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Watching the look of fascination appear on Namjoon and Jungkook's faces makes me grin, glad to see that the surprise was a success.

Not too far from home actually, there's an art shop and also a botanic shop, so I went to both places to get stuff for my two sweet hybrids. To thank them for everything they've done for me, a way of apologizing and also because they more than deserve it.

Jungkook had mentioned a few times that he would love to try painting, that it sounds fun and it never left my mind so I bought basic equipment, quality materials, the best paint they had and canvases of different sizes. We could set him up in the living room since there's a corner that isn't really used or in their room if he prefers, I'll leave this choice to him.

As for Namjoon, the last time we went to buy that toaster, one that has yet to be gotten, I think it's clear to say that he has a fascination for plants so I got him a few different kinds, it was fun walking around and trying to imagine which ones would've gotten his attention. I have a feeling he'll love them, especially the special one I got.

I never had the opportunity of doing something like that before, having fun buying surprises for others. My hybrids deserve this type of attention but I didn't want to go too far and be careless, I know that Anthony is now in the wild and far from me the idea of meeting him, I made sure to go to the car company closest to the area protecting me before coming back within safe grounds, which is surprisingly wide, really.

Knowing that my ex can't come here without the police being alerted sure made me feel better about going outside and I don't want to remain too scared to do anything when my goal is to heal. Am I going to avoid living because he might do something? That's only what I believe, but what if he really leaves me alone? What if we never meet again? The unknown makes me uncomfortable, but I know I can't run away forever.

When I'd voiced that concern to Yoongi's psychologist, MJ, he'd said that these worries were normal and justified, I was physically and mentally abused for so long, of course I would expect him to come to me again, to resume what he'd started but he said that most of the time, the victims end up spending their whole life afraid of something that never happens, always wondering when and where it might happen again only to realize at the end of the road that their fear only took them away from happy memories.

When I heard him say that, I told myself that this isn't the life I want. I want to be able to make memories with Jungkook and Namjoon, with the others too, I want to be able to get out of my safe area and not freak out over a possibility, which is why I pushed to leave alone.

I wanted to prove to myself, to allow my brain to process that here is safe. Here is my home and I'm allowed to live freely and if he knows what's good for him, then he'll remain away from me. It's as simple as that. That's what I want anyway. If he really does come back... I'm not alone and I'm going to work hard to not become so easy to control for him. I want to be able to see him and stand my ground, to remain strong and flip him off before leaving.

Now that would be satisfying.

"Is that all for us?!" Jungkook asks, bright eyes shining at me even through the falling darkness. I nod, watching with a smile as he proceeds to grab the bags and run inside while Namjoon is still in awe in front of all the different plants.

I walk over to him and stand besides him to look at the collection of green leaves. "I felt bad that you couldn't get the plants last time so I made sure to get you as many as I could. These are of varying sizes and quite basic but if you look in the car in the back seat, there is a special one that I think you will like" I tell him and his ears flap in curiosity, feet taking him there after eyeing me with silent excitement.

He opens the door and gasps before running back to me and hugs me tight without so much as a warning. "Thank you, oh thank you I love it so much" he whispers and I hug him back, not expecting that much of a reaction, but it more than pleases me. It lets me know that I did something good and it's satisfying.

Jungkook comes back, something I know just because his body back-hugs me, nose finding its way to my neck and tickling the skin softly. "Thank you noona, you didn't have to get us so much" he murmurs softly, his ears tickling mine.

I hum and pat Namjoon's back when he steps away to get back in the car to get the delicate snow rose bonsai I got him. Apparently, it's not easy to take care of but I can tell that this koala will do his very best, he has such a caring nature that I'm not worried about it.

"It was a pleasure, my bunny, truly. It made me happy to imagine your reaction and seeing it in person is even more satisfying than I thought" I muse, grin when they both smile at me with thousand of emotions in their eyes.

With their help, we bring everything inside the house and while they start looking through the bags for Jungkook, amazed sounds leaving his mouth when he takes in the variety of styles he can attempt, I get to the kitchen to start putting the food where it belongs, fridge and pantry filled and looking like that healthy kitchen I had to promise to keep going.

