99. When I'm frustrated and sad, just hug and give me a kiss....

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Whenever you feel that everything is going on in an unexpected and negative way, just remember that I'm there for you to set and change those negativites into a positive vibe...

I can win the whole world with my one hand, only if you promise me to hold my other hand for a life time...

The best thing that happened in life is US... We have to work hard to keep US together like this forever....


Abhi slumps his body in the reclining chair and he removes his tie in frustration... He is hell annoyed as the new dealer has irritated him a lot and got on to his nerves in a worst possible way... The scheduled meeting of one hour got extended to 3 hours with the way that dealer has annoyed him...

Cursing one of his business delegate who brought this idiotic dealer, Abhi picks up his mobile to check out the missed calls and messages... He is so shocked as he didn't get a single call or messages from anyone... Abhi couldn't believe his eyes at all, as he has least expected a 100 missed calls...

Wondering what's going on around him, Abhi is hell confused and he holds his head tightly... He is badly in need of his Fuggy's magical coffee, a warm smile, a soulful hug, a consoling kiss and her special message in his forehead to soothe down his anger and frustration...

But his mind spitted on him by saying that Abhi has completely failed as a Loving Husband... Instead of thinking, what's happening with his Fuggy's project presentation and results, he is acting so dumb and acting like a typical husband who wants coffee and massage for his head ache...

Abhi bends his head down and he mentally asks sorry to his Fuggy for placing his needs ahead of her... When he is about to call his  brother in law Arjun to know what's going on in the college, Abhi gets a message from his brother Purab, who asked him to come to his cabin, as soon as his meeting gets over...

Furrowing his brows, Abhi thinks what's the emergency... Abhi gulps the water from the bottle to control his frustration and he gets up and moved towards Purab's cabin... Purab is startled to see the worn out state of Abhi and he feels so sorry on seeing him like this....

Purab: Bhai... What happened to you??? You look so tired... Is everything alright???

Abhi: I'm okay, Purab... The meeting got ended just few minutes back... That dealer is one hell of a nuisance, Purab... A thick headed stupid and adamant guy... He is not in a mentality to listen what's our demands too and he just wanna dump whatever he has, on our heads...

I'm not finding a good sign, Purab... My instincts says that it's better for us to not to make a deal with him... What's your call on that dealer, Purab... Did you track down his informations???

Purab: Haan, bhai... Our secret sources didn't give any positive infos regarding him... He has involved in some fraudulent activities and many a times, his cheques got bounced repeatedly... Most of the time, the stocks supplied by him is of poor quality and he lags in supplying those on correct times too...

I couldn't understand, why Mr. Shukla insisted us to meet him and why he convinced us a lot to tie up with him... It may be a trap to defame us, Bhai or we need to find out whether Mr. Shukla got into trouble because of that dealer... We have to take careful steps to deal with him..

Abhi: I too was thinking the same only, Purab... Anyways, let's think of all these issues later, as we have got enough time... Tell me Purab, why you called me urgently... You are okay, right... Nothing is bothering you or your health na...

Purab: I'm fine, bhai... Just got a text from Bulbul that Dr. Sharma is going on in an emergency break and he advised me to come up to the hospital to have my routine checkup... Bulbul said that he will change my medicines and he will suggest some physiotherapy, it seems...

As his availability is unknown after that, he wished to go through my health before he takes off from his works... Bulbul said that she will come here straight from the college and we are planning to go to the hospital, Bhai..

Abhi: Purab... Why to strain Bulbul??? Ask Bulbul to go home and take rest... I will come with you... I too can clear my doubts and will have a quick conversation with the doctor about your diet plans too...

Purab: Bhai... Just listen to me... I know pretty well that it's an important day in Pragya Bhabhi's life... Bhabhi will surely expect your presence as soon as she reaches home... So, you are in a complusion and need to go home soon...

And one more thing, Bhai... I too have to do something to my Love life, right... Eventhough Bulbul never complains about anything, I'm feeling quite bad that I couldn't spend much time with her....

One side my health issues and other side business and family problems... The check up will get over in one hour... So, what I planned is that... I wanna have a candle light dinner with Bulbul... Hope you don't mind... I wish to go alone with Bulbul, bhai...

Abhi (chuckles): Oohoo... Finally... The hard hearted Businessman Purab Khanna understands after a long time that he too needs to get changed and has to show his romantic side to his love of life... At last my cute Shali gonna have a date with her Love...

