Chapter 12

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These beautiful covers of The Thorned Crown and The Darkest Sunshine as well as the name boards have been made by Dreamer-Blxss . Thank you so much dear for making them for me. Really means a lot! Much love...

The chapter dedicated to- Dreamer-Blxss

Words Count:- 3201 words.

Ayesha's POV

Honestly, now I also don't want Neil in that project. It's not only about our fight today. It's about him staying close to Veronica because of this project. I don't want him to be with her. This is why I am not liking the idea of him heading this project.

"But he made him the head under your name. So, you can take him out whensoever you want." He suggested drawing my full attention to him.

I stopped sipping on my juice and looked at Anna. Anna shook her head denying me from taking part in this but I royally ignored her warning.

If there is anything that I desperately want now is for Neil to stay away from that blonde. If this is gonna do it... then let it be. I will do anything that it takes to keep him away from her. I will hire this snake too and use him for my benefit.

"How?" I asked.

"You are the A. Raichand, my sister. You have got all the powers in Elmas. You just draft a letter stating that your husband Neil Malhotra is removed from this project. Also please do mention that you are willingly handing over this project to me." Rishav said showing me his pearly white teeth. 

I furrowed my eyebrows together at his proposal and looked at Anna. Anna in return gave me a confused look which made me give back my attention to this snake. 

What shall I do now? 

I have to get Neil away from that blonde. But if I remove him now then he will get angrier with me. If I don't then Rishav shall doubt me regarding my stance. 

It's already so messed up and this man as well as Neil aren't helping me out in this. 

"Ayesha..." Rishav called me pulling me out of my thoughts. 

He gave me a questioning look and such a shrewd man is he. He is indirectly pressurizing me to take a decision now itself. But let it be. I have already made up my mind. I know what I have to do. 

"You will get that letter soon brother." I said holding his hand and giving him an assuring smile. 

Next Day

Elmas Dubai

Ayesha's POV

"You think that whatever we have done so far is right?" Anna asked taking a stroll across the cabin of Dadda. 

I looked at her panicking frame and rubbed my tongue against my lips as I felt them getting dry all of a sudden.

"We have for sure... We can't disappoint Rishav at any cost. Also, I have to keep Neil away from that blonde." I said taking a water bottle in my hands.

"That raging bull shall kill us. It will be a humiliation for him." Anna commented afterward.

Once I was done sipping on the cold water which brought great relief to my body, I asked, "So, whatever that he was doing in that conference room, wasn't it a humiliation of mine too?" 

"But hasn't he said that she's just a mere friend of him?" Anna asked as she grabbed a seat in front of me for I was sitting in my Dadda's grand seat.

"Anna... People are talking about this. I know we shouldn't care about what others say but it is a limit. Some are there out saying that I might have cheated on him which is why the so-called great Neil Malhotra who used to love his wife like anything has turned his back on her. They are accusing my character. I don't know whether this has fallen on his ears or not. But this surely is a disgrace to me and him getting close to that Veronica just fuels up these rumors. " I replied playing with my fingers.

I know that this isn't the correct excuse for what I am gonna do. But surely, I have to say something. I am jealous of Veronica and somewhat afraid of Rishav's removal of trust in me. I have to do this no matter what.

"I am not liking this Ayesha. I am still with you for I had promised that no matter what you will always find me with you. But I personally think that we are falling into some trap of Rishav which you are overlooking in your jealousy." She said to which I sighed and ignored her words. 

She gave me a questioning look and was about to ask me something further when the door opened up revealing Dadda who was tired holding a letter that I had sent to his assistant this morning.

"What's this princess? Are you sure?" He asked with a heaving chest.

It looks as if he came to his cabin running from somewhere after receiving that letter.

"Yes dadda, I am hundred percent sure. Remove him and get Rishav on board for this project." I said with stony eyes behind which my soul was crying.

Neil was so happy about this project for Dadda had chosen him for the very first time over anyone. Here, I am doing all this just to remove him. I am tired now with each passing day. I do wish that I could stand apart from everyone and cry in silence. I do wish that I could live a happy life away from all the problems with Neil and my little baby. 

The things which seem in reality are not true and the things which one wants to see in reality are too good to be true!

"We serious about Neil this time?" Dadda asked me in shock. 

I bit my lower lip being all tensed and finally asked,

"Did you really think that I was kidding when I said that I wanna marry someone else?" 

It's all a lie. If I am not with Neil then I don't want anyone else too. But this is important to convince Dadda to remove Neil or else he will never appreciate bringing back Rishav on board.

