Another Entry

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The angel of death had once more come to Riverdale. Midge Klumps gruesome murder had gutted the entire town. And in grief, brought us together. Cheryl finished the song she sung, watching as the river vixens rose their Pom poms. Cheryl declared she speak.

"I also feel it is my duty to say that... like the furies of Ancient Greece, who pursue blood atonement when a crimes committed, the vixens and I vow that we will not rest until those responsible for the murder of our rightly punished."

The funeral coming to an end, Klaus and I walk hip by hip. Trudging threw the snow to get to the car. My eyes scanning around, I pulled Klaus to a stop. Seeing Sheriff Keller walk up to Cheryl and midges mother. "Klaus." He looked in the way I was looking, we both held our breaths as midges mum slapped the sheriff in the face.

"Oh damn." Klaus muttered under his breath. My eyes scanned to Betty and Jug.

"Betty, Jughead! Do you guys need a ride?" I called out.

"No, it's ok Lucifer. Thank you!" Betty replied, Klaus drove us home. Chucking on the fire, he threw in the last bit of wood before closing the door. I sat along the couch, my brain ticking.

"What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?" Klaus questioned as I sat forward so he could sit behind me and I could use him to rest upon.

"Just... trying to get over midges death, just seeing midges mum and the pain she's in. I couldn't imagine losing a child like that." I begun to rub my stomach, Klaus placed his hands on top of mine. Kissing my neck, he promised.

"I won't let anything happen to you or our baby." Hearing a knock at the front door, I groaned. Going to get up, Klaus got up instead. "Rest." He ordered, rolling my eyes. He kissed my forehead, leaving the room. I watched as Klaus opened the door to Sheriff Keller. Grabbing my diary out of many for the baby, I started another entry.

My beautiful baby girl or boy,

So yes, here's another out of millions of stories to help you through your life. I've told many about Poppy, your uncle Archie and Jughead. Don't let me forget about your father, who just made me stay on the couch to answer the door. Just a reminder that I am falling in love with you more every day you grow, getting to my age now and as you grow and find the parts of your life that fit you perfectly, make sure you never let them go.

I love you,

"Have a nice day Lucifer!" Sheriff Keller waved, Klaus sending him out.

"You too Sheriff Keller!" I waved back, Klaus closing the door. I shut the diary, chucking it back on the coffee table. Klaus joined me back on the couch.

"Another entry?" He questioned, tucking some of my hair behind my ear.

"Maybe." I begun, feeling him try and reach over to it. Grabbing his arm, I pulled it back towards me. "It's not for you to read, it's for your kids eyes only." I groaned hearing my phone begin to ring on the dining room table.

"Leave it, if it's important. They'll ring again." Klaus tried to keep me with him, but wiggling our of his grip. He sighed heavily, looking at me all puppy dog eyed.

"I'll be right back." I reassured me, picking up my phone. I saw it was Veronica calling me. "Ronnie, what's up?" I asked, Hearing her voice in distress.

"Lucifer, I didn't know who to call. You know him better then me."

"Slow down, what happened?" I looked to Klaus, who knew something was wrong by my facial expression.

"Archie, he's been taken. My ex, in a sense of the way. He took him and i thought you would be better at tracking his location."

"Come to my house, now." I ordered.

"On my way."

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