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Jin and I come back with food that we settle in the middle of the table and my eyes can't not notice the overexcited state in which I find Jungkook.

I quirk an eyebrow at Namjoon who points at Yoongi. I meet eyes with the latter and he chuckles at the expression on my face.

"Take a seat first and we'll explain" he says, seeing in my gaze that I need to understand what is happening. Something is making my bunny happy and I want to be able to be happy for him as well, the joy in everyone's eyes clear as day.

"You too, handsome, this concerns us both" the man adds to which Jin tilts his head in confusion. We share a look and finish bringing the different plates before taking a seat around the table, my body finding a place between my two hybrids, as usual.

With Jin next to Yoongi and Jimin, I end up with Hoseok in front of me, Taehyung next to him and in front of Namjoon, the table now complete, a sight that makes me happy.

Never would I have thought possible to see such a view more than once with friends of mine. More than friends, I want to call them family.

I wonder if they feel the same, if I'm just overexcited to have people besides me again, maybe this is clouding my judgement and we're not as close as I believe, but when I look at them, when I see the smiles they give me, I somehow know that I'm not mistaken.

We really are becoming one big family.

"So, you want to tell her yourself?" Yoongi asks to Jungkook after whispering something in the alpaca's ear, the latter's eyes lighting up with delight and making me even more curious.

I turn my head to my bunny to see him almost jumping on his seat before he turns to me, eyes sparkling and proud. Just the sight of his happiness makes my heart swell with joy for him and I know that no matter what leaves his mouth from there, I will be happy for him and I will do my best to encourage him, to support him.

"I got a job! I'm going to work with Yoongi and Jin hyungs!" he explains and my eyes widen, clearly not having seen that coming. I let my eyes fall on the two concerned and they nod at me.

"He said he wanted a job too after talking about Namjoon being recruited and I offered him to work with us. Jin and I had talked a few times about asking Jungkook and Namjoon so we took the opportunity and asked him. What do you think? We would bring him with us in the morning and bring him back at the end of his shift. It wouldn't be everyday, he'd have his weekends off and if he wants days off work sometimes, then he just needs to tell us beforehand" Yoongi explains with a soft smile, his gaze telling me he really is interested in having him work for them and Jin's gaze holds the same feelings, which reassures me.

I turn to Jungkook to see his wide eyes on me. "Can I, noona? Please?" he asks and I smile at him before lifting a hand to one ear where I massage from the base to the tip softly, his light purrs reaching my ears as he leans into the touch.

"Of course you can, my bunny. I'm very happy for you, I know Yoongi and Jin will guide you well, but you have to do your best okay? No taking it easy just because they're friends" I tell him and he nods quickly, face beaming at me.

"Of course! I'll make sure they don't regret it" he chirps back and we all chuckle before Jin directs our attention on the food.

"I didn't cook all this to be table decoration, let's dig in!" he claims and we don't let him tell us twice, the delicious smell of food making my stomach beg for a taste of everything.

As I put food on my two hybrids' plates before filling mine, I let my eyes wander discreetly to Jimin, his cheeks a pretty pink as his plate gets stolen by Jin and Yoongi, the two of them making sure the younger man gets only the prettiest pieces, a delicate attention that has me chuckling to myself.

There's something going on here and I will so ask them soon. Where they could easily see that Jungkook and Namjoon are my mates, I can also see that something alike is happening with them and it makes me excited for what's to come.

Did Jin's eyes light up when he saw Jimin the first time? I don't know, I wasn't looking at him, but it's possible, isn't it? Does Jimin know? If he saw, he would understand right away but if he didn't, does he even know what's going on right now?

I wonder how it would work for Yoongi, he's not a hybrid but if he's Jin's mate and Jin has another human mate, does it make the two humans mates as well? I can see the warmth in his dark eyes when he stares at Jimin so part of me thinks it would make sense while the other simply doesn't know.

Mate bonds aren't easy to understand to me, I just know that I love my two hybrids very dearly, mates or not.

The meal proceeds naturally, conversations flowing from their mouths and entertaining our minds as we laugh together, a comfortable atmosphere circling around us and making this moment one to remember.

To have my two hybrids excited for what the future has in store for them makes me just as pleased as it does the opposite. Am I going to spend my days alone now? If Jungkook works all week, Namjoon's schedule still to be talked about, what do I do?

