Chapter 11

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And this update here comes on another happy reason. One of my didis here on wattpad whom I did meet first as a reader, then as a friend and then as a didi and a supporter. Someone who always supported me and has a great deep love for me Neil. She's getting married today and I am so and so happy for you didi.

I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. May you always stay happy and smile beautifully. Once again congratulations on your big day. Much love...

Chapter dedicated to :- priyanka3
Published on:- 10 Feb 2022
Words Count:- 3771 words

Ayesha's POV

"I will forgive you two on one condition Dadda..." I said as I felt my heart beating too fast with this.

"What?" Dadda asked being all anxious.

"I want you to get me divorce from this man. After that, I will come and live happily with you both in London forever." I stated.

"What?" Neil asked being all shocked and shouting near my ear.

"Is it? Will you?" Dadda asked with his voice bearing up all the hope which was hidden deep inside him in all these years. I bit my lips and nodded.

"What is it? A game?" Neil asked raising his voice even further. 

"I will do..." Dadda said as if being totally spellbound by my words. 

I smiled at him and looked evily at Neil.

I didn't call for this Neil. It's you who brought this on himself. Even if you haven't slept with Veronica but then also you have hurt me by your words in this state when I have been carrying your baby in my womb. You clearly knew the intentions with which I was asking you that stuff but then also you played with me. You almost stopped my heart with your words!

I have trust in you. I know that you must not have cheated on me. But then also this heart still shudders remembering the moment when you confessed that you slept with that blonde. All this disgusts me so much that I never want to see your face again. I hate you... I hate you so much that this time I am done.

"You can't leave me..." He said shaking his head.

"Why would I even leave anyone when divorce is surely a way out? I will divorce you and end this game forever. You said that you were happy with that Veronica right? Go and stay with her for she maybe your happy family but I am not as I can see. I will also go and find someone else." I stated playing with my fingers.

"Who is that someone else?" Neil asked me widening his eyes. 

"Dadda... Don't you have any good business man or a son of some business man in your area?" I asked Dadda seriously looking directly into his eyes.

"I don't know princess. I will have to check. But I am sure that there must be someone out there." Dadda replied making me smile.

"I will kill that someone. What about the baby?" Neil asked taking my arm into his.

I gave him an infuriated look and tried to free my arm from his vice-like grip.

"Neil... Leave my daughter right now!" Dadda demanded of this man.

"What? What about my baby?" Neil asked tightening his grip on my arm and indicating towards my belly. 

"Ours... Wait, only mine. I forgot that his Dad was ready to risk his life too by giving a shock to his mom in a state like this." I reminded him getting up away from the bed and also from Neil.

Neil too got up for once and strode towards me. He was angry as hell but here I too wasn't composed of ice either. 

Whatsoever he said and did today isn't justified at all. Even if it was a lie to get back on me, he should have thought about my state of being with his child. I can never take a punishment of being cheated on even though it's in mere words only. Had I been with someone else like him in today's time then he would have definitely killed both me and that person. 

I am leaving him for sure and now there's no turning back !

"You can't do this to me Ayesha!" He cried and was about to hover over me with the help of his big frame when my Dadda came in between both of us stoping him from doing so. I looked and nodded at Dadda after which I left the place without giving a second glance to Neil. 

I wanna get back to my apartment. It's of no good to stay here and witness the fight of Neil and Dadda. Now that I have successfully thrown everything on Dadda's shoulders, I just have to wait and see him getting into action against Neil.

Enough is enough now!

I walked down through our majestic stairs when each and every member of the staff bowed in front of me in acknowledgment. My eyes were searching for Anna as I was just too desperate to peacefully leave this place without having another drama on my way.

As soon as I reached the last step, I found someone peaking at me from behind the couch. Her face was burnt.


No... No... Ayesha, she's dead. It's not her. Cool... Close your eyes and breath. This can't be her.

"How can you forget me bee?" The voice asked.

