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"Oh, hey Y/N, here I was wondering if you were maybe lost. I see Jungkook and Namjoon tried to keep you to themselves" Jimin says as he walks by our spot under the tree.

The two hybrids blush at his words. "We weren't... okay I guess we were trying to keep her to ourselves..." Jungkook eventually relents and I bite my cheek to avoid smiling like an idiot. Why is he so cute? I turn to Jimin with a small nod. "I'm sorry for not letting you know of my presence, Jimin, it all happened rather quickly".

He shakes his head with a smile. "I invited you here to spend some time with the boys and that's exactly what you've been doing, who am I to complain? If you want anything to drink, we brought a cooler full of refreshments, don't hesitate to help yourself!" he says before waving goodbye.

"I see we've been pretty negligent on that matter... it's a hot day and we didn't even think about offering you something" Namjoon mumbles before standing up quickly.

A little too quickly, as his foot gets stuck in one of the tree's roots and he comes falling down. His body hits the ground rather loudly with a humph. I gasp and hurry to my feet with Jungkook to help a sheepish koala get back up on his feet.

"Are you okay, Namjoon?! That must have hurt" I ask with worried eyes but he only smiles and shakes his head. "This is nothing, my body is resistant" he replies softly, cheeks pinkish as he gazes at my hands on his arms.

Jungkook comes to stand by him and sighs. "You're so clumsy, Joonie, I told you to be careful when you get up from under the tree, you always trip on the same roots". Namjoon snaps his head to the bunny, cheeks getting darker. "You didn't need to say that out loud" the poor guy whines quietly, maybe hoping I would turn a deaf ear to his torment. I smile to myself and look towards a bigger group of mixed hybrids and humans where I see the cooler on a table.

I sure didn't expect so many people to surround it... I meet eyes with Hoseok and he excitedly waves me over, Taehyung by his side soon joining into the cult dance that is supposed to summon me at their sides.

I huff a small laugh and turn to Jungkook and Namjoon to make sure they're ready to follow to find them already staring at me. "Should we join the others a little? We can come back here after that" I say, hoping they would agree to stay by my side and then maybe force us into going back to the tree to save me from interacting too much.

I don't know if they get my silent message through my eyes, but they each flank my sides as we walk towards the group. The closer we get, the louder they are and the more nervous I become, but I try to not show it. I figure my heart will soon fail me though, that might be easily heard for some of the hybrids. 

"Y/N! It's good to see you, Tae was just telling me about your meeting and little adventure, I'm sorry he caused you problems, his senses of directions are... something I'm still trying to work on" Hoseok says as soon as we reach him and I turn to Taehyung to see him grinning widely. "It's fine, I can't say I didn't enjoy walking with him" I respond and watch as both of them smile even wider at my words.

Namjoon leads me to the cooler and opens it to reveal many different drinks. "Which one do you want?" he asks as Jungkook also takes a look inside. "Hum... ah, there's apple juice" I mumble when I see it at the bottom. I'm about to dip my hand into the ice when the bunny beats me to it, his hands dashing forward to take hold of the cold drink.

He then proudly hands it to me, his ears bouncing as if waiting to be complimented with his wide doe eyes staring at me with so much cuteness. A bubbling feeling fills me from the inside and I let a giggle slip out of my lips, the sound surprising myself as much as it surprises the guys around me, Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung included.

"Did I make you giggle?!" Jungkook exclaims with a wide smile as he jumps in place. I can even imagine his little tail wagging from behind him as his ears bounce up and down. I blush and look down at my feet. This is so embarrassing.

Something cold touches my neck and slides down my back, causing me to yelp before stepping away right into Namjoon's body. He holds me in place and laughs with Jungkook when I realize the bunny put an ice cube in my shirt.

A freaking ice cube!

Feeling the need to get my revenge, this cannot go unpunished, thirst forgotten, I quickly make my way to the cooler and grab a handful of the ice, not caring if it hurts from how cold they are. Wide eyes surround me before everyone steps away, but my attention is on the amused bunny in front of me.

"You won't get away with this, little bunny" I threaten him, but his smile only widens in happiness before he sprints away. "Yah!" I scream before dashing after him. I throw an ice cube his way but he avoids it last minute with a loud giggle. "You can't catch me!" he says before turning around to run backwards as he gives me a smug look.

"Oh just you wait" I mumble before trying to run faster. I reach his sides and manage to slip two ice cubes in his shirt before he hurries away with a scream. I laugh, enjoying my win before taking notice of the three remaining cubes in my other hand as they slowly melt.

Grinning to myself, I look around to find him, but he's nowhere to be seen. My smile falls. Where is he? I turn in place, looking everywhere, noticing that we got quite far from the group when suddenly, a hand grabs my hand before something cold touches my neck again and to the back of my neck.

"Oh crap this is cold!" I shout in surprise, back arching as I shake my body to get rid of it. I then turn to the side to find Jungkook getting the two last ice cubes in his chubby cheeks with creased eyes. I stare at my hand to find it empty. I gape, feeling betrayed.

