His Desperation

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Mr. Han: I wish I could go back in time and ask you if you like your new mom but I was so driven by my work that I didn't care.

Y/n: Appa, the past is past. Let's focus on the future.

Mr. Han: Why didn't you tell me, my princess? Am i that bad?

He asked, holding your hand and shedding tears.

Y/n: Ani Appa. You're the best appa. I th...ought you love her so I didn't say anything.

Mr. Han: I never loved anyone besides your Eomma. She was my first and last love. I was forced by the situation to marry this lady.

Y/n: Then what about S..tacy?

He sighed.

Mr. Han: I accept my mistake. I have apologized 100 times to your mother. But still I feel she won't forgive me.

Y/n: Where will they go?

Mr. Han: I don't know. I'll just give them money as that girl is my responsibility.

Y/n: I wish Eomma was here.

Mr. Han: I wish too. You, me, your eomma and your little sibling.

Y/n: Sibling?

Mr. Han: I'm sorry for never telling you but your mom was pregnant when she hitted the last stage of cancer.

Your tears escaped as you imagined your perfect family.

Mr. Han: I messed up my life. But your life won't be like this, my doll. Taehyung is the best guy. I have seen it in his eyes. His eternal love for you. He won't ever do what I did.

Y/n: You also loved mom eternally. You also used to look at her like that. Then where all this happened?

You asked being on the verge of breaking down.

Mr. Han: I did a big mistake. If I wouldn't have drink that night. Maybe we might be living different lives.

You looked down and smiled weakly.

Y/n: I hope you understand your mistake.

Mr Han: I do. From the bottom of my heart. And if Taehyung ever hurts you, just call me. I'll break his ribs.

You giggled through your tears.

Y/n: I trust him more that myself.

He ruffled your hair.

Mr. Han: Me too. Okay let's make dinner for you. You might be hungry.

Y/n: Yay! Dinner by dad.


Y/n: Your hands still have that magic even after getting old.

Mr. Han: Yah! I'm not old okay

Y/n: Come on appa, accept it. You're not young anymore. Even I'm also 23

Mr. Han: Age is just a number. I'm still as handsome as before.

He sat in front of you putting more grilled chicken in your plate followed by more ramyeon. He started eating the food he made. You munched on your food.

Mr. Han: So.....

You ignored him still being focused on your food.

Mr. Han: Y/n.

You looked up at him with your mouth stuffed with food.

Mr. Han: So what are your future plans?

Y/n: I don't have one right now.

Mr. Han: Y/n look, Taehyung is successful in his business. He's doing great as a CEO and manager of the Korea's One of the biggest Industries. You should also focus on your goal.

Y/n: Appa I...

You hesitated.

Mr. Han: Hmm?

Y/n: I want to focus on myself, him and our relationship. He's a busy person. He needs care and support. I want to be that caretaker and supporter.

Mr. Han: Till when?

Y/n: What?

Mr. Han: How long will you be just his wife and nothing else?

Y/n: Appa?!

Mr. Han: Y/n, I don't want people to say that you're living on his money.

Y/n: I am living in his money only.

Mr. Han: You just eat. Dumb head!


You hugged him tightly as he gave a kiss on your forehead.
You head towards your car and sit inside after bidding him goodbye.

Mr. Han: See you soon, my angel.

You laid on the bed and thought to dial him again but his phone was still switched off. You sighed and put your phone on the nightstand before drifting to sleep.

This night might be so peaceful for you but was tensed for him. He was laying on the bed thinking about his rival who's still alive. His landline rung up as he picked it.

Tae: Yes?

???: Failed or Passed?

Tae: Yah pabo!

Jimin: Just tell me already.

Tae: Half passed.

Jimin: What?

Tae: He's badly injured and would not be able to make and moves for some months but after that I don't know.

Jimin: And what about you man? Did you got some memories of this mission?

Tae: Yeah. A shot on the right shoulder and a stab mark on the left side of waist.

Jimin: This used to be fun but once you reach home. You'll understand it's not fun anymore.

