Chapter 8

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Hey guys!

Today is a very special day. It's the birthday of one of my sisters here on watty. My sister who's the dearest to me here. Someone who has been my constant supporter and my best advisor/guide. We came together when we had started a community here on wattpad years back and since there's no looking back.

Happy birthday Khushi Di ! 🎉🎉

I love you with all my heart and wish you all the best in your life. With each passing year, you shine even brighter. I hope that all your dreams come true. Much love...❤️❤️❤️

Here are a few gifts which I have made for you. I hope that you like them didi. 🙈

Chapter dedicated to- Khushworld1234
Published on- 6 January 2022
Words Count- 3462 words

Ayesha's POV

"So, shall we start?" Anna asked to which the old couple nodded silently.

"Mahima... My daughter was the married wife of Yashwant Singhania." The old man said.

Anna looked at me in shock. I held her hand tightly and squeezed it a bit indicating her to not to react and start her bickerings like usual.

As of me, I was already aware of this fact. That is why, I had been chasing them like a lunatic since the start.

"Please continue..." I requested the old man.

" Mahima was my only daughter. I had raised her with all the love, care and adoration. She was the apple of my eye. It was all good till the time she met Yashwant in her college. That was the beginning of the bad phase in my beloved daughter's life. They fell in love with each other. I, myself got her married to that man. " My Chaturvedi said breaking down in tears.

His wife rubbed his back and provided him the support which he needed the most at the current time. The old man held his wife's hand in return as if assuring her that he was fine.

My heart clenched seeing them both like this for I was in the same situation like theirs. I too have lost someone because of that man. I can feel their pain.

"I still regret that decision of my life. Yashwant deceived us into believing that he was a good man but in reality he was and still is a psycho. His anger issues were worst. He was possessive of my daughter and never appreciated her talking even to their servants. Once he had burnt her hand just because their cook accidently touched her hand while they both were cooking together in his kitchen.

He needed help. But my daughter was so in love with him that she refused to reveal anything about all this to us. She silently took all his tortures in the name of their sick love. But one day, all hell broke loose." The old man said and stopped for a while.

I looked firmly into his eyes and asked him to continue. He simply shook his head and forwarded his phone to me. I frowned but again took hold of the same. There was a paused video in that phone. There was a girl in it.

I looked at the front wall and there was a beautiful photo frame hung up on the same wall. There was a beautiful girl in it who was supporting a butterfly on the back of her palm carrying a beautiful smile on her lips.

It's the same girl in the video. Mahima...

I played the video and there was Mahima in a terrified state in it. She was wearing a saree which was completely drenched and she was breathing heavily. She was very much afraid and was looking at the main door each second.

"I am sorry Maa-Paa. I chose a wrong man for myself. But I never knew that the man who claimed to love me was like this. He's someone who's gonna become the reason of my death today. Maybe, I don't know. He's gonna declare my death to be a suicide, accident or maybe something else. But I want you both to know that your daughter is too strong for the same. I can never commit suicide Papa." Mahima said in a wobbly terrified voice as she looked straight into the camera.

Anna was already crying watching the video. Silent tears too made their presence felt on my cheeks.

She must have felt so vulnerable at that time. She too would have wanted to live like my honey but again that man became her nightmare. It must all be so terrifying for her.

"Prajwal Jain... A business partner of Yash always had lust for me. It was quite evident since the start but I was too afraid to tell Yash anything about this for he would have over reacted like always and in turn would have blamed me only. Tonight, Yash had invited him for a dinner party. In that party, Prajwal tried misbehaving with me. Yashwant caught us and saved me from him but that Prajwal blamed it all upon me.

Yash... He has always been possessive about me. I felt that it was fine for in times like this I believed that he would trust me. But he didn't. Prajwal lied to him that I seduced him into this and Yash believed him. I died the moment when the man whom I loved so much doubted me. He punished me that night by raping me twice and further caged me up in the room for the following days with the torture killing me every night.

I then realized that being with him was my biggest mistake. Hence, I decided to run away from him. I took the help of our gardener. But it seems as my destiny too hated my existence. Yash caught us and being blinded in his anger he felt that I was so characterless that now I was cheating on him with our very own gardener. " She said crying her heart out as she crumbled to the floor on her knees unable to take the pain that was then hitting her heart.

" The man whom I loved so much never believed me. I took all his tortures thinking that he has his own set of anger issues which is fine for I love him unconditionally but now I have realized that I was wrong. He's chasing me now and I am sure that he is gonna be here soon. I am hiding in our room.

I always was and still I am your strong daughter mama-papa. I am gonna put a tough fight before I leave. I won't let him hurt me so easily. I have always loved you. Please go away as soon as you find this video. This man wont let you guys too to leave in peace. Please leave..." Mahima pleaded to her parents in the video.

Her eyes were filled with moist and she was shivering like anything. Her face reflected all her pain and my heart clenched just by imagining her situation.

