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om pov

she didn't give me an answer

I know she is hurt!

but how can she just leave like that without acknowledging my request?

I just asked her for one chance!

I know I ignored my duties as a father and as a  husband, but I provided them with everything

I left my profession as an artist and started my own business just to provide them with all the comforts.

Its not only you gauri even I sacrificed a lot for this family.

gauri pov

chance? does he even deserve it?

even if I give him a chance nothing is going to chance

no person can change in just one day

but giving him a chance is the last option which will let me stay with my kids

************phone conversation**************************************************************

buamaji:omki puttar  its me buama

om:haa buamaji

buamaji:you remember you promise rite

I'm coming next week to get my rathan from you

om:about that buamaji

we need to talk

buamaji:what is there to talk puttar 

you are giving me my rathan 

the same rathan you killed, now you are giving him back to me

om:but buama I have to ask gauri 

she doesn't know anything about my promise to you

she just thinks that I  needed a son to continue the oberoi family name

buamaji:see omki

you promised me and now I want my rathan , just tell your gauri  that rathan is my son

and she doesn't have any rite on him

***************end of phone conversation*****************************************************

om pov

where I'm I stuck?

gauri doesn't want to talk to me

and this buama wants to take rathan with her

what should I do now?

As I was lost in my thoughts, I saw my 3 year old daughter ashi running into my room with a teddy in her hand. 

she was looking for gauri

her black eyes and milky skin reflet gauri but her other  face features are a replica of me

how could I miss this?

for 6 years I was so absorbed in my hatred that I have never made a contact with my own children


om:ashi come inside

your mama has gone out 

come to your dad


om:come here ashi

om pov

papa! how did I miss this?

seeing ashi clinging on me

made me realize what I missed all these years

may be gauri was rite

I really missed being a part of this family

ashi:papa pink


what pink?

omika:she is asking you for the pink pillow placed next to you

om:oh! I get it

take this ashi

ashi:thank you papa

omika:ashi mom is calling you

om:omi wait dont drag her like that

omika:mom is calling her mr.oberoi

I have to take her with me

om:what did you say?

omika:what did i say ?

om: yesterday you were calling me sir and today you are calling me mr.oberoi

I dont like that!

just call me dad

omika:I called you so many times mr.oberoi

but you were never there to listen 

om:omi wait

dont run with ashi like that


om:you are here

I wanted to speak to you 

gauri:I need time to think about it

om:about what?

gauri:I need some time to think about giving you a chance

om:did something happen?

gauri:its  about omi

om:what happened to her?

gauri:why are you so anxious to know about her?

om:stop your taunts and please tell me about her

she is my daughter

gauri: you are correct mr.oberoi

she is your daughter

that is why she is changing just like you

om:what do you mean?

gauri:she is turning like you omkara

omika is sharing the same relationship with you as you had with your father

she is trying to be the next om


I have never done anything to her

gauri:exactly om 

you were never there in our lives

and that hurts omika more than anything

already she is suffering and I don't need you to add more pressure on her

please do a favour and stop acting like her dad

om:I'm her dad and I do care for her gauri

I care for everyone in my family

I even care for you gauri you are a part of my family

I can do anything for this family.

I will change please give me one last chance

gauri:do you really care omkara?

om:yes, what should I do to prove gauri

please tell me

gauri: If you can then please save ashi

om: what happened to ashi?

gauri please tell me

stop crying and tell me gauri

I will do everything just tell me 

what happened to ashi?

gauri:she will not stay with us for a long time om

she is going to die



**********to be continued********************************************************************


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I really appreciate it.

have a nice day everyone :)

enjoy :)

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