What is a King, Without his Queen?

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On the crossroads of Riverdale and GreenDale, the queen took the box. Taking her car to the location, she parked the beast. Walking straight into ghoulies territory, she gulped as all eyes were on her. In a single motion, the head of the ghoulies whistled. Where it left the queen to drop the package, where she became the hunted.

On the other side of town the king, narrowed his eyebrows. His queen was taking awfully long on the phone, walking outside. No sign of her, he looked to see her car was gone as well. "Fangs! Sweetpea!" Klaus called out to them, them jogging over to him. They were confused on why Klaus looked worried.

"What's up Klaus?" Fangs quizzed.

"You haven't seen Lucifer, have you? Her car isn't here." Klaus rambled, ringing her. There was no answer. "She's not picking up." Fangs and Sweetpea then tried, both of them being sent to voicemail.

"She's not picking our calls up either." Sweetpea replied.

"Ok, you two take the bikes and have a look around town. I'll go ask inside." Klaus ordered.

"You've got it boss." Fangs and Sweetpea sprinted over to the bikes, knowing themselves that this was odd behaviour from their queen. Klaus went inside, going straight to Toni. Knowing that his fiancée and the underage bar tender were close.

"Hiya Klaus, another drink?" She asked, he shook his head.

"Nah, I'm alright Toni. I was just wondering if you know where Luci went? She just took off after she was on the phone to someone."

"Ummm, maybe ask Fp or Jug. They'll have a higher chance of knowing where she would be, have you talked to Fangs and Sweetpea?" She quizzed her king.

"Yeah, they're going around Southside to try and spot her or her car. If you hear anything, let me know." Klaus's eyes were full of fear, he wanted to find his girl. Before anything bad happened. Klaus asked around. Getting messages from Fangs and Sweetpea, saying they've found nothing. Klaus knew in the pits of his gut that it was extreme and that he needed backup, a lot of it.

"Hey Klaus!" Fp called to his future son in law, Klaus jogged over to his side. "Do you know where Luci is? I haven't seen her in hours?" Klaus's eyes dropped to the floor, which made the Fps heart race. Knowing something was wrong. "Klaus what is it?"

"She's missing, when you were doing your speech. No Caller ID called her, her car is missing and she isn't picking up her phone." Klaus told him, seeing the fear showing his Fps eyes.

"Have you driven around town?" Jughead interrupted.

"Yeah, well. Here they are, I sent Sweetpea and Fangs to do a trip around. No sign of her." Fp walks din a small circle, stroking his beard. It looked like he had an idea.

"Jughead, has Penny been in contact with you?"

"No." Jughead said to his father, fire burned through Klaus.

"You've been working for the charmer!?" Klaus was pissed, slapping the back of Jugs head. "You're an idiot, do you know what Penny will do to her?!"

"What, you think Luci took my debt?" Jugs voice went soft, he was scared. Not only of a version of Klaus he has never seen before. But for his sister.

"Of course she would! She'll Get Lucifer killed! She'll get the ghoulies involved-!"

"Klaus, chill. We'll find her." Fangs tried to reassure his king. While the serpents gathered together, in the middle of the forest between greendale and Riverdale. The queen hid in the shadows of the early morning, seeing a member of the ghoulies looking around. She took off into a sprint, using a tree to her advantage of throwing the guy to the ground. Smashing his head against a rock.

"You can make it home Lucifer." I said to myself, taking off deeper into the forest. I heard the left over ghoulies running after me, feeling like I was going to throw up from dehydration. I pushed myself to somewhere I could hide.

Klaus pacing around Northside, trying to find his beloved. He was heading along the path to meet Toni. Klaus heart raced as his phone started ringing, bringing it out. Anger filling up every second, he answered the No Caller ID. "Hello?"

"Oh, What is a king without his queen?" A mocking voice asked, Klaus knew who it was.

"Where is she?" He growled into the phone.

