Chapter 3

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First of all, a very happy Republic Day to all of you !

And these beautiful covers of 'The Thorned Crown' have been made by my friend Sarvika who is no longer on Wattpad now. Thanks behen... ❤️

Chapter dedicated to :- Sarvika

Words Count :- 2607 words

Ayesha's POV

Just then the door bell rang increasing the pace of my heart. My neck turned around instantly towards the door as I smiled and ran towards the main door taking care of my baby bump. As soon as I opened the door, my face lost all of its colors as I saw Anil standing right there in front of me.

" How dare you to double cross me ? " The man yelled grabbing my throat. He started choking me out as he pushed me back still maintaining his hold of me. Zubair closed the door behind him as Anna tried her best to fight both the men here.

My back soon collided with the wall as I tried my best to free myself from his clutches.

" I did love you a lot Ayesha but if betrayal is something that you are planning to serve me then I guess that death will even be a more sweeter dish for me to serve you back ! " He said.

" Leave her you moron ! " Anna yelled banging her tiny hands against the arm of this devil with which he was busy chocking me out. Anil didn't even reacted to her beatings and continued to look into my eyes. I could feel myself losing my senses and that's when Neil's face came in front of my eyes. 

No... I have to fight for him. I wish to have my own happy ending with him. I want to give birth to my baby. I will fight till the end. I have to !

I looked down at the floor and had a quick glance of my heels. I lifted my right foot up and smashed my heel into the foot of this swine. He cried out in pain and that's when I pushed him away. Zubair came running to support his boss to which Anna indicated me to run towards our bedroom as Zubair was standing right in front of the exit supporting his boss.

Without wasting even a single second, I ran towards my bedroom taking care of my baby bump when suddenly I heard a scream from behind. I stopped in my tracks and hastily turned around only to find Zubair lying on the floor crying his lungs out and Anna was...

Wait, what ?

Annabeth was holding a safety pin in her hand and was smirking at this Zubair guy. Basically, she took out the safety pin with which she had been covering her cleavage with her top till now. 

" This was for messing up with my girl, you moron ! " Anna cried and kicked that man on his thighs.

" I won't spare you now, you blonde ! " Anil shouted as I found him standing upright in his place by now.

When did he get up ? Hadn't I also hit him hardly on his foot ?

But yeah... He was wearing shoes at that time. I won't be much surprised if he didn't get hurt that seriously now here.

" Saisha, run ! " Anna shouted as she herself ran towards me being followed up by that swine Anil. 

I mentally slapped myself for wasting my time in this and again ran towards my bedroom. I finally reached my room and waited for Anna to come inside too. 

" And I will end everything today ! " Anil's voice was heard as he chased Anna who had now successfully entered the room. We closed the door on Anil's face. Anna locked the door and that's when we looked at each other.

" Call Neil ! " Anna shouted to which I nodded and took out my phone. 

I dialed up Neil's number at the speed of a vampire and waited for him to answer my call. But to my surprise, he didn't pick up his phone.

Is he taking out his anger like this now ? Is he ignoring me and is this his way of punishing me as well ?

" He's not picking up my call. " I said to Anna to which she widened up her eyes.

" Call him once again ! " She cried back.

" But we don't have much time. " I replied paying attention to Anil banging the door this time.

" Open the door girls or else it won't be good for anyone of you if I get my hands on you ! " Anil shouted from the other side of the door.

I looked at Anna in fear and said,

" Let's do one thing. I will call Neil once again and you call Dadda. " 

Anna nodded to my words and soon followed my instructions. I once again dialed up Neil's number but this jerk never cared to answer my call.

" Hello ! " I heard Anna answering her call. I gasped and snatched away her phone from her hand and exclaimed,

" Dadda ! "

" Princess ! What happened ? Why are you sounding so tensed and what's this noise that is coming from behind ? " He asked everything at once in a single breath.

" Dadda ! Save me please... That Anil of Elmas... He's after me. He wants to kill me Dadda. I have hidden myself in a room alongwith Anna but that man is still outside. He will come anytime inside. Please Dadda... Do something. I am getting scared now. " I choked at my own words as I found myself crying by now.

" What ? Have you informed Neil ? " He asked as I clutched the phone tightly in my hand looking fearfully towards the door that could open up at any second by now.

" He's not picking up my phone Dadda. Dadda, please do something as soon as possible. I don't want to die. I want to hear my baby calling me mamma. Please do something. I want to see my baby before dying ! " I sobbed.

" Baby ? Wait... I will do something, princess. You are my pride and remember no one can harm you till the time I am here. " He assured me to which I nodded. He then cut the call and I looked at Anna nodding at her.

" Open the door Ayesha. I love you baby. Come out. Don't get scared. I am sorry. Come out my love. " Anil said softly as he banged the door with less force now. 

" Is he bipolar ? " Anna asked. I twitched my eyebrows together at this and answered,

"No. He is playing a trick to get both of us out. I... I am scared now Anna."


Ayush Raichand's POV


What you do and how you do becomes a common criteria for people to set their judgement on you. People see your acts but none of them care to see your intentions behind them. They declare their judgement and leave exposing us to self-doubt and self-guilt.

I have always loved both of my daughters a lot. It would be too wrong of me if I claim it to be equally. No matter what Ayesha has always had an upper hand over Prachi. She is my first child who has given me the happiness of being a father for the first time. She has always been special to me.

I always wanted my princess to rule my Elmas. Even when Prachi was there, I had always been certain of one thing that Elmas belongs to my Ayesha. Ayesha has always been a combination of goodness and cleverness. A perfect combo for my Elmas

But the evils came and surrounded my kingdom threatening both of my princesses. I failed to save one and the other is the only one who is left for me and for my Elmas.

