Chapter 6: The discovery of the ruby or the element of fire

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The next morning, the four girls awoke and they went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Dig in, eat as much as you would like" Isis said, "you have a big journey ahead of you. Don't want to go starving, after all". They all grabbed three pancakes and two slices of bacon and began to eat. After they were done eating, they went out in the cold winter weather. They went into the horse stables and grabbed their horses.


"That took quite a long time, I hope the darkness hasn't taken over half of Aravia by now" Amber thought. Moonlight galloped through the snow and made it through the winter weather and were back to summer- like weather. It was very hot and humid in this part of Aravia though. "Why is it so hot?" Ivy spoke. "I don't know, but I'm dying" Echo whined. "Wait! This is my kingdom" Amber halted, "i've made it back home".

At that moment, a yellow kitten with red tips walked towards us. "Your majesty, you have returned!" the cat spoke in a british accent, "your father was looking for you". "Thank you, Aine" Amber replied.

An old yellow and red Spaniel walked towards them. "King Agnidev, also known as my father" Amber introduced her father to her three new friends. "Nice to meet you" he replied to the three girls. A fox made of flames walked towards them "A fox made of fire?" Ivy questioned watching the fox made of fire. "Vesta! Come here girl!" Agnidev called out to the fox. Vesta ran towards him and let him pet her. He was a fire element which meant that he was immune to fire. "You are welcome in our kingdom for lunch if you like. You must be hungry from your journey" Agnidev responded.


For lunch, they had burgers and fries, as for Ivy, she prefered a fruit salad. Being fire elements they cooked without using grills or stoves, which was very impressive. A dog named Burn, who was black like ashes blew on his paws and a burst of flames burst out of his mouth like an amazing dinner and a show restaurant. "This is what it is like in my kingdom" Amber explained to Echo, Ivy, and Misty. "Wow!" they watched the show astonishingly.

After dinner, they began their task to stop the darkness from taking over Aravia.

What the girls did not know, was that they were being watched. A ring of smoke went around the fire kingdom. A Great Dane made out of shadows and nightmares appeared out of nowhere infront of a black kitten named Ash. The kitten was petrified and trembled in fear. He backed away slowly and tried to run away, but the Great Dane leaped and landed on him on all fours and yelled in a strong creepy voice, "where are they?! Tell me, or I'll tear you limb from limb!"

"I-I d-don't know what your t-talking about" the little black kitten tryed to speak.

The Great Dane sniffed at the kitten and Ash looked confused. "I can smell fear in you" the shadowy Great Dane spoke.

Ash started to shiver, "I feed off fear" the Great Dane finished.

"W-who are you?" Ash trembled.

"I am Adriano" the Great Dane introduced himself.

"Now where are they?!" Adriano demanded again.

"W-who?" Ash looked at him with his ruby-colored eyes, his ears down.

"The four elements!" Adriano was getting irritated by the kitten.

Ash looked at him with wide frightened eyes now. "I don't know who they are?" Ash finally spoke normally.

"Those four girls who were just here, where'd they go?!" Adriano was getting impatient now.

"I don't know where they went, h-honest" he started to shake again.

"I think I have an idea, where they might be" Adriano mumbled.

"And you are coming with me" Adriano responded.

Black smoke went out of his paws and went inside Ash. Ash's eyes began to turn completely black. "Now come on" Adriano commanded Ash, and they left.


The four elements made it to a bridge, across the bridge was a volcano that they had to get to. Adriano and Ash spotted them, they hid behind a burnt tree to keep the four girls from seeing them. Right when the girls were all on the bridge, Adriano blew on his paws and black smoke flew towards the girls and went inside the bridge. At that moment, the ropes at the end of the bridge snapped, and the bridge tumbled down and so did the girls. The girls held on to the bridge, under them was a pit of lava. They were scared; they held on for their lives. What were they going to do? The girls screamed in horror looking right at the pit of lava they were under.

