Chapter 7: The land of flames and the Crystal kingdom

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They made it to a small little village that was lit with torches on every corner. The water in the village was actually a pool of lava. A kitten with red and yellow fur was resting in it like a free spa with his mother, who was a red and yellow cat, watching him. The mother spotted the four girls and spoke very excitedly, "Welcome to our little village". 

The girls walked around a little village and spotted a ghostly looking old house infront of them. "Wow, this place looks run down" Amber responded knocking on the old brick wall and spotted a black Widow spider come out of a cracked hole. "Ahhh"she squealed and backed away.

"Maybe who ever is in here can tell us more about Shadow  and where the other two elements are?" Ivy asked, bravely knocking on the door. No one answered. She began to knock on it again. "Maybe no ones-"she tried to say when the door creeply swung open by itself. The girls jumped in fear.

Adriano and Ash watched them climb inside the old house inviting themselves in. Adriano and Ash followed. 

The torches inside the house lit themselves with a white flame. "White fire? That's rare" Amber responded. "That's because you've never seen a fire spirit" a faded female voice boomed in the room. "Um... W-who said that?" Ivy stuttered with fear. "I am Candace" a white she-cat with light purple streaks in her bangs responded as she revealed herself to them. "Who might you be?" Candace asked curiously.

"I am Ivy and this is Amber, Echo and Misty" Ivy introduced. "Oh the four elements, I've heard about you four. You are here to stop the darkness, aren't you?" she asked walking around them. "Yes we are, how do you know that?" Ivy asked. "I can be a little psychic" Candace answered. 

"Ok?" Amber responded. "Oh the princess of flames I persume" Candace responded to her. "Um well actually it's queen of flames now, my father retired" Amber responded. "Oh right, did you know that your father exiled me from living in the village. I had to make my own village here; the land of flames is what I call it. The loners also called it that" Candace responded. 

"But why did my father exile you from the kingdom?" Amber asked. 

"Glad you asked child. I used to live in the kingdom as a guard until the king exiled me for wanting to be queen instead of his first born child which was you, Amber. I grew jealous that I killed all your siblings and was about to kill you, but your father protected you and fought me. He won the War of Flames and I was expelled from his kingdom, cursed to live alone until I made my own kingdom for the other forgotten fire elements and they are loyal to me. I returned to the kingdom of flames for another shot to take the throne, but the second war caused my life to discontinue. I chose not to rest and stayed in my village as the first white flame element ever." Candace explained.

"Why did you ret-" Ivy tried to finish but Amber interrupted you.

"Y-YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!!!!!" Amber yelled with rage.

"I'm sorry it was a past mistake, I wasn't thinking about it before I did it. I-it was... it was jealousy!! Jealousy took hold!! I shouldn't have returned, I should have just given up after the first time, then I would have continued my life rather than end it. I was being greedy!!!" she yelled filled with wrath and hatred to her past choices.

"No it's okay, you weren't thinking properly I know it well. Our people are always cursed with the seven sins; Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride and if you do you are cursed to either die or turn to stone and you died because of it, that is how all my people would perish. I'm sorry for your horrible past" Amber apologized.

"Thank you, you have proven yourself worthy being the new queen of flames, Amber" Candace replied, getting calm, "you are better at being ruler than I'll ever be."

"Your welcome, Candace" Amber responded.

"Now we best be going, we have a task to do" Ivy replied.

"Yes you should be going through your task to stop King Shadow's darkness. I am sorry, I wish I coud tell you about him, but I don't remember much about him anymore. I don't know where the other two elements are either, which I know you are seeking for" Candace apologized.

"It's alright, we'll visit Crystal again and ask her about Shadow" Ivy responded, as they all left the house to conclude their journey.

Adriano and Ash watched in a distance. "Hm... She's greedy. She's perfect to be one of us" Adriano grinned as he walked towards Candace as soon as the girls were gone and she was looking away. "Hello Candace" he responded as she turned around to meet Adriano. "Huh... Adriano" she gasped. "Join us!! Still be your greedy self!! You want to be ruler one day!!" Adriano responded as he began to hypnotize her.  A cloud of black fog went around her and went inside her body. "I will be a queen" she grinned. Adriano and Ash grinned back at her.


Back at the Crystal kingdom, Crystal knew they were returning and waited for their arrival. The girls walked inside the Crystal Village with all the crystal pets sparkling in the sunlight filled with joy to see the girls again.

