Chapter 2

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And here I update after two months I guess.

Why ?

The reason is very simple yet special. It's the birthday of my Khushi di here. Yeah... you did hear it right. 

It's the birthday of one of the most amazing persons out here. The one with whom you will instantly feel a connect once you interact with her. The one who knows how to support and care for all her friends. My sister and one of the most genuine persons whom I have met here.

Happy Birthday Di !

Since you wanted an update of LY on your birthday. Here it is... I am sorry that I couldn't do anything much more than this for you. I still remember of all the special things that you did for me on my birthday. But tomorrow is my Maths paper and this chapter I had kept it ready at New Year itself.

I hope that you get all the things that you deserve di. Much love to you and always keep smiling... Your smile is so beautiful yet again I dont like your dimples coz I myself dont have one. But again I just love the dimples of my Neil here. Hehe... Just kidding. But you always stay the way you are di. 

You are so imperfectly perfect !

Happy birthday once again and I hope that you get to eat all sort of chocolates today on this very special day of yours. Have a blast ! Much love...

Chapter dedicated to :- Khushworld1234

Words Count :- 3502 words

Ayesha's POV

Looking around the place seeing my colleagues leaving for their homes, my heart clenched in pain. My eyes were tired and my back screamed out in pain as I gathered all my courage together to sit peacefully. I looked at my laptop and cried. The work seemed so hectic and troublesome that my head is already aching because of this.

I did work on the previous 'real' assignment for the entire last night.

My phone beeped alerting me for a new message. I wiped my tears and had a look at the intruder of my lonely thoughts.


' Come outside Saisha... These irritating man Zubair is grilling me alive. Come and save me Saisha. Come fast for the most beautiful lady of this world along with a bloody Anaconda are waiting outside for you.'

The message read.

I sighed and bit my lips in shear dismay.

If and only if it was possible for me to walk out of this place for hunger and tiredness succumb me under it's weight. But then defying the orders of my boss is equally not possible especially when he's been threatening me of exposing my real identity in front of everyone.

I rubbed my tears with the back of my palm and exhaled out a deep breath looking at my phone.

" I can't come now. Neil has given me lots of work." I replied back.

I looked outside of the cabin as my eyes landed up on Neil who was busy talking to someone. My phone beeped once again instantly as I diverted my gaze back to my phone.

" Hey ! Don't do this girl. Come fast please... Zubair is refusing to leave this place without you. I am stuck with him girl. For the love of God please show up quickly. I beg you Saisha ! " Anna replied.

" Not in my hands..." I sent the message and quickly turned off my phone.

It's better if I start working once again now. Neil is hell bent on troubling me these days and I am sure that he won't leave this chance as well to punish me.

But then what can I also do now ?

I am hungry and right now it's making me even more grumpy !

Shaking my head, I wore up my headphones once again as my eyes concentrated back to the laptop while my ears were back to their job of hearing the speech of my ruthless boss here so that I could make some notes out of this. Taking deep breaths, I got lost into my work as time passed by at it's own pace.

Suddenly, I felt someone touching my hair. I cried out in fear and turned around hastily only to find Neil standing right behind of me passing on a sweet smile to me.

Why is he hell bent on giving me a heart attack here ?

I got scared... I got scared thinking that it's that leech Anil who has again shown the guts of touching me once again.

" What..." I tried asking out to this man here but he shut my mouth the very next second by pecking my lips. I closed my eyes and smiled. I was about to elongate this peck into a little kissing session when this man pulled himself away from me leaving me behind in frustration.

I groaned at this as I saw him giving me a smirk. My pregnancy hormones now danced at a great pace as I could see the anger getting built inside of me. I turned my head back to the laptop and continued my work. Focussing back on the laptop was a great deal especially when I could feel the presence of this man here with every passing second.

After few minutes, Neil took hold of great bunch of my hair as I could feel him placing them on one side of my neck exposing the other to his eyes. I ignored his distracting acts. My heart now raced like anything as I could feel butterflies flying up in my stomach as if this is the first time happening with me from Neil's side.

He started placing sloppy kisses on my bare side neck as I bit my lips trying to stop my moans from coming out in open in front of him. His lips tickled me a bit to which I shrugged my shoulders and tried getting away from him. But the very next second, he opened up the zip of my dress from behind making me freeze at my place. His rough hands wandered off on my back as if there were grazing on a land which they own.

I took out my headphones and pushed them to a side on the desk.

" What the hell do you think that you are even doing ? " I bursted out on Neil.

" Loving my wife... " He said this time rubbing his nose against my bare back.

" You moron ! There are cameras around here. Stop acting like a horny man and pull the zip back to it's place ! " I yelled clutching the end of my one piece long dress tightly into my fist.

" Horny... Yes, I am for it has been months since I have fucked someone. " He cried out in desperation I guess.

Wait ! What ?

" Someone ? " I asked raising my tone to the loudest as my blood boiled thinking of him doing all this with Veronica.

I hate cheaters and I will surely roast him alive here if what I am thinking out here comes out to be true !

