Chapter 6

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These beautiful covers of all the books of LY have been made by The_angel_community. Thank you much guys for making them for me. Really means a lot! Much love...

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The chapter dedicated to- The_angel_community

Published on:- 3 December 2021
Words Count:- 3280 words

Next Day
Ayesha's POV

I was sitting up in the seat in front of the mirror tying up my hair with the help of a rubber band. I was wearing up Neil's white shirt from last night. It's not like I don't have my loose pregnancy dresses here. I will get them in a second if I ask out for them. It's just that I missed his cologne.

It's been so many months you see... We have been away from each other and now we are finally back again!

My face had that pregnancy glow and my cheeks were red because of our last night. It was truly magical like always!

Neil was still sleeping. His front side was rested against the bed while the duvet covered his bareback. I had woken up before him today and managed to slip into his shirt.

I placed my hand on my baby bump and said,

"Your dad surely loves me, baby. He has forgiven me..."

"I definitely love your mom baby but again she's mistaken if she thinks that I have forgiven her so easily and already." Came Neil's voice.

I instantly looked at Neil's reflection in the mirror. He was half resting on the bed with the help of his elbow giving me a good view of his chiseled chest.  

God... He's again affecting me. This pregnancy has surely turned me up into a horny one.

"What do you mean?" I asked pouting at his reflection.

If he would have told me this last night then surely I wouldn't have allowed him to touch me last night. 

But wait... Why am I even blaming him? Wasn't I the one who initiated all those stuff last night?

I cursed my conscience in mind and looked at him directly this time waiting for his answer.

"That's because the mother of my baby has successfully managed to steal my shirt." He said pointing at his shirt on me. I bit my lips at this and threw my combat him though he did manage to save himself from my attack moving to another side of the bed.

"How dare you to even say that?" I asked looking at him with my big scary eyes.

"What? Isn't that shirt mine?" He asked pointing his finger at his shirt again.

"Well, aren't you mine? So, well don't I have any right over your shirt now at least?" I asked him in surprise as well as with a warning tone that it would be better for him to keep his mouth shut if he doesn't want any trouble from my side now.

This is when he stood up in all his naked glory. I gasped at this and closed my eyes with my palm.

"Have some shame Neil. How can you roam all naked like this in the daylight?" I spatted at him and continued hiding my face like before.

"Says the one who has felt every part of mine like this only." He mocked back at me.

Well... It's not a problem if he stays like this in front of me in normal times. But right now, the situation is different. How shall I explain it to him now? He will certainly tease me after that. I can't... just say it all!

"My baby..." He said pecking my baby bump from over my shirt. 

I instantly opened up my eyes and found him sitting on his knees on the floor to match my level. He was wearing a towel wound around his waist. I smiled at him. He pecked my lips the next and placed my feet over his thighs.

"They are swollen..." He commented looking at them.

Pregnancy... Not something that I complain of now.

"They must be making you feel so uncomfortable." He commented looking at them and brushing them off with his finger. 

"It's fine, love." I said smiling lowly.

"Lemme massage them for some time." He said and started pressing and twisting my feet.

"You don't have to..." I said trying to free my feet from his grip.

"I want to do it, Ayesha." He said in a low, cold warning tone the next making me shut my mouth the next.

How can I even forget his anger?

They go hand in hand. He may be calm right now but it won't even take more than a second for him to burst upon me with I do or say something wrong.

His hands continued to weave their magic and I moaned lowly upon feeling the comfort and relief already.

It was heaven...

Soon, he was done and left for the washroom to freshen up. I scrolled through my phone and saw the blocked number of Shaila aunty.

It hurts me enough to hurt you like this now. But only if forgiving and forgetting were that easy. It was something theoretical and not practical. Not at least for me...

Neil's phone started ringing suddenly and my eyes went towards the cabinet on top of which it was placed. Neil was still there in the washroom.

I sighed and got up to see who it was.


"Neil Malhotra was found leaving the famous downtown club of Delhi along with his ex flame Veronica Williams. When our reporters tried reaching out to the couple, Neil Malhotra punched one of our cameramen."

I recalled.

My eyes turned moist at this and my heart felt a sudden pain looking at his phone. My emotions then changed up like the direction of the wind from sadness to anger. I looked at the washroom door and then again back at the phone.

I took hold of the phone and smashed it against the floor breaking it up into pieces.

Now, this is what I call peace.

I will never allow you to snatch my Neil away from me Veronica. 

The washroom door opened up revealing Neil. There were some tensed lines on his forehead as his eyes scanned the room finally stopping at his broken phone.

"Sorry... It was ringing but I lost my grip on it and ended up dropping it like this. It's broken now and I feel terrible." I said wiping my tears with the back of my palm and looking away from Neil.

"Shhh, Ayesha... What's there to cry in this?" Neil asked hugging me instantly.

