Chapter 5: The ice kingdom

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They  kept walking together until they got to a valley. They left Loki, his pack and the other animals there, then continued through Aravia to stop the darkness from taking over the world.  They got to a cold snowy area in Aravia. "Wow! It's cold" Amber said. "Yeah! It is" Echo replied. "Let's make a fire" Amber replied.Misty looked at a sign. It said:


                                                 Do not make a fire

                                           No fire elements allowed

"Oh! I guess Amber ain't allowed over here" Misty said. "Wait! What do you mean?" Amber asked, walking over to Misty. "The sign says that your kind ain't allowed in here and you can't start a fire" Misty replied. "WHAT! That's crazy!" Amber said. "Calm down before you start a fire!" Ivy warned.  Suddenly, they heard galloping.  "Wooh! Snowy! Wooh!" a whte cat said. She was wearing a blue fur coat. "What, are you four girls here, especially without a coat, your going to get yourselves a cold" the cat said, grabbing the scruff of their necks and helping them on the white horse. "Go Snowy!" she yelled. "Nahhhh!" Snowy replied, galloping around the snowy valley. "My name is Glacier" the white she-cat said. "My name is Ivy" Ivy introduced. "I am Echo" Echo introduced. "I am called Misty" Misty introduced. "And I am Amber" Amber introduced. "Amber? Wait? Your an element of fire! You are not allowed here!" Glacier yelled. They were heading for a castle. "Oh no! Isis is gonna kill me!" Glacier thought. "Snowy, halt!" she yelled, but it was too late they were already passed the palace gate. Snowy went inside the palace horse stable and Glacier and the four elements went inside the palace. "Keep your mouth shut about what element you are. You do not want our ruler to know that I am breaking one of the biggest rules. That is why I put that sign up" Glacier explained. "Uh! Fine! Whatever!" Amber yelled annoyed.


When they went inside the ice kingdom, they realized it was made of ice." No wonder why fire elements aren't allowed in here" Amber said. "Exactly. They could destroy our kingdom by melting it" Glacier responded. A white rabbit hopped towards them. "Hello, my name is Snowball, welcome to the ice kingdom" she said, "you have to meet our queen".

Snowball brought them to the ice palace throne room. She opened the door with her paw and it opened and she hopped in and Glacier and the four elements followed. The throne room was filled with icicles. The throne was made out of an ice cube and the floor had snow all over it. It was snowing inside. A white she-cat who was wearing a necklace with a snowflake charm popped out from behind the throne room. "Why are you here? Why do you wish to know?" the white she-cat said. The four elements started to bow, but Glacier stopped them. "That ain't Isis, that is her royal guard, Snowflake" Glacier responded. "We wish to see Isis" Ivy said. "As you wish, young one" Snowflake said. Suddenly, another white she-cat appeared, she was a persian and looked just like Crystal. "Now that is Isis" Glacier replied. The four elements bowed at her. Isis raised her paw at them. "Why have you come here?" Snowflake interrupted Isis before she could even speak. "WHAT! HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT ME WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO SPEAK,SNOWFLAKE!" Isis yelled. "I'm sorry your majesty" Snowflake said, ears drooping to the back of her head. "I know who you are. You are the four elements, I persume; fire, water, earth , and air" Isis spoke. "Wait! You know who we are?" Ivy said. "Of course!" Isis replied, "my sister, Crystal told me you were coming". "She did?" Ivy asked. "Indeed" Isis replied. "Wait, you two are sisters?!" Amber yelled, but Misty bumped her. "Ow! What was that for?!" Amber yelled at Misty. "Well certainly!" Isis giggled.  "Wow!" Amber said. "You four have a very important task" Isis said. "Yes! We know!" Ivy replied. "You must rest, then tomorrow,you can continue your task" Isis replied. Everyone went to their own guest rooms and rested, the only one that could not rest was Amber. "How am I going to rest if the darkness is already taking over our world and never rests?" she said to herself.

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