✨Loyal Husband✨ Part - 2

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Hey sugars...my exams are finished now and from now on I will update your requests and other book's chapters too.

~Wedding Day~

Mr.Kurenai : Where is Shu ? Priest is here.

Mrs.Kurenai : I am going to call him.

Mr.Kurenai : Wait...I will also come with you.

They both left and after sometimes Mr and Mrs Kurenai come back with Shu who has a straight face and directly walked towards the stage and stand there while looking down.

( Imagine his outfit looks like this...well! It's his new outfit )

Priest : Call the bride now.

The venue's door open and Mr.Kuromi entered inside with you while holding your hand and you look straight just to see Shu was standing there while looking down.

Relatives : Omg! The bride is really more beautiful in real life.

( Imagine your wedding dress is actually a ball gown and a crown on your head with a long veil making you look beautiful like an anjel )

Y/n mind : Omg! He is looking so handsome...I can't believe I am going to marry my dream prince.

He still didn't even look at you but he can clearly heard the compliments about you from relatives, friends and his family but his mind was stuck somewhere else...you slowly walked towards him and stand beside him.

Valt : Finally!!! I can see my best friend getting married.

Fizz : When did you come back from China ?

Valt : Yesterday and it happened too fast that I can't able to bring my mom, dad and siblings Toko and Nika.

Fizz : I know it happened too fast but how are your siblings and parents ?

Valt : They all are fine and I am too but see them they both are looking perfect together.

Fizz : Huh ? No! My Y/niee is more perfect than him.

Valt : Oh God!!! Fizz...

Fizz : What ? I am just saying the truth.

Valt : Leave it...

Fizz : Whatever...I am going to my Y/nie.

Valt : Oh! Hello...she is not only your best friend now, she is going to someone else's wife also.

Fizz : So ? She is my best friend and always will be.

Valt : Fineee!!! You win...now happy ?

She smiled brightly.

~On Stage~

Fubuki : Hey bro! You are looking handsome and hot and I am 100% sure that your wife will be crazy seeing a Greek god like you everyday.

Shu : Fubuki please...

Fubuki : Shu...it's a big day of your life and don't ruin it for that bitch.

Shu : You are right but my mind is stuck with her.

Fubuki : Wtf Shu ? Look at Y/n...how beautiful she is looking.

Shu : Shut up!!!

Fubuki : Rude but if you don't want to marry her then I can marry---

Shu : You really want me to kill you...right ?

He glared at him and Fubuki smile nervously and get down from the stage.

Priest : Can I start now ?

Everyone nodded and the priest started reading vows.

Priest: Shu Kurenai...do you take Y/n Kuromi as your lawful wife and do you promise to be faithful and loyal to her in good and bad times, in health and sickness, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life ?

Shu : ........................

He didn't said anything.

Priest : I am asking you again.

The priest again read the vows but still Shu didn't said anything and just kept his head down and slowly tears formed in your eyes.

Y/n mind : Why he is silent ? Did I made a mistake again by falling for him ? Will he refused me again ? I have to get hurt again ? What will I do now ?

Everyone looking at Shu in shocked and you with pitiful eyes.

Mr.Kurenai : Shu...say something c'mon speak up son.

Fubuki : Shu...what the hell are you doing ? Say yes...or else I will come and punch on your handsome face.

Shu mind : I didn't even look at Y/n but she is going to be my wife now and when the priest started reading vows then suddenly the flashbacks started to coming in my mind, all those promises I made with Lia I love her but she don't deserve my love after what she did...Lia was my past and Y/n is my present and future too.

He was so lost into his thoughts that's when he heard a soft sobs and he looked at front to see your tears were flowing from your eyes non-stop.

Shu mind : Am i hallucinations ? Is she is Y/n ? Omg! I can't believe I am going to marry a beautiful anjel but I don't know why it's hurt seeing her tears in her beautiful hazel eyes, maybe god sent her into my life and I'll try my best to make her happy and maybe I need sometime but I'll give her all the happiness which she really deserve...I'll be loyal to her no matter what I would like to die before loosing my loyalty to her...I'll be the loving, caring and LOYAL HUSBAND TO HER.

Priest : I am asking you the last time.

He again read vows and asked Shu but you lowered your head as you thought that he will refused you again but then everyone heard a deep voice.

Shu : I do...

You looked up at him and your eyes met his crimson eyes and he can feel how much hurt you are because of him.

Priest : Y/n Kuromi...do you take Shu Kurenai as your lawful husband and do you promise to be faithful and loyal to him in good and bad times, in health and sickness, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life ?

Y/n : I-I do...

Priest : You may kiss the bride.

He said to Shu who slowly come closer towards you and he lifted your chin up gently to make you looked straight into his eyes, he gently hold your waist pulling you closer and leaned closer to your lips...you immediately closed your eyes and the next moment you felt his soft lips onto yours, kissing you gently and you felt happy cause it's your first kiss and your first kiss is taken by your husband...everyone started clapping making you both pulled away.

Priest : You both are officially married now and I announced you both as Husband and Wife.

