Chapter 24

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Dedicated to Pretz1929

Justin POV

The pound on my head does seem to help at all, I feel a terrible ache in my head. My muscles and bones aches really bad but that because I found myself on a couch too small for me, my mouth sticks and clothes dirty and rumpled.

What the hell happened last night

I remember drinking a lot due to remembering the day of briella and my child's death. I do this every year, get drunk and torture myself. I blame myself for their death if not for my stupidity they will still be alive but how I love me it hurt badly....... Then.

But now I fill no pain no hurt I, happy but why?. Why now?, Deep down I already know the answer but I choose to ignore it.

I will only love one woman and one woman alone briella not Victoria. But why does thinking that hurt my heart a lot, like am been stab by a sword through my heart.

"I see you are awake" a voice of Caleb startled me a little I had no idea how I didn't hear his footstep.

I turned to look at him but I winch due to my hangover "Hey please can you get me an aspirin to cool down this ache" I massage my temple to bring it down a little.

Caleb pause while holding is coffee close to his lips. He scoff moving forward to take a sit "No aspirin for you"

I frown confused "Why?" I was already getting irritated.

An angry look was written on Caleb's face "Won't you just go home or have you forgotten you have a wife at home who you did not inform about your whereabout"

Well fuck, I stupidly forget to inform Victoria I won't be coming back home last night. Am sure she would be worried. I checked my phone to find out I had 45missed calls and 23messages mostly from Victoria, Fuck. I try to call her but immediately my phone ran dead.
"Shit I forgot to tell her I won't be home can you give me a lift to my house my phone is down"

Caleb looked at me like I have grown two head "Seriously?"

Confused I answered "Yes?" More like a question.

After a while when he was through with studying my face I replied "Okay, if you say so" he stood up "let go"


While we drive to my house I didn't fail to notice the glare Caleb seem to be throwing my way. And now it getting really annoying.

Finally having enough "Okay now tell me what wrong"

He turn to look at my trying to cover up his expression but I could still see the anger in his eyes "Me? Why would you think something was wrong?"

"Maybe because every five minutes you throw a glare at me and it getting to irritate me"

"Nothing is wrong" but I heard him murmur "At least not now"

But I choose to ignore it, keeping the drive to my house silent.

When we go there I notice Elsa car, making me wonder what there could be doing here early this morning but something tells me it about not been back home last night.

"Why didn't you call to tell everyone where I am am sure that why there here,you should have at least help me tell them" I told Caleb.

He only shook his head like as if am the most stupid human being he has ever met.

This attitude of him is getting on my nerve.

I got out of his car running to get inside and explain where have been but when I got in I noticed something isn't right which made me halt making Caleb walk pass me.

My heart was beating fast,my breath shortened. I had no idea how I found the courage to make forward.

My mom and mark sat on a sit at the right sit was Lisa and Elsa then Caleb. Elsa told Caleb something which made him curse out loud and pale. I looked around with my eyes searching for Victoria but I didn't see her.

My mom was the one who first saw me, immediately she stood up and walked to me anger were written on her face. When she got to me she slapped me hard. Shocked by her action I frowned but she shouted to my face"How could you?Tell me how could you?" She burst out crying.

It was then I notice Elsa's tears stained face, Mark's face was pure anger including Caleb and Lisa you could see sadness on her face with unshed tears.

Totally confused and scared I asked "What wrong? Where is Victoria?"Fear was evident in my voice.

Caleb stood up angry " You seriously have ask were you too drunk last night that you could not remember what happened or you choose to pretend?!" He yelled at me.

"I have no idea what you mean but can you please explain!" I yelled back at him.

"You telling me you can't remember what happened last night? Well think, think hard" he glared at me "And when you through with thinking then you read this" he threw a paper at me.

I think hard of what could have happened last night to have caused this hatred I was receiving and where is Victoria?.

It was immediately I thought about her name while thinks hard that I remembered what happened last night. I paled hard,I remembered everything I said, the event of last night.

No,no,no. This can't be happening fuck. I pulled my hair hard cursing out loud, my heart hurt badly. Then I remembered the last word she told me before she left "I love you"

She loved me, she told me she loved me but what did I pay her with I played her with hateful words. How could i, I have lost her, I have broken her, I told to leave and she did. I remembered her telling me on the day of our families vacation in Hawaii that she was going to leave me if only I told her to and she did.

It was at that moment I realised what I had just lost and at that moment I felt empty with her not being by side. I wished by some miracle she will appear back to my life.

I fell on my kneels in agony and tears. And I saw the paper which Caleb threw at my face with shaking hand I pick it up then open the fold.

What was written down made me pale even more to the point I think I was dead already.

Tick tock, tick tock, time seems to be moving fast if you know. I have got your wife or should I say soon to be dead wife. I think it time for pay back you killed someone I loved dearly, now it think I do the same to you. Karma is such a bitch.

Yours lovely
Greatest enemy. D.M

P.S: Will call you in case I change my mind but you most know changing it means more trouble. Hahaha!!!.

I had one big problem but now I seem to have a bigger one.

My past is hunting back at me.

My greatest fear has come to pass.

Victoria is in danger.


Hello guys. I made a promise to someone that I will be updating Every week which I am.

But anytime I did not know that I might be busy or something came up.


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