The Last Picture Show

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"Dad?" I asked as I knocked on the caravan door, opening it slowly. I saw him in the kitchen, looking brooding and frustrated.

"In here kiddo." He replied.

"What's wrong?" I smirked as I closed the door behind me, walking over to him. I saw him frustrated with the toaster.

"This bloody toaster, it doesn't bloody work." He said annoyed, seeing it wasn't on by the power point. I flicked it on and pressed down the button for the bread to go down, seeing the toaster wasn't actually broken. Dad sighed heavily, laughing at how simple the solution was. "What would I do without you?" He questioned, feeling him wrap his arm over my shoulders. Pulling me towards him as he placed a kiss on my head.

"Honestly surprised you survived this long without me." I joked.

"Alright alright smart ass." Dad playfully shoved me, seeing a photo behind him catch my eye. Moving around him, I pulled the photo off of the fridge.

"I remember this, it was the night before I left." I stated, brushing my fingers over the imagine.

"Jughead printed off another photo, he always keeps a copy with him. It makes him feel safer." Dad explained, making my heart ache. I never knew I had that affect on him, like I knew he was safe with me. Cause I wouldn't let anyone or anything touch him. "Are you going to the drive in with Klaus?"

"Uhh." I begun, wiping away a tear. "He's picking me up, but he's going to be with the guys as I go and watch the movie with jug." I explained. "You?"

"I might come for a little while. If you're taking Klaus's bike, be careful. Ok?" He raised an eyebrow, memories running through my head of when klaus and I got into an accident. Klaus caught me mid air, using himself to protect me from the impact.

"Fp?" A voice interrupted, dad and I both looked towards the door. Seeing klaus standing there, holding my old helmet in his hands.

"Klaus! My good man! You take care of her now, won't you?" Dad said to him making me roll my eyes. We're not even together anymore and dad still acts like we are.

"Of course, shall we?" He asked me, offering his hand.

Walking past him, our shoulder knocked against one another. Walking out the door, I heard dad hum in laughter. "Give her time." Dad told klaus, hearing klaus say his goodbye. He walked over to me, passing me my helmet.

"You know after the drive in closes, jughead can come and live with me. He knows the doors always open for him." Klaus suggested, which made me press my lips together.

"I'll let him know, let's get going."

"Yes, of course." He replied, getting on the bike after him. I hesitated, then slowly wrapped my arms around his waist. Hearing him start the bike up, my grip soon got tighter around him. Due to him speeding off down the late night dewy road. Cursing myself from feeling all those old feelings again, I was glad we pulled up at the drive in. Getting off of the bike as soon as I could, I passed him my helmet. "Do you need a ride home later?" He quizzed, he accent getting the better of me.

"I'll let you know." I smiled politely, walking off. I went to get some food for jug and I, my stomach rumbling due to being able to smell the popcorn from a mile away. "Hi could I please get a jumbo popcorn?" I ordered, the blank teenager just walked off to the other end. Sighing heavily, I smiled in a thank you way as he passed me the popcorn.
Finding my way to the back door, I walked up a flight of old misty stairs. Smiling to myself, seeing jughead there memorised by the James dean film. Sneaking up behind him, I hugged him from behind. "Hey cutie."

"Hey, thanks." He replied, taking the popcorn from me and moving over. Looking to jug and all I could see was little him, sneaking him up here due to his obsession with these movies. I soon remembered the question I had to ask him, it was either that or him live on the streets.

"Klaus wanted to know if you wanted to live with him?" I blurted out.

"Are you living with him?" He quizzed, looking at me right in the eyes. Seeing the way and need for klaus and I get back together. Cause when things were rough at home, or he wanted to get away from home. He would come and stay with us, his home away from home.

"No jug." I replied, seeing him straighten his back up defensively.

"Why not? Are you living with dad?... wait, don't tell me you're sleeping in your car." He raised his voice.

"Jug, you don't know what happened between us-."

"Then help me understand." His voice cracked. "Help me understand why you two broke up, why the two people I cared about the most split." He continued to nag and nag, clenching my jaw. To the breaking point my teeth will shatter, I spat it.

"He cheated on me!"


"He cheated on me." I lowered my voice, afraid of what he'll do next. Watching him slowly place down the popcorn, he brought me into a hug. His hand clenching onto my hair, he buried his nose into the crook of my neck.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologise." Facing each other, he held my face like he use to when he was younger. The way he held my face meant he'll make sure no one will hurt me.

"Will you ever get back with him?" He quizzed.

"Honestly dunno."

"Well if you two do and he hurts you, I'll kill him." I huffed a little laugh, feeling his hands leave my face. I replied.

"Not before I do." Him bringing me into a half hug, I rested my head onto his shoulder. Him trying to throw popcorn into my mouth, we both bursted into fits of laughter.

"You and me till the end of the line."

"You and me till the end of the line."

Thanks to the beautiful and amazing ohmyhaylee for the amazing manip of the siblings xo

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