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I stand in front of the door, highly embarrassed about what's to come. I can't believe I told them how I feel just like that. Where did that courage come from?! Was it the adrenaline? It's not like I regret that part, for them to know how I feel is only fair considering I know how they feel.

What I truly can't believe is how I offered them kisses. I could hear it in their voice, that they perceived the change in my scent, I know that was a huge giveaway of my feelings and I know they were fighting against themselves to not tear the door down just to be closer to me.

I read in that book I got after they told me the truth that hybrids react a lot to their mate's scent. The brighter and the sweeter the smell, the more inviting it is, the strongest being when the feelings of love surge to the surface. That's usually an open door to marking and simply bonding and that's what I offered them.

I just don't know if my offering them a kiss was because I feel responsible for their instincts or because I really want it. Am I really ready for that just yet? Was it in the spur of the moment? It does feel like I'm having after-thoughts and I don't know how to deal with that. But how can I possibly take that back after giving them hope?

Knowing that nothing really keeps me in the bathroom anymore since I'm all clean and dressed, I slowly open the door to hear soft whispering from the living room. Highly nervous and knees shaking, I try to make my way to them quietly but not only two steps forward has them turning their head to see me frozen in the corridor like a deer caught in headlights.

Oh gosh. I can't tell if I regret saying that or if I'm just very anxious about making that step. Is it too early? I mean, I just realized that my feelings are growing for them. I think I want this, but at the same time, it really freaks me out.

With my heart beating as fast as it is, I just know that they can hear it, especially with the way Jungkook's ears twitch on top of his head, light concern showing in his eyes. Namjoon pats the seat between them with a soft smile.

"Come here, flower" he muses and I gulp with a nod before making my way around the couch and sit down between them. Feeling their bodies pressed against my sides helps me to relax a little. I always feel so safe when next to them.

"Noona" I hear Jungkook say and when I turn to look at him, he smiles and cups my cheeks. I feel myself blush, body tensing up and Namjoon holds my hand, his thumb caressing the soft skin of my knuckles.

"You know that we love you very much right?" Jungkook asks and I sheepishly nod, to which they both hum, pleased. "And you know we would never force you to do anything you're not ready to do?" he continues, that part making my heart skip a beat, in guilt or in relief, I'm not sure.

Still, I nod because I know that to be true. They would never force me to do anything that they feel I can't handle. He smiles and turns my head gently to press his lips on my cheek.

"That kiss will be enough, just knowing that you're here with us right now is enough. We can wait" he whispers and I bite on my lips as I feel a lump form in my throat. Another pair of big hands turn my shoulders around so I can stare at my other hybrid, eyes looking into his soft and warm orbs.

"We appreciate the thought of you trying for us and that's more than we could ask for, flower. Simply to know how you feel towards us, we could feel your sincerity and that means a lot to us. We have our whole life in front of us, don't we? Not everything has to happen too soon" he says with a bright smile, his dimples showing and making my heart melt even more as their words register in my mind.

Just like Jungkook, he bends down to press a gentle kiss on my cheek and then proceeds to hug me tight. "As long as we can remain together like that, we'll wait for as long as it takes until you're ready" he murmurs and I nod against his chest, my arms meeting at his back as I feel tears flow down my cheeks.

Jungkook hugs me from behind and rests his head between my shoulder blades. "It's okay noona, you gave us the prettiest gift you ever could give us - your love. The rest can wait, it's not a race, nor is it your responsibility to take care of our instincts. Even between Namjoon and I, it doesn't always work like we want to, you know? Sometimes one will feel a certain way while the other doesn't, it's totally normal and in no way anyone's fault. Life is about respecting our loved ones and to make sure they feel safe and comfortable. You don't have to worry about anything" he explains softly and I feel myself fall for them even more.

How can such beings exist? With Anthony... it always was mine to deal with. If I did anything that caused desires in him, no matter what, it was my job to deal with it. If I didn't... I was a fucking teasing bitch who only deserved a good beating.