Tae: I won't show her.

Jimin: Will you be able to control?

Taehyung sighed not knowing what to say so he just said bye and slept.

Next Evening

You took a sip and focused on the screen as the male lead was about to kiss the female lead for the first time. You attention was fully on their lips when some dumb head ring the doorbell. You whined but still didn't got up. The bell rang again and the episode ended making you satisfied as you lazily stood up and walked towards the door.

As soon as you opened the door, you were pinned on the wall and a pair of soft juicy lips attacked your lips. You were startled but soon realised who was that with the gentleness and passion of the kiss. The firm's hands tried to hold your bare waist but couldn't because of your tucked in top. He pinned you more crushing you between his stone like body and the wall. His one hand pinned your both hands above your head and other one held you waist closely to his body.

His kiss was getting rougher as the tension was now increasing. His kissing skills got you breathless as he was continuously sucking in your mouth licking each corner. Both of your lips were fighting for dominance but we know who will win right.

Tae: I missed you.

He whispered in your mouth and again kissed you hungrily taking care that he don't bruise your lips. You smiled through the kiss and gave him more access. Few minutes where he was devouring your lips, you were so into the kiss but not long as you already lost your breath. Your chest wasn't even able to rise high because of his chest which was pressed on yours.

You tried to mumble something but instead of listening to you he bit your lip for disturbing him. You moved your body far from him as finally he left your lips and focused on your features.

Taehyung's POV:

Her beautiful face with crimson blush showing that she's really shy after this hot session. Her nose flattering slower allowing her to take deep breaths. And with each deep breath, her chest crushes into mine. Her small body in my arms. Everything feels like heaven when she's with me.

Tae: Princess, I want to lock you in my bedroom forever. I don't want anyone to witness this beauty which is mine. You. Are. Mine.

Your body shivered in his grip because of his dark confession in his drop dead deep voice. Goosebumps raised on you body making him caress your skin to calm you down.

Tae: I want to be your obsessive lover. But....

He sighed as you tilted your head in confusion.

Tae: I know you'll be scared so let me just be your lovey dovey prince.

He kissed your cheek. You were still processing whatever happened and looked around to find yourself alone in the living room. He was long gone. You sighed at his words and went to the kitchen to fetch a drink for him.

Entering the room, you saw him sitting on the couch with his eyes closed and head rested back. You put the tray on the night stand and sat beside him.

He felt the couch sinking on the other side as he opened his eyes just to witness his charming and cute wife sitting beside him, while passing a cheeky smile. For once your mind diverted when he gazed into your eyes.


Why didn't I notice how hot he's looking! His piercing gaze giving me chills and those devourable lips make me kiss them always. But I'm the reccesive one so he always get the dominance. His teeth when they dig into my skin making me extremely desperate. His intoxicating scent wanting me to sniff it from his neck and those silky sweaty curls. Why is he looking extra handsome today?!


You jumped out from the ocean of your thoughts when he shook your shoulders.

Tae: Y/n!!

Y/n: Huh... W...hat happened?

Tae: Where are you lost?

You looked down and blushed when you remember his each and every detail running through you mind. He frowned in confusion.

Tae: What?

Y/n: N...othing

Tae: Wait... were you thinking something naughty? You're blushing my wifey.

He teased you and held your chin to make you look up and get a better view of your red cheeks.

Y/n: I wa...sn't.

Tae: Is that so?

You nodded your head hesitantly. He grinned and pulled you over him making you sit on his lap.

Y/n: Go and freshen up. I ha..ve to se..rve you dinner.

Tae: But the dinner is already served.

He smirked making you realise that what he was trying to say.

Y/n: Le..ave me.

He ignored and kissed your neck, moving up to your jawline and then at your lips. He was so gentle and soft like your lips are feather to him that if he even applies a little force, it will be torn apart. He kissed you, desperately waiting for you to make a step further.
He knew you won't until and unless he asks you to. He stopped kissing you and pulled his head back. You looked at his face while your hands wrapped around his neck.