I'm so happy, Purab... Go ahead... If possible, buy a nice gift for Bulbul... She will feel so happy... All the best bro... Have fun...

Purab: Thanks Bhai... By the way bhai, what happened to Bhabhi's project submission... Everything has happened as we all wished, right... Didn't your spies reported you anything about that???

Abhi: No news till now, Purab... May be it's not yet over... I knew my Fuggy will thrash it for sure... If all goes well, I'm  wishing to give a small surprise to celebrate her victory...

Purab shows thumbsup to Abhi, while Abhi smiles happily and moves to his cabin to pick up the car keys... Making sure that Purab's driver is available, Abhi instructed the driver to drive the car safely, so that Purab's health is not affected...

In between, Abhi is so bothered that why no one is picking up his call... He is worried as everyone's number are keeping on saying as not reachable... Abhi thinks that it may be of network issues and he drives the car quickly to surprise his Fuggy...


Meanwhile, the atmosphere in the famous college of the city is bit horrible... The whole gang doesn't know how to face Pragya, as Arjun had blurted out the secret unknowingly... Pragya gave a deadly glare and looks at them intently...

Arjun and Aaliya holds each others hands and looks here and there, as they knew very well that Pragya will kill them if they look at her face... RK and Madhu are standing like theives who are being caught red handledly, while Sid has buried his head completely down, not able to meet their Lolly's angry gaze...

Pragya: So... You all are choosing him ahead of me, right... Chupppp... No one should interrupt me... The ball is in my court now... You all need to obey my words, as you all have overstepped in my shoes ...

Isn't this project is my hard work???
I accept that those stupid gang had played an ugly game with me ... But what you people have done are also not correct...

Who the hell gave you all permission to do so, haan??? This is what I keep on repeating to my stupid husband... We have talked a lot regarding this and he promised me that he won't do anything drastic to make me succeed in my studies...

But now... Will I be able to enjoy this as my victory??? Noooo... Eventhough the project is of mine, this is not the exact copy made by me.. I'm feeling like a loser...  This is Abhi's wife's victory and not the victory of Pragya..

Rk: Lolly... Please calm down... Don't over think and please try to understand the practical realities of the situation, we all have went through...

Madhu: Haan Lolly... Abhishek sir didn't do anything out of the box... Without knowing anything clearly, don't draw into a conclusion on your own... If he didn't have made a replica of your project, then only you would have become a loser...

Pragya: Don't come up with reasons guys and don't try to defend him... Just tell me who gave you all the permission to mix sleeping pills in my milk... Without my knowledge you have did all these things... But you people will say that it's for my well being and success... Huh...

Why to argue and fight with you people... You all are simple weapons aimed by him... I will deal with the main culprit... Don't try to interfere me when I punish him... Is that clear...

Aaliya: Bhabhi... Please... You are out of control, yesterday... Bhai was worried a lot as he is so bothered about your health... That's why Bhai signalled Bulbul bhabhi to mix sleeping pills in your milk...

Pragya: Aahaan.. ( in a sarcastic tone) Defending your Brother haan... Alright... Tell me how did this magic had happened... The so called Replica Project of mine...

Arjun: Di... We don't know anything in detail... We explained Jiju about the problem and he just said that it's not at all a big issue... Jiju just went into his Study room and we didn't even know exactly how the project got ready too...

I saw Jiju giving a parcel to the driver in the morning... When I asked him, he asked me to chill up as the problem is solved already... If you want to know the details, ask our college chairman...

Pragya is not in a mood to even look at Sid's face too and she is hell angry on her husband Abhi for trusting Sid and getting his help to solve the issue... Knowing that he needs to explain his verdict, Sid pours out what is instructed to him...

Sid: Abhishek Sir called me late night and said that he will send me a parcel in early morning, which will have your project report... He asked me to go and meet the incharge staffs and to inform them about the lost project...

I was advised to get the needed signatures in the duplicated project... Before I explain them clearly, the staffs said to me that the Principal had already intimated them about this issue...

I was instructed to give your project with the needed approval and signatures so that you can present your project on time... I have no idea how this project is duplicated too...

As no one knows what exactly Abhi has done, Pragya warns them not to disclose the happenings of the college to Abhi... She took all their mobiles and blocked Abhi's number from it... She asks a promise from everyone not to interfere her while she is dealing with her husband Abhi and the culprit gang...

Without any choice left, all agrees to do as Pragya said... She gave some instructions to them and asked them to follow her orders... As it's time to meet her Loving husband, Pragya signals Arjun to take her to home soon...


