A Night To Remember

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"Hey kid." Dad smiled as I came walking towards him, seeing him in his Pops uniform.

"Hey dad." We brought one another into a hug, he seemed awfully happy. "Why you so happy?" I questioned, watching him walk around to the other side of the counter.

"Don't know what you mean, can't I be happy without a reason?" He raised an eyebrow, passing me a glass of water.

"I can see right threw you dad, you know you couldn't keep anything from me. Even when I was a kid." I tilted my head with a smile.

"Fine." He huffed. "Alice and I, we're kinda-."


"No, but we're getting closer again." He explained, seeing the slight fear that I didn't accept in his eyes.

"I'm happy for you dad, you do whatever makes you happy. You both deserve happiness." I begun, starting to walk to the door. "You coming to the play tonight? Archie, Jug and Betty invited Klaus, you and me."

"Yeah I'm coming, Alice is in the play as well." He was still smiling.

"Aww look at you, getting all gushy." I joked about.

"Get out of here you, see you tonight." Waving goodbye, I headed back home. Seeing Betty and Jughead talking to Klaus in the dinning room.

"Hey babe." Klaus turned to me, seeing Jug and Betty's heads turn to me. A smile grew on both their faces.

"Hey, what's going on?" I questioned, walking over to them. Bringing Betty into a hug and then jug, finally reaching Klaus and pecking his lips.

"We're their ride to the show." Klaus explained.

"Well, we better get going."Heading to the school, Betty and jug rushed off backstage. Klaus and I found our seats, sitting down. I felt an omf from the baby. "Bloody hell."

"What's wrong?" Klaus lowered his voice.

"The baby, he or she just done something. It's to early for kicking though."

"Might just be the baby stretching." Klaus shrugged.

"Maybe." I replied.

"Maybe what?" Jug quizzed, plopping himself next to me.

"Nothing, have you seen dad? He was gonna be here." I changed subject.


"Can we see arch before they get on stage?" Klaus questioned.

"Sure, just head backstage. I'll show you, cause I forgot I had to last minute interviews." Getting up and following Jug, he left us at the door. Seeing all heads turn to us, Archie's smile grew from ear to ear.

"Lucifer! Klaus!" He cheered getting to his feet, Klaus and him going into one of their harsh playful hugs. Arch looked to me, bringing me into a hug. He kissed my cheek, while I snuggled my nose into his neck. Arch laughing, he spun me in a small circle. Placing me down, Klaus said on the behalf of both of us.

"We just wanted to come and wish you guys luck."

"Thanks Klaus." Veronica smiled.

"5 minutes till places people!" Kevin called out. Rushing back to our seats, I kissed Jugs head as I heard the music begin. The lights came on, seeing Alice in her place as she sung. Her hand on a cross, lights changed and props appeared.

"Father almighty, she's only a child. But the woman is waking inside her. She will be lost. If her passion runs wild. So, I can't let her stumble and fall. Maybe I do things that I can't explain. But my feelings for her never change. You are still my precious on. Can you forgive what I've done?" Alice then spoke her lines. "All right, Carrietta, it's time to come out of your closet."

Watching as the wall block spun around, my eyes widen as my breath left my lungs. Seeing midge pinned to the wall like a rag doll, I grabbed ahold of Jugs arm. Reading what said on the wall in her blood. I am back from the dead, all those who escape me before will die. B.H.

"I don't think that's part of the show." Jug stated.

"Oh, my god." Kevin and I said at the same time.

"Somebody should help her." Cheryl started. "Help her!" She screamed, Alice coming to the realisation. She turned around, screaming. The whole room turned to havoc.

"Klaus!" I screamed at him.

"On it!" He rushed up on stage, seeing Jug rush along with him. I begun to freak.


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