98. Facing the Biggest war of my Life...

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Hey everyone....

Your Crazy girl Mahii is back again with Loving Husband.... My heartfelt sorry for making you all to wait this much long... My sincere apologies... Please do forgive me...

Did you guys missed this story??? I terribly missed it a lot...

Well... I wanna convey my heartfelt thanks to all the lovely readers of this story....

Yeah... A very big happy news... I'm so delighted to share that Loving Husband has crossed 172k+ reads and 17k+ votes...

Thanks to all the supporting buddies who encourages me with their votes and comments...

Thanks to all those new readers for their valuable votes and encouraging comments...

This is only bringing me here again and again, irrespective of the low votes too...

Even if I want to give up too, your love and support only dragging me here repeatedly and I don't want you people to get disappointed by any means....

Well... Your crazy girl has started her blah blahs again na... Let me zip my mouth and move to our update...

🏵🏵🏵Dedicating this chapter to all the Lovely Readers of Loving Husband... 🏵🏵🏵


I'm scared... I'm bothered... I'm worried... I'm not at all ready to face this day, which gonna collapse my dreams for sure... But I knew pretty well that my loving husband will come up with his magical weapon and protect me, before I collapse down completely....

If you have an understanding and supportive partner, chasing your dreams is not at all a big deal....

I can't explain my happiness... I'm feeling out of the world... It's so true that Love can make wonders in your life....


The warm and peaceful morning sun rays didn't have the blessing to enlighten and brighten the mood of the pretty young woman, who is pouting so sadly and throwing daggers on her Loving Husband, who spoiled her beautiful sleep... She is hell irritated with her husband's weird and annoying behaviour...

She blinks her eyes and thinks of the previous day's happenings, which has shaken up her world completely... She feels like a loser and her heart is ripped into trillion pieces, as she has never expected such an incident will happen in her wild dreams too...

Pragya's pov.:

Why??? Why I'm the one to undergo repeated problems??? Did I do anything wrong to anyone??? Then, why it's me, again and again??? God... I'm not able to bear these problems....

All through these months, I worked very hard  for this project and I was so confident that I will crack down the internal assessments and viva sessions too without any flaws... But now... How am I going to face this???

Huh... I couldn't even cry properly too after hearing the news... My buddies, my brother Arjun and my SIL Aaliya had rounded me off and consoled me a lot... Those idiots have said everything to my Loving Husband Abhi, who hates to see my tears and never entertains me, if I lose my hope...

I hate my lovable idiot Abhi, if he bosses me and talks to me in a commanding and attitude filled terror voice... Haan... I knew pretty well that The Abhishek Prem Mehra's terror voice will bring a shrill and tremors in anyone's body...

I'm not an exception at all... If Abhi said No means, it's a No only... It's impossible to change his mind set, if he is so stubborn in a decision... If he want something to happen, it must happen at any cost...

Whatever happens, he will let us to bow to his orders and will never back off till we finish it off, as he wished... None of my tricks will work out in that case and I will have no other choice than to obey his orders only, eventhough I hate it too...

Without hearing what am I going through, that idiot husband of mine has scolded me a lot... He is talking as if I'm creating unwanted scene in the college campus and has ordered me not to cry...

Who the hell has named him as Loving husband... Grr... Do hell with this Irritating and Bossy husband... Before I give any further explanations, he cut my call abruptly...

How dare that Abhishek Prem Mehra... Is he showing attitude to me... I will teach him a good lesson for sure... Well... As I was engrossed in my problems, I forget completely that I'm angry on my Abhi too...

Stupid me... I'm so vulnerable in tough situations and I find solace only in my husband's arms, in my hard times... As soon as Abhi stepped inside the house, I ran to him and pleaded him to let me cry...

Abhi nodded his head and I cried my heart out, as if I'm letting off all my problems in my husband's shoulder... But this idiot is a cunning fellow... He tricked me and made me to have food and milk...

That's all I remember from yesterday's happenings... I don't know when I slept off too... It's just 5 in the morning and this idiot has waken me up by setting the stereo system to the maximum volume... He is hell annoying me with his irritating dance moves...

Here I'm angry on him, but he never cares anything and thrown me inside the bath tub... God... I'm losing all my control... He is intoxicating me and making me to do everything, which I'm not ready to do...

I don't want to face this day.... I don't want to go to college and hear anyone's mockful words or laughters... I failed in my dreams... I... I'm a big loser... "

Pragya, who is eating the food from her husband's hands, is crying unknowingly thinking off all those happenings and she is scared to hell to face the hardest war of her life... Without her project report, she doesn't want to move to the college at all and be a laughing stock in front of others...

Pragya jerks up when her husband's strong muscled hands wiped her tears in a stubborn way... It clearly indicates her that she shouldn't spill a single tear too after these... Gulping her tears, Pragya looks at her husband Abhi in a helpless way...