~At Reception~

Everyone is having dinner, some of them drinking in wedding hall and Shu was talking to his business partners that's when someone tapped on his shoulder he turned around and see it was Mr.Kuromi.

Shu : Oh! Uncle Kuromi.

Mr.Kuromi : Son, maybe I sound weird but I have a request for you.

Shu : I know uncle what you want to tell me...It's about Y/n...right ?

Mr.Kuromi : Please Shu, p-promise me that you'll never h-hurt her...she is one and only my d-daughter. 

He said in crack voice and Shu immediately hugged him to calm him down.

Shu : Uncle trust me...I'll never do anything which hurts her no matter what.

Mr.Kuromi : I trust you son but when the priest---

Shu : I didn't said 'I do' before because I want to accept Y/n with all of my heart, I make promises to myself...don't worry uncle cause now she is my responsibility she'll get everything what she deserves.

Mr.Kuromi : Thank you so much son.

He broke the hug.

Shu : Uncle I----

Mr.Kuromi : No need to call me uncle...you can call me dad.

Shu : How about father-in-law ?

Mr.Kuromi : It sounds more good.

They both laughed and started to talk to each other.


Fizz : I will surely broke his bones if he dared to hurt my Y/nieee, he didn't said 'I do' when the priest is asking him and he just stayed silent...seems like he don't wanna marry Y/n but what can I do now ? I can't do anything for her now as she will go away from me to her new home.

She mumbled while drinking her soup, standing far away from everyone but a voice interrupted her.

??? : Don't worry about your friend...my friend will take care of her.

She turned around to see a yellow haired boy.

Fizz : And who the hell are you ?

??? : I am Fubuki Sumie...it's nice to meet you.

He extended his hand for handshake but she slapped his hand.

Fizz : So, you are that Shu Kurenai's friend ? Tell him if he dared to hurt my friend again then I'll show him how dangerous I am.

Fubuki : You can show me...I didn't mind you know.

He wink at her.

Fizz : What ?

Fubuki : Let's come to the point...I l-like you and I am really memorized by your personality so, do you wanna go on a date with m-me ?

Fizz : Ohhh! Really ? You wanna go on a date with me ?

He nodded and she slowly take his hand and in a second she put his hand in a hot soup bowl.

Fubuki : AHHHHHHH!!! MY HAND!!!

Fizz : Next time I'll burn you alive if you again try to flirt with me.

She pushed him and walked away.

Fubuki : Oh! My poor hand...Aishhh!!! This girl I will see you next time kitty.

~At Night~

After reception Mr.Kurenai give Shu the key of his new mansion, everyone wished you both for new life and now Shu is driving while you were looking out of the car...you both didn't even utter a single word and he understand that you are upset because of him so, he decided to talk to you after reaching home.

~At Home~

After reaching home, he get out of the car and come to your side and open the car door for you and you slowly come out then he closed the door.

Shu : Are you okay ?

Y/n : Y-Yeah!

Shu : Okay then come with me.

You nodded and started to follow him and you both went inside the mansion and you was so memorized by the beauty of the home.

Y/n : Beautiful...

Shu : Do you like it ?

Y/n : Yeah!

Shu : Bring her luggage from the car and take it to our bedroom.

He said to one of his servant and your eyes widened hearing 'our bedroom'.

Y/n : B-Bedroom...

Shu : Yes! You seems tired so, go and get fresh.

Y/n : O-Okay...

Shu : Show her our bedroom...I'll come soon.

He said to the servant and the servant show you the bedroom.

Shu mind : I guess she is not comfortable with me but it's our first night and I have to talk to her after at all she is my wife now, I'll explain her everything she must be thinking that I don't wanted to marry her...I feel ashamed on myself cause I refused her in past and it was my fault cause I was in love with a betrayer and now I am only hers, she owns me, she has all the rights on me.

He sighed and went to another room for a bath.

~On the other side~

You come out from the bathroom...you changed your clothes into night suit.

Y/n mind : I am so happy today, my dream prince is my husband now but will he love me back ? I'll try my best to make him happy but now I am tired I should sleep before he comes.

Suddenly you heard footsteps so, you jumped on the bed and covered yourself with a blanket and pretend like you are sleeping and then you heard the door open and closed sound.

Shu mind : Is she sleeping ?

He come towards the bed and saw your eyes closed so, he thought that you are sleeping and he was just staring at your sleepy face and unknowingly a small smile formed on his lips.

Shu : Cute...

He laid down beside you and covered himself with blanket.

Shu mind : I will talk to her tomorrow.

He started to admire your face.

Shu mind : She is really beautiful like a pure rose petal and her beautiful eyes like a lotus petals.

He caressed your cheeks and you felt his cold hand on your cheeks.

Y/n mind : Omg! He is touching me, he is beside me...I feel like I am going to faint now.

Shu : You look like an anjel...good night...sleep well Y/n.

He smiled and closed his eyes and after sometimes he fell asleep and when he fell asleep you slowly opened your eyes and looked up at him.

Y/n mind : First time you touch me, you took my first kiss...thank you so much hubby for accepting me, good night hubby.

Then you closed your eyes and fell asleep too.


The next part will be out soon✨

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