I make sure to keep aside the take-out food I grabbed from a good restaurant and then hum to myself when everything is cleanly organized. I really lost track of time today so it's pretty late but I hope they're still hungry, although I wouldn't be mad if they already ate while waiting for me.

"Can I put plants in the kitchen? I was looking at the information on them and I figured it would be best to have them here since there's no direct light, they would also look good" Namjoon suddenly asks and I turn around to see him holding three pots in his arms. I huff softly with a nod. "You put them wherever you want them, cub, it's fine".

He grins and starts carefully setting them so everything can look good, something absolutely endearing to see. I step out of the kitchen to see Jungkook in the corner of the living room, organizing everything in size, from biggest canvas to smallest, big paint, small paint, big brushes, smaller ones, he won't be confused when comes the time to start painting, that's for sure.

But for now, my hungry stomach is begging for some food. We didn't eat lunch after all. If I'm hungry, they must be famished.

"You two, how does chicken sound tonight? I hope it's still warm" I shout before mumbling the end to myself, hands going to open the bag, hoping that the heat is still there. To my relief, it is and Jungkook's feet hurrying over makes me chuckle as he clings to my back, curious eyes looking over my shoulder.

"Chickeeeeeen" he whispers.

"Chickeeeeeeeeen" Namjoon whispers in his deeper voice as he walks around the counter to join us.

When I feel their eyes on me, I frown slightly in confusion but still decide to take part in whatever this is supposed to be.

"Chickeeeen" I whisper, unsure.

The two of them giggle and clap their hands before going to grab plates and utensils. I huff, still no idea what this was about but it seems to have satisfied them so I decide to simply leave things at that and bring the food to the table.

I'll give them their phone once we're done eating, we'll all have greasy hands and I don't want that on the new technology. We proceed to eat and once my stomach filled with enough food that I don't feel like eating an elephant anymore, I turn to my two hybrids.

"Tomorrow, there's a place I want to go to and I would like it if you came with me. I'd like her to meet you two, to show her that following her advice was indeed the best thing I could do" I tell them, watch as they look up in curiosity.

"What advice?" Jungkook asks. I smile and take the time to swallow my bite before answering.

"To adopt a hybrid. My doctor had voiced the thought but it's my psychologist who brought the idea forward once in a while, said that having one could help me a lot and I hesitated for a long while before finally stopping in front of the center where you were. Ah but I guess you'd have to thank Hoseok for me actually going inside, if he hadn't pulled me inside like that, I wonder if I would've had the courage of actually entering".

Their eyes widen and they share a look before nodding. "We want to go, I guess we need to thank whoever she is for having suggested something that allowed us to meet our sweet mate" Namjoon says with a smile, to which I blush, heart warmed by his words.

The two of them keep staring at me with loving eyes, with such an intensity that even eating becomes awkward now. I point at their plates, an attempts to get their attention to something else but "It's fine, we'd rather look at you noona" Jungkook admits without a hint of shame.

My heart skips a beat and I feel myself blush a deeper red but I try to act like it's no big deal and continue eating. Keyword being : try.

Feeling their eyes burn a hole through my head, there's no way I can focus on eating and I become even more embarrassed when I notice them taking an observation stance, plates of food pushed back so they can prop their upper bodies properly on the table to be comfortable.

"Are you shy, sweetheart?" Namjoon asks with an endeared voice, nowhere in dom mode but still somewhat intimidating. "I think she is, Joonie, I wonder if that red can become brighter?" Jungkook adds, definitely enjoying the look on my face.

I gape like a fish as I try to find a good comeback, but the only real plan my brain decides to come up with at that moment is to run.

So I do, chair pushed back before I run my way to the corridor, half praying that Jungkook doesn't see that as a challenge to come running after me but obviously, he does and hearing him not too far behind me with a chuckle has my heart speeding up even more, fear building up in the pit of my stomach.

"Namjoon! Come get Jungkook before he swallows me whole!" I scream, hand reaching my doorknob but too late as the strong bunny picks me up bridal style, my voice screeching through the air as I swing my arms around his neck in reflex.