"No..." I muttered and opened up my eyes again and there she was gone.

I let out a sigh of relief and placed my hand over my chest to feel my heart beating rapidly. I cleared my mind over all the negative thoughts and once again thought about Anna.

I was about to ask one of our servants regarding Anna when my phone started ringing. I frowned and took out my phone to find that it was Rishav who was calling me now this time. I answered the call and after that I heard him saying,

"I wanna meet you, Ayesha. It's urgent." 


Neil's POV

The one who loves you always stays close to you. They rule up your heart and bless up your day. They make each and every moment of yours magical. They never leave you and also never doubt your love for them. Is a love like this present only in fairytales for my love is just the opposite of this?

Ayesha has always left me alone. Whenever we fight, she has never resorted to the act of staying back and finishing every fight peacefully. But she always runs away leaving me behind only to chase her. She had called me back then to Dubai not because she wanted us together but only because she wanted me to save her from that leech Anil.

Of course, saving her is indeed my job for she is my wife. I don't complain of that but it does hurt when I realized that she called me for that and nothing else. 

I was ready to support her in her fight with that Yashwant but Ayesha never ever considered me for that too. I agree that earlier I had doubted on her mental state saying that Prachi never existed in the very first place. But I had only trusted her Shaila mom, the person whom Ayesha loved the most. I just trusted her trust. How can she blame me for that and hide things from me like this because of that only?

Now also, she's not ready to trust me. She is again choosing her so called yet good for nothing brother Rishav against me. She is refusing to hear anything which is being said against that bastard. But this time it's not done. She is carrying my baby and she cannot make fun of my love like this.


I met for the first time after our reception in Mumbai only. When Ayesha was here in Dubai all alone, I had resorted to drinking to get rid of all my thoughts that involved her. 

I did try... But I wasn't able to take my mind off my angel. She never left my mind first of all.

That's when I met Veronica in one of the bars. She too had broken up from one of her boyfriends, Michael and was all alone. I tried getting away from her at first. But our constant incidental meetings in those bars allowed me to find a companion in her.

I don't care that she was after my money once or what. There's a thing which I always appreciated about her and that was that she never left my side. Even if it was for me, she was there. If my money can find me a friend, a partner then what is wrong in that?

We soon grew close and started sharing our problems with each other. She used to hear my problems and I used to hear hers patiently. We became friends. Let's say more like buddies but this time it was nothing sexual but only emotional. 

To be honest, I never got this type of support from Ayesha. She never showed that much of interest in my day and my problems. Why would she ? She was after all so busy in hers. She only used to take interest in my life when I, myself used to approach her first to share everything about my life.

I started liking Veronica's friendship with time and we started hanging out more and more as friends. That's when media caught our friendship and started naming it as a relationship for we were ex-partners once. 

One day, one of the media persons did try to misbehave with Veronica for the same earning a punch from me. They named it as my love for her and definitely damaged both of our images. But the hell have I ever cared of these buggy creatures and same goes for my wife!

Is my wife ever interested in my life? Why would she also care of the media?

When I had a fight with Ayesha over that Rishav, I had returned back to Mumbai for my own sanity.

No matter wheresoever I go, Mumbai continues to remain my favorite place always. I am in love with that place and that is the place which gives me my peace always. This is why, I had made my Mumbai mansion as my permanent residence once. But everything changed with the arrival of Ayesha.

I turned up to a bar that night and called up Veronica for my company. I shared all my problems with her and I simply can't understand that why the hell is Ayesha even angry for it?

Doesn't she shares her problem with that Rishav's love? How did I go wrong when I did the same with my friend?

Veronica heard them patiently and calmly asked me to sort out things with Ayesha by talking to her once. But is it even worth it? Will she listen to me if I bring out this topic of Rishav once again in front of her?

After this, Veronica and I left for a long drive to freshen up my mood. We both were too drunk to drive and this is why, it was my driver who was driving us all night long. I was too tired that night because of all the drama and unknowingly drifted on Veronica's lap.

