Chapter 8: Magic and the gate to the land of darkness

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"Hello Magic" the girls responded.

"May I show it to them, mother?" Magic asked Crystal.

"Alright but make sure they don't touch anything, and be careful their could be evil there. Something could be there and if they see you they might try to hypnotize you to open the gate" Crystal warned.

"Ok we'll be careful" Magic responded, raising her paw up, "take my paw"

"Um... Ok?" the girls replied in confusion and fear. They took her paw and held it tightly as the crystal purple stone glowed as a purple light shined over them. As soon as their vision adjusted again, they saw that they were in a secret garden with a small ocean and a million flower beds scattered all over the place. 

"Where are we?" Ivy asked. "You just took the words out of my mouth" Amber responded. "Oh my dog, it's beautiful here" Ivy replied. Misty spotted a golden gate infront of them. "Where does that go?" she asked as she was about to touch it. "STOP!!!!" Magic hissed. "What?!" Misty whined. "Don't touch anything, especially the gate. There's a force feild that my mother created if you touch it, you'll get zapped and you might trigger something horrible" she warned.

"Well you might trigger something dark with your screaming" Amber retorted. "Shut up!" Magic yelled. The girls heard a splash in the lake. "What was that?" Ivy asked. "I don't know, but I hope it isn't what I'm thinking it is" Magic mewed with fear in her voice.

A light brown mermaid appeared, followed by two others. One light brown Dachshund, one dark brownDachshund  and one blond cat. The light brown Dachshund began to sing. "Mermaids?" Ivy responded with confusion. "No their Sirens" Magic replied.

"Sirens?" Amber asked.

"Yes, evil mermaids" Magic responded. 

Echo was being hypnotized as she followed the blond cat towards the gate.

"No you don't, you stupid catfish!!!" Magic yelled, using a psychic power with the crystal purple rock around her neck as the cat was taken up in the air. She hissed at her as she threw her in the small ocean.

The two Dachshund's continued to sing and hypnotizing them. Magic was being hypnotized by the dark brown Dachshund. but Amber stopped her by slapping her across the face as she hissed in anger. Magic tried to keep the Sirens back from the gate by yelling "back!!," at them.

The Sirens swiped at Magic as the light brown leader took the stone around her neck. "Huh no my power!!" Magic screamed. "Don't worry, we'll get it back for you" Amber replied. "Give that stone back!!!" Ivy yelled as she used telekinesis to get some vines and tie the Sirens up. The Sirens hissed at her in anger. The light brown Dachshund kept singing to try to hypnotize them. Misty used telekenesis and took the stone back and throwing them back in the ocean still tied up in vines. 

"They won't do anything now since their tied up with tight vines" Ivy replied, giving the stone back to Magic. "Thank you" she thanked them as she put it back on. "We should go back now" Ivy responded. "Right, let's go" Magic retorted as they held her paw and were transported back to the Crystal kingdom. 

"So how did it go?" Crystal asked. "It could have went better" Ivy retorted. "Uh... ok?" Crystal mewed, quesionably.

"Well we should go now"  Ivy responded. "Right, you should" Crystal mewed.

The girls left the Crystal kingdom to continue their journey, but what they didn't know was that Adriano, Ash and their new companion, Candace, were still watching them like a pack of spies with a mission to conquer the whole kingdom.

(Hope you enjoyed the song, it's from Pirates of a Caribbean)

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