Namjoon laughs heartily and I stare up at Jungkook with wide eyes, body still believing that there's danger but when he pushes my head gently into his neck with a hand, I find myself relaxing, just a little. The big bunny sighs in contentment and brings me back to the dining room to a still laughing Namjoon while all I can do is pout, still red in the face. Damn his speed.

"You need to finish eating noona" Jungkook muses as he sits down at my seat, my body now seating on his lap as he brings my plate closer. I grumble under my breath and they both quirk an eyebrow at me.

"What was that, sweetheart?" Namjoon asks, lips pinched as he tries to avoid laughing again. I scrunch my nose and grumble a little louder. "How am I supposed to eat when all you do is stare at me?".

Jungkook coos loudly and nuzzles my cheek while Namjoon's beaming smile finally wins over his will to hide it. "But you're so cute, how can we not admire you?" Namjoon says, his own cheeks turning a light pink at the admission.

"Come on now you cutie pie, say ahhhhh" Jungkook suddenly says and I open my mouth before he presses the fork on my tongue. I close my mouth and he pulls it out the with a satisfied hum while I take a moment to process what just happened.

Jungkook just fed me food like a baby. I look up to meet his shiny and proud eyes as I chew and swallow. "Another one, say ahhhhh" he says again with a new bite and I open my mouth. He closes his mouth as I close mine and he hums happily while I start chewing again.

What is that? What is happening? I turn my gaze to Namjoon to see him chuckling as he proceeds to feed himself and Jungkook with his own food. I can't help but laugh at the situation, is this a club of feeding and being fed?

Still, it's a simple moment that has me wondering if this is what being happy is supposed to look like. To be able to enjoy simplicity with the ones I love.

I choke on my food and the two hybrids panic, the both of them trying to help me cough so I don't die in their arms like that drama we saw a few days ago. Jungkook bawled his eyes out during that scene. I wave a hand to tell them that I'm fine and swallow with difficulty before wiping my eyes at the tears that formed.

Do I love them? Is that what it is? I knew I was developing a little crush on them when they confessed about being my mates, but love? Can love be formed so easily? I guess we have spent a lot of time together since they've been here. Jungkook's kiss incident... if the situation was different, would I have allowed it? What about Namjoon? My eyes widen and I blink quickly, eyes avoiding theirs entirely.

Oh my gosh. I'm falling for them, aren't I? I mean, there's no other explanation as to why I allow them to sleep in my bed all the time, a part of me waiting for them whenever I go to bed first or the satisfaction of seeing them waiting for me when they jump in first.

"Noona? Are you okay?" Jungkook asks and I look up to notice their eyes on me, noses lightly sniffing in confusion. I nod quickly and push myself out of his hold to fall on my feet, suddenly needing to get away to process this properly and to save myself.

"Y-yes, I... I'm going to go take a shower before it's too late" I mumble before rushing off but then remember about the phones. Better keep them busy while I sit down in the shower and reflect on my whole life.

I turn back to reach my bag and get two boxes out. "For you two, so we don't get separated without any means of contacting each other, my number is in both as well as the two phones so change the contact's name depending on who takes which phone" I blurt out quickly before fleeing to the bathroom.

I'm in trouble, there's only so much I can hide before they find out how I feel, their nose clearly picked up on my scent, I just know it, I read enough to know how it works after our last chat about this.

I'm not getting away that easily but I at least want to be caught trying while I gather my wits.

Their POV (I'm trying something, you guys tell me if you don't like it)

Namjoon and Jungkook stare at each other in confusion, phone completely set aside as they tilt their head.

"Her scent got oddly sweet, almost buttery" Jungkook mumbles, to which Namjoon nods. "It did... it was stronger and felt almost the same as yours does, heck, I can still smell it as if she's right here in my arms..." he says, brain trying to make sense of this.

Both of their eyes widen and a smirk plasters itself on their face. "Does this mean what I think it means?" Jungkook asks, hope seeping into his voice as he truly wants to believe that she could fall for them one day. The sooner the better to be exact.

Unable to resist it, Namjoon stands up and heads to the corridor where the bathroom's door is currently locked but still silent on the other side. "Sweetheart?" he says sweetly with a knock on the door as Jungkook follows behind.