"Won't you regret it? He loves you..." He said coming closer to me.

I could feel tears blurring up my vision yet with a strong heart I managed to say,

"We both love each other a lot Dadda. But sometimes the pain becomes too much to handle. Sometimes the pain crosses the extent of our love and finally makes us question our real desires and wants. We both are unhappy in this marriage Dadda, especially him. I won't be selfish anymore to hold him back like this. I will free him." 

Again, I feel so weak. I really hate goodbyes. Hearing Neil's side of the story of him and Veronica made me realize how badly he needs a good partner. A stable partner with a stable mind to be precise. I can never become one for him even if I want to. 

I can't leave Prachi's revenge in between. Till the time, the revenge is there he will be unhappy. If I leave it then I will be unhappy. If anyone of us is unhappy in this marriage then how will this marriage even work out?

This is why I have chosen to take this mid-way path. Letting him go is the best solution to both problems. It will hurt me for sure as well as him too. But it's better than him getting hurt every day like this. I will step out... 

But again I can't see Neil being with Veronica in front of my eyes. He can do whatsoever he wants behind my back once I am gone. But I am not strong enough to see it with my eyes. Also, I want Neil to stay away from Elmas now. He has got his own company to manage. Why should he always waste his time after me and my company like this?

It's for good only... He will get hurt like this by my decision and shall leave me forever.

"If this is what you want princess... I will do it. Also, I will look for someone who can keep my princess happy soon." Dadda said to which I nodded silently.

I left the room and walked towards my own cabin which was there on the topmost floor of this building. I entered the place and looked at the image of Prachi and me. I caressed our picture with my hand and said,

"I love you so much that it hurts now... It has been hurting me every day to think that you died because of me. I can't see my destination anymore and here I am getting overloaded with more responsibilities. I am such loser honey. I was neither a good daughter, good wife, or good sister and will not be a good mother too. I don't deserve anyone... I am supposed to stay alone and this will be it. I hurt people... I don't deserve anyone. "

I cried my whole heart out that morning. Letting go of someone willingly whom you love the most is terrible. It is a pain that kills you slowly and breaks you down steadily. But again I have to face it all for running away isn't a solution this time.

Same evening

Ayesha's Flat

Ayesha's POV

"Neil Malhotra has stepped out from all the duties of Elmas this afternoon. It all happened suddenly when his own wife who is the owner of Elmas took him out of an important project this morning. Earlier, we were just suspecting that something was brewing up between this husband-wife duo behind the thick walls of Elmas. But now everything has started to get into shape slowly. What can we expect next? Divorce? Well, it's only for the time to tell and for us to report on that time!" The reporter chirped breaking the so-called big news of the evening.

I sighed and sat tiredly on my couch looking at Shekhar who was smiling like a creep at me. I rolled my eyes and munched on my food for this baby always keeps me hungry.

"So, this thing stays with us after our marriage?" He asked pointing to my baby bump.

His choice of words added more fuel to my rising anger. I took hold of the empty tin juice can and threw it over his shoulder.

"He's not a thing you moron!" I cried out as Anna patted my shoulders to calm me down.

What on Earth did Dadda even think of before getting this moron here to marry me?

I told him that I was so done with Neil that I was ready to move on. But he took it all so seriously that within half a day he presented the foolish son of one of his great friends in front of me. Since the afternoon, he has been eating up my head like a leech.

"Sorry... Sorry... It's not a thing. I mean he's not a thing. He's a baby. I do get that. But it's nice you know." He said looking at my boobs to be exact.

"What?" I asked in a roaring tone as I adjusted my top.

"You are pregnant which means that you are experienced in bed. I am also an experienced one. We two will have fun every other night after our wedding." He said winking at me.

With this, he himself hammered the last nail to his coffin for my anger had raised up to its peak. 

I threw my food against the couch and got up on my place angrily. 

"What happened girl?" He asked to which I held his hand and forced him to get up.

"You wanna kiss me?" He asked looking lustfully at my lips.

"Oh yeah... My slippers do wanna kiss you. Will you?" I asked pushing him across my living room so as to get him towards the door.

"Hey! We are supposed to get married one day. Don't do that!" Shekhar cried out in return trying to keep his balance upright.

"And I will commit suicide if you marry this loose pants Ayesha." Anna commented looking at Shekhar's pants which were I guess two sizes upper than his usual one. The poor belt was doing a great job in keeping it upright and good.

"Oh god... So much of strength this lady has." He commented once I was successful in pushing him out of the flat.

"Get lost..." I dictated once he was done with his bickering.