Abhi with a happy smile, whistles his favourite song and steps inside the house... The calm atmosphere in the house startled him a lot and his mind warned him that something is not good for sure...

Brushing aside his thoughts, Abhi calls the cook Robin and enquired him about the inmates of the house... Robin said that Arjun has took Dadi and Aaliya to the temple.... He also added that Pragya has moved to her room with a sad face and asked no one to disturb her ...

With wavering heart beats, Abhi took fast steps and reaches his room in a jet speed... His body shivered with uncontrollable fear and he is not in a state to barge inside the room with tremendous speed... His legs are rooted to the ground and he is gathering up all his courage to face his Fuggy...

He commanded his mind not to think of any negativities... He keeps on saying that his Fuggy may be tired and that's the reason she had asked no one to disturb her..  Taking a deep breath, Abhi clutches the door handle and twists it gently...

Shock is an understatement for Abhi as he sees the room is completely dark and he witnessed the most painful sight of his life... His Fuggy is sitting in the extreme corner of the room, who is holding her knees and had buried her head completely in it...

Her body is shaking and he can hear the light murmurs of her  along with her painful sobs... Abhi couldn't take that anymore and he rushed and holds his Fuggy tightly in his embrace...

Pragya screams Abhi and started to cry aloud... Abhi pats her back, kisses her forehead and keeps on consoling her not to cry... He coos her as that of a baby and he had a hard time to stop her tears...

Abhi who is deeply involved in consoling his darling wife didn't even notice the mysterious smirk in Pragya's face... She acted pretty well as if she is really in some pain and Abhi is not able to understand her dramas...

Without knowing that it's a trap planned by Pragya to bring down the secret game played by him, Abhi is so keen to coo his baby girl and is struggling hard to wipe down all her worries... Abhi wipes her tears and holds her face gently...

Abhi: Shhhhh... Baby... Enough of your cryings... What happened dear??? You are scaring me... Didn't your project presentation got completed as you wished???

Tell me, sweet heart... What has happened in the college??? I was expecting all your calls and messages... I was bothered and that's why I came up earlier...

Baby... Shhhh... Control yourself... Trust me... I will set everything, right... No worries... Your Loving Husband can do anything for you... Believe me... Just tell me why are you crying like this???

Pragya: Ab... (cries aloud and hiccups... Abhi quickly runs and pours the water from the bottle in a glass... He makes Pragya to drink it and he wipes her mouth and pats her back....)

Ab... Abhi... I... I have lost it, Abhi... I failed in my dreams, Abhi... Your Fuggy has become a loser, Abhi... Without my project report, I couldn't do anything...

Abhi: What are you saying, Fuggy??? ( In a shocked tone) Didn't Sid gave your project report with the incharge staffs signatures??? He texted me that everything is done perfectly, as I have instructed..

Even Arjun and Aaliya had messaged me that you have gone to do the presentation and Viva summarisation... I was busy in the meeting and I couldn't contact them on time... When I called them everyone's number are not reachable...

Pragya: No Abhi... You are mistaken... The staffs had detained me, as the project report is not mine...

Abhi: How can they do like that??? This is ridiculous... It's your project report only...

Pragya: No Abhi... It's not mine... This is not the project I've done...

Abhi: Baby... It's yours only... Just I've made a duplication of it... If all goes well as I've planned, your original project report will reach you tomorrow for sure...

Just then Abhi realises that he is blurting out the truth to Pragya without his knowledge... He gulps hard as Pragya is having a killer look and murdering him with her eyes....

Pragya: Explain...

Abhi: Baby... Calm down... Don't get angry... Yesterday, everyone was worried about your lost project and explained the situation to me... I accept that I have insisted Bulbul to mix sleeping pills in your milk so that you would have a peaceful sleep, without any worries...

Baby... Purab has the habit of not taking backups, both hard copy and soft copy... He used to delete the files unknowingly and most of the times he will forget to save the documents...

We have to lose a deal earlier, as the presentation and the documents are completely deleted without our knowledge... We faced a huge downfall as we didn't have backups in our hands...

From that time onwards, I made sure that a back copy of all the files to be stored in the office main server... As we do our office works in home and you people have to deal with the college projects and all, I have made sure that  the backups are properly taken...

I've installed that softwares in all our laptops and mobile phones... Baby... Please... I'm not in any intention to hide this from you... As we have less time in the morning, I thought of explaining this to your later...

