Chapter 4

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This beautiful cover of The Thorned Crown has been made by my dear friend vaishnavi1892 here. Thank you so much re for making this one for me. ❤️

Chapter dedicated to :- vaishnavi1892

Words Count :- 3487 words

Ayesha's POV

" I want you Ayesha. Even if your brother has changed his stance with me I still love you and I will get you. Tonight is the right time for the same. " He said.

My back finally touched the wall as this man stood in front of me smirking over his victory as I continued to look at him with my blurry vision. I nodded at him with tears flowing out of my eyes and said,

" Do whatever that you want to with me. "

His eyes shone up brighter than the stars as he looked at me with lust. I turned my head towards my right and found the curtains dancing up in the air that was coming through the open window.

And I will do what I want to !

I have always fought with jerks like this till the end in the past. From slapping a bad guy to piercing the eye of the other with my heels, I have done it all !

But this time I am carrying my baby. If I show even a bit of resistance, my baby shall pay it's price. I might get saved after fighting with this devil but then my baby won't and I don't have the heart in me to see someone else dying up because of me. Another soul... who is now a part of me!

Choices come with a price !

My choice of choosing my self respect now comes up with the price of two lives.

I am sorry baby... But I can neither see you dying nor I can give myself to this man. I will die before seeing any of these.

" I didn't hear you clearly princess ! " The swine said bringing up his ear closer to me dramatically. I closed my eyes at this and answered,

" You are free to do anything with me. "

And I will do what I want to !

He smiled at my words and slowly brought his face closer to mine. His eyes were closed and that's when I pushed him away using all my force. He stumbled back and glared at me. He was shocked rather even much more angry upon this action of mine. 

His eyes were literally red in anger and his breathing pace much faster than a bullet train itself. 

" Bitch ! I wont spare you. " He muttered dashing towards me.

" And here I choose death before that. " I said and slid the glass pane to a side clearing my way. 

I had just lifted my left leg outside hanging into the air when this beast pulled me back to himself. My back collided with his chest as I widened my eyes upon realization setting into my mind.

He saved me ! Now, he won't spare me ! He would not only torture me but then kill my baby as well !


I started hitting my elbow against the chest of this man. Tears started rolling down more and more from my eyes as I tried my level best to give a fight to this man here. Muffled screams escaping my lips which was then followed by the echoing laugh of this beast.

" Let the game begin ! " He announced and pushed me towards the wall. 

I placed both of my hands in the forward direction in such a way that my belly didn't came in contact with the wall. I sighed realizing that my baby was still safe within me. I turned around instantly and found that monster caging me between him and the wall with the help of his hands.

He started kissing the nape of my neck as I closed my eyes and cried. I tried pushing him away but that's when he growled lowly and attacked my lips with his. I cried even more and started hitting his chest with my fist. I again resorted back to my initial plan of pushing him. But this man was too strong for me to even budge.

" Finally... " He whispered slowly parting away from me as his hands made their way to the inside of my top. My eyes widened up at this after which I shouted,

" Neil ! Help ! "

His hands squeezed my left breast roughly which was cladded in a bra. 

" This isn't the fun. Nothing remains for my imagination tonight. " He said tearing away my top with his hand. A frightening scream escaped my lips and that's when the door finally opened revealing Abhay.

" Get off her you bastard ! " Abhay shouted at this psychopath and pulled him successfully away from me. I cried even more loudly and took hold of the curtain and wrapped it around my chest. 

Abhay punched Anil because of which Anil kissed the floor next. Anil tried to get back to Abhay by trying his level best to get up. But it was of no use as Abhay kicked Anil directly on his chest. Anil coughed and laid on the ground in pain. 

" That's my sister whom you touched with your filthy hands. " Abhay said kneeling down to Anil's level. I sobbed and looked at them silently as Anil smiled at this and said,

" And you sister tastes so good. " 

Abhay clenched his jaw at this and punched Anil on his face. He continued punching his face without a pause as blood was something that I was only able to see on Anil's face. 

