Chapter 5

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This beautiful cover of Winning Her Heart has been made by Capellarc . Thank you so much didi for making this one for me. Really means a lot ! Much love...

Here are some milestones which we have crossed since the last chappy. Winning Her Heart has crossed 600k+ views and The Darkest Sunshine has crossed 300k+ views. Thank you so much guys for all your love and support. Really means a lot ! Much love... 

Chapter dedicated to :- Capellarc

Words Count :- 3778 words

Ayesha's POV

" Neil... " I called out and gained his attention. He let out a sigh of relief and started walking towards the stairs.

I smiled at him and also walked down the stairs when I heard Dadda saying,

" Not so easily ! "

This was then followed by a loud crashing sound. I lowered my head down to the ground floor and found Neil lying on the floor.

Oh God ! Dadda has punched Neil.

" How could you ? " I yelled from upstairs seeing everything in red in front of me.

I won't spare you for this now Dadda !

I ran down the stairs taking care of my baby bump with my eyes being fixed on my Dadda. Dadda gave me a cold look and soon turned his head back away to my husband who had now stood up back on his place. Dadda's face showed aggression while Neil's was that of desperation. But what the main story at the end was that none of it was good. 

Dadda's aggression would lead him to being violent to Neil while Neil's desperation would lead him back again to pulling me along with him which in turn would again lead to Dadda being violent to him. So basically, it's again a pure round cycle you see which ends up with Neil being thrashed by Dadda at the end.

" You never treated my princess good and today you have crossed all your limits by leaving her when she needed you the most ! " Dadda yelled at Neil making his way towards him. That's when I hurried up with my steps sensing a sudden rise in the temperature of this atmosphere.  Dadda was again about to hit Neil when I stood up in front of Neil this time and said,

" I love him. " 

" He doesn't deserves any of it. " Dadda whispered shaking his head as he looked at me softly. But soon this soft gaze of his turned into something hard when he looked back at Neil who was now smirking at him.

Like... wait ! Smirking ?

Is this guy even sane here ? 

This attitude of him would surely lead him into some deep trouble one day. Dadda has already hit him for once today and Neil is busy smirking at him now. Isn't this what we call as adding fuel to the fire now ?

" He's the father of my baby. " I reminded Dadda and looked at him sheepishly being aware of the fact that he's not happy with me being pregnant at this age.

" And this makes me wanna slap him twice more. " Dadda gritted making me cough at his anger. 

" Listen, oldie ! Dare you come in between a husband and his wife. I had my own reasons for staying away but right now I am back on making the things better and fine. Most importantly, don't comment over my baby here now." Neil warned Dadda calmly this time. I was standing in between of them afraid down to my each nerve. 

" When Ayesha was attacked in London, I also had my own reasons for staying away. My assistant was involved with that bloody brat Rishav but then at that time you never allowed me to see my daughter for once. Today, you are again standing at the very same spot young man and trust me when I say that I do love my princess even more than you. " Dadda told Neil making his and my chest rise up in anger and fear respectively.

" Rishav wasn't involved that night, Dadda ! " I tried saving that snake. 

" So, you're taking a revenge on me ? " Neil asked straightening his collar. 

" Huh ? " I responded to the way how Neil completely ignored my previous words. There was anger now in his voice and now the fight shall start soon. 

Amazing !

" Just giving you a taste of your own medicine son. " Dadda said with a sly smirk on his face to which Neil nodded his head aggresively. He advanced towards Dadda walking past by me. I gaped at this and looked at Abhay for help. Abhay understood my misery and pulled back Neil as Dadda stood stubbornly at his place.

" But I haven't given you a taste of your medicine till now oldie. " Neil said fidgeting his hands as Abhay was successful in pulling him back. I know that Neil would never fight with Dadda. It's just his way of threatening him and showing him his anger. But again it's not right.

" You aren't hurting my Dadda, Neil. Calm yourself down and don't do something for which I would never be able to forgive you till the end. " I said showing him my finger. I turned back to look at Dadda and sighed.