"Probably dead, somewhere. Ahaha, oh I wish I could see your face right now." She evilly laughed, Klaus could feel his heart being pulled by strings.

"You tell me where she is, or I will kill you and everyone you've ever met." He warned.

"Where does a person go to sell their soul?" She riddled, Hanging up the call. Toni walked up to him, confused on the look on his face.

"Who was that?" Toni questioned her king, he looked down to her. Simply saying one word.

"Crossroads." Them Taking off to the crossroads between Riverdale and greendale, Klaus ran around looking for a clue. While Toni filled everyone else in over the phone. With a slight shine of the sun in a certain direction, Klaus approached a large tarp covering what looked like a car. Throwing it off, his heart broke off a piece. Seeing the impala in front of him.

"Oh my god." Tonis voice filled the silence, she walked to the drivers seat. Seeing the keys still in it. "Klaus." He walked over to her, seeing what she was looking at. Knowing that his fiancée would never leave her keys in her car without her near.

"Oh no." Klaus froze.

"I can take her car back to your place?" Toni offered, all Klaus could do was nod. Her bringing him into a side hug. "We'll find her."

"Wait at the house, just in case she arrives there." Klaus ordered.

"You've got it boss." Klaus watched the impala take off, standing there. His mind was running wild, wondering where his queen was and what condition she was in. Klaus did not know that his queen, hid. Taking out person by person as the sun went back to sleep, her body went cold. Tired, she sat there trying to get her flat phone to work.

"Come on, come on." I said to myself, smelling the familiar smell that ran through Southside from the fast food restaurant. Knowing I was getting closer to home, struggling to see in the dark. I slowly crept through the back of the forest, my whole body aching from non stop moving all day. I smiled, hearing Klaus's raging voice.

"Where is she?! She's been gone since last night, she hasn't eaten, had water. If Pennys done something to her-." Seeing the impala, I walked around the car. Seeing Toni's eyes light up.

"Klaus." She pointed towards me, Klaus spun around. Jogging down the front stairs, he made his way over to me. Demanding.

"Luci! Tell me what happened, what happened? Are you ok?" He asked, looking me over.

"I don't remember, I think I am?" I replied.

"You have a few scratches and bruises, did the Penny do this to you?" Klaus needed me to tell him, Toni came over.

"Leave her alone." Toni said as she helped me to sit down on the front step, I leant against her slightly.

"Penny sent me into a trap, the ghoulies went after me." I explained.

"How did you escape, you would've been outnumbered." Toni stated, playing with my hands. I looked up to Klaus.

"I think I had an angel, looking over me." I simplified, Klaus knowing who I was talking about. His mother, who passed away when we were 16. She loved Klaus and I together, all Klaus could do was crack a small smile. "I was able to get small wounds and able to knock them out." I groaned as I held my ribs, seeing me in pain. Made Klaus snap again. "As soon as I get my hands on Penny and the leader of the ghoulies, I'll slaughter the lot of them."

"Not Before Fp gets to them first." Toni included.


"He's been going insane, he's looking for blood as much as Klaus is. He's annoyed you took Jugs debt, but he understands." Toni explained to me, smiling slightly. I looked back to Klaus.

"Hey, could we go inside now? I'm going to sleep for a few days." I stood up, feeling all the effects hit me at once from having no water, food or sleep the past how many hours. I was about to collapse, before I could hit the ground. Klaus rushed to my side, picking me up bridal style.

"I've got you love, I've got you." He softly said to me. "Toni, let everyone know we've got her. We're going to the hospital." Toni obeying, Klaus begun walking with me in his arms to my car. My head resting on his shoulder.

Sighing heavily, feeling my body ease. All I wanted to do was sleep, listening to Klaus's heartbeat made me feel like I was alive. Not feeling dead like I was. "I love you."I whispered to him.

"I love you as well, now. Get some rest, you'll be ok soon."

Surprise! She's all okay! Can I just say I'm in love with the gif that's most recent, I don't know why! How did you guys enjoy the chapter?

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