Tae: Jagiyah~ won't you undress your husband?

He asked in a teasing tone making you shy as hell. He took your hands from his neck and put in on his coat indicating you to open it. You hesitantly removed it while his hands pulled out the tucked in top and slid on your bare waist. You slowly removed his tie to and now your fingers nibbled around his buttons as you opened two of them but get intrupted when he suddenly pulled your wrist putting them on his shoulders. He gripped your waist and pulled you up on your knees still above his lap. Your belly was facing him as he lifted up the top and kissed above your belly button. Your grip tightened.

Tae: Just stay still. I want to try something.

He said in a raspy voice and licked on the same spot. He backed off as you looked at his face. He slipped a little down, your skirt was in front of him now. He looked at your black coloured skirt that was covering your upper thighs and womanhood. He looked up, your hands on his shoulder. He looked in your eyes for assurance. You slightly blink your eyes letting him know that you're comfortable.

He licked his lip before tracing his fingers from your thighs slowly to the either side of your waist holding the hem of your panties under your skirt. He slowly pulled the dark coloured cloth down parting it from your body.

Tae: Try to stay very still.

He whispered and lifted up your skirt gazing at the most delicate part of your body. He bit his lower lip and took one hand near it. As his finger came in contact with your sensitive pink pearl, you moaned his name in your sweet voice for which his ears were desperately waiting.

Y/n: Tae...hyung~ah

He played with the tiny pearl, tracing it, moving it and at last he pinched it slightly making you whimper as you tried to close your legs together. Gripping his locks, you were trying your best to not lose control and drop down.

Tae: NO

He ordered you to stop putting your legs together but it was so hard for you to be on your knees still while he's doing so much to your body. You felt his fingers now tracing your folds. You found him licking his lips like he's going to taste the best dish in the world. You felt sticky liquid dripping down your inner thighs and soon was licked up by him.

He opened the folds looking at the pink fleshy part. No long when you feel something inside you. It was his tongue going deeper inside you. Your one hand gripped his shoulder not wanting to pass out in this moment. Your knees were getting weak but his hands had a firm grip on your thighs not allowing you to move a bit. You can sense how desperate he is right now. Of course he would be desperate as he got this after days.

Y/n: Tae~ ah

You moaned again making him fasten up his movements. He was getting enough of what he wanted but still he pushed his tongue more and curled it inside licking up your spot. You wanted to rest off your knees badly as your legs were trembling and your throat was getting dry where he seemed unaffected by the reactions your body was showing.

Y/n: I c..an't ~ah

You moaned out a word as he now understood that you can't stay in the same position for long. He drew out his tongue from your sweet little hole and licked the hardened fleshy pearl.

Tae: Little more, sweetheart. I can feel it coming.

He whispered still being inside your skirt as he again inserted his tongue and wandered inside the tiny soft hole finding scooping out the most. Soon you felt something inside you trying to come out. You moaned softly pulling his silky curls.

Y/n: T...ae...hyung ~ah

Your juices were about to release but he pulled out his tongue leaving you in a state where you can't stand, can't come and can't even whine. He held your thighs and pulled them apart having a better view of the beautiful fleshy part.

Y/n: P...lease

You moaned out making him drive his attention from your womanhood to you.

You held him tighter than before. Your one hand is digging into his shoulder and the other one locking into his curls. He chuckled and again attached himself to your delicate part. You felt yourself extremely close while your legs started shivering.

He finally got what he wanted. Licking and sucking each corner, trying to get as much as he wanted but little did he know that his fragile little wife's body has given up now. You were about to pass out when he left your thighs and gripped your waist supporting your body.

Tae: Mhmm so sweet

He said. He came out from beneath your skirt after licking each and every drop of you. He looked at your beautiful yet exhausted face which was heated up and covered with sweat drops. He grip loosened as your knees gave up and you dropped back on his lap. He held you up in bridal style.

Tae: I planned much more but I think my little wifey is already exhausted.

He said and you heard it but can't react due to the last session he had with you.

Another chapter!
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