Brothers Debt

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The night continued, the phone call that the prince said was from his red headed side kick. The prince scurried to Pops, sitting across from the snake charmer. Where the young prince was trying to get himself out of the mess he put himself in, while the snake charmer sat there. Black mailing. "An attack on myself, Lucifer or my father. Is an attack against all of the serpents. Not even some fuzzy footage of me delivering a crate is going to stop us from coming for you." Just as the young prince was about to leave to go back to his father and sister at dinner. The charmer struck a nerve.

"Your girlfriend. Betty Cooper, I believe? She's quite fetching. Oh! Don't get me started on your older sister, oh my. She's quite something." The charmer begun, the prince spun around. Taking his seat once again.

"What did you say?" The prince quizzed, she knew his soft side.

"All snakes have a soft underbelly. They're yours, am I right? You and your sister are oh so the same." The prince chocked, getting up. He rushed his way out of the shop, leaving the charmer there amused.

The next day came, all gathering at the whyrm. While people were getting things ready and organised for dad's retirement party, making my way down the stairs with many things running through my mind. I snapped myself back to reality, watching as Klaus made his way over to me.

"Hello beautiful, where are you running off to?" He asked, taking hold of my hands.

"I have to grab some things for tonight." I explained, pecking his lips. "I'll be back in a bit."

"Lucifer! Where you going?" Juggy called out.

"I'm going to grab a few things, get to school." I yelled back, I lied... well not particularly. Grabbing a few streamers and balloons, I took a turn off. To where I never imagined I would go to, besides for a tattoo. Getting out of the car, slamming the door shut. I stormed through the shop, making my way to our back. I leaned against the wall, seeing Penny at her desk. "Hi skank." Her head shot up, she evilly smiled.

"Hello bitch." She replied. "What can I do for you?" Walking over to her, I kicked out one of her chair legs. Her falling straight on her back, she awed in pain.

"You and I need to have a little chat."

"Let me guess, Jughead?" She evilly laughed, getting to her feet. I wrapped my hand around her throat, pushing her against the wall. She had fear in her eyes. "Someone's definitely stronger."

"Let's get something straight, you're going to bring Jughead out of whatever arrangement you have. He's young, he does not deserve to be involved. I'll be taking over his jobs, do you understand!?" I exclaimed, hearing guns being cocked around me. "Tell them to stand down." I whispered.

"Why should I? Imagine Klaus's face, seeing you a bloody mess. Oh it'll be a sight to see."

"He would come for your head." I spat, letting go of her. All guns were lowered as I left, I went back to the Whyrm. Passing the supplies to Toni, I spotted Klaus. Laughing as Sweetpea, fangs and all the young guys who look up to him. Tried to beat him at pool.

"Lucifer!" My head snapped towards my name being called, seeing Jughead rushing over to me.

"Hey juggy, you ok kiddo?" I questioned, him hugging me.

"Yeah... I... just missed you, that's all."

"Jones's stop being adorable, you two look stressed. Want a drink?" Toni asked from behind the bar.

"No, I'm good. I'm just getting a lay of the land." Jug told her.

"I'll have a vodka raspberry, with lemon." I ordered, thanking Toni. I headed over to Klaus, him smiling like a goof.

"There's my gorgeous queen!" He yelled at the top of his voice, everyone cheering. He crushed his lips against mine, knowing he wasn't fully drunk yet. He was having fun, he was happy. Hearing music play, a song I quite love myself. We all turned, to see Veronica and Archie. Klaus rested up against the pool table, I stood between his legs. Resting up against him. My eyebrows raised seeing Veronica run off stage, Betty quickly jumped on stage. Confused, I looked over to Jug. Who was waiting, to see what his love was about to do in front of a bunch of grown men and women.

While Betty started taking her clothes off slowly as she sung.I came to the realisation of what she was doing. The snake dance, which I had to do when I was 17. "Go and get her off for jug." I whispered to Klaus.

"Looks like your dad is already on it." Clapping with everyone, dad gave her his jacket. Watching where Betty headed to, I felt bad for her as her mum started having a go at her.

"You know what?" Dad started off for his speech. "I've been in and out of the Serpents since I was younger than my son. And it's been a— a wild ride. Good times, bad times. But through it all, the Serpents stuck by my side. Even chipped in for when I was a first time father." Dad winked to me, making me smile. "While most other people turned their backs on me. My own family included." He looked directly at Jug. "Now, the letter of the law says that I can't be here in the serpent den, that I can't associate with my friends, my real family. My blood! Being told I would have to disown my own daughter for taking the spot as queen! But I've been thing about that, and it will be a cold day in hell before a snake lets a pig tell him what to do." The whole room went up in cheers, Klaus and I joining with it. "Northside wants me out of this gang. Well, they better bring a coffin, cause FP Jones isn't retiring! I am not going gently into the night! I am here to stay! So, bring the fire!" Everyone cheering and clapping, I felt my phone begin to buzz in my pocket of my jacket. Bringing it out, my heart skipped a beat. Seeing it being No Caller ID, I left out of Klaus's grip. Walking outside, I answered it.


"Is the queen still up to pay her brother's debt?" I sighed heavily, looking back inside. I saw dad being Klaus into a hug, while Klaus ruffled jugs hair. I looked away, replying.

"Where do you want me to meet you?" It was then I realised, i could end up either three ways. One, dead. Two, prison. Three, in a ditch somewhere clinging onto life. As I took off into the night, the young princes piece on the board was flung from the game. Moving the queen in front. Meeting where the charmer, said to. On the crossroads of greendale to Riverdale, I got out of the car. Leaving the high beams on, we met half way between our cars.

"Here's your first job." She started, passing me a rectangular box. "It's for the ghoulies, they hangout at the back of the Riverdale sign. About 50km wall to where they do drugs under the stars, good luck."

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