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3 Weeks passed by of both being together. Jimin is getting more desperate day by day to marry you but you were ignoring him as you don't want to marry so soon. You were passionate towards your career. You started going to interviews but they didn't responded so you kept trying and ofcourse you avoided meeting jimin.


JIMIN: really yoona?....

He said while driving. You didn't answered him becoz he will be more angry if you tell him the reason of delaying our marriage. You stared at jimin 'he's definitely angry' you said in your mind.

JIMIN: will you say something.....?

You still ignored him. You just don't want to answer him becoz at the end you will be the one who will cry. You held your tears back from falling. He'll get even more if I say him the reason in this situation.

JIMIN: ohh~~ so you don't want to marry me or if there is somebody else beside me....?

He said sarcastically. You were shocked listening what he just said.

JIMIN: don't try to pretend as you don't know what am talking about...

JIMIN: you just almost got ra--raped yoona..... becoz you avoided me and I don't want this to happen again.

You looked your hands and tears fell down your cheeks as you remembered how irresponsible you were back then. 'Yes! It was obviously my mistake.. I trusted minkyu more than jimin.' You said to yourself in mind. Tears started falling on my hands and he didn't even noticed.

JIMIN: just think what will be the situation if your parents didn't save you.?

JIMIN: I said before not to trust him! And now he doomed your life.

He kept on arguing with you while driving. You didn't answered him anything but just silently sat under your painful tears. He kept on bragging things that you wanted to forget. Your heart was beating so fast as he kept shouting on you. And then finally he looked at you. You were crying.

JIMIN: what's the point of crying now. I just wanted you to be safe....

JIMIN: now just stop crying and tell me....are you going to marry me? He said grinning.

You were still silent.


He got angry on you.

He stopped his car and grabbed your chin to look at him. He wiped your tears from his thumbs. You moved your face, and didn't allow him to wipe your tears after how he behaved with you. He let out a sigh after what you did.

JIMIN: ok I'm sorry I just overreacted.

YOONA: this isn't it jimin!! I'm not your possession. Plz jimin just don't make me your obsession.

JIMIN: do you think am pathetic? I'm not possessive....

YOONA: no you're not just possessive you are over possessive towards me... I don't like it.

JIMIN: what do you mean you don't like it??

YOONA: I don't like you being everywhere with me, I don't like you being insecure, I don't like you when you restrict me from meeting anyone.....I JUST DON'T LIKE YOU BEING A PATHETIC JERK JIMIN. WHY DONT YOU JUST TRUST ME WHY YOU WANT TO BE EVERYWHERE. NOBODY IS GONNA STEAL ME FROM YOU. I'M SICK OF YOU.I AM ANNOYED..... IM FEELING SUFFOCATED NEAR YOU. I CANT BREATHE WHEN YOURE AROUND....

you shouted on jimin without realizing what you were blabbering. You didn't looked at him as you were so disappointed at him. You both were silent for minutes. Then you heard jimin sniffing. You looked at him. He was crying. His cheeks was red. You said things that you should never tell him. You literally insulted his feelings his love for you. You started realizing what you said.

YOONA: jimin I-i didn't mean that.

JIMIN: I'm sorry yoona for making you feel like that but I don't have anybody in my life to rely on beside you. I never knew you were sick of me....so you started disliking me----

YOONA: I'm sorry jimin I di---

JIMIN: what disappointed me the most... I thought you were the only person who loves me but.... no you dont love me anymore....

YOONA: JI-jimin...I was just angr----

JIMIN: I was so wrong.. and that's the reason you ignored me all time.

Jimin started crying hard. His heart broke. As you said that you don't like him. actually you didn't said In that way...but yeah your meaning was the same.

JIMIN: g-get out!!

YOONA: Huhh!! JI-jimin just hear me...


Then you saw a light coming on jimin's face from behind. You turned back and it was a huge truck coming towards you in full speed. Jimin didn't noticed it coming. You fastly removed jimin's seat belt and....


You opened the door and pushed him out of the car hardly. You used all your force to push him far from the car.

~and in the flash of light the truck hit the car I was In... everything went black soon after.~

~time skip in ambulance~
Jimin was sitting beside you crying and calling your name to wake you up but it didn't work. You were badly injured. He was shivering in pain seeing you all bleeding.



He started crying more loud.

the ambulance reached hospital. They took you out and placed you on stretcher. Jimin grabbed your hand running as they were moving the stretcher fast to save you.

JIMIN: Yo-yoona!... wake up

The doctors arrived soon.

DR.: pls wait here.

Jimin let go your hand from his hands. And soon the doctors took you inside ICU.

Yoona's parents came to hospital. Jimin was standing outside the icu theater for any good news. But no doctor came out except nurse.

why I had to stop the car In middle of road and I said things I should have said her.

'what disappointed me the most... I thought you were the only person who loves me but.... no you dont love me anymore....'
End of flashback.

I didn't trusted my yoona... I didn't trust my love for her. She said right I'm pathetic. I heard Yoona's parents crying. I got up and went to them. I brought them water. "Sir..mam pls she'll be OK"
I said them trying to console them. They drank water. Suddenly her mom stood up and grabbed my collar...."Why you did this..??? The time you came in her life she's always in pain.. and now she's...." she said crying. "Stop it. Leave him" his dad stopped her. "I'm sorry it's all my fault".
I went away from them. "Yoona..I'm sorry I'm really sorry I should be the one who have saved you but...." Tears came out of my eyes as I remembered how things were before. I went to see her from icu's glass...she was lying there, unconscious. "Please yoona open your eyes." I sat on the chair waiting for the operation to finish.


Doctor came out and asked for her guardians. We all went closer to the doctor. I asked Dr. "How is she?" Doctor gave dark expression. "I can understand how you all will feel but...im sorry Mr.park your girlfriend has gone in coma." Dr said. My heart stopped beating as I heard what Dr. Just said. Her dad came and stood beside me.

DAD: you mean she's in coma? How?

Doctor: when the truck hit the car! That basically injured her head...so it damaged her brain.

Mom: when will she wake up Dr.

Doctor: we can't say anything about this now...she can wake up Tomorrow or one week or 3 months or she may or may not wake up forever. We can just pray for her to gain consciousness.

I just stood there processing what doctor said. I was not able to move from there.

Dad: we can see her?

Doctor: yeah! But please two people at one time. Don't disturb her.

They both went in to see her. I was still standing there like a statue. Then a nurse approached me with a file. "Sir! You need to fill this and pay all the formalities. " I went with her still unsound.


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