That's when I promised myself that no matter what I won't allow anyone to hurt my Ayesha. I have endured all her hatred for me since that time for this same reason only. If her security and freedom has earned me her hatred then Esha and I are both glad of what we did and we do promise to do it once again if the same situation ever comes up in front of us.

But now my princess is in danger and i surely know that who is the one behind it. 


That snake has always wanted Elmas. If my princess is in danger in his presence then it's of no use to doubt someone else for the same.

I looked at the portrait of my daughter which was hung on the wall in front of me. Her smiling face clenched my heart as I recalled her crying voice over the phone. I took out my phone and dialed Neil's number. I waited for few seconds only to find him not answering my call.

What's wrong ?

Princess was crying there and here Neil isn't answering my call. Neil never does it. There is something surely wrong here now.

I tried calling Neil once again but this time also disappointment is what I got in return. I huffed lowly at this and called up my bodyguards who were allotted in one of my properties that was now closest to the flat of my princess. I instructed them to reach out to my princess as soon as possible.

But this isn't something with which I can deal up all alone. I need someone for help. I can't inform Esha about this. Her health is already not well. Neil isn't picking up my call then who should I reach out to in this case ?


Avinash had told me that he is sending Abhay along with Neil so that Abhay helps Neil to keep his anger in check once he meets Ayesha. Abhay is also in Dubai currently. I... I should ask him for help. Meanwhile, the bodyguards will go out and reach Ayesha.

I called up Abhay and this second son of Malhotra picked up my call on the second ring itself. 

" Hello, uncle !" He greeted me first.

" Where is that moronic brother of yours ?" I spatted back.

" Neil ? Uncle, I haven't seen him since the morning. He was leaving for Elmas the last time I had seen him. What's wrong uncle ? " He asked. I clenched my jaw and gritted out my teeth in anger.

And there you had promised to protect my daughter Neil Malhotra. Let me go and save Ayesha first then I will be dealing with you. 

" Where are you Abhay ? " I asked this sensible young guy.

" I was driving uncle when you called me. I have bought some flowers for Ayesha. Someone from the staff told me that Neil did trouble her today in the office by giving her some extra work. I know that she must be irritated because of this. So, I just wanted to cheer her up by presenting these flowers to her. " Abhay replied adding more fuel to my anger here.

That idiotic son-in-law of mine gave extra work to my princess ?

How dare he ! 

He has seen me begging in front of him for Ayesha and now he shall see my other side too. No one hurts my princess and gets away with it. I will deal with you Neil but not now !

" Abhay ! Ayesha is in danger. Someone has barged into her flat. Speed up my son and save my daughter. Your brother isn't picking up my calls. I have already sent some men of mine for Ayesha's help. But I need you as well my son. Please go and save my daughter. " I begged for my daughter as I could see red in front of my eyes for both Rishav and Neil.

" What ? Ayesha is in danger ? Don't worry, uncle. I am present closer to her flat right now. I will see what's wrong and let you know about it soon. " The young guy and finally cut the call.

If this time it's again you Rishav then trust me you will see the worst. I won't spare you and you will surely regret it this time !


Ayesha's POV

"Peek a boo princess ! " Anil exclaimed opening the door with a bang. 

I looked at him in fear. My heart beating at a great pace as my eyes widened up seeing his advancing steps towards me. Anna came and stood up between both of us. Her small figure in front of me did nothing but gave me some hope that was also vanishing with each passing second.

" And I dare you to touch my sister you bastard ! " Anna yelled at this man earning a sick psychotic smirk from him in return. 

" You think that you can scare me up like this blonde ? Get away ! " He shouted and pushed Anna to a side. Anna fell on the floor as I cried out her name in fear. Anil walked towards me looking at me from top to bottom. My hands instantly rested up on my belly as I took a few steps back away from him.

" Princess... Princess... My princess ! I was promised that you will be given to me. But that bloody brother of yours showed me his back at the end moment when he got to know that I have hurt his blonde. That man loves this blonde so dearly that he forgot his plan for her. But what is my fault in this ? Tell me... " He muttered like a psycho as I continued to walk back looking at him in fear. 

He placed his hand in his hair and ruffled through the same as he continued,

" I want you Ayesha. Even if your brother has changed his stance with me I still love you and I will get you. Tonight is the right time for the same. " He said.

My back finally touched the wall as this man stood in front of me smirking over his victory as I continued to look at him with my blurry vision. I nodded at him with tears flowing out of my eyes and said,

" Do whatever that you want to with me. "

His eyes shone up brighter than the stars as he looked at me with lust. I turned my head towards my right and found the curtains dancing up in the air that was coming through the open window.

And I will do what I want to !

I have always fought with jerks like this till the end in the past. From slapping a bad guy to piercing the eye of the other with my heels, I have done it all !

But this time I am carrying my baby. If I show even a bit of resistance, my baby shall pay it's price. I might get saved after fighting with this devil but then my baby won't and I don't have the heart in me to see someone else dying up because of me. Another soul... who is now a part of me!

Choices come with a price !

My choice of choosing my self respect now comes up with the price of two lives. 

I am sorry baby... But I can neither see you dying nor I can give myself to this man. I will die before seeing any of these.

" I didn't hear you clearly princess ! " The swine said bringing up his ear closer to me dramatically. I closed my eyes at this and answered,

" You are free to do anything with me. "

And I will do what I want to !


So guys, how was the chappy ?

Where do you think Neil has gone missing all of a sudden ?

What do you think of Mr Raichand's anger ?

What do you think of the last part of the chappy ?

Please do vote and comment :)

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