I've been so used to having them by my side all the time that ending up by myself again makes me scared, but I know that I can't depend on them all the time. It was meant to happen some day, I can't keep them locked at home all the time.

Seeing them both smiling brightly as they talk about what awaits them makes me want to have the same attitude about the future. I want to look forward and get moving again, to get out of my dead patch of grass. There's so much green around me, flowers spreading in the distance. If I can just start moving again, I could reach that beauty that waits for me, patient and tender.

I will search for dance classes I can take by myself, I will get my passion back in my life and do what I've always wanted to do before losing my dreams. I think I owe that much to myself. I used to be filled with hope, I used to be excited about the future too and I miss that part of myself.

I meet eyes with Hoseok and smile at him, just now noticing that he's been staring at me for a while. His orbs are soft and warm as he smiles back, as if he has an idea of what just went through my mind.

Did I make my thought process that obvious? I sheepishly rub the back of my neck, which gains me Namjoon's attention, his eyes falling on me and silently asking for my wellbeing. I slide my palm against his in response and let his hand close around mine, his big hand so warm and kind.

Fingers slide between my other hand's and I turn my head to see Jungkook laughing at what Taehyung says, his attention on the tiger but I can see the pleased glint in his eyes when I squeeze back and I sigh in contentment, nowhere else I would rather be at the moment.


With Jungkook starting work the next morning, his giggles filling the house and waking me up early in the morning, it gave place to a relaxing day for Namjoon and I, the two of us reading books together, snuggled on the couch.

When he'd come back at the end of the day, our eyes had fallen on an exhausted but proud bunny and we'd invited him in our arms for a cuddle pile where he fell asleep almost instantly. It was adorable and I couldn't help but gush over his cute face as it was squished against Namjoon's chest.

The next day was for Namjoon's meeting with his future boss and I have to say, it went really well. Namjoon will start on Monday and he will work a schedule closer to full time rather than part time. From Monday to Friday, he's going to start at ten and finish at five, something that made him really happy.

The pay was also very good, which surprised me but a look at Jinjin told me that it meant the world to him to be able to offer good work conditions to a hybrid and it only made me feel safer about my koala working there.

We're now Saturday and I'm heading to my first real appointment with my new psychologist, something I'm really nervous about, but it has to be done.

Jungkook and Namjoon asked to come with me and even when I told them that they wouldn't be able to enter inside the room with me, I simply don't want them to hear everything, they don't need to live with that weight, I couldn't refuse them when they insisted saying that they want to be there for me after and that they didn't mind waiting for me.

It warmed my heart to see how much they care about me and I would indeed do well with some cuddles after my appointment before getting back on the road. These sessions always bring back emotions that I don't enjoy.

As we wait in the waiting room, I can hardly hide my stress as I rub my hands on my clothes to get rid of the sweat, my face on the pale side.

"Noona... you're going to be fine, we'll be only a door away from being by your side" Jungkook murmurs and I give him a thankful smile. "Thank you, I'm just nervous, I'm always like that before my sessions, don't worry too much" I tell them both as their eyes observe me with worry.

"Y/N?" I hear a familiar voice call me and when I look up, it's to see a man staring at me with a gentle smile. I ruffle my hybrids' hair softly and stand up to walk to the man waiting for me.

He offers me a hand for a handshake and smiles when I shake it, clearly taking note of how cold my fingers are, the way they're slightly shaking. "We talked on the phone, I'm Myung-jun but as I said, you can call me MJ, everyone does. Are you ready for our first session? Do you want to be accompanied?" he asks and I shake my head at his last question.

"They will wait here, I'm ready" I tell him and he hums, a comforting smile send to my two hybrids before leading me to a room at the far end of the corridor. We enter a warm and comfortable looking room, flowers decorating surfaces, a warm blanket on the side of the couch with colourful and soft pillows thrown around to make everything a safe space.

MJ stops me from going further in and points at a little bench by the door with slippers underneath. As I head to it to remove my shoes, MJ does the same from a standing position.

"My goal here is to make everyone comfortable when they come in. You're here to share sensitive information with me and I know how hard it can be so we're going to take it easy, okay? We'll go gradually, I usually like to start from the beginning, it makes everything easier. Now, I know you already went through such a process with your previous psychologist, I know a bit of the story, but I think it would be good to still go from the very first day again so we can analyze everything together little by little, is that alright with you?" he says as he then leads me to the couch with all the soothing materials while he takes a seat on the other couch in front, one that doesn't have quite as many pillows, but just enough to not make me feel like an endangered kitten.

