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As promised to Jungkook, I get ready early to get to the center, knowing that it's very possible they might still not know what to make me do. But even if I have to clean an already clean floor, I don't mind.

Honestly, anything is fine, as long as I get to see the bunny and koala. I just want to see their cute fluffy ears appear from the corner of a wall before their bright smiles and creased eyes fall on me.

There's something so comforting about knowing they want me there and I find myself trying to walk a little faster to reach the center sooner. Believing in something in new for me, but I truly believe that my place is with them. I don't care where I am, as long as Namjoon and Jungkook are by my sides.

I can only hope that it won't come crushing down and bring me back to the very beginning of the race, unable to wish for anything.

I walk past a small convenience store and stop in front of it. Should I bring them something? It wouldn't be a bad thing. I get inside and reach the fridge, taking a look at the many drinks they have. What would they like?

Somehow, when my eyes fall on the banana milk, I think of Jungkook right away. Would he like that? I scrunch my nose up, lost in thoughts when a hand suddenly pats my shoulder. I jump and turn around to find Hoseok smiling at me.

"Oh, good morning, Hoseok" I greet him, a little surprised to find him here. "Good morning, Y/N, I didn't expect to see you here so early" he says as he grabs two bottles from the upper shelves. I hum before directing my attention back to the drinks. "I was thinking of getting something for Jungkook and Namjoon but I'm not too sure what they'd want" I say, hands hovering over the banana milk before eventually grabbing it.

Hoseok chuckles. "Well I say, for someone who doesn't know, you chose the only one Jungkook lives for and would kill for. That banana milk is his favorite". I turn to him at those words with wide eyes. "Really? I did think of him as soon as I saw it" I mumble before reaching for a few more.

Now Namjoon. He doesn't seem like the kind to enjoy sugary drinks, fake flavors and anything like that. I don't know why he flashes me as the organic kind of guy... I close the door and walk up the corridor to the place where they have more bio products and drinks. Hoseok follows behind in silence, amused eyes on me as I look through what they have.

I spot the kombucha, a few other types of drinks that seem good as well and decide to grab a few flavors, for the both of them. I think they'll enjoy those, I know I do. "Are you sure you want to get so many? If you intend to come every day, you can only bring a few for now" Hoseok says with a chuckle, his hands going to take some bottles from me to help.

I look down, a little shy as I shake my head. "It's fine, I'd rather buy more so that they can have one anytime they want and share with the others. I can always buy more when there's none left" I mumble, smiling when he pats my head, a soft coo leaving his lips before we reach the counter.  Before he can do or say anything, I put his drinks with mine and pay for everything before handing him back what's his.

"You didn't have to do this, Y/N, but thank you" he says with a wide hearty smile. I smile back with a nod before grabbing my bag, all the drinks safely put inside. We leave the shop together and walk side by side to the center.

"I heard from Jimin that Jungkook and Namjoon are already up and waiting for you, they could hardly contain their excitement". I smile as I can easily imagine them wander the room impatiently. "I woke up a little early too, I was nervous. I hope I'm not too much of a bother over there".

Hoseok quickly shakes his head. "Honestly, you'll probably be allowed to spend most of your time with the boys, maybe help them with their tasks if it's something you want. You won't be a bother, we're all very happy to have you over more often" he assures me. I nod, a little relieved.

We reach the center after a while to find Namjoon and Jungkook sitting outside by the door. The bunny's ears flap first before he looks up to meet my eyes. Namjoon reacts to his friend's behavior and looks up as well, eyes meeting mine and they both jump up before running to us in a hurry.

Correction. Running to me. Hoseok goes completely unnoticed, his body slightly pushed to the side so the two happy boys can flank my sides, bright happy grins on their faces.

"Noona!" Jungkook chirps, his arms around mine as he leans his head on my shoulder, his cute round eyes looking up at me with joy. The sight melts my heart right here and there. "Hi there, Jungkook" I say with a smile, relishing in the way his nose scrunches up cutely as he grins.

I turn to Namjoon as he stands aside patiently, dimples in plain sight, body not willing to do as much as Jungkook, his boundaries clearly different. "Good morning, Namjoon. I got you two some drinks, I wasn't sure what you like so I took a few choices".

He curiously stares at the bag dangling from my free arm, Jungkook's ears tickling my nose as he bends down to stare at the bag without legging go of me. I blow a little on them, trying to avoid coughing right into his silky fur.

He looks up at me with wide embarrassed eyes when he registers the feeling. "Sorry, noona, I often forget that my ears take a lot of space". I wipe my nose to get rid of the ticklish feeling remaining and shake my head. "It's fine, bunny, your ears are just very soft, I didn't want to sneeze on them" I tell him, see the way his cheeks blush a little, eyes sparkling as he gives me his bunny smile. "You really think they're soft?" he asks, arms tightening around mine when I nod. "They're the softest of all, I'm sure". He giggles cutely and turns to look at Namjoon who's gazing at us with warm eyes.

"Thank you, Y/N, let me get this bag for you, it looks heavy" Namjoon says, fingers careful as he takes it from mine, tongue licking his lips and eyes widening at the amount he finds inside. "Those are all our favorites" he says as he looks up at me with amazed eyes. "Really? I'm glad, I was a little nervous that you wouldn't like what I chose. Let's go inside, cub, that way you both can drink something and put the rest in the fridge" I say, see the way his ears perk up, light blush covering his cheeks before he nods, heading for the door, still no signs of acknowledgement towards Hoseok's presence.