The door of her room was continuously knocked producing a very hard loud sound. Mahima trembled because of this as her eyes laid on the door.

"Open the door, you bitch!" It was Yashwant's voice.

"I love you, Mama-Papa." Mahima muttered before finally shutting down the camera recording.

Once the video ended, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

She was doubted and killed by her love. So painful!

I took hold of Anna's hand who was crying like anything sitting beside me. I squeezed her hand gently and nodded indicating her to take care of herself. Mrs Choudhary was crying insolably with her husband taking care of her this time.

All of this has reminded me of my Prachi. My heart pains and hurts once again. It's like someone has again worked out on my wounds. But it's okay. I have been through this feeling before. I am much stronger than anyone can ever imagine. I can surely take all of this with a smile. I am strong... Stronger to face anything or anyone. I cant break down now.

I wiped my own tears with the back of my hand. I cleared my voiced and mustered all the courage in me to ask Mr Choudhary,

"What happened after this?"

Mr Choudhary looked at his wife first and then diverted his eyes to me. He blinked away his own tears and with a heavy tone replied,

"Yashwant must have raped her. We are not sure of this but knowing him we suspect of it. After that, he allowed four other men to rape his own wife. Wife who was dead... who was killed by him was raped even after her death by those four devils. The reports were clear. She was raped by them after her death. They too admitted the same. "

How low can you fall Yashwant?

I will make you pay not only for Prachi but for Mahima too. Playing with others lives is your favorite game right. I will defeat you in your own game Singhania. You will cry for death but it shall never come to you. Each breath which you will take after that will be like a whole set of punishment for you. So heavy... That you will die under its weight you bastard!

But before that I have to handle myself. I cant fall weak now.

Baby... Your mom will protect you at any cost. She wont let anything happen to you. You are the future of my Elmas. Just always remember that your mom was never selfish. It's just that she always chose the person who gave her the first reason of hers to live. She couldn't betray her honey. I can't live with the guilt of getting her killed baby. That accident was supposed to be mine. But no... I am sorry.

" Mahima had hidden the camera inside the jewelry box which we had gifted to her that Diwali. After her death, we requested Yashwant to take away her jwelleries and sarees as her memory. He agreed and that's how we found this video. We then left Mumbai and fled to Sharjah like Mahima had asked us to do." Mrs Choudhary enlightened us further.

I nodded at her words and said,

"I want this video."

The old man and his wife looked at each other in shock. Mr Choudhary furrowed his eyebrows together.

"Why?" He asked lowly as he snatched the phone from my hands.

"I will file a case with the best lawyer on your behalf. We will get him punished." I stated with full determination.

"We don't want to be dragged into this girl. Mahima is already gone. Let us live in peace now. Just because you used to stand in front of doors in this pregnancy state of yours, we decided to tell you truth so that you could leave and take care of your baby. But for sure this doesn't means that we will allow you to do something like this." Mrs Choudhary said eyeing at me venomously.

I sighed lowly and looked at Anna.

"Try again... Convince them." She whispered back to me. I nodded at her.

"Dont you want to avenge the death of your daughter? Dont you want to punish the man because of whom your daughter isn't even present with you currently?" I asked looking at them with all the hope that they will say yes to this.

"We want to... But I am afraid. That bastard has already snatched my daughter. Punishing him wont bring my daughter back but knowing him... He will surely snatch my wife away from me. My wife is my only family. I cant lose her. We both are living peacefully away from everyone. We don't want anything. So leave and let us live in peace girl!" The old man yelled at me.

I shook my head refusing to accept the fact that he said no to me. Being the stubborn one I said,

" I promise you... I will bring the best security people of Elmas to protect you two. I wont let anything happen to any of you. Please give me that evidence and lets file the case."

" If you control so much of power then why weren't you able to save your own sister? She died amidst all your tight security right? Why should we trust you after all this? " Mr Choudhary asked making me shut my mouth.

For the first time in my life, Ayesha Raichand doesn't have any answer to a question. I, myself don't have any idea of what should I reply to this. He's right... I failed to save my own sister.

" See... You don't have any answer girl. If a rich person like you couldn't save her sister against him then how will you save us? Please leave..." The old man said further.

I stood up on my place quietly and looked at them with my teary eyes. My heart had started thumping more loudly after hearing their words. I walked quietly towards the door with Anna muttering,

"Don't leave Saisha. This is it. Try harder and convince them. We can get the evidence and get that man punished for ruining those lives. Go ahead... You are so stubborn. How can you accept your defeat? Try once again Saisha."

I stood near the door and turned towards them.

"You are right sir. I failed to save my sister. That man killed her just like he killed your daughter. But there is one thing which I know of surely. My heart burns everyday for revenge. I see my sister in front of me everything. Since then, I have never been in peace. For her, I am ready to lose myself. I understand your reason very well. I will myself die before letting that man hurt someone else in my family. I will be back... I will be back to you two the day I bring myself to assure to you with all the certainty that nothing shall happen to you." I said and left the place with Anna following me silently.

