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We stop in front of the center, everyone else already inside except for the two hybrids, Jimin and myself. Jimin smiles, saying something about dinner being prepared early today, then asking them to take a shower before meeting with the others. He waves me goodbye and walks inside, closing the door behind him to leave us alone.

I look down at my feet, not really knowing what to do with myself. "I... I'm sorry for not contacting you guys this week, I'll be sure to come more often from now on" I whisper before looking up to meet their eyes, satisfied and pleased.

"It's fine, Y/N. Although we don't know your circumstances fully, Jungkook and I know that it wasn't on purpose. Still, I really hope to see you more often, I want to see you smile and hear your laughter more often" Namjoon says, deep dimples giving him such a cute smile as he smiles widely and I blush a little with a small nod.

"I enjoyed playing with you, let's do this again another time" Jungkook adds and I turn to him, despair in my eyes. "Not the ice again, please" I plead, watch him grin, nose scrunching up and eyes creasing. "I can't promise that" he counters, giggles at the pout on my face.

Taehyung suddenly walks out of the building, eyes falling on me right away, his boxy smile coming in full force. "You're still here! Food is starting to smell good, guys, you should head in soon, I'll walk with Y/N, I think our paths will be the same for a while" the tiger says with wide innocent eyes. Jungkook and Namjoon nod, seeming a little relieved to not leave me alone as they turn to me.

"Well... see you soon, right?" Jungkook says, eyes expectant. I nod with a smile. "Soon, yes". Namjoon beams and gently pulls Jungkook inside with him. We wave goodbye one last time before the door closes.

Taehyung nudges me softly so we can start walking. I nudge him back, causing him to giggle childishly and we follow the sidewalk side by side.

"Do you and Hoseok live nearby?" I ask him eventually to make small conversation. Taehyung nods. "We do, that's why I come and go whenever I want to, because we're very close to the center" he says happily. I hum, that would explain why I've seen him twice around the place so far.

"What about you? Once at the pharmacy, then at the crossroad, you must be close too". I nod. "It can't be more than 15 minutes on foot from here" I say as I look around me. We keep walking in silence, but it's not an uncomfortable one.

"How was spending time with the boys?" he asks, voice telling me that he already knows the answer. I smile. "It was fun. I don't remember the last time I had so much fun, it felt great". He hums, a satisfied smile on his face.

We reach the place where the incident with the car happened earlier this morning and he stops. "Well, this is my street, are you alright to do the rest of the road alone or do you want company?" he asks as he turns to me. I scoff softly. "And have you get lost once I'm home? I'm not sure that's a good idea, I can do this alone" I respond with a smile.

He laughs and nods, knowing my words to be true. "Okay then, I'll see you soon! You have to come back soon, alright? Very soon, you have to!" he chirps, awaiting my little finger as we put a seal on it, is way of making sure I don't avoid the center before starting to run down the street, eager to get back home. I watch him until he gets out of view and proceed to get moving again. The rest of the walk happens with me humming to myself.

I get back home feeling rejuvenated. There's something about those people that make me see the light. A dim one, but a light nonetheless. That tiger made me promise to come back more often and I could only agree, because that's something I want too. To see Jungkook and Namjoon again.

Still, as hours pass, so does happiness, fading ever so slowly. I sigh, eyes gazing at the white empty wall. I can't possibly stay here, morose and dark all the time. What did I use to dream of doing when I was young? What plans did I make before getting married?

I don't know why love was so important that I was ready to push everything else aside for it. Maybe because I thought I could finally get what I longed for -a happy ending- . Although it backfired against me in the end.

Dancing. That made me happy before. That's why I took dance lessons at college, to learn and deepen my knowledge of it, learn new styles, find out the one that would make me feel alive. Feeling the music flow through my body, heart beating along as I danced my heart out. Now it feels impossible. I don't know how to feel the heart of melodies anymore, don't know how to fly and reach it in the deepest part of myself.

A dark hole that swallows me up from the inside. That's what I need to work on. How to bring the light back within me. I've been isolated for so long. Seeing people that could easily become friends would be a good way to start. I even laughed today, thanks to Jungkook.

I can't help a small smile as I remember the bunny's antics. He's got so much energy, a vibrant joy for life and its surprises. What I wouldn't give to see the world with his eyes. My thoughts are interrupted by the grumbling of my stomach, which makes me sigh.

I should make myself a real meal, something filling and nourishing. I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge only to sigh again. I guess eating real healthy food will have to wait. I grab some ramen and a pot before reaching the sink. Filling the pot with water then setting it on the stove, I put the fire on high before moving back to the living room.

I then grab my phone and dial Jimin's center's number. Bringing it to my hear, I anxiously let the ringing noise shake my heart until a voice takes over. "Good afternoon, you've reached the hybrid center We Care, my name is Jimin, how can I help you?". 

I freeze a little, now suddenly facing my rash decision. "Hi, Jimin, it's Y/N" I start simply. "Oh, Y/N! Have you gotten home safe? I heard Taehyung walked with you, he didn't cause problems, did he?". I shake my head quickly, even though he can't see. "No, no, he was a sweet kit. I'm actually contacting you about something else". "Oh... are you changing your mind about Jungkook and Namjoon?" he whispers, voice sad at the possibility.