"Are you coming, Hoseok?" I ask, sending him a sorry smile at the way he's standing aside like a pot of decorative flowers, but the pleased look on his face reassures me. He nods, a chuckle leaving his lips at the way the two hybrids turn to him in confusion. "Oh hyung, you were here" Jungkook mumbles, Namjoon holding in a laugh as he too was completely unaware of his presence.

Hoseok shakes his head. "All this time knowing you and taking care of you and already you treat me like I'm invisible" the man teases them, grin widening when I have to pull a pouting bunny inside with me, Namjoon allowing Hoseok inside first before closing the door.

Jungkook pulls me with him to the kitchen, making us sit at a small table in the corner of the room. He pulls a chair to sit next to me, leaving the other one at my left empty for Namjoon. No one's here, which makes me relax a little. Meeting new faces and interacting with them has me a little on edge, but I know it'll have to be done at some point.

The sound of a bag being set down on the table takes me out of my thoughts and I look up to see Namjoon and Jungkook emptying it, eyes wide as they see the variety, but Jungkook's scream when he sees the banana milk is a sight to see.

"You got me banana milk!" he shrieks, his tall body bending down and forcing me into a tight hug, his feet making him jump uncontrollably while I stay sat, immobile and trying to hide the beaming smile that threatens to flee my lips.

Namjoon's eyes widen as he hurries over to try and stop the over-joyous bunny, but I shake my head to stop him, making a thumb up to reassure the koala that I'm fine. His ears relax from their tense posture as he nods, the corners of his lips raising up.

I bring a hand to Jungkook's soft hair, wishing to calm him down a little and the act effectively makes him stop jumping, body finally sitting down on his chair, pulling it closer to me so he can lean into the touch, eyes closed as he enjoys the feeling of my fingers against his scalp. I avoid the ears, not really knowing much about how it would affect him.

Surprised when a purring sound (bunnies do purr!) resonates in the room, even Jungkook seems embarrassed by it. He quickly hides his face in my neck, but I don't stop massaging around his ears, so he eventually sags against me, body soft and relaxed as he simply enjoys the experience, the banana milk already forgotten.

Feeling somehow proud right now, I look away from the purring bunny to meet the koala's envious eyes on my hand, maybe hoping he could get the same treatment but not daring to ask. I smile and pat the chair next to me, swallowing my chuckle when he pads over, careful feet taking him around the table to sit on the chair, eyes shyly looking down as he awaits my next move.

I lift my hand to his hair, relishing in the incredible soft feeling as I let my fingers wander through the strands, careful to not touch the ears without his permission. He unconsciously leans closer to me, his body dangerously balancing off the chair and I sigh before bringing his head to rest on my shoulder. Now's not the time to get hurt.

My heart swells with affection for the two hybrids, proud of the state of comfort I seem to put them in so simply, all my worries fleeing my soul as I hear Jungkook purr and Namjoon hum softly, his body becoming jelly as well. I could do this forever.

I eventually hear a muffled sound and look up to see Jimin covering his mouth, eyes filled with adoration as he looks over our group. He takes his phone out and silently asks if he can take a picture, to which I give permission. I kind of want to see what they look like right now.

They're completely unresponsive to Jimin's presence as they're lost in a trance, taken over by the feelings of my hands massaging around their ears, near the temples and at the neck. It should be illegal to be so adorable, their tall bodies looking so small right now.

Sadly, when my arms start hurting, wrists getting uncomfortable from the position they're in, I have no other choice but to stop. It takes them a moment to recover, eyes glazed over and unable to focus. I chuckle quietly, taking note that Jimin is gone already and drag two drinks in front of them, the two bottles put aside while the others are at the other end of the table, ready to head to the fridge.

"That was... wow" Namjoon manages to say, voice deep and raspy, head slowly leaving my shoulder, almost regretfully so to look at me. His cheeks are slightly flushed, a satisfied look over him as even his body seems fully relaxed and sinking down into the chair. "I could stay here forever with your fingers playing with my hair" he adds shyly and I blush a little, suddenly embarrassed that I made someone older than me become putty in my hands.

I motion to the bottle in front of him, mostly to distract him from the way a bright red is now coating my cheeks. He chuckles and I watch how he reaches out for it, muscles barely forcing to open it, head bending backwards as he takes a few gulps, a satisfied sigh leaving his throat as he sets the bottle down. He looks majestic so easily and I have to work hard to keep control of my heart, not wishing for them to notice the way it beats faster.

Jungkook still hasn't moved, except for his arms clinging around mine again, so I lean my head to the side to see his eyes on me, happy and a lot calmer than earlier. He definitely noticed me staring, I think to myself when he grins, the act making me try to play indifferent, but my heart telling a whole other story.

"You okay, Kookie? Here, drink this" Namjoon says, grabbing his bottle and opening it for him.

Jungkook nods, a hand going to take hold of bottle before bringing it to his mouth, a few sips taken before he leans back into my neck.

Namjoon slowly reaches out to my hand, hesitating a little but when I don't pull away, he squeezes it between his fingers. He shoots me a satisfied smile, dimples attacking my eyes and heart, making him look both adorable and sexy. Illegal, downright illegal.

They both make me try their drinks, eyes on me and waiting for my reactions as I hum in delight, understanding now why Jungkook loves his milk so much while Namjoon's is one of my favorite flavors. The ambiance is very comfortable and I wish I could bring that back home with me. To wake up to this everyday, thoughts all about them, about happy things instead of being in the darkness. The way they've changed my life so quickly, only a few meetings later, it's nothing like I've experienced before.

"You two sweet boys, whatever am I going to do with you" I sigh, eyes going over the both of them, at ease and content with everything.

Namjoon meets my eyes, nervous hope in them. Jungkook tenses a little too, his ears ready to ear what is going to be said.

"How about adopting us?".

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