" It's you dumbo ! " He said breaking my chain of thoughts. A small smile appeared on my lips after this as I blushed like a teenager girl who has just been asked out on a date by her crush.

" Oh... " I answered monotonously smiling lowly at the words of this man.

" And I so want to continue this right here... Right now but the problem is that I cannot see your curves in this loose dress here. " He said making me cough the very next second.

The face of this teenager girl was slammed hard against the ground as I realized that what he is even referring to here.

Loose dress means baby...

" Because I love loose clothes now. What's your problem ? " I asked while he chuckled. I could see his reflection on the laptop screen as my heart pounded so heavily at this that now I think that I will be officially dead soon.

" The problem here is that I am not able to see your curves in this. " He said as he slided his arm towards my chest and gently squeezed my breast.

My eyes widened at this. I turned around and found that he's looking equally shocked.

Pervert ! Pervert ! Pervert !

He has to roam his hands everywhere.

I jerked away his hands and yelled,

" How dare you to touch me ? I will kill you. " I yelled and got up on my place instantly. I took a few steps away from him trying to zip my dress. But this zip is too long and I surely can't do it all by myself.

Oh God ! Where am I even stuck now ?

He must have known by now...

" You have changed... " He muttered while I bit my lips.

"I haven't... It's you who's touching me after so many months. " I tried persuading him though I clearly know that it's of no use here.

He is the Neil Malhotra for heaven's sake. He knows everything about me and these few months can't change anything at all. But what's the harm in even trying out here ?

Neil was lost into some deep thoughts as I found his eyes staring the floor. His hands were rested upon the headrest of the chair on top of which I was sitting till now. His face giving out a serious look as his eyes were deeply engrossed into something which I know here I guess. Thinking this to be the best moment to get out of his eyes as well as out of this mess, I started walking away from him when he held my arm and pulled me towards him.

" Stop lying.... " He said while I frowned. He gave a sharp look to my eyes and after this his eyes travelled up down south. My eyes widened up when I felt his eyes stopping directly at my belly. I cleared my throat and fiddled up with my fingers looking down wishing this moment to pass over quickly, afraid of what is gonna happen next.

" I don't need to touch you to know what's wrong with you angel. Tell me, what are you hiding from me ? " He demanded an answer. I cried lowly to this and looked down.

" I am asking for one last time Ayesha. Tell me, who are you hiding from me ? " He asked. My heart jumped on it's place upon the mention of the word 'who'. I licked my lips as I could feel them drying up and flapped my eyelashes looking around.

" I don't know... of what ... you are talking of here. " I stammered and looked at him in fear. He clenched his jaw at this and nodded his head sarcastically as if he came into my lies.

" Is it ? " He muttered and placed his hand directly over my baby bump.

Time stopped and my blood went cold as Neil grazed his palm over my bump. There was a lone tear lingering up in his eye. He lips stretched up into a wide smile and how beautiful this moment is that even the words fail to describe its essence. I smiled lowly giving him all the time to feel his baby.

" It's a baby in there... " He muttered and I blinked my eyes giving him an imaginary confirmation nod to this. Just then only his eyes raked up and met mine. Anger and coldness is all that I could see in them. I gulped lowly and bit my lips looking away from him.

" Explain... " He demanded from me and yet again here I stand defenceless in front of him.

I don't have anything more to say. It's like nothing is left now. Nothing... What shall I say to this now ?

" Why did you hide my baby from me only Ayesha ? " He demanded twisting my hand lowly with his. I didn't reply anything to this and closed my eyes enduring all the pain which the father of my baby was giving to me right now in all his anger.

An anger... which is justified for sure !

" Don't force me to hurt you Ayesha. Answer me now you dammit ! " He yelled on top of my face snatching away my breath as I looked at him in fear and shook my head.

" Because I am selfish unlike you Neil... " I said and pushed him off me. He stumbled a bit and stood frozen at his place. I picked up his coat which was lying on top of a nearby couch and made my way out of the cabin. I started crying my heart out and looked behind only to find that he is not chasing me this time.

How ? Why ?

How is he so calm even after knowing this ? Why isn't he chasing me now ?

I know that he doesn't cares about his angel anymore. But then what about his baby ?


Was he even ready for one ? Is this why he didn't chase me ?

" What happened Saisha ? " Anna asked me as soon as she saw me in the parking lot. I gave out a loud cry at the site of hers and hugged her tightly letting go of all my caged emotions till now. I started crying my heart out giving a free release to my caged emotions which had got all piled up till now.

Anna rubbed my back consoling me as I could feel the same old fear of mine getting back to me.

The fear of Neil taking away our baby from me and leaving me all alone to myself in his anger. I will die for sure if this happens in real. How will I be able to live without them both ? I want both of them to be there in my life forever.

" Answer me Saisha ! What's wrong with you girl ? What happened ? " Demanded Anna this time raising her tone a bit. I was shivering by now clutching Neil's coat in my hand. I parted away from Anna and looked into her eyes as my lips felt numb by now.