Pragya: Liar... Don't bluff... Look at my eyes and tell me... You have purposely hidden this from me or not... I want the genuine answer from my Loving Husband and not a fake answer from this hard hearted businessman...

Abhi hungs his head down and nods his head as yes.. As he knew pretty well about the mind set of his Fuggy, he wanna make her believe that the lost project has reached her on time...

But his smart wife has cleverly found out the game played by her husband and she is not a fool to believe that it's the original copy made by her... She was bothered as she thought it's a violation of rules...

Pragya: Why did you do this, Abhi??? It's a kind of cheating, Abhi... It's against rules...

Abhi: Noooo... It's not... I don't want all your hard work to get wasted because of the dirty game played by some stupid gang... You deserve this victory and this is the least I have done to wipe away the negativities...

Pragya: But... Why Abhi??? What's the need for all these??? What will others think if the information gets leaked???

Abhi: It's because I love you, Fuggy... I madly love my wife and I don't want anything to stop you from chasing your dreams... I don't care a damn about what others will think and all....

My Fuggy should win at any cost... I can't sit simply and watch you crying like a loser... I will become a bad husband if I haven't done all this... I know you are angry on me for doing so but I won't say sorry to you, as I have not done any mistakes...

Pragya: How dare you... After doing all these stupid stunts, you won't ask sorry to me too... This is unfair, Abhi... Aaaahhhhh.....

Pragya squeals in horror as Abhi has lifted her in his arms and smooches her whole face... Abhi grips gets tightened and both landed safely in the bed... Pragya blushes too hard, as Abhi has finally find out that she is faking her anger....

Abhi: Naughty girl... You are a big drama queen... Huh... I was being so stupid all these time and I couldn't even find out that you are faking to be sad... 

I really thought you are so angry on me... But... Huhh... You are playing with me and pranking me so much haan...

Pragya: Aww... What can I do if my husband is so dumb... Noooo... Don't glare at me... You played a smart game with me... So, it's my counter reaction to your game...

Anyways, thanks a lot my dear husband for making this possible... I have cracked the presentation very well and it went more than I've expected... Hoping for the best results... Thanks again my love...

Abhi: Too bad, Fuggy... Is this a way to thank your husband???

Pragya: What shall I do, Abhi??? My Loving Husband is behaving so mean all these days... He is not allowing me to hug him and kiss him ... He has prohibited me from loving him too...

Don't blame me... Blame that khadoos Mehra, who is so strict on me and is taking non stop lectures to study ... He is so bossy and is imposing rules after rules... I think he has forgotten that he knew even to romance too...

Pragya pouts sadly while Abhi chuckles and pulls her closer... Pragya tries to get out of his grip, but Abhi tightens his hold on her...

Abhi: Aren't you interested to punish your strict Khadoos husband??? You can love him as much you want.... No restrictions, today... Show him how much you are longing to love him...

Pragya gives a naughty smile, bites hardly in Abhi's cheeks and escapes from Abhi's grip... Abhi screams aloud and runs to catch his Fuggy... Their run and chase game is soon replaced by a romantic love marathon and they are in a mood to love each other as much as they can....



After a long time given an update...

Tried my level best to give a long one...

Words used : 3850+

Hope you all have liked this update...

As for now, we have completed 99 chapters in this story...

What do you want in the 100th update???

A completely romantic update or shall we move on to the next twisty shock???? The shocky part is mentioned below 👇...

Majorities choice will be considered...


Comingggg Sooonnnnn:

Dadi: Pragya beta... Listen to me... Abhi won't be happy with your decision... We will look after him beta... You just go with Arjun....

Pragya: No dadi... I can't do this... How can you expect me to leave Abhi??? I won't forgive myself, if I do so...

My presence with him is essential now and I can't move an inch too... Please dadi... Don't force me.... Let me stay with my Abhi...

Arjun: Pragya di... It's getting late... We need to do move now or else we can't reach the college on time...

Aaliya: Haan Bhabhi... Come on, let's move... You have to get into the examination hall on time.... If we are late, they won't let you in..

Pragya: Are you all crazy??? I'm saying repeatedly that I'm not moving away from my Abhi... I don't care a damn about the exams and I will choose my husband ahead of anything else....

What happened to Abhi???

Will everyone convince Pragya and make her to go and write down the final examination, which gonna decide her fate???

Will Pragya leave Abhi and fulfill his wishes to get the university rank???


Keep guessing and stay tuned....

Do vote and comment if you like this update...

Will come up with the next part very soon...

Bidding adieu,



Have a good day.....

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