Darkness (part 2)

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As soon as I awaken  I feel a soaring pain bellow my waist. Then that is when I am reminded of what happened yesterday, and the memories just come rolling in like storm clouds in a really sunny clear sky.

I see the images of the blood on my picture. The warm blood that spilled from my arm from every cut that man did. I see the chest of my father breathing on top of against mine the weight he had on me. The pressure and forcefulness of his body against mine. The words he whispered in my ear, the tears that fell from my eyes. Thy says that when you go through something tragic like that you are scarred for life. But I wasn't scarred I was killed that night.

As I get up from my bed I hear a knock on the door.
"Ashanti open the door now" Jordan says with an eager tone 

"Why ?"

"Probably because you went missing and you didn't even try to tell us were you were" Jordan says

"Listen Jordan I'm not in the mood for your complaints and I'm not opening that fucking door" I say in a crying like tone .

" wow little bold Ashanti is crying like a little ass baby" Jordan says

As soon as he says that I run to the door and open it and kick jordan straight in the balls and push his heavy body down twenty flights of stairs. The only sound I can't make up is him grunting in pain.

"Why the fuck did you do that ?" He says 

"Because you are always tempting me, you were supposedly looking for me but you did not have to if you would've protected me from thy man that kidnapped me, if you really cared about me you would of protected me from my own father and his rough hands rubbing against my body without my consent. You would of stopped him from forcing himself inside me but you didn't" I scream with all the rage, sadness in my body.

"I am sorry Ashanti and I promise that i will never let him touch you again and I'll kill that man and your dad, and if I don't succeed I'll die for you" 

"You don't have to kill them I'm going to kill them myself but I'm gonna need your help so are you in"

"Yeah I'm in, I'm with you all the way"

"Okay well your first Order is to get people on our side,and my personal body guard now"

"Okay my queen" he says ever so cheesy

"Eww don't say that you literally make me regurgitate in my mouth"

"Haha you know love it when I call you that"

I'm not going to lie when he called me that I felt butterflies in my stomach that need to go away quickly.

"No I did not, now go and wait for me outside while I get dress and make sure you set up a meeting with someone who you think would join us"

"Okay queen"

Ughh there is no hope for that son of a bitch. When I walk to my closet I open it up and I find this really black dress that hugs my body.

As I finish playing dress up I walk out of my room and head out side to me a sexy ass Jordan. But let's keep together Ashanti we ain't trying to fall for a player that look like trey songz 2.0. We drive out of the house and we begin to drive and every thing seems to blur up with the speed he is driving in.

Once we reach for a stop I pull out my black sunglasses and Jordan opens the door for me and says the most cringing thing in the world. "We are heat my beautiful lady". Ugh I am just going to ignore the fact he said that and just keep on walking.

As we enter the abandoned warehouse I see 2 body guards in the entrance, cameras everywhere.

"They are heavily guarded for sure"

"Omari doesn't play so you better be careful with what you say around him, he tends to get really violent"

"I'll keep that in mind jay"

When we walk in and we both sit at the wooden dusty rectangular table. Then that is when this tall black man walks in and all I can do is stare at him fearing I might do something wrong.

"So you wanna kill Caleb"


"why is that, and what is in it for me"

"I want him dead because he took something from me and I'm going to take his life, and you look like and understanding person and you've clearly wanted Caleb out of the game so you can be on top"

"But you see that is the thing if I was to help you kill him you'd be on top not me" he says in a duh tone

"But what if I helped you get information from his cartel from the inside and you kill him for me"

"Fine but if this doesn't work and he tries to come after me and you I won't help you out I'll just kill you, now I'll be in contact with you in a few days for information and you better have it or the deal is cut and I am pretty sure I don't have to remind Jordan what happens when someone doesn't hold there end of the bargain"

Thank God that did not go terrible. But what id he mean Jordan knows what happens when someone doesn't hold there end of a deal

"Oh and before I go when you kill him I want you to kill him slowly and painfully"

"Sure will, my guards will escort you out be safe Ashanti and make sure you know what you doing"

As we leave I feel like I'm walking on air and that everything will be okay.  As I look at jay I noticed he is worried.

"I don't think this was right"

"Why cause he threatened us and do you care to tell me what he meant back there"

"he had killed my old boss because he did not deliver his weed, when he was supposed to"

"oh well lets hope he doesn't kill us"

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