✨Loyal Husband✨ Part - 3

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Let's just start...

~Next Morning~

You both are sleeping peacefully but suddenly the alarm on his phone started ringing making him awake and saw you sleeping cutely while hugging a pillow.

Shu : Good morning Y/n...

He caress your cheek softly.

Shu : I never thought I'll start liking someone else ever, we just met yesterday and I already liked you so much but I know we both need sometime as it's hard for me to trust someone again and it's really tough for you to trust me too but I promise I'll fullfill your every needs as a good husband but till now sleep well.

He gently kissed your forehead and got up from bed and went in the bathroom to take a quick bath and did his morning routine and after getting ready for office he come downstairs where he saw a 50 age maid come towards him and greet him and he greeted back with a smile as she is his caretaker since his childhood and he loves her as his own mother.

Aunty : Son...are you going office today too ?

Shu : Yes aunty...I always go office, what's the new in that ?

Aunty : Are you out of your mind ? You have not been married for 24 hours and going office.

Shu : I have some important work so, I have to go.

Aunty : Don't you think your wife needs you ?

Shu : Why ? You are here to take care of her, I'll come back as soon as possible...now I'm going and I'll eat my breakfast at my office...bye aunty.

He rushed out and went towards his car.

Aunty : Aishh! This boy but I am so happy for him, I never like that bitch Lia but I like Y/n so much...god bless them.

~At Office~

Fubuki : Uncle...do you have any idea about who try to steal our important documents ? It's not the 1st time.

Mr.Kurenai : Infact in these 4 years someone try to steal our project's documents but because of Shu that person always failed again and again but this deal is very important for us...we all are working on it since 4 years or you can say if we lost this deal then we lost everything.

??? : May I come in guys ?

Shu : Valt...you are here...come inside.

Valt : Wait...what are you doing here ?

Shu : What do you mean by here ?

Valt : I mean today is the second day of your marriage life and you come office...you should be at home with your wife.

Mr.Kurenai : I told him to go back home but he didn't listen to me.

Shu : Are you guys done ? Let's talk about our important deal.

Fubuki : Uncle...where is your friend's son ?

Mr.Kurenai : He is here...Naoki Minamo, come inside.

Naoki : Hello guys I'm an undercover agent, I'll help you to find the main culprit...it's nice to meet you everyone.

Shu : Hello Naoki...I hope you'll find that person soon.

Naoki : Uncle already told me everything and I started my work 1 month ago and I found out that your rival company sent that person.

Fubuki : What ?

Naoki : Yes and that person is very close to you especially to Shu.

Shu : Very close ?

Mr.Kurenai : Naoki just find that person soon.

Naoki : I'll uncle...don't worry but for now I have to go, bye everyone.

He left the office and someone come inside making Fubuki heart skip a beat.

Fubuki : F-Fizz...

Mr.Kurenai : Fizz...I'm glad that you finally selected as Shu's secretary.

Fubuki : Oh! That's why my kitty is here...great I'll get time to spend with her everyday.

He whispered slowly.

Fizz : Uncle Kuromi give some files for signature.

Shu : Put them on my desk.

She placed the files on his desk and left.

Mr.Kurenai : I hope Naoki find that person before our deal.

~|Time Skip|~
~At 7:00 pm~

Shu come back home and greeted by his aunty.

Shu : Is Y/n okay aunty ?

Aunty : Like you care ?

Shu : What do you mean ?

Aunty : Go and see by yourself...she is very upset.

She left his home.

Shu : Upset but why ?

He ran towards his bedroom and rushed inside just to found you sitting on bed looking so sad.

Shu : Y/n...

Hearing his voice you looked at him and stood up while looking down but your eyes widened when he out of sudden hugged you tightly.

Shu : What happened Y/n ? Why are you upset ?

Y/n : I-I am sorry please forgive me...I'll never do that again.

Shu : What are you talking about ? Sorry for what ?

Y/n : I woke up l-late in morning and didn't make breakfast for you and aunty told me that you didn't eat your breakfast and left with empty stomach.

Shu : It's okay Y/n...I understand you were so tired so, I decide not to wake you up...now go and get ready.

Y/n : Why ?

Shu : I am taking you out for a dinner date.

Y/n : Oh! But I can't go.

Shu : Why ?

Y/n : You hold me tightly then how can I go ?

Shu : I am sorry but I don't wanna leave my beautiful wife.

Y/n : Beautiful ?

Shu : Yes...

He lift you up and spin you around making you giggles.

Y/n : Ahahahahaha leave Shu ahahahah!!

He smiled seeing you laughed and out of sudden you pinch his arm making him stop and immediately put you down and you ran inside the bathroom.

Shu : Yahh! It's cheating...stop.

He chuckled and took his outfit and went to another room to get ready.

~At Restaurant~

Now you both come at the nearby couple restaurant and he pulled a chair for you like a gentleman you sit down then he also sat in front of you.

Shu : Do you like the decoration of this restaurant ?

Y/n : I love it...it's so beautiful here.