But these two? They're the most beautiful souls I've ever come across. They're not even mad. They don't even seem disappointed.

"How do you that?" I blurt out, the words fleeing me before I can even process them. "How do we do what, flower?" Namjoon asks, fingers gently caressing my sides.

"How do you... remain so patient with me? You could've gotten mad at me, I would've understood but instead, you're both hugging me and telling me that it's okay, how do you do that?" I ask, my brain confronted to a reality so different from what I've known for years and unable to process it alone.

"Why would we get mad at you, noona? We have what we need the most right here, in our arms. A loving mate who enjoys cuddling as much as we do, a loving mate who wishes to take care of us as much as we want to take care of her, a loving mate who worries for us as much as we worry for her. How could we get mad at our beautiful mate when she feels guilty for something that isn't even within her control? She cares for us so much, but she also gives herself responsibilities that aren't hers to carry just because she wants us to be happy. How could we ever get mad at such a wonderful woman?".

I can't resist the sob that tears through my throat and I hide my face within Namjoon's embrace, heart unable to handle all the love thrown at me in such a big amount without breaking down. They shush me gently and hug me tighter, their warmth healing some more scars yet again as they teach me what it means to be in a healthy relationship.

Because that's what we have right? A budding relationship.


"My bunny, are you still getting ready? You know it's not a fashion show we're going to, right?" I ask him as I stand by their bedroom door.

"I know, just give me one more minute noona!" he hurries to reply and I chuckle as I make my way back to the entrance where Namjoon is patiently waiting with a smile.

"He's getting ready to impress, I'm going to have to keep you two close to me, I can't have people trying to take you from me. You look really handsome, cub, this outfit suits you well" I tell him as I proceed to put on my shoes. He blushes and shyly scratches the back of his neck.

"You look beautiful as well..." he murmurs and I smile, his shy behavior something I missed recently. "My cute cub, what am I going to do with you" I muse as I stand up to rub his ears with a pleased smile when he tilts into the touch, his eyes closing as he gets lost in the feeling.

Jungkook comes running soon and I turn back to see him wearing an all black outfit with his favorite black leather coat and black collar. I whistle as he struts over like a king, ears standing tall proudly and he does one final spin for us, more than happy when Namjoon and I clap at the little show.

"My handsome hybrids, everyone's going to be jealous of me for being so well surrounded" I muse, hands going to rub his ears too to avoid anyone being jealous and he purrs softly, nose twitching as he allows himself to enjoy for as long as he can.

"Do you have your phone?" I ask as I massage the base of one ear before moving away. He nods and reaches into his back pocket to show me the red phone and getting the hint, Namjoon also shows me his white phone. I nod, glad that they remembered and then proceed to get my own bag with the car's controller before motioning for the koala to open the door and get outside.

Jungkook follows behind and I close the door behind us to lock it before unlocking the car doors to let them in. Namjoon sits at the front while Jungkook goes at the back without fighting and I smile at the sight of them marveling over the comfort.

"Hey love!" I hear suddenly and turn my head to see Jin running over with his arms wide open. I giggle at the sight and open my arms as well to accept the hug he quickly pulls me into, bodies almost hitting the brick wall of my house from the impact.

"Hey Jinnie" I muse, happy to see the sweet alpaca. "How are you, love?" he asks and I hum, knowing that the last time he saw me, I wasn't in the best of shapes. "I'm feeling just great, Jinnie. Thank you for the food yesterday, it was really good" I tell him and he hums, glad that I ate the food.

He pulls back and smiles at me. I smile back and notice Yoongi slowly and tentatively making his way over, eyes observing my reaction to seeing him, as if he expects me to close up at the sight of him. I open my arms for him and his shoulders fall in relief before he walks faster to take me into a hug.

"How are you, little bee?" he asks and I grin since Jin just asked me that question. "I'm great, Yoon. Thank you for the letter... I called. I think you're right, he's going to be a big help" I murmur and he nods, arms tightening around me. "I'm glad, little bee".

