Chapter 9

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Today is the birthday of my partner in crime here on Wattpad. Someone jinhone mere har musibat main mere saath diya hai. I simply just love u Cally didi... ❤️❤️

An alien was born today. Sab ko yaad rahega dekhna... 🙂

Count your life by smiles, not tears. Count your age by friends, not years. Happy Birthday, Cally di! 🎉

The chapter dedicated to:- Capellarc
Published on:- 10 January 2022
Words Count:- 2858 words

Ayesha's POV

"What's next?" Anna asked me further.

"Mrs. Raichand won't allow me to take revenge for Prachi. She will definitely stop me and create problems for the same. But this time, I am playing a different game. Yashwant will go to jail... If not for Prachi then for Mahima. I want his death no matter how so ever he gets it." I spatted with venom filling my mind as I remembered the unfateful night which took my sister away from me.

"We will win..." Anna said taking my hand into hers.

"We have..." My words got stuck in my throat itself as I saw a familiar figure approaching us.


She wasn't looking at us exactly. She was smiling and greeting others though her walk was towards us only.

I turned my head instantly towards Anna and looked at her with my big doe eyes. I coughed a bit thinking that she was appearing towards us... towards me only. 

Veronica is the other name of trouble. She is Neil's ex who hates me already. If she gets to know that I am working here imposing to be just a normal staff member, she will definitely tell everyone about my truth. It will be a problem if the staff members get to know about the real Ayesha Raichand. They hate me more than anything else.

God! What shall I do now?

"What's wrong?" Anna asked rubbing my cold hands with hers.

"The blonde is back!" I whisper yelled looking into Anna's eyes.

"Saisha!"  Anna cried out in an offended tone pushing my hand away from hers.

And with this, I forgot that Anna too is a blonde here. With me calling Veronica a blonde, surely didn't go well with Anna.  I guess that I have to learn to control my tongue here now with two blondes running around me. 

" Veronica..." I whispered to her.

Anna raised her head a bit and took a good look at Veronica. She made a face at that Veronica and replied,

"She's coming here to us." 

"She will spoil everything..." I whispered back to her.

"Hello, miss! Would like to have a drink or something in our very own cafeteria?" Anna yelled at Veronica taking me in shock. 

I covered my mouth with my palm and felt like strangling this blonde alive with my very own bare hands. 

May she rot amidst some insects! May she die in hell! May she run away with lizards in her hair!

Why is she inviting the trouble itself towards us like this? I am trying to hide from Veronica but this Anna here is hell-bent on ruining my plans it seems. Why is she even doing this to me?

Aa bel mujhe maar... Isme kya samjhdari hai bhai?

(Come buffalo and hit us... What intelligence is hidden behind this?)

"I don't talk to waitresses." Veronica replied arrogantly making Anna fume in her anger. 

I laughed lowly at this with my back facing Veronica. I could literally see smoke coming out from Anna's ears as she threw daggers at Veronica with her eyes. She clearly didn't like her words and attitudes but you know I am happy and really proud at Veronica for this.

Anna was having fun in troubling me right? This does serve her right. Now she can laugh as much as she wants. She wasn't knowing Veronica till now. Here, she is...

"How can you talk to me like that?" Anna whined like a kid stomping her foot against the floor. 

"Are you a deaf one, bitch?" Veronica asked in a tone filled with arrogance. 

Now, this is it... She's going too far in insulting my friend like this. No matter what Ayesha Raichand always supports her friends and dear ones.

I turned around swiftly and faced Veronica with pride in my eyes. She stumbled and stopped in her tracks and looked at me in surprise. Her eyes travelled from my face to my baby bump in shock. Her eyes lingering there for more than twenty seconds when I spoke,

"You don't talk to waitresses but you surely can talk to me, right Veronica?" 

"You... What are you doing here, Zaisha?" She asked in a trembling voice. Her eyes still fixed on my baby bump and I am already getting vibes from her.

I believe in bad eyes and that they affect our happiness easily and too quickly. I huffed at this and instantly said,

"Elmas Dubai welcomes its brand ambassador, Veronica. I hope that our partnership goes on for a longer period of time." 

I said all this to divert her eyes from my baby bump. I don't want her evil eyes to fall on my baby boy.

"I am good... Zaisha. Thank you." She replied to which I nodded. 

"Hayat... Come here." Someone from the staff called me out. 

