Rightful Rulers

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Southside Serpents, a gang... a family. The serpents who are ruled by my father, whom wishes for me to take them off of him when I come of age. Which was last year, but. I was also suppose to rule with a king by my side, the story I said that wasn't able to be told in a simple fairytale. Let me start some of that story, shall I?

It started when I was 15, so was he. It was a typical teenage love, the little giggles from your stomach holding a cage full of butterflies, your feet feeling so light. It was if you were on cloud 9, our parents were both royal. Which basically made myself a princess and him a prince, a future destined to be the best thing for the future. It was to be told, the future king must protect and help however her family needed. Which explained how he's always helping jug and dad.

Gulping down the large lump in my throat, my shivering hand reached the cold wooden door. Pushing it opened my denim jacket wasn't optional anymore to keep me warm, all eyes were on me. "The queen has returned!" My dad's voice echoed through the 'serpent den'. Watching everyone move aside, I watched my father emerge from the crowd with open arms.

"Hi dad." I smiled, hugging him in return.

"Luci." Two voices made me smile, looking up I smiled seeing sweet pea and fangs.

"Sweet pea, fangs." They smiled as they pulled me into a three way hug. "Look at you two."

"Look at you, you've got hotter!" They cheered, shaking my head at their horny selves. I ruffles their hair, shoving them playfully away. I saw dad smile at how quickly I eased back in with the serpents, everyone saying their welcome backs and hellos. My heart stopped at a certain accent I never thought I would hear again.

"Hello love." Spinning around slowly on the balls of my heels, I froze seeing him.

"They've reunited!" Someone cheered, feeling dad's hand being placed on my back.

"Go talk to him." He whispered into my ear, nodding. I walked towards him, grabbing onto his wrist. Pulling him behind me, I threw him into the empty room at back. 

"Oh don't tell me Luci, just like the good ol days of us sneaking in the back rooms-." I soon cut off his smart ass comment.

"Shut it Klaus, maybe when we were together and you weren't the smart ass you were. Maybe we could've been still together, who knows?"

"Come on lucifer, you've gotta say. You and I had a bit of fun when we were together-." He crept towards me, placing my hand up to stop him. My hand pressed against his solid chest that once upon a time I use to cuddle up too. Looking at my hand on his chest, I replied.

"We had... we had fun. That was the past, before you hurt me. All of that before I left, we could've been taking over this little kingdom." I explained, watching him sigh as he looked up at the roof.

"I know I messed up with you and us, I loved you and loved how we took care of Archie and jughead at my house as if they were our own." He added, hiding all emotions I have for him.

"Have you even checked up on Archie?" I quizzed, trying to get the conversion all over and done with.

"Are you kidding me? All the time! I always check up on him and jug." We just stood there in silence after he finished talking, feeling really uncomfortable. I broke the ice,

"Ok, can we just go back now? Please? This is just killing me." Stepping back into the hall and beginning to walk back, klaus grabbed my wrist. Pulling me back towards him, our faces inches away from one another. Close enough I could feel his hot breath brush up against my skin.

"I know things are bad between us, but... I'm glad you came back." I was confused cause he was actually speaking the truth, I shyly smiled. Feeling him gently let go, we walked back to the main room. Seeing everyone applauding us back, narrowing my eyebrows. I saw dad come up behind me, I soon realised what he was doing. Without me wanting to, a gigantic smile came across my face. Seeing dad helping me put on my jacket, my serpent jacket. Flipping my hair out from under it, I twirled around in a small circle.

"Your royalness." Fangs bowed along with Sweetpea which made me laugh.

"How does it feel? Being back in that old thing?" Another member called out.

"Second skin." I smirked, side eyeing Klaus. All he could do was the same, I was back.


As it got dark, Klaus and I were sent to get dinner from Pops. Walking in, all eyes were on us. I thought for a second we could've got everyone's attention from the bell on the door walking in, but it soon clicked as Klaus whispered into my ear. "They're looking at you because they know the queen has come back." Gulping, he placed his hand on the back of my serpent jacket. Feeling the tingles I use to get from his touch, the feeling of being so internally safe. Us walking over to the counter, pops eyes widened.

"Haven't seen you two side by side in a long time, you two make a good looking couple. Your order will be ready in 10." He explained.

"Thank you pops." I replied, hearing the sound of my brothers voice call out our names.

"Klaus! Luci!" Looking around, I saw jugs head pop up. Seeing him sitting with a blonde petite chick and some other girl, who's quite high classed. Then lastly a guy who seemed to be staring at klaus. Beginning to walk over, we almost crashed into Archie, his dad and some other woman. Apologising, we ended up at where my brother sat.

"Hi." I smiled, seeing him raise an eyebrow. Knowing that meaning why I'm with him and the jacket. "I'm back with the serpents." I simplified.

"Wait does that mean-?"

"Not exactly." I added as klaus and I exchanged looks.

"Well Luci, klaus. This is Kevin, Veronica and Betty." Jug introduced us.

"So this is the Betty I've heard so much about?" Klaus questioned, placing his hands behind his back.

"Klaus." Jug gritted his teeth.

"What?" I was shocked, how he told klaus before me.

"Excuse me." Betty got up from her seat, shyly sliding past klaus as he done his classical smirk. Slapping his chest, all he could do was laugh.

"You're stunning, nice to finally meet you Luci." Veronica placed her hand out for me to shake it, hesitating a small millisecond. I shook it.

"Klaus!" Pops called out to him, turning our heads. We saw pops holding the gigantic bag of burgers and chips.

"Go get them, here's the money." I told klaus to do, passing him a note. His eyes scanning from my hand, to my arm, all the way to my face. I nodded reassuring, him gently taking it out of my hand. He walked off.

"Feast for two?" Kevin joked.

"Nah, we're dinner run. You have to feed snakes or they get feisty." I shrugged.

"He's a gorgeous man." Kevin looked over to him, all emoji love eyes. Smiling slightly, I straight away knew he was gay.

"You can gladly have him, keeps him off of my back." I replied, joking with him.

"Can I!?" He gasped.

"Yes, but might be a bit tricky."

"What might be tricky?" Klaus quizzed standing beside me.

"Nothing." I lied to him, seeing him just shaking it off as it was nothing.

"Oh Luci, have you heard the drive through is closing down?" Jughead asked, my eyes widening.

"What!?" I said louder then I should've said it.

"Yeah exactly, I was hoping you two would help me out with it?" Jughead hoped, looking up at us. His eyes big like a begging puppy.

"Of course jug." I told him, feeling klaus squeeze my shoulder. I allowed it, cause he knew how much that place meant to us.

"Yeah, we're both in." Klaus added, seeing that look on jugheads face. The one full of relief, mixed with seeing klaus and I being affectionate.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"We've gotta get back." Klaus stated, I nodded. Beginning to leave, over the back of his chair. I reached to kiss jugs cheek, holding his hand and giving it a squeeze. I told him.

"If you need me, message me."

"Will do, love you."

"Love you too."

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