Beloved Blossom

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Southside lake, the most historical and most respected bit of land on our side of the tracks. The place where I'm supposed to be conducted queen, the one decision made for me before I could open my own eyes. Sighing heavily as the cool misty wind hit my face, brushing my hair behind my shoulders. "So this is where you run off to."

"So you're following me now?" I joked, watching klaus plop himself beside me.

"I don't go that far my dear, I simply came here to talk to you. After a little friend made the blurry line so much clearer." He explained, seeing how vulnerable he was.

"Does this little friend wear a beanie?" I quizzed, he adjusted his seating. Not looking me in the eyes, he replied.

"Maybe... you and I, we've got history. A lot of it." He begun. "Are you still hurting from what i did to you?" I gulped hard, after the talk I had with jug. I told him the truth.


"I know what I did, was horrible and I know you'll probably won't forgive me for a while. I wanted to say I'm sorry, the amount of rage I keep upon myself after that day. It kills me... do you remember what I told you on our second date?" He questioned, smiling slightly at the memory.

" 'Nothing will come between you and I.'" I quoted.

"And I never lived up to it, for that I didn't only fail you. I failed your brother, I failed your father and I failed the serpents."

"Klaus-." I tried to say something, but he cut me off.


"Klaus." I stood my ground, placing my hand ontop of his. "I forgive you." I did, seeing how much pain he's held these years and him apologising. He's changed, Klaus Reagan has changed from the immature teen he once was.

"You do?" He was shocked.

"I do, so to start this all again. Hi, I'm Lucifer Jones." I brought out my hand for him to shake it, seeing him lightly laugh to himself. He shook my hand, replying.

"Nice to meet you Lucifer, my names Klaus Reagan."

"Nice to meet you Klaus Reagan."

The day continued as it normally would, the classical normal neighbour fights with their burning bins at front. I rested on the front steps of the van, holding a cruiser loosely in my hands. I smiled seeing my little brother walk up towards me, all dressed up in a suit.

"Hey you, why you so dressed up for?" I asked him as he brought out a black envelope from his jacket. Taking it, I could smell maple off of it. Blossoms.

"It's Jason's funeral today and Cheryl invited you, she said to me. 'You and your serpent queen of a sister are invited'." He impersonated.

"I'm just happy she stuck with that, knowing her she could came up with worse." I explained, seeing somewhat worry in his eyes.

"You ok?" He quizzed, looking down at him. I nodded.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Cause you're drinking a cruiser, that certain flavour you drink is when you've had a pretty crappy day. Involving a certain someone." He lowered his voice.

"No juggy, thanks to you. Klaus and I are turning a new leaf, I'm drinking this because... to take the edge off a little bit." I explained, seeing him nod slightly.

"Klaus told you?"

"I had a feeling." I smiled, seeing him smile in return. He then asked.

"How many have you had?"

"This is my only one, so I'll be able to drive us there." I said getting to my feet. "I'll get changed quickly."

"Could you also pick up Archie and Betty?" He asked of me, half turning to him. I whispered.

"Of course."

"Thank you." He mouthed, shyly smiling at him. I got changed into an old black dress, that was lacy on the bottom half. Chucking on a pair of mums black heels and grabbing a jacket. I opened the van door, seeing Jugs eyes light up.

"Say anything and I'll make you walk." I told him bluntly, as I walked past him to the drivers door.

"What so I can't even tell you that you-."

"Uh." I stopped him, seeing him crack a smile. We both got into the car as I drove to pick up Archie and Betty.

"Hey, thanks for the ride Luci." Archie said as I watched him sit behind me.

"Yeah thank you." Betty added.

"No problem guys." I replied.

"So Luci, is that short for something? Are you the only child with a normal name?" Betty quizzed, obviously not knowing the spelling of my shortened nickname. Archie and jughead just laughed. "What?"

"Arch, wanna tell her?" I asked him, looking at him through the review mirror.

"Her full names Lucifer." He explained, seeing her eyes widened in a ohhh, ok sort of way. Laughing to myself, I pulled up in front of the blossom house. Feeling the same chills I use to get from when klaus and I use to sneak in here, causing all sorts of havoc. Usually cause to get back at Jason for bullying jug and arch.

The three of them gave their condolences to mrs blossom, then it came to me. Seeing her eyes widened in fright. "Mrs blossom, I'm sorry for your lose." I reached to kiss her cheek, feeling her shake in her place. I stood back.

"Why do you have your slippery feet on my land... serpent." She spat, I raised an eyebrow.

"Hilarious..." I begun.

"It's not like you've use that against me before, so before I storm past you and knock your shoulder." I stood closer to her. "Your daughter invited me, so before you discriminate my brother and myself. Just remember, poke at the queen and the kingdom will come after you." I hissed, walking past her and knocking her shoulder. Jug stood there on the way into the main room, waiting for me.

"Hey, you good? You've got that fire look on your eye." Jug held my shoulder.

"I'm ok, just had to finish a very old job."

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