" You know what guys... I am tired. I am exhausted both physically and mentally as well. No matter how much I deny but I do love both of you a lot. You never supported me in my fight Dadda and you always showed me your anger Neil. Again at the end of the day, this heart still remains a fool to continue loving you both just like before. I don't want anyone of you getting hurt in this either physically or mentally again. 

But again I am tired. So I am getting out of here. If you guys wanna keep fighting like this then surely go ahead. I don't wanna witness any of these. Once you both are done then come to meet me and show your face. But fighting in front of my baby is seriously not done guys. " I said looking at both of them stepping my way out. I gave them a cold sneer as Neil looked at me with pleading eyes. I shook my head at him and that's when I heard Dadda saying,

" But princess... "

" Sorry... " I murmured and got out of there. 

I could feel some tears staining my cheeks after which I did wipe them with the back of my palm. This surely makes me wonder that why the hell am I even crying ?

I agree that both of them love me a lot. So much that now they are fighting for not being available to me when I needed them. But why can't they just understand that if they do support me together then I would have been much of a stronger woman than I am today ?

I would have appreciated if these both would have came together to support me and love me. But again the things which seem in reality aren't true and things which we want to see in reality are too good to be true !

I entered my bedroom and sat at the corner of the bed still wiping my flowing tears.  

I seriously hate this life of mine. Everything was just so good before. Before I was married and was living with Shaila aunty... The times were a bliss even though I was still striving for revenge at that time as well. I was happy even though I wasn't as such.

I was away from London and Raichands. I never had a husband who used to shout at me and love me so much at the same time. With Neil, the things are different. He makes me happy. So much... that I never had felt it so much before. But again when the things don't work out between us then he makes me so sad that I never had felt it so much before. 

I so wanted someone to comfort me right now. To allow me to rest my head in her lap and lemme weep till the end. My heart feels heavy and tears refuse to hear me out. I want someone to support me out but again I am sitting here alone with my tears seeing my own people fighting for me.

Had this been India then Shaila mom would have confronted me. Sorry... Shaila aunty. If and only if she hadn't betrayed me like others.

I miss her as well...

Taking out my phone, I dialled up her number. 

Should I call her ? Abhay had said that she did get a heart attack once I had le

Biting my lips, I raised my eyebrow giving a last thought to my desire to call her. Let's call her and see what it is. I called her and felt my heart sinking down with each ongoing line. After three-four rings, she picked up my phone.

" Who's it ? " Came the voice from the other end.

It was Annie !

I maintained my silence and bit my hand stopping myself from making any sound that would aware that it's me. 

" Oh hello ! If you aren't interested in answering me then why did you even call huh ? " She questioned from the other end. I so wanted to laugh at her words. But again it isn't something that I can do right now.

" Mr or wait Miss Unheardable... I am waiting for your reply. Either you reply to me nicely or else I will cut the call and then... I will ring the bell of your door and kill you alive with my axe. " She threatened me and that's when I heard,

" Who is it ? Give me the phone Annie. " 

Shaila aunty...

" Hello... " She greeted in her evergreen sweet voice like always. This time I wasn't able to control myself as a low sob escaped my mouth. 

" Ayesha... " She called out from the other end taking me into surprise.

" Where are you Ayu ? Ayesha, say something please. I am dying to hear from you. " She pleaded from the other end.

" How...  I... I just got to know about your heart attack. Are you fine now, aunty ?" I asked lowly.

" I am good my child ! Where are you ? Please come back... I am waiting for you and I am so sorry for that day." She said to which I didn't say anything. 

It isn't easy to forgive her no matter how much I try. Also, I can't get back to her like before till the time I haven't forgiven her completely. It will be wrong if I do so. 

I am sorry aunty...

" I will die Ayesha. If this is how you are gonna treat me then this shall lead to my death. " She pleaded the next.

" You have already killed me aunty. I have always treated and loved you even more than my own mom yet you did what she had done to me back then. If I haven't forgiven her till now then how can I forgive you ? " I said and immediately cut the call.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My phone started ringing the next minute and for no doubt it was Shaila aunty. I cut her call and blocked her number.

