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You slowly opened your eyes as you were covered in a duvet. You looked around to figure out what happened when you remembered how you passed out. Blood rushed to your cheeks which didn't go unnoticed by your husband who was laying beside you admiring your face.

Tae: You're awake wifey?

You looked at him and bit your lip in nervousness. You slowly nodded.

Y/n: You.... w...want di..dinner?

Tae: Yeah if I'll be getting dessert after that.

He grinned but you didn't notice.

Y/n: What would you want? Cake, milkshake, cookies or something else?

Tae: You.

He pulled you on his chest securing you in his masculine arms taking care that he don't hurt himself and make you worried.

Y/n: But you just had me.

The words came out unknowingly as he chuckled at your confused state. You had an instant regret after saying that.

Tae: Honey, my lips and tongue had enough but... you know right, I have something else too that craves for you.

Your eyes widen as you slapped his chest slightly making him fake a painful yelp.

Y/n: Don't d...dirty.

Tae: But I just did dirty to you.

Y/n: You must be tired.

Tae: Yeah I'm am but never for this.

You sighed and sat up still being over him. A painful groan left his mouth making you look at him in worry.

Y/n: What happened?

Tae: N... nothing.

Y/n: Something has happ- wait are you injured?

You asked as you quickly got off and held his hoodie to pull it but he held your hands making you look up at him in confusion.

Tae: Nothing has happened. I'm not injured.

Y/n: Then let me see.

He opposed you to remove his hoodie and that was making him more suspicious. You can't win against him so you just sat straight thinking about how to succeed. Then a naughty plan popped in your mind as you leaned towards him making him frown. You kissed the corner of his lips and then his neck. He held your waist not being aware of your intentions. He was loosing it when you kissed on his neck. You took the opportunity to slide up his hoodie. His eyes widened as he try to hide but you were fast enough to notice.

Y/n: W... hat's this?

Your voice broke as he covered it quickly and you sat back gazing into his eyes wanting an explanation.

Tae: It's just a scratch, Jagiya~

You scoffed.

Y/n: Scratch?! It a deep cut Taehyung.

You touched the wound as he hissed in pain. The wound wasn't even dressed. He just washed it off with water not caring about the infection.

You got up from the bed as came back holding a first aid kit in your hands. He sat up folding his legs looking at you without uttering a single word. You sat infront of him.

Y/n: Remove your hoodie.

Tae: Yah! Pervert!

Y/n: Aish. Let me dress it up.

Tae: N..o it's fine.

He said as he didn't want to remove his hoodie and show you another wound that was caused by a gunshot.

Y/n: Taehyungie~

You said in a baby voice and held his hoodie to remove it but he held your hand.

Tae: Y/n Don't force me.

He said in his drop dead cold voice, you felt like hearing this tone after eternity. He fixed his hoodie and was about to lay when you again held his arm making him yelp again. You noticed it but he tried to ignore you.

Y/n: Promise. I won't ever ask you again. Just let me see once.

He saw the helplessness in your eyes and listened to the pain in your broken voice. His heart couldn't tolerate this much pain in your eyes as he gave up and sat straight in front of you waiting for you to make a move.

Y/n: Open your hoodie....

You asked as he shook his head making you frown in confusion as you thought that he gave up.

Tae: If you want, remove it yourself.

A light tint on your cheeks as you came forward and held his hoodie to remove it when you again heard a painful yelp from him making your heart break again. You know he is strong but isn't he a human? Yes he is so he also feels pain. You removed it quickly as the tint faded away and your anxious eyes suddenly changed into worried and scared ones .

Y/n: Tae... is

Your lips trembled as he lowered his head because he knew you were broke after seeing his condition. Tears weld up in your eyes. But shouldn't he be crying at the moment? If you love the person truly, you also feel the pain they do and we can see this proving right now.

He stayed silent as words weren't coming out of his mouth. Your little sobs made him look up as he cupped your cheeks with his hands while wiping your tears with his thumbs. His eyes also held tears not because of the pain but because of your tears. It makes him broken.

Tae: Why are you crying, hmm? I'm feeling the pain not you, right? Don't cry please. It hurts me more my princess.

You cried more when you heard him saying that he's in pain.

Tae: My love, my jagi~ please stop crying. For me, please.

You sniffed and looked at his gloomy eyes. You took the first aid box in your small hands. You took out tweezers and cotton to clean off his wounds. He didn't even hissed once as he was so lost in your beauty that whenever he looks at you, he forgets the world.

Tae: Can't believe I'm married to you and will get to spend my whole life with such an angel.

Those words slipped off straight from his heart as you blushed while treating his deep cut. Yes he was so grateful the day he saw you. The day he knew you and the day he met you. To the day when you sleep on the same bed as him, in his arms, feeling all secure.

You put the bandage on the cut and wrapped the cotton fabric gauze on his wound on his shoulder. He admired the pink shade on your cheeks making him smile in awe. You put the first aid box and came back to him who was sitting on the bed shirtless staring at you.

Y/n: Don't wear anything for now. The fabric of your clothes is not soft enough. It could trigger the wound.

You said while folding his hoodie and putting it on the couch.

Y/n: What are you staring at?

Tae: A piece of art, God specially made for me.

Y/n: Stop being cheesy and sleep.

Tae: I swear if I didn't have this wound on my shoulder. I would have not left you so easily. I would have cling to you whole night doing dirty.

Y/n: Okay Okay Now sleep.

Tae: Don't try to treat me like a baby.

Y/n: You're a baby.

You pinched his cheek.

Tae: Let me recover. We'll see if I'm baby or Daddy.

He smirked making you gulp as you instantly made him lay down covering him up with duvet. He laughed at your flustered condition making you silk more.

Next Day

You brought the food tray in the bedroom as you saw him still sleeping. You put the tray on the night stand and sat near his legs. He was sleeping on his belly like baby. Even after being a Mafia, he still looks like a cutie baby while sleeping. You removed his duvet and your eyes landed on his shoulder wound. You bent forward and pecked over the dressing.

He changed his position as the sunlight hitted his face making hime whine as he whisper yelled not knowing you're beside him.

Tae: Y/n! Baby, draw the curtains.

You giggled and pecked his nose making him open his eyes and gaze at you.

Y/n: Yeobo, get up and have breakfast. I have prepared sushi with kimchi and fried chicken. As a dessert we have got strawberry milk.

He sat up while rubbing his eyes and looked at you with his intoxicating gaze making you drool over your own husband in early morning. He chuckled.

Tae: Yeobo~ give me my breakfast.

He imitated your tone making you frustrated as you put the food in front of him.

Tae: Are you angry Yeobo?

You turned your face other side making him giggle.

Tae: Yeobo you know right? 사랑해요~

You giggled at his cute aegyo he was doing to impress you but soon you found him cringing on himself. He shrugged and started eating while you pressed your lips together not to laugh on him or else he would again sulk like a baby. He offered you some spoon of food as you gladly accepted it.


You were putting the washed clothes inside the closet while he watching something on his laptop. Most probably some murder or action series. He loves it. But little did you know that you're gonna see some action in real life.

Your phone made a notification sound as you opened it.

Your dad will pay for your husband's deed. You people killed my brother right? And I will take my revenge.
Or if you want to save him, come, meet me alone without informing your husband.
Your loving brother 😘

We are coming to the end soon! So don't forget to hit that star button and leave a comment for your precious couple!

See you in the next chapter~

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