You idiot... I am not crying for your phone. I am crying because I just recalled you with Veronica when I was not there in the town.

"I will go and get a new one baby. Don't worry and please don't cry."He said kissing my forehead while I smiled lowly at him and hugged him back tightly.

"By the way, who was it?" He asked rubbing my back with his hand. I stopped for a second and replied,

"It was an unknown number. There was no name..."

I lied.

"Fine... I will see who's it." He said to which I hummed in response.

"Let's get dressed and go for breakfast. Everyone must be waiting for us downstairs." I said.

Neil nodded at this and went to get his clothes. I smiled lowly at his departing figure and wondered about Veronica. 

I have to know that what's wrong with her. What does she even want now?

I would have asked directly about it Neil. But right now, I don't wanna ruin anything for we have come together after so long.


After few minutes
Ayesha's POV

Neil and I walked downstairs with our hands entangled together. There was a wide smile on my face and I was indeed happy beyond words. Abhay and Dadda were already seated in the dining area waiting for us to come probably. We soon took our places beside them.

I was sitting next to Dadda while Neil was on my other side. Abhay was sitting on the left side of Neil and I smiled looking at the two.

"How are you, Ayesha?" Abhay asked with a knowing smile.

"Happy..." I replied holding and squeezing Neil's hand which was rested on the table.

"Whom are you expecting Ayesha? A boy or a girl?" Dadda asked suddenly looking at my baby bump while he continued playing with the fork which he was still holding.

"A daughter..."Neil replied even before I could. 

My head turned towards him instantly at such a great speed that it could have twisted my neck for sure. I gave him a low growling sound and dug my nails into his hand which I had been holding till now.

"What...What's wrong?" He cried out taking his hand away from me and patting as well as sooting it with his other hand.

"It's a boy in there..." I replied glaring at him.

"But I want a daughter..." He said looking at me with sheepish eyes. I rolled my eyes at this and chose to ignore his words.

"I also want the baby to be a girl. Bearing up another Neil is gonna be so torturous." Dadda commented on my baby. I clutched and tightened up my hand into a fist in anger.

"What do you even by another Neil?" Neil asked even before I could reply narrowing his eyes at Dadda. 

"In simple words, I don't want another person troubling my daughter just like you. One walking bomb is more than enough to be handled. Having two of the same would make the house too crowded for my princess." Dadda said adding more fuel to this heated argument. I shook my head and caressed my forehead which had started aching.

"Oh yeah... As if your daughter loves you a lot now, oldie." Neil mocked back at Dadda.

"At least, she doesn't leave or run away from me without informing me first. She has that kind of trust in me." Dadda said making my eyes widen up at his choice of words.

Now, this is a very wrong nerve of Neil which Dadda has now hit with his words. 

I shook my head and looked at Neil who was now looking back at me in anger. His jaws were clenched and his eyes screamed that the angry bomb was back.

Why did Dadda have to bring this 'trust' back now?

"You never trusted me right?" He asked raising his voice on my back again.

"Do you wanna see me getting divorced now or what?" I asked Dadda giving him a sharp look.

"Well, had it been in my hands then I would have broken up the legs of that young boy who was tending to the wounds of my princess that night if and only if I had known that the young boy would turn into this spoiled brat." Dadda spat back again at Neil clearly ignoring my words. 

I threw my fork against the plate and made a face seeing the drama unfolding in front of me. I looked at Abhay and he gave me a sympathizing look. I mocked his looks with a sarcastic chuckle and looked at Neil for it was his turn to speak now.

"I would have kidnapped her then only if and only if I had known that her father is gonna be this oldie who loves to poke his nose in her married daughter's matters." Neil replied to which I clapped my hands mocking both of them.

"I would have..." Dadda continued but I interrupted him in between by saying,

"What's your problem Dadda? Why are you starting this all over again? Neil was sitting quietly beside me then why are you poking him?" 

"This is because he got my young daughter pregnant. You have got so much to do and achieve Ayesha and see what he has done to you. Having a child this early... I don't what to say anymore." Dadda said sighingly and resting his head between his hands now which were in turn supported by his elbows pressed against the table.

"First of all, it was not intentional Dadda. He did it to save me so how can we expect him to use any protection at that time? Secondly, this baby is mine. I will handle everything on my own and make sure that nothing suffers. So please don't worry about it and stop poking Neil for the same please." I requested him to which he again looked back at Neil and then to me.

"Fine..." Dadda said and finally placed his hand on my baby bump for the first time.

I smiled at this and looked back at Neil. He was also smiling a bit and looked amusingly at Dadda. Neil rested his head on my shoulder looking at Dadda and said,

"So, we belong to the same party now oldie? We both want the baby to be a girl." 