Namjoon and Jungkook come join us and they share hugs with our neighbors as well until the latter's eyes fall on the car. "Did you get a car?" Jin asks, the answer obvious but it's as if his brain can't process the information. I nod, a little embarrassed.

"I did, I went out yesterday afternoon and also got Namjoon and Jungkook a phone each as well as some surprises for them, it was a busy day but I needed it to clear my mind after the morning's news" I explain.

"Did something happen?" the alpaca asks and I sigh. "I got a call saying that my ex got released from prison. It was a shock but I knew it was coming sooner rather than later".

Jin and Yoongi's eyes widen. "And you went out alone?" Yoongi asks, a scolding tone to his voice. I smile when I see Jungkook and Namjoon purse their lips. They weren't too comfortable with the idea either.

"I did, Anthony can't come here without the police knowing and... I don't want to remain stuck in fear my whole life. I told MJ about him and what he told me... I didn't want to follow the same path of misery as others. I'm going to become confident and strong enough so that even if I see him one day, I won't cower in fear. It all starts with me, right? If I want to change, I need to make it happen" I tell them with a small shrug.

For some reason, the information of his release doesn't weight as heavy on my mind today. Is it my way of thinking that causes that? Is it because a part of me still believes he's locked behind cells? I'm not sure, but I want to make full use of this confidence I feel at the moment. I want to make use of this to work on myself while I still can.

"You're impressive, little bee, you really are. Just make sure to not do anything reckless okay? Don't go too fast" Yoongi says as he ruffles my hair and I groan, hands quickly going to try and set it back like it was under his endeared eyes.

"I will, don't worry, it's not like I'm purposefully going to run after him, I don't want that. I just can't remain hidden at home forever either" I insist on my point, which has him and Jin nodding. "That's good. Make sure to bring your two protective males with you when you go further though, I wouldn't want anything happening to you" Yoongi lets out, concern in his voice.

I point at my two gorgeous hybrids. "You see these handsome boys? They're coming with me, I'm going to get flowers for the psychologist who took care of me since the divorce and I'm going to thank her in person for all that she's done for me as well as introduce them. I want her to see that I took her advice and it changed my life for the better" I explain and we turn to see a proud koala and bunny, postures tall and straight as they grin at us.

Yoongi chuckles at the sight and Jin coos, which makes the two hybrids blush, postures wavering just a little as they grow shy. They're so adorable, I don't know how they can be that and be sexy and handsome all at once, but they do and I love it.

I look at the time on my phone and clear my throat. "Well, we gotta go. She's waiting for us soon and I need to get her those flowers to thank her so we can't afford staying here any longer. We'll see each other tomorrow I guess? Jimin has yet to call but I'm sure he'll be available to come with us" I tell them and they nod, an interesting glint flashing through their eyes at the mention of the sweet man.

"Sure, I can give him a call later to ask and I'll let you know" Yoongi says and I nod before starting to make my way back to the car, Namjoon and Jungkook hurrying back to their previous seats. "See you soon guys!" I shout with a wave as they walk back to their own car to leave for work.

I get inside and start up the engine with a sigh. I set my phone on the phone holder and open the map to see the itinerary leading to the flower shop I had called to get a bouquet ready. Nothing too fancy, but the meaning was focused on gratitude so I'm sure she's going to like it.

"Alright, wear your seat belt and enjoy the ride!" I chirp, knowing that the feeling of this car is very different from the taxis we've been using so far, which they're going to be surprised about.

As we get on the road, their awing wows make me laugh more than once as it almost feels like we're floating off the ground. "This car is amazing noona!" Jungkook exclaims again, as if his brain can't believe it.

I chuckle and stop at the building that my phone lead us to, one that sports the exact same name as the flower shop I had called earlier this morning. Without even having to ask them what they want to do, I hear their seat belts being undone before they step out of the car and I hum to myself as I grab my bag and phone and lock the doors before joining them in front of the front door.

With how tall they both are, appearance enough to make me drool, it's with a weird feeling of pride that we enter inside, a cute and warm looking little shop with many decorations, bouquets for different situations already done and waiting to be chosen, plants, paintings, clocks, little figurines, it's very interesting to look at what they have and I leave my two hybrids to wander the room while I head to the table at the back where I see someone working on something.