A pink and white she-cat with light blue eyes and had a sparkley flower shape around her right eye walked towards them, excited like a crystal pet should be. "Hello I am Flower, what's your names?" She asked. "I am Ivy and this is Amber, Echo and Misty" Ivy introduced as they realized they never got to talk to any of the crystal pets the first time they went to the Crystal kingdom. "Oh nice to meet you" Flower responded joyfully, "Where you heading?"

"Oh we're going to go see Crystal" Echo answered. "Oh great, she'll be thrilled to see you four pets. Hehe..." Flower responded optimisticly.  

"Well we got to go, Crystal's waiting for us" Ivy retorted.

"Oh don't want to keep her waiting" Flower replied. "See you soon"

The four girls approached the kingdom hoping not to bump into anymore obstacles on the way.

"Wow people are so upbeat here" Misty replied.

"Yeah a little overjoyed" Amber retorted.

They went inside the kingdom to see Crystal sitting on her crystal throne waiting patiently for their arrival. "We're here, your majesty" they replied. "Oh girls you're back. I've been waiting for you" Crystal responded happily, "is the darkness expanding?" 

"We're not sure yet, but we saw this black fog near the forest and made the animals into these dark nightmare animals" Ivy replied as she was even scared to talk about it as well. "Oh no, that was the darkness, did you get the animals away before it did any other harm?" Crystal asked. "Yes, but Ivy was too chicken to do anything" Amber joked. 

"I was not!" Ivy replied,defensely. 

"Are too!" Amber argued. 

"Was not!" Ivy yelled back.

"Girls, not next to the queen!" Echo yelled.

Misty just stood there amused by the entertaining argument.

"Can you tell us more about Shadow, your majesty?" Misty asked.

"Well certainly" Crystal answered.


On 1987, Shadow was only a pup and his father, Midnight,  wanted him to become the evil master of darkness that everyone feared. He didn't want to be feared by everyone, instead he wanted to be loved like the ruler of the Crystal kingdom. He fell in love with the Princess of Crystals, Charity. Charity was a pink and purple tabby she-cat with green eyes and sparkley purple bangs.  She was next in line to become the Queen of Crystals.

Shadow wasn't a nightmare wolf at that time, instead his eyes were dark blue instead of bloody red and his fur was black and white instead of pitch black. As for his father, he was a nightmare wolf and he looked exactly like Shadow today.

"Hello Charity, my love" young Shadow barked.

"Hello my watchful Shadow" Charity mewed.

Both of them loved each other, but one faithful day Midnight did something awful to Shadow.

"I forbid you to see that kit anymore" Midnight growled.

"But father I love her" Shadow retorted.

"I said, NO and if I ever see you with her again I will do something terrible to her!!" Midnight growled with rage.

"No father, you can't do this!!" Shadow barked.

"I am your father and you have to obey what I say!!" Midnight growled.

Shadow ran to his room and cried for three whole days. On the fourth day, he sneaked out of his bedroom window and went to see Charity. He kept it from his father for two whole weeks. On the 15th day, Midnight found out and before Shadow met her, he killed her, which left Shadow miserable. His father told him that the crystal heart was overpowered and released its extra power and killed her, he became so furious that he vowed that he would destroy the crystal heart to gain revenge for killing his lost love. 

His father gave him power inorder to destroy it, but Charity's sister, Hope, who was next in line to become queen, became the ruler and protected the crystal heart with a greater power even stronger than darkness and hatred; it was love and light. Hope was a white shorthaired she-cat, and one of the kingdoms best rulers of Aravia. The crystal pets gave the crystal heart more power by sharing their love and light with it.

Hope defeated Shadow and bannished him to the land of the darkness. Every year the gate needed a new force field to keep the evil from escaping. 


"But the Crystal heart can never overpower, it can hold as much love and light that Aravia has, right?" Ivy asked.

"Indeed, but Shadow never knew that, instead he believed his father's lie and never trusted anyone else but his creatures of darkness" Crystal explained.

"That's terrible" Amber responded.

"Yes it is indeed" Crystal retorted.

Suddenly, a Siamese cat with a pink sparkley bow appered in the throne room.

"Magic, what are you doing in here?" Crystal asked.

"Just want to know what's going on right now" Magic asked her mother.

"Hello" she responded to the girls.

                                                             To be continued...

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