I was walking towards my car when Anna asked,

"Why did we leave so easily?"

"Because I have got no answer to their concerns. There's nothing that I can do currently to gain their trust. It will take time. I have to figure out something else to free them from their fear." I replied looking at the stars in the sky.

Which star is my honey? Maybe the brightest one...

"Neil has returned back to Delhi. One of our informers has just confirmed." Anna said looking at her phone. I nodded at her sadly and sat in my car.

Forgive me Neil... It's not like I don't trust you. Its just that you would feel that all this is quit dangerous for me. You will stop me from doing all this. This is my last chance and I cant lose it. Even if you try to help me, there's always a risk that the Raichands will brainwash you like before. As always, you don't see anything when it comes to my security. This is why, I am keeping it all away from you.

The Raichands will use you to get to me. To stop me from all this. They don't know anything about Mahima. If they get to know about this, Mrs Raichand will again play her games to ruin everything. I cant let that happen. I am sorry...

Even if I am there or not with you in the future, my baby boy shall be my most prized possession whom I leave behind for you. He shall love you more than me and give you a reason to live. No matter what happens its gonna be a win-win situation for me. Ayesha Raichand is gonna win no matter what happens.


Next Day

Elmas Dubai

Ayesha's POV

Standing at the cafeteria, I looked at Anna who was serving the drinks while glowering at me. I raised my eyebrow asking her that what was wrong with her now.

"How did you get to know of Mahima? You never told me that." She whined as she placed the tray hardly against the slab.

The noise made by this was loud enough to grab everyone's attention. Few eyes stared at us while I glared at Anna.

"Behave nicely if you want to continue this job of yours." I warned her.

"Oh well... That's not a problem. Mr Raichand knows about us now and for sure I am his favorite one. He wont fire me no matter what. Also, he wont mind if I end up breaking few of his trays." She replied winking at me.

Well... We cant do anything of this girl. She's simply hopeless.

I shook my head and said,

"I have always had this doubt."

"Doubt? What doubt?" She asked curiously.

"Yashwant Singhania has always been a psycho. He killed my sister just because my mom insulted him in front of everyone. He killed a person because of a mere insult. He claims to everyone that his wife was killed and then raped by four men. His dear wife whom he loved so much... If this was so, why didnt he kill them in the jail? As per the reports, I was knowing that they were in the prison since the last 15 years. How was he allowing them to live even after all this? Is a mere insult more worst than the rape of his wife that he just allowed them to go but in turn killed my sister?" I asked Anna biting my lips.

"This makes sense..." She commented to which I smiled sarcastically.

"You remember those guys whom we paid a visit in the prison of Mumbai?" I asked her.

Anna scratched her head for a second looking up in the sky as if trying her best to remember the scene which I just narrated to her.

"Of course, yes! Those bastards who were flirting with us staying up behind the bars." She chirped making a disgusted face and clenching her hands into a fist. I chuckled at her antics and nodded.

"Yup. Those bastards were the rapists of Mahima. Did you see how they were enjoying in jail with television and all? I never paid my attention to them because I felt that it was not necessary. But when Mrs Raichand blocked all my ways of getting my revenge for Prachi, I took this path of Mahima. I paid them a visit and got to see their luxurious life in jail. Don't you think that all this is too much for the killer of Yashwant's wife? How can he let them go so easily and that too giving them the VIP treatment in jail?" I asked Anna with a small smile on my face.

"Yashwant should have given him a miserable death as per his nature. I wonder that why didn't he even do that?He should have feed them to his dogs alive." Anna said and I can really see the affect which those killer movies have left in her.

Can you really just believe her suggestions?

"I sent one of my informers to gather information about those prisoners lifestyle. They told me that it's the hand of Yashwant behind all this. This cleared all my doubts and I realized that Yashwant surely has a hand in all this. This is why, I was chasing the Chaturvedis since so many days to get my answers and today I finally have them." I said with a winning smile on my face as I stirred the juice which Anna had made for me with a spoon.

"You know that you are amazing, Saisha !" She complimented me to which I showed her my drink as if I was cheering myself.

"What's next?" Anna asked me further.

"Mrs Raichand wont allow me to take revenge for Prachi. She will definitely stop me and create problems for the same. But this time, I am playing a different game. Yashwant will go to jail... If not for Prachi then for Mahima. I want his death no matter how so ever he gets it." I spatted with venom filling my mind as I remembered the unfateful night which took my sister away from me.

"We will win..." Anna said taking my hand into hers.

"We have..." My words got stuck in my throat itself as I saw a familiar figure approaching us.



So guys, how was the chappy?

What do you think of Mahima's past?

What do you think of Ayesha's plan of getting Yashwant punished?

What do you think about the last part of the chappy?

Please do vote and comment:)

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