She was good to me that night as she took care of my drunken state. She took us to my mansion making me lay down on the bed and herself choosing the couch. She stayed with me all night long to see whether if I needed anything.

It wasn't like I was a totally passed out man. No, I agree that I was drunk but still was in my senses to see her acts. 

So yeah, we did 'sleep together the last night' in the same room and yes 'she was good to me' for she took a great care of me. 

The next morning when I woke up, I got the news of Elmas selecting someone as a new project's head. It was something that demanded both Veronica and my presence. We travelled together to Dubai for the same. But I was caught with some work after that because of which Veronica entered Elmas first.

Ayesha's eyes were on us all the time in the meeting and Mr. Raichand too was throwing glares at us. 

What's wrong with this father-daughter duo?

They always want someone to dance around them and entertain them as if they own this fucking world. I gave them a flying fuck and ignored their existence. After that, I was in my cabin when Ayesha came to confront me about Veronica.

That is when she herself dug the last nail to the coffin of our relationship. Her words got me angry. 

How can she question me like this when she doesn't trusts me first of all? 

She always asks me to be open-minded and be calm when she roams with her male-friends. How can she question me when I have been doing the same with my friend? Isn't this hypocrisy?

My anger reached to its peak after which I bursted out on Ayesha. To make her feel horrible, I did utter only half of the story of last night. Like she always says... I said the truth even though it was only half.

But this did take a toll on her and affected her greatly for she lost her consciousness soon after that. I immediately regretted my actions. 

I did cross my line this time in the name of hurting her. No matter what, she's pregnant and I should have kept that thought in my mind. I took her back to Raichand's mansion and called for a doctor. 

Mr. Raichand was too angry on me when I told him about my behavior with his daughter. Oldie was hell bent on getting me out of his mansion but his wife stopped him. 

Yes, Mrs. Raichand is here only in Dubai. She came here a few days back only but prevented herself from coming in front of Ayesha for she surely knows that Ayesha will over-react if she sees her now. Over-reaction isn't good for her state now currently. This is why, she chose to stay away from her own daughter. She used to keep an eye on Ayesha from far itself.

But this girl, she now wanted divorce from me and for this, she did play a really cheap game. She took advantage of oldie's emotional state and his longing for his enstranged daugther and successfully turned him against me.

But how can I leave you angel?

You are mine no matter what and nothing as well as no one can change this fact. I will take you away from everyone and keep you caged with me if that is what is needed right now. 

"Divorce her, Neil." Mr. Raichand said looking at the departing figure of his daughter making me clench my jaws at his words.

"What if I don't?" I asked standing right in front of him.

I gave him a challenging look but then also his face was calm and soft. He gave me a breaking smile and said,

"You have to... For that's when my daughter shall forgive me."

Fuck... He claims himself to be a master businessman but then also can't he see that how his daughter has been playing with him? Is he really believing the shit that Ayesha will forgive him once I leave her?

Ayesha will be more free after that and won't even listen to this oldie even a bit. In today's time, she does pay heed to 20% of oldie's words but after I leave it will all be gone.

"You really kidding me, oldie? She is surely not gonna stand by her words after I leave her and you also know that well. Why do you wanna ruin your daughter's house like this?" I asked taking out my suit out of frustration and throwing it on the bed.

My anger was getting the worst out of me and for sure I was ready to snap on anyone including this oldie for messing up with me like this.

"I liked you for my daughter when you were a kid, young man. After you grew up, I got to know about your affairs and immediately disliked you for the same. But still you somehow managed to marry her. After your marriage, I started hating you for your anger issues but then also stayed quite seeing your love for her. But now...I don't care if Ayesha stays still on her words or not. All that I know is that my daughter has asked me for something for the very first time after Prachi's death. She wants something from her Dadda and this Dadda will get it for her princess." Oldie said placing his hands on my shoulder.