Misty unfolded her wings and let go of the bridge. "Hold on girls" she spoke in her calm brave voice. She picked up Echo and took her across the bridge to safety. Amber and Ivy were still holding on to the bridge tightly screaming. "Why are you screaming, lava is like a bath to your kind" Ivy explained. "Because I don't want to be stuck in there for the rest of my life!" Amber replied. "Good point" Ivy responded.

Suddenly, Ivy began to slip from the bridge and moments later she fell. "Ahhhh!" she screamed while falling closer and closer to the lava. Echo, Misty, and Amber gasped in horror.

Misty flew towards her in lightning speed and caught her three inches from the lava. "You saved me, Misty. Thank you!" she blessed, putting her head on Misty's shoulder hugging her.

"Uh! So close!" Adriano gritted his teeth angrily from behind the burnt dead tree. Misty took Amber across the broken bridge safely. "It took you long enough!" she muttered. "Hey, I helped you, you should be grateful" Misty responded and they walked towards the volcano. Adriano and Ash transformed into bats and followed the girl inside the cave.

The girls made it to the entrance of the volcano, a huge boulder blocked their way and it was too heavy to move. "What do we do now?" Echo asked concerned. "Maybe I can move it" Ivy replied. She raised her paws in the air. The boulder moved a little, but it wasn't enough. "It's too heavy" she groaned. She tried again, but it just wouldn't budge.

The girls tried to help her by pushing it, but it didn't do much. "Come on, Ivy; try harder" Amber groaned pushing the boulder using all her might. Ivy became angry, she began to grit her teeth. At that moment, the boulder moved out of the way and fell on the ground with a thud.

The girls went inside the volcano and Adriano and Ash, who they did not see behind them followed them inside.

A drone flew towards Adriano and a hologram appeared. On the hologram, was a black wolf with bloody red eyes. "Adriano, have you found them?!" the wolf spoke loudly. "Y-yes sir" he replied shaking. "Did you capture them?!" the wolf howled. "N-no sir, not yet" Adriano responded. "WHAAAAT!!" the wolf growled. "I-I'm sorry, sire" he apologized.

"I don't forgive you. Your two days late! Now get them, now!" he growled. The hologram disappeared, and Adriano trembled in fear. It was a hologram call by Shadow, the master of Darkness. He was in big trouble. He had to get the girls and fast.


The four elements went inside the cave and spotted a big crystal Ruby just like the Emerald that they found before. Amber looked at it astonished. She walked towards it and touched it with her paw.

Suddenly, her flame colored eyes turned into a pure Ruby color. A red light that came from the Ruby went inside of her and the Ruby necklace and crown. Another bright light, blinded the girls and when they could see again, Amber was laying on the ground.

When she got back up she felt even more powerful now than later. Her eye turned blood red and she turned around and looked at the girl in anger, she looked like a zombie. She opened her mouth wide and a huge fireball came out and almost hit the girls. "What are you doing Amber?" they asked, confused.

Amber spitted out fireballs, but the girls dodged again and hit a corner where Adriano and Ash watched. Adriano was hit and he backed away steam on his shoulder. "Maybe she'll stop them herself?" Ash thought. "Yeah, but who's gonna stop her?" Adriano growled.

"Hold on girls, I'll stop her" Echo stepped in. She raised her paws in the air and a wall made of water protected them. Each fireball turned to smoke. Echo moved the wall which looked like a waterfall towards Amber and it tumbled down on her making her dizzy and passed out.


Amber woke up, she was inside a pool of lava. "Your awake. Are you alright?" Echo asked. "Yes, but what happened to me?" Amber answered with a question. "You were acting crazy as soon as you got more power from that big Ruby" Echo explained. "What?" Amber looked confused, not knowing what had happened.

"Don't worry, now come on, we wasted two hours for you to awaken. We are wasting time" Ivy answered.

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