I know that I am being cold towards her. But she had always betrayed me that day. What if Neil would have agreed on sending me to mental asylum or locking me up that day ? Who would have been responsible for this ?

Shaila mom and the Raichands...

The Raichands will pose a trouble to me till the end. I am aware of this fact very well but Shaila aunty... she has betrayed me and nothing can change this now. How can I forgive her then ?

The door of my bedroom opened up suddenly and then came inside Neil. There was a small smile playing on his lips and damn... He still looks so tired. 

What the hell is wrong with him ?

He removed his shoes and sat on the other side of the bed. I was still looking at him in surprise.

How did Dadda even allowed him in ?

Wait... Has he literally hurt my Dadda here now or what ?

" How... ?" Before I could even complete my sentence, I was pulled by him into his arms. He placed me gently on his lap and inserted his hand inside Abhay's coat. His hand made its way inside my top as well and finally it rested on my belly.

" My baby... " He muttered to which I pouted.

" Ours... " I reminded him showing an equal right over our baby.

" How did Dadda allowed you in ? " I asked the question which was troubling me the most right now. Neil snuggled even more closer to me and answered,

" I told that oldie my side of the story and heard his as well. "

I nodded at this and rested my head over his chest feeling so safe in the arms of my love. His other hand caressed my hair and that's when I asked,

" May I know the reason as well ? "

He kissed my the top of my head and replied,

" When you had squeezed my hand so tightly in front of Anil, I had realized there only that something was wrong. I had sent some of my men to enquire about that guy. They told me that he has been blackmailing you over some clip in which he was seen doing some fraud for Elmas. Elmas name would have been ruined in that case. "

" He has been troubling me every day since the first day of mine in Elmas Neil. Every time he tried touching me in a wrong way. He was harassing me every day. He was lusting over me and wanted me to spend a night with him in return of that clip Neil. So that's why... That's why I called you here. " I confessed looking down and closing my eyes being afraid of him because of the last part of my statement.

" So, you called me here because you were in trouble ? " He asked and there was hurt quite evident in his voice. I sighed at this and replied,

" So ? Yes, I was angry on you but this doesn't means that I will spend a night with him for the same. Plus, hadn't you promised me on our marriage to protect me ? What's wrong even if I called you now for this ? " 

I know that I was quite wrong and selfish for calling him for my own benefit like this. But how can I tell him that I am here for Prachi ?

" I would have killed him and then would have murdered you as well if you would have spent a night with him. " He said hugging me tightly this time.

" Then where were you tonight ? " I asked still not being able to digest the fact that my Neil wasn't with me when I needed him the most.

" My men and I have destroyed all the clips of that Anil with which he was blackmailing you. I was gone away for the same and my phone was away as well in the entire commotion. I wanted to wipe out all the things with which he was blackmailing you angel. But now it seems that I have failed miserably even though I was successful in it. Mr Raichand has told me of what happened tonight in your flat. I am sorry... I am sorry Ayesha for being away. " He whispered taking one of my hand into his. He placed a small feathery peck on top of my hand and caressed my cheek with his other hand.

" If this is your reason then I do forgive you monkey. " I said and pressed my lips against his.

Our lips molded in the perfect way like never before. The kiss was that of being needy yet it was so gentle. He was treating me like a porcelain doll who would break up into pieces if treated roughly. But I wasn't the one to think this way. I was attacking those addictive lips of his biting them roughly for all my pregnancy hormones fought their way to the top forcing me to do so. Even after facing this torture of mine, he was calm enough. Hence, handing over the dominance to me.

After few minutes, we parted away and he smirked looking at me. I blushed like the first time and hid my face into his chest. 

It's just that I can't still withstand him smirking at me after our kiss. It feels as if someone has released all the butterflies into my belly at once. The feeling that can't be defined...

" You are still blushing even when you are pregnant with our baby. " He commented to which I hummed.

So easy for him to say na...

