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"Man, that food is really good" Jungkook chirps as he takes another huge bite of his burger, ears twitching happily on top of his head.

"Take your time bunny, you'll choke otherwise" Namjoon warns him as he too takes another bite of his meal, a delicious looking salad.

After getting in the restaurant, we were welcomed warmly by a cat hybrid who took us to a table by the window and we were given menus along with fresh water. I was honestly surprised by how homey this place feels like and I can already tell that it's going to become a favorite of Jungkook and Namjoon just from seeing how at ease they feel here.

The koala turns to me when he notices I'm not eating anything, concern in his eyes. "Are you okay? Is it not good?" he asks, his words getting Jungkook's attention, his mouth stopping mid chewing to stare at me with his doe eyes.

I smile at them both and shake my head. "I'm enjoying looking at you two eat. Don't worry, I'm eating too" I tell them, watch a light pink coat their cheeks before they nod and resume eating more shyly.

I take another bite of my sandwich with a chuckle and look outside. It feels weird to be eating at a restaurant and enjoy myself at the same time. Ever since meeting these two, I've been allowed so much happiness.

I have so much to thank them for, but more than words, the best way I can show them that is by getting proper help so I don't have to depend on them so much all the time. Yoongi's message was a good wake-up call that I needed to get moving.

It's crazy how much different my life is now from since the divorce. I would never have believed anyone telling me that my life would look like it does now. I smile to myself and look at them both when they start a small conversation about the place.

"Almost every workers here seem to be hybrids" Jungkook muses aloud, something that makes me look around us. He's right, there are some humans, but most are hybrids, which I like. That makes this place a safer space for them. The sincere smiles on their faces show us just how happy they are working here.

"We should come back with the others some other time. Taehyung and Jin would surely love this place too" I say, watch as they beam at my words because that means coming back.

"Definitely, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin would love being here too" Namjoon adds with his beautiful dimple smile.

I hum. Tomorrow we're supposed to meet up at Yoongi and Jin's job but we have all our life in front of us to visit and spend time together. We can try every single restaurants that exist here if we want to.

Once done eating, we make our way out and back home, Namjoon's hand holding mine throughout the whole ride, something that gives me a sense of comfort, but I'm so tired I could fall asleep anytime so I have to focus more than usual until I park into the driveway, my body relaxing only when the engine is turned off.

We head inside the house after I grab the mail and I go to sit on a chair at the dining table while the others go hang out in the living room, Jungkook getting ready to do some painting while Namjoon chooses a book to relax.

I sigh and open the mail, receipts of things I need to pay, the usual. Nothing really fun but sadly, I can't avoid them. I'm going to have to take care of those first, then I'm going to sleep. I just feel so exhausted, everything that happened catching up to me now.

I grab my phone and look into my accounts to make sure everything proceeds smoothly and once that done, I shut my phone, put everything aside and stand up to stretch my weary body.

With a yawn, I make my way towards the bathroom and stop just briefly to inform the two males. "I'm going for a shower, do you need to use the bathroom now?" I ask, watch as they both shake their head before turning back to their occupation.

I hum and grab a towel on the way before locking myself into the bathroom and turn on the shower head to start adjusting the temperature. When it's at a satisfying heat, I get undressed and get inside to just let myself get soaked, fingers going to massage my tensed muscles.

It's early afternoon and I could probably wake up only tomorrow morning. I groan to myself, feeling a little miserable due to my exhaustion and knowing full well that a good nap is going to take care of that.

When I wake up later, I could look around for a place where dancing lessons are available. I don't know if Namjoon would want to participate with us so I'm going to have to ask him, but something tells me he's not that much into dancing.

Depending on his answer, I could try to make Jungkook and I have the lessons when Namjoon is working so he doesn't have to wait after us or end up being alone at home, unless that's something he wants.

I'm not against giving either of them alone time if that's something they need but I've barely seen them use their room so I don't think they really need it all that much.

