From a Daughter to a Father

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Seeing Jug slam the vans door shut, he stormed down the stairs. "Jughead!" He looked up to me, coming over to me and pulling me into a hug. Feeling his heavy emotions, I rocked him slightly side to side. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked him, hearing a slight sniffle.

"Fred Andrews offered dad his job back, dads in there. The whole place smells like alcohol, he needs to get back on track. If he does, we can all come home." He explained, feeling his grip get tighter around me.

"I'll sort it out, ok? You go, I'll meet up with you later." I told him to, bringing his face around so I can look at him. Holding his face, I rubbed away the one tear running down his face. "Don't I sort everything out?" He smiled slightly. "Chin up little prince, I love you."

"I love you too." He replied, watching him walk off. I stormed myself into the van, slamming the door and chucking my hand bag across the room. Hearing a clang, I placed my hands on my hips. Watching dad slowly turn around in the kitchen with a coffee in his hands, his red eyes so exposed it made him look so pale.

"Oh I know that look anywhere, that's your I'm pissed off that jughead is upset look." He stated, sipping casually.

"So you know that I'm about to give you a good verbal beating." I said as I gritted my teeth. "Why aren't you taking up on Fred's offer?"

"As I explained to jughead, lucifer he fired me."

"So!? He's giving you another chance, look at you! You're a drunk at 10am, you've got bottles lying everywhere." I begun, kicking a bottle of beer away from my foot. "This is exactly why mum took jellybean away!"

"What about you, huh?! You left as well! I needed you, jughead needed you! But no, you had to leave!" He slammed down his coffee in the overfilling pile of mouldy dishes in the sink. Shaking my head, I slammed my hands down on the kitchen counter.

"Don't! Ever! Put this on me! You know why I left! I was young and hopelessly in love, then getting my heart ripped out! Mum needed me to help her with jellybean, that's why I stayed away longer! You rang off the tracks, mum was sick of it! Do you ever wonder to yourself? Why jug and myself don't live with you?" Dad came around the counter, he learn down closer. To try and make himself more intimidating, but it could never work with me.

"What are you saying?"

"If you know better, you'll fix yourself up and maybe... just maybe. Jughead and I can come home."

Slipping away, I grabbed my bag and about to leave the door. Dad stopped me, filling me with the slightest amount of reassurance. "Luci, I'll do better." Looking over my shoulder, I replied.

"Then do it."

Leaving to pops to blow off some steam, I sat down by myself at a booth. I looked through my photos on my phone, jumping slightly as a waitress placed down my milkshake. I thanked her, sighing shakily as I took a deep breath. I felt my patience line come to it breaking point till I lose it, breathe. That all you have to do, breathe and keep yourself grounded. Taking a long quenching sip of the rich dark chocolate milkshake, I looked down using my hand to hold up my head. I swiped, freezing at seeing a photo that's as old as time. A sort of photo that deserves to be in a museum.

Remembering that day, that was the day that Jellybean claimed Klaus as her husband. Everyone found it hilarious, the one distinctive feature of that day. Which made me fall in love with my now, so called ex. Was when he picked her up, telling her. He would love to, but he's fallen in love with her queen. Referring to me, which made the little female jughead angry. But he then told her sentence, which to this day. Still brings me to tears. He said to her, that he might not marry her. But she'll be chucking the flowers down as I follow behind her.

"There you are!" Jugheads voice stated, looking up. I saw a giant smile on his face coming towards me.

"Here I am?" I replied confused on the situation, seeing Archie behind him. They sat across from me. "What's up?"

"You, I love you. Dads been working since you left him." Jughead explained excitedly, my eyebrows shot up.

"He's working with my dad." Archie added. "Don't know how you do it."

"It's a gift." I joked.

"Wanna come with us to see dad finish his first day?" Jughead quizzed, I nodded. "Can you drive? We took a bus."

"Come on." I told them getting to my feet, bringing out my keys. I drove us to Archie's dads work, letting ourselves in to the office. Jughead lounged on an office chair, while Archie sat on the end of a desk. I sat behind him, him passing me the ball. Bouncing against the wall as he caught it. Hearing dad and Fred walk in, I swung my legs around towards jughead.

