Perfect Family

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om pov

never in my life 

I felt this feeling before

In front of me, I have my family

the family I have created gauri and my 3 kids

Some might think it's an absolute pain to handle them

but I love this family

I always used to always say perfect love and perfect marriage don't exist 

but I forgot that nothing is perfect we have put in our best efforts to make it perfect.

and I will put all my efforts to turn this into a perfect family.

om:ashi come back

stop running like that

you might get hurt

ashi:papa catch me

omika:papa you were supposed to help me with this painting

gauri:omkaraji please check rathan

he is crying

omika: daddy

first check my painting

ashi:papa ..sofa

lets play

omika :my painting

gauri pov

omkaraji is surrounded by his kids

 with omika dragging his left hand

ashi clinging his foot and rathan crying for his attention

 the kids are finally opening up to their father

may be this is a start  for our new life

om: shut up all of you!

one at a time

ashi stop going under that sofa

you will get stuck

omi get your painting, I will finish your painting

rathan go and cook dinner and gauri let me change your diaper

gauri:you will change my diaper?

om:sorry gauri you go and cook dinner

I will change rathan's diaper

handling 3 kids is very difficult

gauri:welcome to my world omkaraji

for one day you are stressed out 

just imagine since 5 years I was handling all of them alone without any support from you


om:ashi stop playing with your food

just eat it

ashi:food ..very bad

om:its perfect just eat it ashi

you need energy

let me feed you

omika:even me

om:come here omi 

omika:dad see mom is not eating 

feed her also 

gauri:omi what are you saying?

dont bother about me omkaraji

I will eat later

om:come and eat with us gauri


om:dont say a word

come on take a bite

gauri:thank you omkaraji


gauri pov

what is happening to me

why is omkaraji turning like this

I'm happy but I cannot understand this feeling

om: I have changed gauri

gauri:omkaraji! I'm sorry

I will leave

om:where are you going?

gauri:this is your room

om:this is our room gauri

we have been living here for years

gauri:I'm sorry 

but i need time

om:for what?

gauri:I'm confused about you omkaraji

all these years, I have only seen your hatred 

and today you are showing me your love

I cannot understand whether to believe you or not

om: believe me gauri

I have changed just accept me

please forget everything and stay with me

om:I know I cannot express my self 

kissing you is the only way to express my feelings for you

gauri:but omkaraji

om:I want you gauri

please dont stop me


om:ashi just stay with me

dont run here  its a hospital


gauri:ashi come here


ashi loves papa

om:leave it gauri 

let her stay with me

she loves me more

shivaay:not anymore om


om pov

Seeing ashi running to shivaay

is making me very jealous

why is shivaay getting too involved in my family matters?


my brave girl

doctor: welcome mr and mrs oberoi

Please come in

shivaay:lets go gauri

doctor:so mr.oberoi

we got the reports and cancer  proved to be in an advanced stage

We have to find a bone marrow  donor very fast 

om:did you check it properly?

Are your reports correct?

do you know her age?

she is just 3 !  

she cannot have cancer

doctor:I'm sorry who are you?

and why did you come inside?

om:what do you mean ?I'm ashi's father

omkara singh oberoi

doctor:I'm really sorry  mr.oberoi

all this time I thought ashi was shivaay singh oberoi and gauri oberoi's daughter.

om:how could you think like that?

I will kill you today

om pov

I lost my temper 

how could he even think like that

I just grabbed his neck and began to choke him

shivaay:om stop it!

what are you doing?

this is a misunderstanding om

gauri:please leave him omkaraji

he is dying!

doctor:I'm sorry mr.oberoi

please leave me

shivaay:om stop it rite now ashi is important 

please stop this 

om pov

I left that doctor 

after hearing shivaays words

yes, rite now ashi is important to me 

I must not think of these matters rite now 


doctor:I'm really sorry mr.oberoi

all this time I was seeing only mr.shivaay  concerned about ashi

so I naturally assumed it that he is ashi's father

om:please from now on  stop assuming things 

and first tell us how to save ashi

doctor:we have to find a donor who can donate the bone marrow

for that, we need to test all of you

does ashi have any siblings?

om:yes she has an elder sister and a younger brother

doctor:thats perfect 

lets do the tests and we will find out the match for her

om:she will survive rite?

doctor:we can only hope mr.oberoi

If we can find the match we might save her

om:how much time does she have?

doctor: 1 month is the maximum time you got with her

om:one month?

doctor:yes , after that .......

om:please save her

doctor:i can understand your pain mr.oberoi

I will try my best.


gauri:omkaraji what did the doctor say?

she will be saved rite

please tell me

om:nothing will happen to ashi 

gauri:dont hide your tears omkaraji 

please tell me  

I can handle it

om:you cannot handle it gauri

gauri:I have handled your anger, insults, and torture 

now I can handle anything ! please tell me

om:1 month!

just one month gauri

gauri:1 month?

om:we will save her gauri

It's a promise gauri

I will save our daughter.


**********to be continued********************************************************************


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I really appreciate it.

have a nice day everyone :)

enjoy :)

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