" I have asked my men to take Anil to India. We have taken him out owing to our influence and now he's away. " He informed me. I parted away from him hearing the name of that leech and looked at Neil in fear.

If Neil has taken this into his hands then surely it's gonna be anything but decent. He's gonna punish that bastard like never before. I surely don't complain of this for Anil does deserve it. But again what has Neil done this time ?

" And... ? " I asked waiting for him to continue.

" He is taken into the basement of one of my companies. Darkness now surrounds him and I don't plan to release him at least for a couple of years. He will be treated with lavish feasts there by my men and once I feel that I am done with him I would again hand him over back to the police. " He said to which I nodded lowly.

Anil has done quite wrong with me. He deserves all of this but again I am afraid to hear all this out. I know that Neil is gonna punish him regularly now for he has gotten his hands on that bastard fully. Let him do whatever he wants. Neil certainly knows what's good for that leech.

" No one can get away easily after touching my love. You are mine Ayesha and I will kill each and everyone of them who tries to get you away from me. You might be angry upon me but leaving me is the option which you never have nor it is a choice that I will allow you to take. " He said digging his face into the nap of my neck.

I sighed at his possessiveness and placed my hand upon his cheek.

" Let's equalize the scores then. You were away and I forgave you. Now you should also forgive me for the time I was away. The privileges should be the same for both. " I suggested and pecked his cheek this time and damn...

His beard pricks !

He chuckled at this to which I pouted and hit his chest so as to make him stop laughing at me.

" You are forgiven love... " He said rubbing his beard more against my soft cheeks.

" I will kill you Malhotra. I will pull your hair and throw you inside the microwave. Stop doing this... It hurts. " I said covering my cheek with my hand this time. 

He bit my nose the next to which I shook my head and tried hitting his head with mine. But before I was able to do so, he held me into my place tightly and stole another peck on my lips. I tried kissing him back but he pushed me away gently this time. I groaned at this and made a face which clearly said that I would cry if he continues like this.

" I am going to cry... " I said blinking my eyes and that's the time a lone tear came out of my right eye. 

What a timing !

" No... No... Kiss me as much as you want angel. But don't cry please..." He said pulling me closer to him.

And my tears finally worked !

Who said that I am gonna kiss him ? Just a kiss when this man is mine here entirely. Nope !

I pulled him closer to me by pulling in the collar of his shirt. I winked at him and pressed my lips against his once again. My hands made their way to the buttons of his shirt. He held my hands and gave me a questioning look further on. I parted away from him and said,

" I am not gonna beat around the bush. I want you and it's as simple as that. "

He chuckled at this and shook his head. He got up from the bed breaking my mood and taking me into surprise.

I have had enough of this guy now. I have been wanting him since the day he came here to Dubai. But look at him... 

" I won't allow you to touch me for the rest of our lives if you dare to leave this room now Neil. Spend you entire life as a saint then Mr Arrogant for this baby will be our first and last. " I warned him to take a step further. 

But this man here ignored me royally. He stood up in front of the door to which I cried,

" Neil... "

It was much more than that of desperation rather than that of an anger as I felt like pulling out my hair for this.

" Lemme lock the door first, you dumbo ! " He exclaimed in response to which I smiled.

But wait, did he call me a dumbo ?

Come here monkey... I know that you will be gentle with me tonight but the same doesn't goes for me. My nails shall speak tonight and I won't spare you tonight.

Neil made his way back to the bed after he was done with the door. He made me lay on the bed gently and soon striped me out of my clothes. His love was pure and then the night played out to be too long. At the end, I laid in his arms.

Neil's face was snuggled against my back. He was sleeping now for my man was indeed tired tonight. I am also tired now but there is one thing that is stopping from embracing the sleep. There is still a tension going on in my head. 

What will happen if Neil gets to know that Rishav is the one behind all this ?


So guys, how was the chappy ?

What do you think of Neil's reason of staying away ?

What do you think of Ayesha's anger over Shaila ?

What do you think of Ayesha's fear in the last part of the chappy ?

Please do vote and comment :)

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