It's not like there's always a party happening here either. It's relatively calm.

When Jungkook isn't running all over the place or giving us a private concert. We love those though, our bunny is a wonderful singer.

Yeah, spending some energy would do our bunny some good. He hasn't really been going outside since we've been here and that makes me wonder if it's because he doesn't feel safe here. He doesn't really know the surroundings after all.

That's one more thing I'm going to have to take care of. I know of some streets around here to avoid because I heard on the news that some residents are often heard screaming at hybrids, but other than that, it's pretty safe, Jin told me he often likes to walk around late at night and he doesn't feel in danger.

I keep thinking about random things while cleaning myself until I make it out of the shower. Body wrapped in my towel, I make my way to my bedroom where I get dressed into comfy clothes and then plop down in bed, sleep swallowing me whole instantly.

Jungkook's POV

I look towards the corridor, expecting her to walk out anytime now but after a few minutes, I start wondering what she's doing.

She did seem tired when we came back, could she be sleeping? I look at my painting all dejected. I really wanted to show her what I've done so far...

"What's wrong, bunny?" Namjoon asks me and I turn my head to see him gazing at me from above his book. I shake my head.

"Nothing wrong, Joonie. I just wanted to show Y/N my painting but she's not coming out of her bedroom" I tell him, watch as his eyes fall on the corridor, his ears perking up to try and hear anything but there's only so much we can hear through walls.

I notice curiosity flashing through his eyes and he settles his book down before standing up from the couch. "Do you think she's sleeping?" he asks with a hopeful voice, that possibility also filled with a promise of cuddles.

That's a thought that has me standing up as well to waddle over to her room in excitement, my mate not far behind me and we slowly open her door.

As soon as my eyes see her, I slap a hand over my mouth to avoid bursting into laughter and Namjoon turns around and runs towards the living room where he lets out a loud laugh, a short outburst that just had to come out.

There she is, on her knees on the fluffy rug, the only thing currently on the bed the hands gripping onto her blanket. You cannot tell me she fell asleep like that, it's impossible.

Namjoon comes back and I hear him inhale slowly to remain calm as he gets to her to gently scoop her up into his arms to lie her down properly in the middle of the bed. "That looked so uncomfortable" he murmurs as he covers her with the blanket and I make my way to the bed too.

"She must have been exhausted. It feels like everything's been happening all at once. The trauma, the calls, the stress, how she tried to force herself to take care of us yesterday too, she needs a break" I tell him quietly to avoid waking her up.

He loses his smile and nods, a hand going to caress her face tenderly before he climbs on the bed next to her. I make my way to the other side and do the same, head propped on the pillow and arm snaking over her belly to feel her close.

"She's so small and vulnerable like this" he murmurs, eyes filled with adoration for her as he keeps caressing her cheek like she's the most beautiful treasure in the world. "She is" I muse softly, my heart warm and content to see the both of them like this, to have them near me, their scents making me feel at home, where I was always meant to be.

We remain silent for a while, just gazing at her, observing her breathing, the soft sounds leaving her mouth when she tries to move, the way her lips pout before releasing soft exhales, a sight that makes me want to kiss her so much, a wish reflected on Namjoon's face as well.

"Do you think if we both work, we could try to convince her to move out of this house? To get a place that would be ours without all these memories following behind her whenever she looks around?" I ask suddenly and Namjoon looks up at me in interest.

"I've thought about this for a while too. I know she's not comfortable using the money she got from him and I don't want her to have to rely on that all her life. I wish we could bring in enough money that she wouldn't need his anymore" he replies, his words hitting home.

I know that to her, it's like a shackle around the ankle that still links her to him. I want to give her a life in which she doesn't need to think about that man anymore. I want her to think about us and only us from the moment she wakes up in the morning to when she goes to sleep.

I want her home to be a safe place, both mentally and physically. Is that asking for too much? Would she let us? I don't care how hard we would have to work, I just want her to be happy and free.