I looked at his hand which was resting on my shoulder and then diverted my eyes back to him. I gave him a cold sneer and shrugged off his hands. His expressions were blank while mine were that of anger. I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt the next and said,

"It's not happening. It is my family about whom you are talking about."

"You know what... Let's do a deal. You give divorce to Ayesha while I will make sure that she doesn't sets her eyes on someone else. You can remarry her when things become good between you and her. But for now you have to divorce him son." Mr Raichand suggested to me making me chuckle at his words.

I looked around the room arrogantly and scrunched my nose a bit. The bedroom was majestic just like the heart of this man here. But the only difference was that the room wasn't blank.

What the fuck is he even saying? Is he serious?

He wants me to divorce my current wife and remarry her again just for his benefit. Like what sense does this even make?

"Why would I even divorce my current wife?" I asked in a tone which clearly showed the displeasure which I had for his words. 

Mr. Raichand took a step forward to me at this and said,

"If you don't then it means that you will come in my way, son. I will do anything to get my princess of what she wants even if that means finding a suitable man for her." 

I glared at him at this and decided to leave this place at once.

I brushed my shoulders against his knowingly and finally left the place.

What is this father-daughter duo even made up of?

I haven't ever seen someone bugging their son-in-law like this. I wonder how Mrs. Raichand used to handle them both when they were together. They just make even one of the simple things to be the most difficult. Their stubbornness too is the same.

They both are so alike. 

But this time it's Neil Malhotra whom they dealing of with...

Ayesha's POV

When you are dealing with an enemy, make sure that you carry his weakest thing along with you for that would first of all stop him from hurting you and even if he doesn't budges from his evil plans then you can gladly hurt his weakness. 

"What's the plan for today?" I asked Rishav sipping on my juice. 

My eyes studied each and every expression of his. He was trying hard to be normal and well sweet too. But no matter what a snake does, his venom can be clearly seen around. 

"Are we going on a date, Rishi?" Anna asked seductively making me smile.

I have asked Anna to tag along with us. Rishav can hurt me if I am alone but he wouldn't dare to look at me if Anna is there. No matter what he won't prefer to ruin his image in front of Anna. 

Anna... The weakness of this snake !

"No, I have called you guys to this cafe to discuss something which is very important." He said making me and Anna to look at each other at this.

"What?" I threw my next question directly into his face.

"I have worked so hard to get this project whose head is Neil currently. I have given my everything to it." Rishav explained.

He held Anna's hand and squeezed it gently after this. Anna gave him a flashy smile after this forcefully while I just sat quite on my place analyzing each and every move of them. 

"So?" I asked though I clearly know that where this all is heading to.

"Your husband has been made the head of that project sister. Don't you think it would be fair if I get the project?" He asked directly coming over to his intentions without playing dumb.

 "That's not in my hands. It's Mr. Raichand who has made him that." I replied looking at him.

I fumbled with my fingers carrying a look of dissapointment.

Honestly, now I also don't want Neil in that project. It's not only about our fight today. It's about him staying close to Veronica because of this project. I don't want him to be with her. This is why, I am not liking the idea of him heading this project.

"But he made him the head under your name. So, you can take him out whensoever you want." He suggested drawing my full attention to him.

I stopped sipping on my juice and looked at Anna. Anna shook her head denying me from taking part in this but I royally ignored her warning. 

If there is anything that I desperately want now is for Neil to stay away from that blonde. If this is gonna do it... then let it be. I will do anything that it takes to keep him away from her. I will hire this snake too and use him for my benefit.

"How?" I asked.


So guys, how was the chappy?

What do you think of Neil's POV over this matter?

What do you think of Mr. Raichand's words and requests from Neil?

What do you think about the last part of the chappy?

Also, I am done with the update of 2 chapters this month. The next update shall come in the month of March. Till then guys, please stay safe and be happy:)

Please do vote and comment:)

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