Complete red it was !

Abhay left him after few minutes and I wonder whether if Anil was still alive or not. Abhay had been punching him since a very long time but then again even if this jerk dies... It's not a problem. Malhotras and the Raichands will surely save Abhay for this now.

Abhay took hold of Anil's collar and dragged him outside. Splashes of blood trailed their path as they left the room.

" Hand him over to the police. " I could hear Abhay's voice booming outside. 

After some time, Abhay entered back to the room. I held the curtain tightly against my chest hiding my modesty. My shirt was torn by that beast completely. Both of the sides were now hanging in the air. 

Abhay looked at my state for a second to which I lowered my eyes to the floor still covering myself with the curtain. Abhay looked away as he took out his coat and handed it over to me. His eyes were looking at the other direction from me. I forwarded my shaking hand and took hold of his coat. I silently wore it after turning my back to Abhay even though he was looking towards the main door and not at me.

Once I was done, I collapsed to the floor and cried my heart out. This time Abhay looked back at me and himself kneeled down to my level. He hugged me tightly as I continued to cry in his arms. He rubbed my back with his left hand as I poured in all my emotions at the same time into the arms of my brother.

" Since when is he been troubling you like this now Ayesha ? " He asked patting my back. I hugged him back tightly and stammered,

" Since... past few... months. "

He parted away from me and looked into my eyes. He placed his hand upon my cheek and asked,

" Does Neil know about this ? " 

" No... " I whispered back slowly.

" Oh God ! He will get mad when he would get to know of this. " He commented as I closed my eyes trying to contain my tears back to their place.

" He already knows of many such things which were hidden from him till now and guess what... he is already angry on me as expected. " I stated looking back into his questioning eyes.

" What ? " He asked out of confusion.

I smiled lowly at him and took his hand into mine. I slowly placed his hand on my baby bump. He frowned for a second and paused trying to register the scene in front of him. He blinked his eyes twice at me and then managed to mutter,

" You're... "

" Carrying your nephew. " I completed the sentence for him. 

His smile thereafter knew no bounds as he smiled at this and lovingly kissed my forehead.

" Neil... ?" He asked to which I looked away and wiped away my tears. I coughed and cleared my heavy throat as I said,

" He got to know of this baby suddenly and now he's angry. He didn't answer my phone calls as well... you know. I tried calling him for help but he was simply unreachable. " 

" What ? Wait... Wait... It's not just about you and your calls Ayesha. Neil hasn't been answering anyone of our calls since this evening. He must be really upset at you but no one literally knows like where the hell that guy is ! " Abhay informed me and poured a bucket of ice cold water on top of me with his words. 

" What ? Like really ? Abhay... I... I am seriously afraid for Neil right now. He must be really sad and heartbroken. I am afraid... What if he does something that harms him ? What if he's probably drunk right now and not in his senses ? " I asked holding Abhay's left hand. Abhay placed his right hand upon mine which was holding his left one.

" Ayesha... Why are you talking as if you don't know Neil ? That guy can never harm himself rather I am afraid that he must have already bashed someone by now. " Abhay said smiling lightly at his own words as his hand squeezed mine assuring me. 

" That's gonna be even more terrible. " I commented back being all worried.

" Relax, Ayesha ! " Abhay exclaimed trying to assure me but it was of no use for my mind thought of Neil only all this while. 

" No... Abhay. Don't ! Go and look out for Neil. Get him back to me please. We both need him. " I said placing my hand back on my baby bump. 

More and more tears rolled down my cheek as I looked at Abhay pleadingly. He shook his head in negative in return.

" No ! I can't leave you like this Ayesha. In this state... Not a chance. That mad guy would kill me with his bare hands if he finds out that I left his wife like this only even after all this. I can't take that risk my dear sister-in-law. I love Vanya and I do wanna marry her before closing my eyes permanently. I won't do anything that might poke that angry bull into killing me right now. " He said as I looked at him in disbelief. 