The waiter come to your table and take the orders then left.

Shu : Actually I want to discuss about something with you.

Y/n : Is it about your past ?

Shu : Yes...I want to tell you about my past.

Y/n : No need to tell me anything because I already know everything about you and your ex girlfriend physical relationship.

Shu : And you still agree to marry me after knowing the truth ?

Y/n : Yes...that was your past and past is past.

Shu : But Y/n everyone wants to be their first time of their partners but I couldn't give you that.

Y/n : Maybe I'm not your first but can you promise me that I'll be your last ?

Shu : I already promised myself at our wedding day that's why I was silent when the priest was reading the wedding vows.

The waiter come and placed the food plates in front of you and give you the water jug then left.

Y/n : That's enough for me...now can we eat ? I am so hungry.

You pout and rub your belly like a baby making him chuckled at your cuteness.

Shu : Yeah! Let's start eating.

You both started to eat but he was secretly staring at you.

Shu mind : I am so lucky to have you in my life...thanks for coming in my life.

~|Time Skip|~
~After 1 month~

Your relationship was doing well and you both tried your best to make each other comfortable and happy and Fubuki always tried to get close with Fizz at company but get a savage replies from Fizz and sometimes he got scared whenever Fizz glare at him...right now Shu was at his cabin doing some paperwork when someone knocked on his cabin's door.

Shu : Come in!!!

Naoki : Did I disturb you ?

Shu : No no Naoki I was just signing on these papers but why are you here suddenly ?

Naoki : For this...

He gave Shu some files with a chip.

Naoki : All the evidence are here and you can check it.

Shu started to checking the evidences and he couldn't believe what he just saw.

Shu : Thanks Naoki...

Naoki : No need to thank me, it's my work but if you want then I can arrest them.

Shu : No not now...I'll show them the real game.

Naoki : Then I'm leaving...bye bro.

Shu : Bye...

Naoki left and Shu started to think about something.

~Next Day~
~In Conference Room~

Shu : Mr.Lee as everyone are here then can we start our meeting ?

Mr.Lee : Fine...let's start the meeting now.

Shu : So, Mr.Choi will you present your project first or me ?

Mr.Choi : Of course I'll do it first because after seeing my project Mr.Lee will give me the deal.

He said sarcastically.

Y/n : Don't be overconfident...it's not good.

Mr.Choi : Who the hell are you girl ?

Mr.Kurenai : Watch your mouth Mr.Choi, she is Y/n...Shu's wife.

Mr.Lee : So, shall we start ?

Mr.Choi : Wait a minute...my daughter and son are coming and here they are.

??? : Hello everyone...

Everyone's eyes widened in shock after seeing his daughter except Shu.

Mr.Kurenai : Lia ? You are his daughter ?

Lia : Yes Mr.Kurenai and meet my brother Silas.

Silas : Hello guys...

Lia : How are you Shu-san ?

Shu : It's Mr.Kurenai for you Miss Lia.

She didn't get satisfied by his reply so, she just silently sat down on chair and her brother sat beside her while staring at you.

Y/n : She is your ex girlfriend right ? She is your rival's daughter...did you knew it before ?

You whispered into his ear and he whispered back.

Shu : No but I got to know about it yesterday.

Mr.Kurenai : Mr.Lee I think we should start the meeting now.

Mr.Lee : Yeah! Mr.Choi show me your project.

Mr.Choi : Sure...here...

He started to explaining his project and everyone's eyes widened.

Mr.Lee : Wait a minute...why Mr.Choi's project sounds similar as Mr.Kurenai's project ?

Shu : Because they stole it from us Mr.Lee.

Lia : No!! It's not...

Valt : Stop lying Lia because we have proof actually Mr.Lee know everything cause we already show him the evidence.

Mr.Choi : What do you mean ?

Mr.Kurenai : In these 4 years you used your daughter against us, she always stole our documents and projects but failed as always because of my son and your big target was this deal but see you failed again.

Fizz : I can't believe, Mr.Choi what a type of father you are to use his own daughter just because of some deals and you Lia what kind of girl you are huh ? Who agree to sleep with a man just to fullfill her father's cheap wishes.



Shu : Mr.Lee thanks for trusting us...we got the deal.

Mr.Lee : You and your work deserve it Shu.

Silas : What ? You got the deal ?

Mr.Lee : Yes, I don't want any collaboration with cheaters like you guys...I saw every proof and I file a case against you three.

Mr.Choi : No!! You can't do this to us.

Mr.Lee : See you soon Mr.Kurenai.

Mr.Kurenai : Sure Mr.Lee...goodbye till then.

Mr.Lee left and Naoki come inside with a lady police and a policeman.

Fubuki : Arrest them...

Mr.Choi : No!!! Arrest me not my kids please.

Mr.Kurenai : Okay! We are not cruel like you...arrest him not his cheap kids, take him away.

Naoki : He'll spent his rest of the life behind the bars.

He handcuff Mr.Choi and started to drag him.

Lia : S-Shu-san...