"I will come soon, baby." Shekhar said and gave me a flying kiss and there he stood just behind him.

Neil was glaring at this man who unknowingly collided with him and left the place after murmuring a sorry. Once he was gone, Neil looked at me with questioning and glaring eyes. 

Such a great person Dadda has chosen for me and such great timing for Neil to enter this place. It's good he will get hurt like this and will leave me soon. Afterward, he shall be free from all his pain which is bestowed upon him because of me.

"Come inside..." I muttered and went inside being followed by Neil.

I sat on the couch with the help of Anna while Neil took a seat just in front of me. My eyes were blank and cold as they adored the floor beneath us. There was a cold wave of silence which evolved in the room not surprise me at all.

"I have come here to give you some documents." Neil said finally breaking the silence. 

I nodded and looked at him with heavy eyes. 

"You should have given your resignation papers to Dadda's assistant." I muttered taking his papers in my hand. 

"It's not that." He said coldly looking at my baby bump. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow questioning him about the same.

"It's divorce papers. I have signed it and it's better if you do it too." He said breaking my soul. 

I controlled my emotions reminding me that I have to do this for him. I can't afford to hurt him every day like this and make him suffer. He deserves someone who stays with him and takes care of him and not vice versa. Making my heart as hard as a stone, I said,

"Anna, get me a pen. I will sign it here itself." 

Anna held my shoulders and passed on a look of disbelief to me. 

"You can't do this..." She whispered to which I again said in a more higher voice,

"Anna, get me a pen please." 

This time she silently went towards the cabin and took out a pen from the drawer. She gave me the pen with sadness pertaining to her face. I choked down my own saliva and was about to sign the papers when Neil asked,

"Won't you read the agreement once?" 

"What will it be in it? You want the custody of our baby. I will myself give it to you. You are more stable than me. The baby deserves to stay with you. Who knows I might end up hurting him as I do to everyone? You have the baby's custody, Neil. You don't have to worry about it. I won't make a drama of it." I said smiling at him lowly and caressing my baby bump.

Your father shall keep you, happy baby. I may fail as a mother once but he won't ever fail as your father ever. He's more mature than me and he shall keep you happy. He can't love you more than I would love you for sure but he shall protect you. You don't deserve a mother like me. You deserve the best. I am just happy that I was able to give you a father like Neil. You are damn lucky baby... My Elmas shall be yours even if I am there or not. But before handing over my Elmas to you, I will make sure that no betrayers are left behind. Always remember that your mom loved you, baby...

"You are a law student Ayesha. Read the agreement. There are more clauses in it apart from this one." Neil said making me sigh.

What clause can be more worst than losing your husband and baby? What more can break me like this?

But then also to keep Neil's heart, I gave a quick glance to the papers where my eyes got stuck to one particular clause.

"What the fuck do you think it is?" I cursed in front of Neil for the very first time in my life.

"I want this with you..." Neil said giving me his most famous smirk. 

I see the same obsession with ego and respect in his eyes that I had first seen in our first meeting. The eyes that were hungry for respect and were the house of his ego. Just because he can't win against me like this, he has chosen this way to trouble me.

He got up from his seat and stood in front of me. My eyes were flaming with fire as I killed him a hundred times for thinking something like this. He bent his knees on the floor and tugged a lock of my hair behind my ear. He smiled at me like another creep. 

"Meeting you was destiny, loving you was my choice, and hurting you is now my pleasure." He said taking my hand into his and placing a kiss on top of my hand.


"So this is what he wanted..." Anna whispered.

"Yes. This is why he was so desperate for that deal." I commented looking at her.

"Elmas will get ruined like this. He's taking it to the downfall." Anna said crossing her arms against her chest.

"Let go of this revenge. There is no use in pleasing this snake before Elmas. If Prachi was a child to me then so it Elmas. We shall find another way to get the revenge. But for now, this snake needs to be kicked out." I said looking at Elma's map.

"How?" She asked.

"It's time for Elmas Dubai to meet their infamous witch." I commented.


So guys, how was the chappy?

What do you think of Ayesha agreeing to Rishav?

What do you think of Ayesha finally setting up her mind to leave Neil?

What do you think is the agreement clause?

What do you think of the last part of the chappy?

Please do vote and comment:)


I am sorry for going MIA since last two months. Actually, my exams were going on which was followed by the demise of my grandfather. I know that i haven't updated since March. So i have to update 7 chapters in total after this. But as usual, you have my assurance that i may go missing for sometime... But i wont leave the books hanging. They all shall be completed by me. Thank you so much for all the love and support.

Lovingly Yours,

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