine to all her wounds... Not letting Pragya to enjoy the moment happily, Abhi brought her downstairs and made her to sit in the dining table...

Pragya shook her head negatively like a protesting kid, as Abhi started to feed her forcibly... Like an adamant preschooler, Pragya is whining and shouting that she is not going to college...

But Abhi didn't paid heed to Pragya's blabberings and his stern look itself explains Pragya that she has no other choice than to go to the college and face the day... Pragya's eyes moistened, but she gulps up it hard and picks her bag....



What's going to happen next???

How Pragya gonna face the Project summation without her records???

What solution Abhi has, to wipe away Pragya's worries???

Will Pragya and her friends find out the culprit???

Will it be possible for Pragya to face the external examiner and succeed in getting marks???

Will the perspective of Aaliya towards Sid get changes, when he said that he has no right on her???

Will Aaliya forgive Sid and let him to love her or will she understand the true love of Arjun towards her???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Given a very long update of 4000+ words...

Hope I haven't bored you...

If you enjoy the shot, do vote and comment without fail...

Your response only is going to make me to write soon... Stubborn silent readers, atleast try to open up, from now on...

Bidding adieu,



Will be



Stay Happy... Stay Safe...

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