She ran towards him.

Lia : Please Shu-san don't do this to us, please tell him to stop...I am sorry for what I did please.

Y/n : Don't call him Shu-san.

Lia : And who the hell are you to tell me huh ? What do you think of yourself ? Just because he marry you it is not mean he loves you.


Lia : WIFE MY FOOT!!! I know Shu-san you don't love her, she is just a rebound to you.

Your eyes filled with tears.

Fizz : Shut your filthy mouth before I kill you!!!

Fubuki : You still have that audacity to stand here in front of us...GET OUT!!!

Lia : No!! That bitch have to teach some lesson.

She said angrily while pointing her finger on you.

Lia : Did he ever said 'I love you' to you ? Did he ever kiss you ? Did he ever make love with you ? I know he didn't but he did it with me so many times.

Your tears started to flow like a river, you know everything but still hearing this all from your husband's ex girlfriend's mouth killing you from inside.

Valt : Don't cross your limits Lia.

Lia : Why ? What will you do ?

Y/n : You are trying to manipulate me but it's not gonna happen.

Lia : Poor girl, he is just using you, we were together since 4 years and I know everything about him...I am his 1st choice not you...you are just a bitch---

Suddenly she felt a hard string on her cheek causing her to fell down on floor and she looked at the person with teary eyes.

Lia : S-Shu-san---

Shu : ENOUGH!!! How dare you to say these kind of words to my wife ?

Y/n : It's okay Shu...leave it.

Shu : No!! Let me teach her some lessons...what did you say that I don't love my wife ?

Lia : S-Shu-san...I know you don't love her you still loves me not her.

Shu : Yeah! You are right.

Everyone looked at him shock face.

Shu : Because I love her more than you, more than anyone and anything.

Lia was shocked because she always thought she never loved him but after seeing him with his wife making her go crazy.

Shu : You are right she is not my 1st choice because she is the best choice for me, she is not like you...I refused her 4 years ago just because of a bitch like you but now I am regretting everything but you questioned on my love then see this.

He cupped your face and gently placed his lips onto yours kissing you passionately in front of everyone and Lia felt a pang in her heart and after sometimes he broke the kiss and looked at her.

Shu : I hope you understand...now get lost!!

Lia : You'll regret Shu Kurenai.

She stand up and left angrily with her brother.

Shu : Y/n...I love you so much.

Your eyes widened in shock.

Y/n : I love you more...I am so happy today cause my dream comes true.

He chuckled and kissed your forehead and everyone coughed.

Fubuki : We are also here guys.

Fizz : Do everything in your room not in front of everyone.

All laughed and Mr.Kurenai tapped Shu's shoulder with a proud smile.

Mr.Kurenai : I am so happy today son just because of you...I am so proud of you.

Shu : Thanks dad...I am appreciate to everyone who help me in this project.

~Next Day~
~At Mr.Choi's Home~

Lia was throwing things here and there while shouting in anger.

Lia : ALL IS DAD'S FAULT!!! Shu can't be with someone else NEVER!!!

Silas : Control sis...

Lia : SHUT UP!!! Shu is mine only mine...just because of dad I had to left him, I thought I don't love him but after seeing him with that bitch my blood boiled in anger...I will kill that bitch for sure, I'll do something to get Shu back I already lost dad I tried to prove myself as a responsible daughter but I lost my love instead.

Silas : Calm down sis...

Lia : I CAN'T!!! I---

She fell on the floor out of sudden.

Silas : Lia!!!

He ran towards her and support her to stand up.

Silas : What happened sis ?

Lia : I am not feeling well...I keep vomiting since few days.

Silas : Let's go to the hospital.

~At Hospital~

Silas : Is everything alright doctor ?

Lia : What happened to me ?

Doctor : Congratulations Miss Lia...you are 1 week pregnant.

Their eyes widened in shock.

Lia+Silas : WHAT ?

Doctor : Yes...take care of your sister and after 1 month come for the check up.

They both were silent and come out of the doctor's cabin with reports on Lia's hand.

Silas : Who is the father ? Don't tell me it's him.

Lia : I-I have to go to him.

She quickly rushed out of the hospital while Silas was chasing her.


Now you, Shu, Fizz, Fubuki and Valt was at living room, playing video games while talking and eating snacks but suddenly the doorbell rings.

Shu : You guys continue playing...I'll go and check.

He stood up from couch and went towards the door and open it but his eyes darkened seeing the person in front of him.

Shu : You!! What are you doing here Lia ?

Everyone's eyes widened hearing her name and they all come towards the main door and saw Lia with her brother.

Lia : Shu-san---

Shu : I ask what are you doing here ?

Lia : Shu-san do you remember we make love before that day I left ?

Shu : SHUT UP!!! Stop being a bitch again...we leave you it doesn't mean you'll come and disturb us again and again.

Lia : I am sorry for everything but I need you please.

Shu : I'll kill you today.

Lia : You can't because...

Shu : Because what ?

Lia : I'm pregnant with your baby.



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