He looks up to meet my gaze and smiles before putting down the flower he was cutting. "Hello, can I help you with something?". I nod and looks around briefly before bringing my gaze back to his. "Yes, I actually called this morning for a bouquet. Something that means gratitude" I tell him and his eyes light up.

"Y/N, right? Yes, give me a moment, I have it ready in one of the refrigerators" he says as he walks around the counter to head to a particular one. He gets out a beautiful bouquet of peach roses and I smile at the simplicity, knowing that it's going to be perfect for her.

"Is this to your liking? I can adjust it if you want to apply any changes" he asks as he presents it to me but I shake my head at the offer. "She's going to love it" I say, watch as the man smiles before motioning for the counter where I'm to pay. I look behind me to see where Jungkook and Namjoon are to find them gazing at the picture frames, some of them really original and beautiful.

"Give me a moment" I tell the man before going over to my hybrids, head peeking between their arms to take a look. "What are you two looking at? Anything you want?" I ask and they both turn to me with hesitant eyes.

"Well, these frames are really pretty, we were wondering how it would look on the walls with more pictures of us" Namjoon explains and I hum, eyes going back to the different but similar ones that almost look like a set, each frames different flowers that give off a really delicate look. Together, it would look like there's a garden on the wall.

"They really are pretty... I guess we'll need to take more pictures to fill them then" I muse as I grab them all and their eyes widen with sparkles as they follow me to the counter. "Really?" Jungkook asks, already excited at the prospect of making more memories together to have them in picture. I nod and put them next to the flower bouquet so the man can scan them too with a smile.

"Peach roses was a good choice, their meaning is purely platonic and don't really have any other meaning other than to say thank you" Namjoon muses as he gazes at it with bright eyes and the man hums with a nod, impressed.

"You like flowers, bud?" he asks Namjoon and the latter perks up at the friendly name. "Flowers, plants, trees, I love them all" he chirps and I smile, the pink to his cheeks a sight I enjoy seeing.

The man smiles and turns to me. "Do you allow your hybrids to work?" he asks and I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "I'm not against it if that's what they want, why?" I ask back. The man turns back to look at Namjoon.

"I'm in need of a part-time help and I have a feeling he'd be perfect for the task" he says, curious eyes awaiting Namjoon's reaction. Jungkook smiles widely and jumps in place, happy for our koala as he himself seems shocked in place.

"You... want me to work for you? Even though I'm a hybrid?" he asks and the man chuckles. "I married a hybrid and she's the love of my life, surely that explains my disposition towards your kind" he replies warmly and that does bring me relief, to know that Namjoon wouldn't be treated like some animals if he does decide to work here.

"I..." Namjoon seems frozen, unsure of what to say before he turns to me, eyes begging for guidance. I smile and rub his arm up and down. "If that's something you want, cub, I don't mind driving you here when you have work" I tell him, watch as interest flashes across his eyes.

"I guess I should introduce myself first, maybe that would help. My name is Jinjin, I'm this shop's owner, I normally work alone but I've been getting more customers nowadays, which is why I'm looking for some help. I didn't want to put up an ad because I wanted to recruit someone by myself, you so happen to be exactly what I had in mind, you look like a real softie and you have an eye for flowers. What do you think?" he says and offers a handshake to Namjoon who responds to it with a bashful face.

"I... I'm Namjoon, it's a pleasure to meet you" he says before shooting me one more look, as if to confirm that I really am okay with this but when he sees my face, all the hesitation flees from his posture and he turns back to Jinjin.

"I would love working here, if you would have me".

Did I just give Namjoon a job? I guess I did.

I'm sure some of you are a little disappointed about the kiss not happening yet but I wanted to show this situation of respect first, that it's okay to not be ready and that it's important to be respected for that. That's something I didn't get in my last relationship and it was important for me to approach that.

As always, I love you all lovelies!

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