Eventhough Pragya's state has bothered Abhi a lot, he didn't give up before her and he looks at her with a stern face... Pragya pleads Abhi through her eyes, but Abhi shook his head and gestured her to move to the college...

With a sad pout, Pragya gets up from the dining table and picks up her belongings... To take those 15 steps to reach the door, Pragya stammered a lot and she reacts as if she gonna jump between two mountains... Her legs are not in her control and she shakes up in an uncontrollable fear...

Pragya squeals in horror and closes her face with trembling hands... Her body is shaking up terribly and sweat beads pooled up in her face uncontrollably... Like the clouds sailing in the sky, Pragya sailed smoothly in her husband's arms and reached the car seat very safely...

It took some time for Pragya to realize that she is in the car and Arjun had started off the car already... As it was centrally locked, Pragya couldn't even open the door and jump outside too...

With sadness engulfing her heart, Pragya closes her eyes and prays hardly for some miracle to happen to pass this day... Pragya leans before uncontrollably, when Arjun halts the car all of a sudden and that too in their secret spot...

Pragya's eyes widened in surprise, when Abhi steps inside the car and cups her face... Pragya turns her face angrily while Abhi hugs her quickly in her embrace... A smile creeps in her face, as she loved to be in the solace of her husband always...

Abhi: Baby... This angry avatar and sad state is not suiting you at apl... My Fuggy is an angel and she should smile happily always... Please baby... Smile for my sake...

Why Fuggy??? Why are you like this??? This is not my Baby girl at all... This is not the Fuggy I fell madly in love with... This is not my Baby, whom I've got married..

Do you know, who my Baby, Fuggy is... She is a warrior... She is a bold girl with lots of smartness and intelligence... She is extremely talented and I always admire her cleverness and brilliant tactics...

She is the example of confidence and she never gives up, before she reaches her goals and dreams... When the whole family believed that I'm no more, she is so confident that I will return back to her...

Now what had happened to you Fuggy... Why are you bothering this much and why are you reacting as if your life has ended and you have failed in your dreams... Please don't lose your confidence baby girl... This is hurting me a lot...

Don't you trust your Loving Husband... You can Fuggy and You will Baby... Go happily to the college... You will crack it for sure... Meet you in the evening, Baby... Have your Food and Juice properly... Take your medicines without fail...

Do your best... Don't stress yourself... Just Relax and face this day... All the best, my Baby... Just keep this in your mind... " You can do it.. You will do it ... You must do it... "

Abhi cupped Pragya's face again and gave a deep kiss in her forehead... Pragya fluttered her eyes, as the kiss is bringing an uncontrollable energy in her whole body... Pragya smiles brightly, when Abhi gave a quick peck in her lips and pats on her cheeks...

Pragya is intoxicated in her husband's spell and she is not in a state to realize that Abhi has moved out of the car... Pragya comes to her reverie, when Madhu and Rk dragged her out from the car...

Pragya gasps in shock, as the duo has dragged her hurriedly inside the examination room... Pragya stubbornly roots her legs in the ground and gave a killer look towards Rk...

But Rk made a devilish smirk and whistled in a teasing way... Pragya shouts in horror, when Rk throws her in his back and runs towards the hall...

Pragya (screams) : Rk..  I will kill you... Leave me, idiot...

Rk: Oh my sweet Lolly... You are so tiny, girl... Is that the reason why Abhishek sir loves to lift you always and keep you always in his arms...

It's pretty hard for Pragya to control her blush as Rk is teasing her a lot and pulling her legs using Abhi's name... But she gasps in shock and looks at Madhu's face with horror...

Eventhough Madhu knew that Pragya is like a baby sister to Rk, Pragya doesn't want Madhu to get jealous or angry on them, as Rk is lifting Pragya in his back... But to Pragya's shock, Madhu is giggling and enjoying the scenario like a comedy movie...

Pragya always sees Madhu and Rk like a mysterious species in the earth... She couldn't understand what she has done to this two, who loves her dearly.... Just then Pragya remembers her bestie Sid and her eyes wanders here and there to search for his presence...

When Rk places Pragya in the floor carefully, Sid barged like a hurricane in high speed... He thrusts Pragya's (same old) project report in a new way, along with the signatures from the internal examiners... Pragya is astonished with the unexpected twist, while her besties had dragged her inside the hall...

All through the time, Pragya was thinking deeply, how did that miracle has happened... Pragya just figured out that other than her all were pretty happy only... Her mouth uttered Abhi in a low voice, while Abhi coughed uncontrollably and drinked the water in between the meeting, after getting excuse from the dealers...


Few hours later...

RK, Sid and Madhu are nervously waiting for Pragya to come out from the examination hall, as they have finished off their presentations already... Even Aaliya and Arjun are seated there with much nervousness and tension...

Sid glared and throwed daggers on Aaliya and Arjun, who are stuffing each other's mouths with a packet full of samosas, by entwining their hands... Sid's blood boiled when Aaliya wipes her mouth in Arjun's shirt and leans to his shoulders...