I nod at him, ready to trust his process and knowing that I need to do this to get better.

Namjoon's POV

Jungkook and I stare at the corridor from where she disappeared, anxious to see her again already and it's barely been five minutes.

Her scent barely reaches our nose and it makes us uneasy, but we know it's normal, we saw hybrids walk out earlier when we came in, they seemed a little dazed, which lets us know they came here because of trauma, so if they also accept hybrid as patients, they must filter the air so it doesn't become overwhelming for us.

But right now, I wish they didn't. I need to keep track of her scent, the best way we can know how she feels when we can't see her.

The receptionist suddenly walks to us with cups of warm hot chocolate and she sets them in front of us with a soft smile. "I'm sure you're worried about her but don't worry, MJ knows what he's doing and he takes care of those that come here to see him. He's the best when it comes to what he does" she assures us and we nod at her, thankful for the drink.

"It's just hard to not worry for our mate but we're trying our best to be calm for her" Jungkook admits and her eyes widen.

"She's your mate? You must be anxious to smell her scent then, I'm sure it's not going to be easy but even if her scent fluctuates, please trust the process. She needs this" she says, words that make me uneasy but we nod again, knowing that there's not much else we can do except be patient and wait.

She leaves back to her desk when the phone rings and I bend forward to grab one of the cups to give it to Jungkook, his hands nervously going to grab it to warm himself before he sips the hot liquid. I grab mine too and let its warmth try to calm me down.

Y/N did warn us that it would take around two hours, but as the receptionist said, her scent keeps going up and down and the first hour feels like a nightmare, our instincts begging us to get to her and soothe her, something that hurts so much from not being able to because we don't want to get in the way.

Jungkook's hands find mine and at some point, I have to hug him tight, both to calm him down and myself, the urge to just get there and break the door to take her away from here getting really strong.

The second hour seems to be calmer as we notice her scent softening, a stability to it that lets us know that the worst seems to be over, for now. Where we expect it to drop again, it only gets stronger though and the relief is indescribable.

It gives us enough time to compose ourselves again by the time Y/N leaves the room where she was and when she appears from the corridor, Jungkook and I quickly jump to our feet to take her in our embrace, her red eyes letting us know she cried quite a lot.

She hugs us back and sighs, her body melting against ours. "I'm fine, I'm fine" she murmurs for our sake and if her scent wasn't confirming her claim, I wouldn't believe her from how shaky her body is.

I kiss the top of her head before allowing her to turn back to the psychologist who gazes at us with kind eyes before falling on her.

"It would be good for you to come at least once every two weeks so we keep this progress going, it was a really good session for a first time, make sure to rest for the remainder of the day, have something sweet to eat and take it easy, okay?" he says and when she nods, we all bow to him before taking her to the exit where the fresh outside air will do us three the greatest good.

When the door closes behind us, we walk down the stairs before she stops us to sit down, clearly needing a little break. We sit besides her, our arms wrapped around her while she takes some time to simply breathe.

She rests her head against my shoulder after a moment and closes her eyes but before I can worry aloud, she smiles.

"MJ made me relive the beginning and I fell a bit too deep a few times but he handled everything really well. The first hour was tough because it was about me getting it all out, not details left behind, but the second hour was about deconstructing and rebuilding, to go from 'I wasn't good enough' to 'I did my best'. I'm somehow believing these words now more than ever, I don't know if it's because the timing was good or if it's because I'm more open to receiving help now but I feel amazing right now" she muses and I feel the tension leave my body at her words, notice the way Jungkook breathes out in relief too before nuzzling her neck with his nose.

"That's good, that's very good" I say as I allow relief to win over the worry. I let my cheek rest on her head and we remain like that for a good while before she tries to stand up with a giggle when we don't budge an inch.

"Come on my two lovelies, I want ice cream" she chuckles, words that have Jungkook perking up instantly.

I huff softly and release her from my hold before standing up after her and we all walk to the car with a smile on our lips.

Seeing her reaction right now, how light her feet are as she walks, it makes me really hopeful for the present. We can do this.

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