Looks like our break time is now over finally. So early... I really wanted to have some more food for myself. No worries I will get it packed and then have it nicely in my place. 

All colors were now restored on Veronica's face as she passed on her bitchy evil smirk at me. I huffed and rolled my eyes at this.

She knows...

"Hayat..." She whispered.

"It's me. I am working under a fake id here Veronica and I would respect it if you keep it in this way only. Don't tell anyone about this and if you do I will make sure that Ayesha Raichand kicks you out of Elmas and if a company like Elmas kicks you out... Then no one will ever keep you with them. The name of Elmas is too huge. You know that right?" I asked Veronica smiling at her. 

She huffed lowly at my words and looked at me with her sharp eyes. She glared at Anna as well who was standing right behind me and knocked off her heels away from us. 

"You think she's gonna listen to you?" Anna asked as she placed her chin on my shoulder and looked at the girl walking away.

"No... " I replied looking at Veronica who's aura was declaring the arrival of a new storm.

"Should we be worried?" Anna further asked hitting her chin against my shoulder this time.

"Not exactly worried... But just a bit careful. We have to see her steps and if she goes against my words then she shall face the wrath of Ayesha Raichand." I said coldly with my face held up straight in the air.


Same afternoon

Elmas Dubai

Ayesha's POV

An important project has arrived in the pocket of Elmas Dubai. For that project only Veronica has been called for the shoot. Right now, we are having a discussion meeting of the person who shall be handling this project. The top contendators of the same are Rishav and Neil.

Neil is the capable one here for sure. But Rishav is the popular one. I know who's gonna be the winner and it does burn my heart to think about the same. Dadda is gonna hand this all over to Rishav for he won't allow the staff members to turn against him no matter what. 

I know that whatsoever will happen now won't be good. But again it's all in the hands of Dadda now.

"Neil's here?" I texted Anna on my phone.

Anna saw my message but seen zoned me. She didn't reply anything back and this surely made me frown.

What's wrong with her now? She never keeps me seenzoned like this then what happened today? Is she fine?

"So guys... We are here to select the one who will be handling our South Africa based diamond deal. We will be starting our meeting shortly." Dadda announced grabbing everyone's attention.

I smiled at him and the whispering sounds of the viewers followed soon after this. They all were chit-chatting amongst themsevles. I looked at them from the corner of my eyes as I clearly knew of what it was all about.

" But where's your son-in-law, Mr. Raichand?" One of the investors asked with a teasing smile on his face.

I so want to punch him and wipe the smirk off his face. My husband is a good businessman though it's a different thing that the way he deals off with all this is different. He does behave agressively at times but he's surely the best one here and no one... I repeat no one can ever question his capability here. He's so good!

"I am here, Mr. Andrews." Neil's voice boomed in the hall.

Everyone's gaze went towards the door and fish...

Monkey... Hippopotamus... Crocodile... Insect...

There stood my monkey with his lizard standing just beside him. Neil had his usual smirk on his face and Veronica was smiling like a bitch standing beside him. Neil's hands were rested inside his pocket and that's when Veronica wounded her hand with his.

My eyes popped out of their sockets at this. I felt every vein in me bursting out in anger. I so wanted to scratch on Neil's face in anger and dump this Veronica in a well. I clutched my hands into a fist as they both entered the hall.

"I am here, Mr. Andrews and I am so glad to see your concern for me. Thank you..." Neil mocked the man.

Neil and Veronica then sat on adjacents seats straight right in front of my eyes. I was sitting alone in between the staff members and watched the scene.

"Looks like... Neil Malhotra has surely dumped our princess turned witch CEO." One of them commented pinging my hurt even more.

I looked at my hands being sad.

Is it so baby?

I wondered roaming my hands around my baby bump.

"Let's start the voting..." Dadda announced.

I voted for Neil in the meeting with the majority going for Rishav like expected.

Rishav was smirking at his win and this infuriated me even more. Neil's face was held up high in the air in pride.

That's all that I want. Neil knows that he's the best and this small-small deals can't define his capability. He's bigger and more than all this.

Veronica squeezed Neil's hands as if assuring him. This should have been me and not her.

"We can all see that the results are clear. Rishav is the one who has won." Dadda declared and everyone started clapping after this. I rolled my eyes at this and sighed.

"But this time... It's not gonna be like that. I wanna go against everyone and select whom I want. I want my son-in-law to handle this project." Dadda announced making me smile in happiness.