Namjoon bends over her to kiss her forehead then mine before laying back down, his arm gathering us both in his hold and I close my eyes, a smile on my lips.

We could be homeless that I would still be the happiest, as long as I have them.


Wednesday evening arrives quickly and we all get in the car to join the others at Yoongi and Jin's workplace.

We were all really excited when Yoongi told us yesterday that they were going to close the shop so we would have the place to ourselves after telling us that Jimin would be there with us.

Namjoon and I debated over whether this act was to woo Jimin, Yoongi and Jin clearly showing interest in the man and even Y/N said that she had noticed the way Yoongi and the alpaca stare at our friend ever since they met for the first time.

It makes me excited for whatever is waiting for us in the future, my friends all close and comfortable with each other, a family that I would never abandon. It's so important to the three of us, a group filled with love and respect. That's very hard to find nowadays and I cherish them all a lot.

"We're going to get Hoseok and Taehyung at their place, I offered to give them a ride since we live nearby" Y/N tells us once we start driving away from home and I nod with excitement, always happy to see them both.

It feels weird, going from seeing some faces every day to almost never and it's a welcomed addition to this night. I'm glad I sat at the back, I can have Taehyung in the middle next to me. I love spending time with the tiger, he's always so fun.

Y/N is effectively not lying when she says that they don't live too far because it takes no time at all until we stop in front of a house and the time it takes for Hoseok and Taehyung to get out of said house and get inside the car is even shorter.

"Hey guys!" Taehyung chirps as he opens the back door and steps inside, Hoseok following close behind. "Hey you three, this is a very nice car, Y/N, when did you get it?" Hoseok asks as he takes a seat by the door, hands securing Taehyung's seat belt before taking care of his own.

I smile at the tiger while the two humans start having a conversation together and Namjoon turns on his seat to be part of ours.

"So, did you manage to get most assignments out of the way?" Namjoon asks him, to which Taehyung's shoulders slump a little.

"Not really, they're pretty intense nowadays but I didn't want to miss the outing today so I'm just going to work harder tonight and tomorrow" he says, his boxy smile coming back at the thought of the fun we're going to have tonight.

"I'm sure you're going to be fine, Hoseok always says that you're the best in your class, you'll ace everything easy-peasy" I tell him and his ears perk up at that, delight flashing across his face.

"He really says that?" he asks, sparkles in his eyes. I grin and nod, even Namjoon humming to confirm my words. "He's always proud of you, praises you whenever he has the chance".

Taehyung throws his arms around Hoseok with a happy cry and I giggle at the sight. Hoseok doesn't even seem taken aback by the surprise attack and instead pats his hybrid's head with a smile on his lips.

It's in a happy mood that we reach the coffee shop where a single car is parked in the parking lot. I guess Jimin hasn't arrived yet. We're a little early after all, it's fine.

We jump out of the car and make our way to the front door only to see Jimin unlocking it for us with a wide smile.

"You're already here?" I ask him in surprise as he takes me in for a hug first.

"I went to fetch him at the center earlier" Jin explains as he comes by to join us with Yoongi, their hands motioning for us to get inside so they can lock the door again. Namjoon pulls Y/N with him inside and we all step aside so Jimin can lock the door again.

"How was the ride? Not too bad?" Yoongi asks as he directs us to a sweet area where a few tables are connected to allow us to be comfortable. My eyes take in the shop's decoration, something modern, but still warm. It looks beautiful.

Y/N shakes her head with a smile before going to hug him. "It was fine, there was the beginning of dense traffic but we got out just in time" she tells him with a chuckle when the alpaca makes her spin in the air with a happy grin next.

"Stop trying to steal my mate" I mumble before going to get her from his arms with a pout. "Aww, bunny you know I'm not going anywhere" she coos, hands going to rub my ears with a smile, eyes creasing beautifully.

