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Ashanti pov:

They all said that when you die you see a stupid light showing that you're going to heaven. But all I saw was darkness nothing but darkness. Well I guess a bitch went to hell. I feel someone's presence so i ask like a stupid ass "whose there".

Right after I ask someone raised a cloth from my eyes. "Who the hell are you?"

"I am your worst nightmare Ashanti, I am your life line and now line of death." he said.

"Listen nigga you clearly see I'm stupid so why the fuck you doing that cryptic shit this ain't fucking school the fuck".

A loud smack echoed throughout the room.

I know this little piece of shit did not smack me just now, like what the hell he is so  lucky I'm tied up.

"First you kidnap me; then you smack me. Why are you are you doing this to me ?" 

"Because to hurt the person who loves you, I have to punish you"

"But no one loves me, my mother only cares about child support checks; and I had just met my father, who I have never seen in my entire life"

"huh well that is interesting because I am pretty sure you forgot one person."

"and who might that be."

"that would be you, since you are the only true person who loves yourself and to get to you I will sadly have to get rid of this very this ugly piece of charcoal skin you have."

"No please I am begging you, ill give you anything you want."

" you know I want  someone to join your fathers cartel and destroy it from the inside out, but we cant all have what we want."

"I can do that for you, but first you have to let me go."

"fine" he says under his deep shallow voice.

"why did you do this ?" i say with the most calm voice i can give at this point. 

"I will be in touch; now go before I change my mind". As I exit the dark creepy room i realize that the doors to me straight outside; then that's when i realize i am outside but not in the wilderness like i expected but I am in front of by back yard. As i look towards the house the lights are out, there is no one there waiting for me, no police cars in front of the house. But there is one thing that makes my stomach turn and want to puke is that there are pictures of me all over the ground form when i was a young age to now. 

When i pick up the picture that looks the most recent i turn it around and i see the words. i will be in touch in a dark crimson blood like color. Then that is when everything goes dark and all i see is the words i'll be in touch over and over again. i begin to wonder will the next time he is in touch will a strangers blood be the message or will my blood be the message.  Then that is  when i feel someone pick me up and push so roughly on to my that i feel that every small bone in my body has turn into a million pieces. Then that is when i hear my fathers voice tingling in my ear "you will be punished now". As he says that i feel a searing pain in an area were i shouldn't. As i try to move i can not, it feels as if i am in paralyses and all i can do is move my head and cry. 

then that is when when i hear him say in my ear "I  will be in touch" and leaves the room leaving me naked, alone, vulnerable ,and abused. All my life i have saved my virginity for someone who loves me, for a person i would marry and have children with. But I had it ripped way from me and taken without my permission. If only I would move, do something, but i couldn't. 

That son of a bitch is going to pay for what he did, and I wont just destroy his cartel I will kill him and every single motherfucker in that bitch. 

---------------------------------------------------to be continued---------------------------------------------------

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