Arjun didn't cared that Aaliya has dirtied his shirt too... Instead he wiped his mouth by pulling Aaliya's shawl... Aaliya glared at Arjun  while he showed his puppy face and pokes in Aaliya's dimpled cheeks...

Madhu and Rk laughed on seeing the duos cute antics, while Sid is staring at them in a peak of jealousy... But Arjun and Aaliya are playing like a kids to hide their tension and nervousness...

As Abhi had warned and instructed them that they should bring his chirpy baby girl only when they return back, they were praying hardly to God to show some mercy on them... Arjun and Aaliya being notorious,  masked their emotions and are showing off, as if they are care free and playing...

Sid has misunderstood everything on seeing them and he badly wanna do something to separate them... Alas, he is not aware that his attempts are going to back fire and he is going to play a cupid to make Aaliya and Arjun's bond to get even more stronger...


Rk, Sid and Madhu are shocked to hell on seeing the sad face of Pragya, who comes out with a hopeless and worried state... Arjun holds his heart in fear, while Aaliya rubbed his heart in a consoling way... Arjun pulls out Aaliya's other hand abruptly, as she is eating all her nails in tension...

Sid is fuming like a volcano, as these duo are scoring and romancing in the hard situation too... As he is in a big hallucination, Sid understands everything in a wrong way and misjudged their bonding...

Not watching these trios love triangle drama, Rk and Madhu rushed near Pragya... The trio too come out their spell and runs towards her... Pragya closes her face, as if she gonna cry very hardly and her body too shakes up uncontrollably...  They took the situation in their control and they utters all kinds of consoling words to convince Pragya..

Pragya slowly moves her fingers and looks at them, who are crying and cooing her... She opens her face and winks at them with a happy smile and shows thumbsup to them... Not minding that Pragya has cheated them and made them to cry, they all squealed in happiness and hugged Pragya tightly...

Interrupting their happiness, a boy from their class, Mahesh has come near them in a hurry and whispered something in Sid's ears... Even the others to were shocked to know, when Sid utters the matters to them...

Rk: How dare they 🤬... How heartless of them to do such a sin to our Lolly... I'm not going to leave them easily... They will have to give proper answers for our Lolly's tears...

Madhu: Come, Rk... Let's go and complain to the principal... (Turns towards Sid and in a hesitating voice)... As the chairman of this college, you should also come with us and inform the happenings to the principal..

Sid gave a weak smile, as none are forgiving him and accepting him, as he had slapped Abhi in a misunderstanding... Eventhough Abhi has never bothered about that and is being friendly with Sid, no one forgiven Sid easily and even his besties too are not in talking terms with them...

Rk, Sid, Madhu along with Arjun and Aaliya are ready to go and meet the principal and make a complaint against the team, who have hidden the project report of Pragya... But Pragya stopped them and asked them to leave them...

Arjun: Di.. This is not done... They have did a big blunder to you... Just think, what you would have done, if Abhi jiju didn't recreated the project report at the correct time...

In a hurry to make Pragya understand, Arjun has unknowingly blurted out that it's Abhi, who had recreated the project report in a single night... Arjun bites his lips, while all hits in their forehead, as Abhi has asked them to keep it as a secret from Pragya...

Pragya: Oh... Oh... So these are all my Loving Husband's screen play haan... Well... Let me handle my husband and this idiotic gang in my own way...

Everyone listen to me... It's a promise on me... None should spill out what has happened here and none should say anything to Abhi... Leave that gang to me and I will set their scores...

Ask Mahesh to shut his mouth and this info shouldn't get leaked out... Pragya's game gonna start now... They messed up to a wrong person... They will enjoy my treatments for sure...

By the way, Pray hardly for your Jiju or Abhi bhai or your darling Abhishek sir... He is the director of this whole shocking episode na... He has to be rewarded in a grand way, isn't it... I'm coming, Mr.
Abhishek Prem Mehra... Get ready...

Pragya smirked and walked ahead, while
the others are rooted like statues, as they knew that Pragya will take her revenge for sure... Not aware that a big storm gonna hit him, Abhi is finishing off all his works hurriedly...

Making an excuse from Purab to take care of the meeting with the employees, Abhi picked up his car keys and rushed towards the lift... He dials someone's numbers and ordered them to deliver the parcel to his house immediately... Abhi made a happy whistle and drives to his house to give a sweet surprise to Pragya, while he is unaware that Pragya is ready with a deadly surprise for him...



What's going to happen next???

Who is going to get shocked or surprised???

What Pragya gonna do to her enemies??? Will she teach them a good lesson???

How did Abhi recreated the project and how did Sid got the signatures and gave it to Pragya at the correct time???

What is Sid going to do to separate Arjun and Aaliya??? Will the duos bonding gets detached or will it grow even more stronger????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

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Stay responsible... Stay healthy... Stay safe... Stay indoors...

Bidding adieu


Have a good day....

Will meet you soon.....


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