I am so worried of Neil right now and look at him. He doesn't even care a cent that his brother has gone missing. 

I pushed Abhay away from me. He looked at me in shock as he was not clearly expecting this from me.

Serves him well though ! I also wasn't expecting this from him. How could he not care of his brother especially when he might be needing him the most right now ?

" Fine... I will go and search for him in that case. " I announced and got up on my place wiping my tears with the back of my palm. I glared at Abhay for one last time before leaving the place.

" Ayesha... " Abhay's voice boomed in the hall as I paid no heed to his callings and continued to make my way out of all this. 

" Ayesha, listen to me once. " He again called me from behind. 

I came out of my apartment and simply shook my head in return. He stopped me holding my arm all of a sudden and I glared at him.

" Where the hell do you think that you are even going Ayesha ? " He asked me in a raised tone now to which I tried to free my hand from his grip.

" To find my husband. " I replied and wriggled in his vice like grip.

" In this state ? " He asked indicating my baby bump.

" Sadly yes... for you are not willing to help us Abhay. " I spat back at him. He narrowed his eyes at me and was about to say something when a voice interrupted us by saying,

" What's going on here ? "

Abhay and I both turned our heads only to find Dadda and Anna standing right there in front of us. There was a bandage over Anna's forehead and no doubt that it was all because of that Anil. 

" And you young man ! You better leave my daughter now. " Dadda commanded Abhay eyeing his hand. Abhay left my hand for once after which I gave him a death glare and walked towards Anna.

" You fine ? " I enquired of Anna to which she nodded in return flashing her puppy eyes to me all this while. I let out a sigh of relief at this and turned towards Dadda.

" Are you fine princess ? " Dadda asked hugging me tightly. I hugged him back and broke down in front of him once again as my tears refused to stop for once.

" Dadda... That... That Anil tried to force himself on me. " I managed to say this for once and parted away from him. I looked at him with my blurred vision to which he wiped away my tears with his thumb for once.

" Shhh... No princess. Don't ! Anna has told me everything. " Dadda informed me after which I looked at Anna.

" Yes, Saisha ! When Anil locked us in that room I was very much afraid. I knew that I just couldn't save you on my own so I ran away from there and met Mr Raichand on my way. I am so glad that you are fine Saisha. " Anna said in a baby like voice as she herself started sobbing lowly.

I held her hand and squeezed it gently expressing my gratitude towards her. She smiled to me in return and that's when I heard,

" Why were you holding my daughter's hand like that Abhay ? " 

Dadda asked this to Abhay who was till now standing crossing over his hands against his chest.

" Your daughter is a very stubborn one Mr Raichand. Why don't you ask her this yourself ? " Abhay answered back earning another death glare from me on this.

" Dadda, Neil has gone missing and this man here isn't willing to help me on this. Look at him Dadda ! He is neither going to find his brother himself nor is he sending his men for the same. " I said showing my hand towards Abhay.

" Oh... I see. Let's go back to our home princess." Dadda said placing his hand over my shoulder ignoring all of my words.  

" Dadda, did you even hear my words ? I am talking of Neil. " I said lowly looking at him in shock.

" What more do I have to hear now princess ? That man got you pregnant. You are yourself a kid right now and look at this. " He said forwarding his hand to the direction of my baby bump here. 

" It's my baby ! " I spat back at him crossing over both my hands over my bump in defence.

" Whatever ! You are still in college Ayesha and now you have got your hands full with this baby. If not Elmas then barristery was your passion. But now... Nothing will be possible ! " He said in a frustrated tone as his voice boomed in the corridor of our apartment.

" Even your wife continued with her career with me being by her side. " I reminded him of the great Esha Raichand.

" Of course she did ! But I know you well princess. You would never appreciate another Ayesha Raichand in making. You would leave your career just for the sake of this baby. I know you... You won't be able to see another Ayesha. Hell ! You would never want to become a second Esha !" He said eyeing venomously at my baby bump.

