Chapter 3: The dicovery of the Emerald or the element of Earth

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Ivy jumped on Butterscotches back. "Nahhh!" she yelled. "Calm down, Butterscotch" Ivy said stroking her mane. Butterscotch calmed down. "Hey! How come you have a horse and we don't!" Amber yelled. "Yeah! Can we choose a horse. I know you have four other horses" Echo said. "Ok! Lets go!" she said. Everyone hopped on Butterscotch' back and she started to gallop to Ivy's kingdom. They went inside the horse stable and looked at all the horses. Echo chose Twilight, Misty chose Daisy and Amber chose Moonlight. Acorn looked sad and kicked the hay with her left hoof. "It's okay, girl. I'll ride you next time" Ivy said to Acorn, giving her a sugar cube. Then they continued on. 

Outside the stable, Amber was about to go on Moonlight, and Ivy ran towards her. "You better not burn my horse!" she demanded. "I won't okay! Well atleast if you don't make me angry" she yelled. "No please!" Ivy begged. "Ok! But I'm warning you, don't make me mad. I can't stop my anger that easy you know" Amber explained. "I know that!" Ivy yelled. She walked towards her two kind and noble wolves. "Dakota, will you watch her for me?" Ivy asked. "Yes I will I promise" Dakota spoke. They all went on each of the four horses and they galloped through the forest. Dakota and Ainyana ran behind them. Ainyana was a beautiful brown she-wolf and is Dakota's mate.  Dakota is a gray wolf that is really an unbeatable warrior. He always fought and protected Ivy like she was his own little wolf pup.


The horses kept galloping tell they got to a cave right out of the forest. The horses stopped and started to nah and tryed to make the four girls fall off their backs. Ivy calmed Butterscotch down by pulling at the rope around her nuzzle. She calmed down and Ivy jumped off Butterscotch' back and calmed the others down. "Uh! Thank you!" Amber said, being mean to Ivy. "Uh? Your welcome!?" Ivy said.

Ivy looked into the cave and it started to glow a green color. "What do you think is in there?" Echo asked. "I'm not sure?" Ivy said, "But I do want to check it out". "Why? "Amber asked. "Because I feel something powerful in there" Ivy explained.  She walked towards the cave and went inside and disappeared into the darkness.  Dakota and Ainyana followed, then the girls followed; they stopped next to two paths in the cave. "Which way should we go?" Amber asked. Ivy closed her eyes and pointed to the left path, and it started to glow. "That way" she replied. They walked in the left path, and made it to a giant crystal emerald gem. She walked towards it, but Echo grabbed her paw. "Wait! It could be dangerous!" Echo responded worried. Ivy did not listen to Echo, she just kept walking towards it. She starred at the glowing green gem and reached her finger towards it and touched it. The Emerald began to glow. The others were blinded by a green light and as soon as their vision came back, they saw Ivy on the ground. "Ivy!" Echo yelled running towards her. When she was right in front of her, a green light shocked her and she fell to the ground. "Echo!" the other two yelled. Dakota and Ainyana howled worriedly and the horses nahed in a scared and worried way. Ivy got back up and she began to glow in a green color. The girls were blinded by a bright light again. Ivy's eyes began an emerald green, and an Emerald crown and necklace appeared and they started to glow. When the bright light disappeared, the girls could finally see again. "Ivy, are you alright?!" the girls asked. "I'm fine. But I feel so much power in me now" Ivy responded. "So that was what you were sensing? The big emerald gem?" Echo said. "Yeah!" Ivy replied, "well we really must be going".

Behind them was a black shadowy creature. It was hissing because it was blinded by the bright light. The girls heard it and turned around, but saw nothing. "What was that?!" Amber asked. "I don't know, but it sounds scared" Ivy said, walking towards the shadowy creature, but she didn't know what it was, until it leaped at her. "Ahhh!"  she screamed and fell to the ground ducking for cover. The other girls did the same and the creature flew out of the cave. "Wow! That was close" Amber said. "But it was just a bat" Ivy replied. "Yeah, but I don't want it messing with my perfectly combed hair" Amber explained. "Wow!" Ivy replied, sarcastically. They continued out of the cave until they got to a valley filled with black fog beginning to cover it. "What do you think it is?" Echo asked Ivy. "I don't know!" Ivy yelled worriedly.  

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