" Neil... He got to know... Got to know of the baby. What shall I do now ? " I asked Anna looking at her in fear. Anna's face too lost all of it's colours as she too knew the meaning of this very well. She also knows that till what extent will Neil now go for his baby.

" How ? God ? Get into the car Saisha before that angry bull comes and hits both of us. " Anna said to which I nodded and looked at Zubair who was busy listening to songs sitting on the driver seat.

I am glad that he didn't hear our conversation. I don't want that Anil to poke his nose into this now when the things are already messed up for the worst. I wiped away my tears and quitely sat inside the car. Sensing our presence, Zubair took off his earphones and started the car as I looked out of the window waiting for Neil.

Where is he ? Why didn't he come to punish me for this ?

I don't know but all this is scaring me up even more. I know Neil's nature. He reacts at the instant only. Now when he is not doing the same I am getting afraid of what will happen next now.

Is this the silence before the arrival of a storm ?


Ayesha's POV

Sitting on the couch of our living room, I fumbled with my fingers thinking of my next plan. Neil already knows about the baby and I have to keep this in mind before taking my next step. Anna paced to and fro in front of me as I could also sense the fear which was slowly building up inside her now.

After all, who wants to face the anger of that famous Malhotra here ?

" What should we now do Saisha ? " Anna asked giving a stop to her walking session as she flapped her eyelashes at me in a questioning manner.

"Nothing that I can devise of now. Let's stick to the pizza plan for now. " I said to which Anna nodded. She left for our bedroom leaving me behind with my thoughts all alone.

Let this plan get successful Neil then half of our problems shall end like that only I guess. Please read the letter first before reacting in your anger first. Please... Please... Please...

" Saisha ! " Anna called out grabbing my attention. I averted my gaze to her and found her holding a pen and a paper to my direction. I sighed and took hold of the same.

" I am sorry for the baby Neil. But please read this letter before throwing it away in your anger. This is very important for it's something which I cannot tell you in front of all. Please read it till the end I beg of you !

Neil, Anil is the bad guy here. He has set his eyes on me since the first day I entered into Elmas. Anil has a video of one of our staff members cheating so as to earn a tender. He's blackmailing me. He wants me to sleep with him in return of that video. He's threatening me Neil. He wants to marry me.

That video... It should not come out no matter what. It will just defame my Dadda and Elmas here. But I swear I will surely punish that cheater in our company once I am out of this mess. Do something Neil... I need your help. We need to get that video first and I just can't do it all alone. Please help...

He is daily harassing me Neil. He is troubling your Ayesha in all possible ways. He was not satisfied with this as well that now he has set his eyes upon our baby as well. Do something Neil. Please... "

I wrote.

Anna ordered a pizza for me and the delivery guy rang the doorbell of our flat exactly after twenty minutes.

I opened the door and gulped lowly seeing Zubair standing right behind the delivery boy looking straight towards me.

" You ordered a pizza ? " Zubair enquired to which I nodded sheepishly.

" Dont forget that I am pregnant here who can get the mood swing to eat anything at any time. " I taunted him back and look at the lean delivery guy.

This guy looks too pale. His face has fallen and maybe he too isn't having his good day today.

I handed him over the money and an extra note. He frowned looking at the extra note and before he was even able to say anything further I held his hand tightly and squeezed it. I opened the extra letter alongwith the money hiding it completely from Zubair's eyes.

" Please dont make any noise. The man outside is a dangerous one who is troubling us. Please help us for the sake of God. Here is some extra money for you. I will give you a letter now after this. Please take it to the below mentioned address.

Malhotra Mansion, Street Number 3, Downtown."

The guy read the letter with utmost patience and finally blinked his eyes once he was done. I smiled lowly at this and handed over the main letter to him. The guy successfully placed the letter inside of his shirt's pocket and finally left the place.

I then gave a disgusting look to Zubair as if he has killed my cat here and finally banged the door right on his face.


After few hours

Ayesha's POV

I was sitting on top of my bed impatiently looking at the wall clock. It's been two hours since the delivery guy left with my letter. Neil must have read it I guess.

If yes then why isn't he here yet ?

" Stop tapping you feet against the floor Annabeth ! " I whisper yelled looking at Anna who was sitting at the other side of the bed tapping her foot bringing nothing yet a headache for me.

" I am sorry Saisha... " The girl apologized as I shook my head at this and sighed.

Just then door bell rang increasing the pace of my heart. My neck turned around instantly towards the door as I smiled and ran towards the main door taking care of my baby bump. As soon as I opened the door, my face lost all of its colors as I saw Anil standing right there in front of me.

" How dare you to double cross me ? " The man yelled grabbing my throat. He started choking me out as he pushed me back still maintaining his hold of me. Zubair closed the door behind him as Anna tried her best to fight both the men here.

My back soon collided with the wall as I tried my best to free myself from his clutches.

" I did love you a lot Ayesha but if betrayal is something that you are planning to serve me then I guess that death will even be a more sweeter dish for me to serve you back ! " He said.


How was the chapter guys ?

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