"What?! No, Jimin, let me talk first, it's nothing of the kind. I... realized that when I spend time with you all, with Jungkook and Namjoon... I actually find back some of the joy I used to have. From before I got married. I... wanted to know if you would agree to let me help at the center... I don't need to be paid, see this like some volunteering, I could spend more time with the two hybrids while trying to figure out what exactly it is that I'm missing to get out of the dark pit" I mumble, suddenly noticing that I'm currently rambling, he might not care that much and here I am, throwing all that information on him. "Sorry, that was a lot, right? This has nothing to do with you, I shouldn't talk so much" I whisper again, starting to regret making that call.

"NAMJOON, JUNGKOOK, COME HERE FOR A MINUTE" I hear Jimin scream from the other side, startling me out of my skin. "Give me a moment" he says before leaving me hanging. I've overstepped my boundaries, right? I shouldn't have done that.

Namjoon's POV

When we get called to the front desk to see Jimin on the phone, I expect the worst. Y/N got into an accident, she's lost, she got robbed, her house blew up and now she's homeless-

"Guys, what kind of volunteering tasks can we give Y/N?" he whispers, a hand over the phone as he shoots us despaired eyes. I blank. "Y/N? Is she on the phone right now?" I ask, eyes widening in surprise. He nods. I bring a hand to Jungkook's shoulder when he starts bouncing, ears flopping on his head. He smiles at me before giving his whole attention to Jimin.

"She is, she asked if she could help around, do some volunteering, but I don't know what it is she could do around" he replies, panic setting place in his eyes. I sigh and bring my hand forward to get the phone.

"Let me talk to her" I say, chuckle when he quickly hands it to me, as if it's a ticking bomb. I bring it to my ear to hear her anxious breathing.

"Hello, Y/N, it's Namjoon" I start, hearing her breath still before coming back a little calmer. "H-Hi, Namjoon" she stutters, seeming awkward about the situation. I shoot Jimin a gentle glare, wondering how long he left her waiting. He looks down, shuffling from one foot to the other.

"Jimin told us you'd like to come over to help, is that true?" I ask, voice posed and calm, hoping it would soothe her slowly. She hums. "But if it's too much trouble it's fine too... I can just come from time to time" she hurries to say, voice almost out of breath, her heart pumping too quickly for what needs to happen here.

"How often would you like to come? A few times a week or more often? Everyday?" I ask again, notice Jungkook's ears raising tall, eyes wide open as he waits for her next words. "Hum... I don't know? I wouldn't mind coming everyday, it's not like I have anything else to do" she replies, a little confused. "But then again, if you'd rather I come only a few days a week I can do that too, I don't want to overwhelm you all" she adds, causing me to sigh.

Which seems like a bad idea when her rambling gets worse. "Is this offer bothering you? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called, please act like I didn't ask, I don't want to cause problems". My eyes widen and I shoot Jungkook panicked eyes. I didn't mean to make her believe that I'm annoyed!

Jungkook's eyes stare at me, eyebrows raised as if asking me what the heck I'm doing. "I-I-" I start, momentarily lost at how to say my next sentence. "I'll come sometime this week, okay? Have a good evening, say hi to Jungkook for me" she whispers before ending the call.

I freeze before looking down at the phone to see the call truly over. It gets snatched out of my hands by an anxious bunny and I see him press some buttons before bringing the phone to his ear, ears nervously covering his face as he awaits her voice.

I turn to Jimin, see him stare at me in confusion, mind not seeming to process what just happened just yet. Jungkook's outburst gets my attention back on him.

"Noona! We accept your offer to volunteer! Everyday is fine, we don't know what you'll do just yet but make sure to come early tomorrow!" the bunny screams into the phone, words straightforward and without hesitation.

I watch as he hums a few times, eyes shining happily before he breaks into a wide smile. "Okay! See you soon, noona!". He ends the call and gives it to Jimin, satisfied. He then shoots me a pout. "Hyung, you were handling it well at the beginning, but noona really thought you didn't want to see her over, you need to be careful! Just say things as they are next time, she was really relieved when I called back".

I scratch the back of my neck sheepishly. "Sorry... I didn't mean to make her worry... So she'll be coming tomorrow?" I ask, a smile increasing in intensity on my face. He nods quickly, the moment only ended when Jimin clears his throat. We turn to stare at him, see him blinking as he puts the phone back on the table.

"So... what are we going to have her do around? We have every hybrids participate in tasks, there's not a lot to do" he says, my ears catching onto the small reprimand in his voice. I look down. "Sorry... but we really want her around..." I whisper, watch his position change at those words.

"Yes, that, I actually have a question for you. Could it be... is Y/N your mate? To the both of you?" he asks, the question pushing possessiveness to crash over me and overflow. "What if she is?" I ask, suddenly on guard, Jungkook shrinking a little, as if he's ready to bounce anytime. Jimin quickly steps back, eyes wide and hands raising in front of him.

"If she is, then I'm very happy about that! I was hoping for something like that, especially seeing how she is around you and how you two are around her" he hurries to say, his whole body language screaming that he's currently in danger. I breathe in, posture relaxing, see him let go of his tension too, an inaudible sigh leaving his lips.

"You were hoping for something like that?" Jungkook repeats, curious as he too straightens up, ears flopping high and tall again, threat gone as soon as it appeared. Jimin nods. "Y/N said something interesting on the phone and I have a feeling it's all thanks to you and that mate bond that unites you" he says, face beaming at his words.

My ears tense, rise and flutter slightly. "What did she say?".

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