"You stole my ice" I whisper, eyes sad as I stare into his. His jaw drops open, ice cubes falling to the ground before he can stop them. He looks down then up to me again with guilt in his eyes. "Sorry noona, I-"

Before he can finish his sentence, I burst into laughter, something liberating as I let it all out. This was the most fun I had in a long time. As I try to stop laughing, I eventually have to take hold of his arm to keep my balance, legs starting to become wobbly from all the intense running as my rush dies down.

Namjoon joins us with my bottle of apple juice and water for Jungkook, a delighted smile on his face. "You're fast, Y/N, not many can catch him like you did" he says as he hands me my bottle and I smile proudly after letting go of the arm.

Jungkook gasps. "I gave her a chance! If I didn't run backward, I would be as fast as light! If I really did my best, she would never have reached me!" he counters but we only smile at his comment. I mean, he's right.

I open the bottle and gulp it down, sighing loudly in relief when I feel the cold feeling freshen my body.

Jimin's POV

"Did you see what I saw?" I ask Hoseok, feeling happiness burst within me at the sight. He nods, a hearty smile of his own gracing his face. "I sure did". "Who knew all it took was a little bit of our cute bunny to have her laughing and expressing herself, finally" I say, eyes following them as they slowly sit down at a bench not far from where they stood.

I notice Taehyung turn to us in confusion. "Did something happen to her? I've seen her twice, and both times, she seemed very sad". I sigh and pat his shoulder. "I can't go into details, Tae, but her life hasn't been easy. To see her smile freely like that, it's exactly what I wished would happen as she gets to know Jungkook and Namjoon".

Taehyung turns to stare at them too. "They seem attached to her already, did they talk about accepting her as their owner yet?" he asks and I shake my head. "Not yet, I don't think they intend to refuse her, they probably just want to make sure they don't hurry the process. Until she's ready. That's just what I think, I'll wait until they tell me themselves" I respond before hearing hums of approval from my two friends. 

"I hope she can reach that happy place within herself, one day. That place where she'll fee free to be herself at all time, break out of that shell she's wrapped herself into" I whisper, watch as her smile slowly fades, a more neutral expression taking over as they come back to us.

I watch her eyes look over the group, her posture shrinking just enough for some of us to notice. I look around too, take note of the amount of hybrids laughing and talking together, some humans I don't know participating as well.

I meet eyes with Namjoon, his own seeming to understand the problem before he gently takes her to a more quiet space, back to their tree with the blanket and cushions. They insisted so much to bring them to make the place more comfortable, more cozy. If I had refused, I think Jungkook would have started crying, I couldn't possibly let that happen.

Her posture relaxes again as she sits down, accepting the book Namjoon hands her from a pile hidden behind a cushion. I smile and turn my attention to Hoseok. "We'll start getting ready to get back to the center soon, ask the others to pack their stuff, I'll hand the center's contact information to those interested in having a look, I can already notice some bonds forming" I tell him, watch his satisfied hum from noticing the same thing before he gathers the nearby hybrids to help him gather everything.

So I walk to every possible future owner that still hangs around the place and offer them my card, offering them to call anytime if they have any questions and would be interested in adopting a hybrid. 

Once the park starts emptying, I regretfully make my way towards the trio who seems in conversation about something that has Namjoon explaining something in details, if the look in Y/N's eyes is anything to go by, wide and focused, head slightly tilted to her right as she makes sure she hears every single words he says. Jungkook seems content, listening and gazing at them with satisfied eyes.

Once in front of the group, they stop talking and look up at me, sad eyes taking over as they take in the now quiet park. "It's time to leave, boys. Y/N, you're welcome to walk with us to the center, it's on the way anyway, right?" I say, wait until she nods to offer a smile and a hand to help her up.

She doesn't have time to reach out though, Namjoon and Jungkook both taking an arm to lift her up and then flank her sides protectively, as if I'm a sudden threat. I shrug it off for now, but I know I'm going to have a conversation with those two. Their behavior lets me believe they're not just interested in her because she's nice.

And that possibility makes me excited, because for her, it would mean she'd never end up alone ever again, that she'd be cared for and loved. For them, it would mean that she'd give them her everything, unconsciously, not because she has to, but because she loves them that much.

I can only hope I'm not wrong, because that's something I want to see for the three of them, they all deserve it. They each got through some awful stuff after all. Motioning for them to start walking, I stand a little behind the group to see how they act with each other. Y/N seems at ease, posture showing how she feels safe. The two hybrids can't help but look at her, small soft gazes before they meet eyes, as if confirming that they'd do anything to protect her.

I smile to myself and raise an eyebrow when Jungkook turns to shoot me a curious glance. "Why are you walking behind, Jimin-hyung? Walk with us" he says, a nod from the two others making me sprint a little forward to stand by Namjoon.

"Thank you for inviting me, Jimin, I really enjoyed it" Y/N says suddenly with a warm smile that stuns me momentarily. Such a beautiful smile she has when she's not prey to darkness. I smile and nod. "It was a pleasure, Y/N, a pleasure".

I hope I'm not making this too weird or anything 😂 Writing hybrid stories is really fun so you can expect more from me in the future! Not now though, I have too many ongoing stories already lmao.

Love you all!

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