"I-I'm busy" she answers from the other side but the two hybrids know that she's currently leaning against the door, they can hear her heart beating out of control against the wood. So she knows that we know, Jungkook thinks to himself with a widening grin.

"Are you now?" Namjoon lets out, voice taking an octave deeper as her scent starts to affect him as much as it affects the bunny. From so close, with her heart beating so fast, it's almost sticky, wrapping around them, thick and fragrant. They can taste it and they haven't even kissed her yet, they can only imagine what it would be like to have her mouth on theirs.

"I- okay maybe not, but I suspect a need to mark in your voice and I admit I'm a little nervous about it" she mumbles and her words make the two hybrids step back slightly. They breathe in and out slowly, knowing that her becoming aware of her feeling for them doesn't mean she can be ready for more right away.

"I'm sorry, flower, we just... your scent is begging us to stay close to you, you have no idea how strong it is right now" Namjoon explains, head resting against the door. Jungkook knows exactly how Namjoon feels, he doesn't need to be dominant to want Y/N to give herself to him. How much they want to see their mark on her pretty neck, it would be a dream come true.

They don't even have to mark her, just a little peck on the kiss would satisfy them right now, but they need something, anything before they grow crazy. They need to know that she's theirs so they can soothe their instincts.

"Can you two let me shower and then..." they hear her heart stutter, as if she's considering something embarrassing. "And then... if that's something you want... we could..." Namjoon and Jungkook are both staring at the door intently, ears ready to pick up every single sounds she can make, the way her breath is a little faster than usual, the powerful pumping of her heart, they can easily imagine her body shaking from nervousness and they just want to get in there and hug her until she calms down, until she can speak normally, but they certainly don't expect the words leaving her mouth next.

"We could kiss? Would that be enough?".

Their heart skips a beat, instincts flaring at the thought of her asking for the kiss. "Is that something you would want, flower? You don't have to force yourself because of what happened yesterday or just to please us" Namjoon says, the shock of her words enough to give him back a semblance of control. They would both walk away and take a time to calm down if she requested it, they would do anything for her.

"I'm not forcing myself if that's what you're wondering... I-I... I know how hard it is for you to smell me like that and... I wouldn't mind..." she murmurs softly, embarrassed by the words she's sputtering. Their heart melts, their adorable little mate the cutest to their eyes.

"You wouldn't mind because?" Jungkook asks, he wants to hear her say it, he doesn't need to see her as she says the words, he knows she wouldn't be able to, but he wants to hear them from her. She stutters an attempt that makes them grin, proud to hear that she's trying, she really is.

"B-b-because I'm falling for you! I think I l-love you!" she eventually shouts and the two hybrids' heart explodes with love for her, eyes filling with tears from an overwhelming amount of happiness at her words.

Jungkook hugs Namjoon tightly, so tight that the koala finds it hard to breathe but he hugs his mate back, just as happy and proud.

"We love you too, flower, so much" he whispers and her sweet giggle, a sound of relief, that she could finally say it, get it out in the open, they can't help but smile brightly at the sound but her scent starts making them long for her even more so they step back a little again.

"You take that shower, noona, we'll be waiting for you" Jungkook tells her and she hums, a new type of nervousness taking over her body. The two hybrids can't deny that they themselves are starting to sweat now.

Is this really happening? Are we really going to be allowed to kiss her? Namjoon thinks to himself, giddy with excitement. He's happy that she gave them permission, that she said it herself so the same as yesterday doesn't happen again.

As for Jungkook, he's relieved that he can make up for yesterday. He'd felt bad that their first kiss could be so terrible so to have a chance to make things right, to take care of her properly this time, it makes him forget all of his guilt, a liberating feeling as he now starts wondering how he should kiss her. Gently, slowly. He doesn't want to be too rough, to scare her.

"I think you should kiss her first, I don't think I can take it easy" Namjoon says and Jungkook nods, having expected that. They sit on the couch, postures straight and they gaze at the wall where a single picture of the three of them is.

The first decoration to appear on the wall, their first memory taken in picture. Jungkook hopes there will be many more from now on.

Was the Their POV okay? Did it kind of take away the experience?

Other than that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I love you all, borahae!

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