"Of course... It will be a girl just like my princess and damn... You are gonna be one lucky man son." Dad replied.

I twitched my eyebrows in disappointment and looked at Abhay who was watching all this melodrama silently seating in his place.

"And in whose party are you in, brother?" I asked looking at Abhay who now raised his eyes to meet mine.

"I don't know... I just want to be an uncle. That's it!" He replied shrugging his shoulders.

We all laughed at his words and then followed a peaceful breakfast after such a long time.

We were now sitting in the living area happily together. Neil's arm was wound around me as I was snuggled closer to him. Abhay and Dadda were sitting together. Maybe Dadda was teaching him something related to business. 

I was resting my head on Neil's arm while he was busy playing with my fingers. 

"You didn't do good by ignoring Buddy the dog." I said remembering the incident when his so-called lovable cat had pounced on me the other day.

"But he used to remind me of you." Neil gave an excuse in return.

I got up at my place and looked at him sheepishly.

"What kind of logic is this? Are you mad now or what? He is a golden retriever who may also go into depression because of your negligence. Do you even have an idea of that?" I cried out and the last part did come out too loud for any of us to like.

"Ayesha, is there anything wrong?" Dadda asked stopping in between his work to which I simply shook my head and continued glaring at Neil.

"If you were so caring towards him then you would have never left him first of all." Neil mocked me back. I rolled my eyes at him and cursed him under my breath.

If I could take him with me then don't you think I would have done that gladly? It was never easy for me...

"Where's he now?" I asked remembering his cute antics.

"In my Dubai mansion." He replied back.

I widened my eyes at his revelation and hit his chest with my hand.

"You didn't tell me about him when I had come to see you. Where was he at that time?" I asked still hitting his chest with my hand.

"He was angry with me. That's why he had hidden in the other room. He was hiding under a table. Sadly, a servant came and didn't see him hiding there. That's why he locked the door and buddy wasn't able to show up when you came there that night." He explained in a low voice which was filled with guilt.

"And why was he angry?" I enquired further.

If this matter is opening up, then why not dig into it more further?

"Because he was trying to jump on me the other day and I ended up shouting back at him." Neil admitted burning each and every bone of mine in anger.

"And there you were loving that useless wild cat of yours. Oscar... I hate you!"I cried out and tried getting up on my place only to be pulled back by him.

"Wait..." He called out to which I shook my head.

"No... I shall go and see him first." I declared still sitting on his lap and shaking my head. 

"Boss... Someone has been trying to reach you out for a long time." said Neil's secretary entering the place and grabbing our attention.

"Who's it?" I asked to which Saira kept her head low and didn't bother to answer me.

"Show me..." Neil said taking Saira's phone into his hands.

"Who's it?" I again asked Saira and she didn't even look at me. This time I got angry and again asked with a raised up voice,

"I am your boss's wife Saira. I do have the right to know that who has called him. So tell me, who's it?" 

"Love... It's an important call which I have to attend. I will just be right back." Neil said cutting me in between and leaving the place. Saira followed him back but still didn't care to answer me.

Who can it be?


It must be her only. She was trying to call Neil before as well when I ended up breaking his phone in anger. Now, she has been calling up Saira to reach him. How desperate is she to talk to him? But why?

Let Neil come for once. I will openly talk to him on this matter. Enough is enough... How much am I gonna bear like this? Let's talk about it openly. I should also get to know that what's even brewing up between them.

My thoughts were interrupted by Anna who now entered the place dancing her way out to reach me. She had a date today with Rishav. She was with him only today and finally, she's back.

"Hi, Saisha!" She greeted me.

"How was your date, Anna?" I asked her with a smile as she took a seat beside me.

"It was wonderful. He is so in love with me you know." She said dreamily mocking him to which I chuckled.

"And you are such a seductress..." I replied winking back at her.

"How dare you!" I heard Neil shouting from the back.

What's wrong now?

I turned up a bit only to find Neil being angry and dashing towards us taking long steps.

"Hi, Hotty!" Anna greeted him too.

But Neil took hold of her hand and started dragging her outside towards the door.

"Neil, stop!" Abhay cried out next following him.

I too followed them along with Dadda.

"Since when have you been spying on Ayesha?" Neil asked Anna pressing her hand hardly.

Anna had tears in her eyes.

That's it!

"Neil, leave her. You are hurting her. Don't forget that she's Anna." I said trying to free her hand from his grip.

"Exactly... She's Anna who is spying on you for Rishav. She is indeed the girlfriend of that bastard!" He cried out this time digging his nails into her hand.

"Where the hell Rishav came in all this now?" I asked in equal anger.

"He was the one who had set Anil after you God dammit!" He revealed.


So guys, how was the chappy?

What do you think of the last part of the chappy?

What do you think of Neil suspecting Anna like this?

Please do vote and comment:)

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