chapter 2: The task

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Amber Leigh, the ruler of the kingdom of flames, sat on her throne bored. "Uh! I want something to do!" she moaned. Suddenly a red phoenix appeared in her throne room, it was carrying a golden scroll in it's claws. "Oh! Blaze, you have returned" Amber said. Her Phoenix dropped the letter infront of her yellow paws. Blaze rested on its masters back. "Oh! What do we have here? A golden scroll?" she said, picking up the letter and unfolding it. She read the scroll to her faithful pet phoenix. It said:

Dear Amber Leigh,

                                    I need you to come to my kingdom as soon as possible. I have a task for you.

                                                                                              The crystal queen of Aravia,

                                                                                                       Crystal Whiteshadow

She knew it was from Crystal being written on a golden scroll. She got up on her paws and ran out of the throne room, running into a red and yellow she- cat. The she-cat was carrying a tray with a cup of water for the queen, but it spilled all over Amber's yellow and red fur making her soaked. Water was her weakness being the element of fire, so it caused her to grow dizzy. "Your majesty! Are you alright! Your majesty!" the red and yellow she- cat said worriedly. Suddenly, she fell to the ground unconscious.

A few hours later she recovered, " Uh! What happened?" she asked. "Uh! You passed out" the she-cat said. " And how did I pass out?" the queen asked. " I- uh- I kinda spilled water on you" the she- cat said scaredly. "WHAAAAT!" Amber yelled. She grew so angry that fire shot out of her paws and burned the she-cat. "AAAHHH!" the she-cat yelled. "Bab! Don't ever do that again! How many times do I have to tell you not to bring water to me!" Amber yelled. "I'm sorry your majesty" Bab said getting back up from being harshly burned by Amber's fire power. "Now I got to go" Amber said, "I'm late thanks to you". "What are you late for?" Bab asked. "I got a letter from Queen Crystal Whiteshadow, for a task. "Oh! You mean the crystal queen?" Bab asked. "Yes! who else should I be talking about?" Amber Leigh asked. "Oh! Nobody!" Bab said. "Well goodluck!" Bab said walking away. Amber took a little step, then fell. She was still weak from the water spilling all over her. Bab ranover towards her," Your majesty! Are you alright? Do you need any help?" she said. "No! I'm fine, really" Amber said getting back up, she started to walk to the crystal kingdom.


Deep in a forest was a big light green kingdom. Outside in a garden was a 17 year old light brown spaniel, she was Ivy Clementine. Standing right next to her were two wolves. "Dakota, will you fill this bucket with water" she said handing the empty bucket to a grey wolf. " Yes, your majesty" he said bowing to her and taking the handle of the bowl in his mouth. "Thank you, Dakota!" she yelled. "Your welcome, Ivy!" he mumbled  trying not to drop the bucket in his mouth. 

Dakota jumped on big rocks next to a waterfall. As soon as he got to the end of the waterfall he tipped the bucket just enough to fill it up with water. Suddenly a white cat walked towards Dakota. He looked behind himself and saw Echo Waters, the ruler of water. Dakota gently put the bucket of water down on the ground. "Hello Echo" he said, but all she could hear was his  barking or howling. "Hello Dakota. Did Ivy send you again?" Echo said. "Yes" Dakota answered, but all Echo could hear was a bark. "Well did she get one of these golden scrolls" Echo said, showing a bottle with a golden scroll inside. Dakota looked at it. "I got it from my hermit crab friend named Sabastian" Echo said, "Crystal must have put it in a bottle and put it in the lake until Sabastian found it and brought it to me". "I wonder if Ivy got one of these?" Dakota thought. He grabbed the bucket of water with his mouth, dripping a little bit of water on the ground. "Leaving already? Well goodbye" Echo said. Dakota walked back to Ivy with the water. "Oh thank you, Dakota" she said. "Your welcome, Ivy" he replied. She took the bucket of water and watered her plants and gave some water for her thirsty animals and her two pet wolves. Suddenly, a bird flew towards Ivy carrying a golden scroll. The bird dropped it right next to her paws and flew away. "Thank you!" she yelled. She unrolled the scroll and read it. "Huh! Crystal has a task for me!" she gasped.  Ainyana and Dakota howled with joy for Ivy. "Well I got to go! Do you want to come with me Ainyana and Dakota?" she asked. "Yes!" they yelled.  She went inside her horse stable to look for a horse to ride to Crystal's castle. She had 5 horses, she had a white one named Twilight, a brown one named Acorn, a brown and white one named Butterscotch, another brown one named Daisy and a black one named Moonlight. She chose Butterscotch to bring with her. 


When she got there, she met three other girls named Amber, Echo, and Misty. "What are you doing here!" Amber yelled at Echo. "Why are you here!" Echo yelled at Misty. Echo and Ivy were the only ones who weren't arguing even though Ivy is stronger than Echo. They got along just because Ivy needed water for her plants and animals, so they won't suffer of thirst, but if they ever fought they would argue and fight for only a little while. Misty was very calm, she didn't even care that she was being yelled at.  

Suddenly, Crystal appeared and yelled, "SILENCE!!!!!"  Everyone stopped and was completely silent. "Good! I told you to come here because I have a big task for you. Your task is to stop the darkness that is taking over our land" Crystal explained. "Huh!" everyone gasped. "Do you mean that Shadow is returning?" Amber asked. "Yes!" Crystal replied. "You have to stop him before the darkness reaches my kingdom and before it takes over the whole kingdom of Aravia. "What do you say? Will you do it?" Crystal asked. "I'm in!" Misty said reaching out her left front paw. "I'm in too" Echo said reaching out her right front paw next to Misty's. "Me too" Ivy agreed reaching her paw in the middle. They all starred at Amber, "what! Stop starring at me!" she yelled. She starred back at them. " Uh! Fine! I'm in as well" she finally said, putting her paw in. "Let's do it!" they yelled raising they're paws out of the circle. 

They ran out of the crystal kingdom and got ready to go on their journey to acieve their task. "So, I guess we got to work together to finish this task" Amber said. "Yup!" Ivy replied, "but, i'm not trusting you" " And I'm not trusting you" Amber said to Echo. " And I'm not trusting you" Echo said to Misty, but she did not care. " Come on guys! We got to do this, for Crystal, for Aravia!" Ivy said. " She's right!" Echo said. "Come on lets go!" Ivy said.

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