"You're not going anywhere, you're right" I muse back, my arms tightly secured around her to keep her there. She doesn't understand right away what I meant, but when she tries to move away only to realize that I'm not letting go, her eyes widen almost comically at me before I burst into laughter.

"You said you're not going anywhere. That means you have to stay right here" I tell her, watch the blush spread on her cheeks before she hides from sight under the other's cooing.

"I'm hiding you, don't worry" I murmur and she whines softly. "I'm hiding because of you!" she whisper-shouts cutely and I shrug lightly, not an ounce of guilt within me. Namjoon shakes his head at me but the smile he tries to hide fools no one.

"Okay okay, how about I go to the kitchen to finish food so we can all eat soon?" Jin offers and we all nod eagerly, hunger stalking us nearby and about to let itself be known loudly.

"I'm coming with you! Save me Jinnie!" Y/N pleads and I gape at her as he helps her flee my arms to run to the kitchen, a wink sent my way before she disappears with him. Yoongi pats my shoulder with a chuckle.

"You see her all the time, you'll survive" he says with a playful smile and I huff even though I take no offense to his words. He is right. Still, I can't believe she just fled my hold like that!

"I thought you loved me!" I scream towards the kitchen, hear a small "I love you!" shouted back that has me sitting in satisfaction with a chuckle.

"Aww, look at these lovebirds, even Namjoon seems head over heels in love" Hoseok coos with an endeared smile, one that has our cheeks heating up.

Taehyung beams at us. "Things seem to be going really well for you three" he says and Namjoon and I nod with a hum, mind filled with what we talked about during the night after that small conversation we had before napping.

"They are, but they could be better. Joonie and I are trying to come up with a plan to make enough money to take Y/N out of that home. We want to be able to take care of everything without her having to rely on that man's money anymore. Joonie was recruited for a job so now I need to find one too" I explain, watch as their eyes widen in shock.

"What? Does she know?" Jimin asks us and we shake our head. "She doesn't, please don't tell her, we know that she wouldn't agree, something about it not being our responsibility" I tell him, watch as he nods, eyes filling with pride.

"You two are really blooming into responsible mates, hm? I'm so glad I took her to you two, you've all been helping each other so much" the man muses, clearly satisfied with what he's seeing.

Hoseok nods at his words, a pleased smile on his face. "What job did you get, Namjoon-ah?". My koala perks up and grins shyly.

"A florist recruited me yesterday morning. We're supposed to meet him in two days to talk about it in details, I'm really excited about it" he says, happy dimples showing off on his cheeks.

"That suits you so well! You love plants and flowers!" Taehyung exclaims as if he was the one recruited. His ability to feel so much excitement whenever something good happens to us always serves to remind me of just how lucky we are to have him as our friend.

"What about you? Is there something in particular you're looking for as a job?" Yoongi asks me and I shrug a little, unsure. "I honestly don't really mind, I feel like I could do anything and I would still be happy" I tell him and he nods with a hum, tongue going to lick his lips as he thinks about something.

"Then do you want to work here? Jin and I have been thinking about getting someone to help us but we didn't want to hurry because we want someone we can trust. We weren't sure if you two were interested in working just yet so we wanted to wait before asking one of you" he says and my eyes widen, tail wagging quickly behind me.

"Really?! You would let me work for you?!" I ask, wide smile stretching across my face. He chuckles at the sight. "Of course, I have no doubt we wouldn't regret it".

I turn to Namjoon to see him smiling at me with a nod, looking pleased for me, eyes creased and content.

I nod quickly at Yoongi, suddenly filled with the need to run around, this is too awesome! "I want to! Please let me work here!" I almost scream and he gives me a gummy smile. "Good, we'll talk about it with Y/N later then".

"Now go run a bit, Jungkook-ah, you look like you're about to burst" Jimin chuckles and I don't let him tell me twice, body jumping onto my feet to start speed-running around the spacious room under the others' laughter.

I got a job too!

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