I paused at that very second and looked away from him.

He's right. How... How can I become the second Esha Raichand even after all this ? How can I let my baby go through all those stuff which I had seen and felt during my childhood ?

" What ? Realization struck you now, princess ? " Dadda asked to which I raised my head and looked at him like a deer caught in front of the headlights of a car.

" There has to be a way... " I muttered lowly looking away from him.

" Don't you think that Esha and I tried to find one ? " He asked me pricking my heart like anything. 

My lips trembled as I looked at the floor both in fear and sadness.

" It's all because of that man. I won't spare him ! " Dadda shouted to which I shook my head.

" Dadda ! I am equally at fault in this. Don't forget. He was just trying to save me that day. " I fought for Neil.

" No... I won't hear anything from you now princess. First of all, he got you pregnant at this age and secondly, he didn't even cared to answer your calls when you needed him the most. I still remember what he had done to me back in London when that bloody Rishav had tried to kill you. " Dadda said in anger. I widened my eyes at his words and shook my head.

" It wasn't Rishav that night." I lied and acted to be dumb of that incident.

" Whatever ! But Neil hadn't allowed me to meet you for a week after that night. I won't spare him for tonight. He has committed the same mistake which I had done that night and this surely calls for a punishment now. He is not seeing you princess. Anil is already behind the bars and this baby... we shall see to it later. For now, you are coming with me to our home. " He said holding my hand.

" Annabeth, you are coming with us and Abhay... You may also join us if you wish. But again there is no entry for your brother in my house. Remember that ! " Dadda warned Abhay to which Abhay shrugged his shoulders.

" I will come with you, sir. No matter what, your daughter is always my sister. " He said with a small smile on his lips.

" But Dadda... Neil... " I muttered.

" I dare you to say a single word now, princess ! " Dadda said showing his finger to me in warning that was more than enough for me to shut my mouth.

Anna and I simply followed Dadda as we left for Raichand's mansion now.

Where are you Neil ?


Few Hours Later

Raichand's Mansion

Ayesha's POV

Resting in my bedroom, I fiddled with my hands thinking of Neil. It's been hours since we have been brought here and there is still no sign of Neil. Dadda isn't allowing me to leave this place and my monkey is still missing.

What shall I do to this now ? How shall I contact Neil ?

This room... All the servants... Anna... Dadda... Abhay... feel nothing to me without my Neil. 

Why don't they just understand that I am worried for him ? Why don't they allow me to meet him?

" Where's Ayesha ? " I heard Neil's voice coming from outside.

I threw the pillow which was resting on my lap till now on the floor and hurriedly walked outside. I looked down at the main hall from the corridor of the second floor of this mansion. Neil, Abhay, Anna and Dadda were all standing down there in the main hall. Neil was looking quite tired with his eyes looking all weak. His hair was disheveled and his coat was creased.

" Why do you care ? You didn't even answered her calls when she needed you the most." Dadda spat back at him. Neil gave Dadda a low snarl and yelled,

" Shut your mouth, oldie ! I was busy with something important and my phone wasn't with me. But now I have seen her missed calls. I know that she needs me. Ayesha ! " 

" Neil... " I called out and gained his attention. He let out a sigh of relief and started walking towards the stairs. 

I smiled at him and also walked down the stairs when I heard Dadda saying,

" Not so easily ! " 

This was then followed by a loud crashing sound. I lowered my head down to the ground floor and found Neil lying on the floor. 

Oh God ! Dadda punched Neil. 

" How could you ? " I yelled from upstairs seeing everything in red in front of me.

I won't spare you for this now Dadda.


So guys, how was the chappy ?

What do you think of Abhay saving Ayesha from Neil ?

What do you think of Mr. Raichand's concern for Ayesha and her baby ?

What do you think of the last part of the chappy ?

Please do vote and comment :)

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