Neil also looked at Dadda in shock. There were lines on his forehead and damn... He again looks so hot and sexy. Damn... I so wanna eat him alive.

"But Mr. Raichand... It's against the rules. You just can't do that simply. You have to go with the majority since the CEO isn't here." Pointed out another businessman. 

"And the CEO for sure wouldn't have wanted to make this man the lead of this project for..." Mr. Andrews said looking at Veronica and passing on a sly smirk after that.

"I am the representative of the CEO. She's my daughter Andrews, never forget that. No matter what, she won't object her Dadda in this. I know her..." Dadda said smiling at me. 

I nodded my head lightly and blinked my eyes.

"But still..." This time Rishav said and my head snapped towards him in a second.

"And if still she is against this then I will take back my words and resign from my position." Dadda said taking everyone into surprise with me having my eyes widened up at this.

Everyone started whispering amongst themselves again. But there was nothing left for anyone to say something.

It was the call of the ex CEO and they had to respect it. Neil stood up on his place and shook his hands with Dadda. But Dadda was giving him a hard, rough stare and bitterness clearly reflected out in everything. 

"Thank you for this..." Neil said shaking his head.

Dadda hugged him suddenly and maybe whispered something in his ears. He held Neil's shoulder tightly and there was surely something wrong in between them. 

But what's even wrong here? I don't know...

The meeting ended soon with everyone retiring back to the places. Neil also left with Veronica.

I wonder why is he hurting me like this. He knows that I really don't like and appreciate him being with that girl like this. I just simply hate her. She was his ex and now they are being all mushy and together too.

But I won't sit behind like this. I will surely go to him and give him a piece of his mind. This surely isn't done. I was about to go to him when Dadda held me back by asking,

"Ayesha, are you happy that I gave the project to Neil?" 

"Yes, Dadda. He deserves it." I replied holding his hand and giving him a toothy smile like before.

"Glad..." He muttered placing his hand on my forehead.

"Why were you behaving so rudely with him?" I enquired looking at his face. 

"Isn't he getting too close with ex, princess?" He asked making me sit on the CEO chair.

"Can't we simply fire her?" I suggested.

"I wish we could. But there has to be a reason or else it won't be good to the name of Elmas." He said and sighed.

I made a face at this and pouted.

"You want Neil away from her right?" Dadda further asked to which I nodded sadly.

"I will see to it. My princess gets whatsoever she wants. Either your husband stays away from her or ends up with a broken nose." He said smiling at me and hugging me with him standing him in front of me and with me sitting on the chair. 

"I will go and see Neil." I said standing up on my place.

"And if he misbehaves or gets angry... I am just a call away princess." He said to which I smiled and nodded.

I left the room and entered Neil's cabin after a few minutes. My man was sitting on his desk and studying some files. He saw me from the corner of his eyes but refused to acknowledge my presence. I rolled my eyes at this and walked towards him. I stood in front of him and coughed.

"What?" He asked raising his head and looking at me.

"What was that in the cabin room?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest.

"What?" He again asked this time standing on his place. His large frame was towering my smaller one and this did give him a hand in dominating me like this.

I looked down for a second and then asked,

"Why was Veronica with you?"

"Why do you care?" He spatted me in a two hundred times louder tone making me flinch in anger.

"Because I am your wife." I declared and this time I didn't care about the staff hearing out rants or anything else.

"Then start behaving like my wife." He said to which I blinked my eyes.

"Doesn't answers my questions." I whispered looking at him sadly.

"You are my wife and yet you are never with me. But Veronica... I don't care. She stays with me even though its all for the money." Neil declared and I cried silently looking down.

"But... But she can't love you the way I do." I whispered again.

"You know what... I slept with Veronica last night and she was so good to me." He said looking into my eyes directly.

I stumbled in my place and looked at him with my teary eyes.

"Stop lying..." I whispered.

"No... I did. " He said firmly.

"If you lie, I die..." I said giving him a last chance.

"I did... I slept with Veronica last night and she was so good to me." He again repeated his words.

This is the end... An end which I never expected to show up in this way. But if the love of your life cheats then that is the end of your love story!


So guys, how was the chappy?

What do you think of Ayush giving the project to Neil like this?

What do you think of the last part of the chappy?

Also, I have given you two chapters in this month. So, I will see you guys in Feb. Till then, take care and stay safe in this third wave of corona.

Please do vote and comment:)

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