"Ar! How was your first day back?" Jughead asked, as dad walked towards us. Chucking jughead his hard hat, he placed it on himself.

"Well why don't we go out to mark the occasion?

"Great! Your dad is the hardest working guy in the crew." Fred stated as dad stood across from jug, leaning up against the metal cabinet.

"Yeah, jug, Luci and myself. We thought the five of us can have dinner or something?" Archie suggested.

"Uh, tonight-?" Fred begun, un sure.

"I'm down if you're down." Dad told Fred. "On me." Seeing Fred sigh giving in. We split off into two cars heading back to pops. Jughead, Archie and I sat across from our fathers. Dad and Fred laughing about a car they worked on all summer as jug and I pigged out on chips. "Remember what we called that car Fred?"

"The shagenwagen!" They both cheered, shaking my head slightly with a smile across my lips. Looking to arch, he was so intrigued.

"You see arch, this is before your dad had game." Dad started. "Before the band and the girls were all over him." Archie's eyebrows shot up, looking to him and then jug. Us two laughed to ourselves, while Fred added.

"We were awful, we were noooo."

"But it was great, best time of my life." Dad replied to him.

"You know jug and Luci, your dad was um. Was known as a BMOC, he signal handedly defeated our arch rivals the Baxter high Ravens."

"They don't care about that stuff Fred." Dad started. "Football, sports, they take care of their mum that way, and I mean that as a compliment." Dad reassured us. "I'd rather you spend your time writing, thinking up stories... you still do that? Nose in a book? Typing away?" Jughead looked down, nudging him to see if he was ok. He nudged back in a I'm ok way. "And Luci, stay you."

"Yeah, jughead works on the school paper with Betty." Archie added, I smiled slightly as klaus explained to me they have a thing going on.

"Betty, ooh." Dad started drumming on the table, looking to jug. He looked at our father in a oh shit sort of way. "Who is Betty? Is that your girlfriend? Luci, do you know anything about this?"

"She's- I wanna know more about the band." Jug changed subject. "What was the name of this band?"

"Go on tell them."

"Uh... Yeah. It was called the Fred heads." Fred confessed, making everyone laugh.

"Wait, what now?" Archie was stunned.

"Yeah, the names why it doesn't come up very often." Then pops popped up beside Fred. "Oh yeah pops."

"Ah, come on, Fred. It was supposed to be my treat."

"Hey, you can get it next time." Fred replied to him, watching dad turn around. Jughead grabbed my hand from under the table, squeezing it out of fright of what dad would do.

"Hey! Excuse me, Pop?" Dad begun, rubbing jugs hand with my thumb. We brought out our wallets.

"Hey, we invited you guys out. Let us pay." Jughead and I stated.

"You two put your damn money away." Dad snapped back, I raised my eyebrow at him as Fred added.

"FP, take it easy."

"You owe me this."



"Sure. Go ahead. You get this one." Fred gave in. "If I had known, I would've got another milkshake."

Leaving by myself, I left straight to the van as the boys went back to Fred's. I begun cleaning up, all I could smell was a rubbish bin at the back of a liquor store. I soon sighed heavily, hearing dads drunken laugh. Opening the door, I half caught dad. Helping jug put him on the couch, he started laying back. "I'm gonna sleep right here on this couch. You two can have the bedroom."

"We're not gonna take your bed, dad." I told him, placing my hand on jugs head.

"It wouldn't be the first time I crashed on this couch." Jug and I then begun to take off his shoes. "Oh thank you. But if you stay... are you? Are you gonna stay?" We nodded. "You better not be late for school."

"No, it's alright, I'm already way ahead in all my classes." Jughead explained.

"Thats my boy." I whispered.

"Hey, I talked to mum." Jug begun, chucking dads shoes near the door. "She got a job at a call centre to pay for online classes. I guess she's finally going after her GED, jellybean is helping her study." That made me smile. "By the way, jellybean wants to go as JB now. She thinks it sounds cooler." That made jug and I laugh.

"Well to be fair, she's 10 years old and listens to pink floyd on vinyl." I stated.

"Yeah I don't think she can get any cooler." Jug replied, we looked over to dad. Seeing him passed out on the couch, helping jug up. We headed to dads bedroom, jug took shot gun on the left side. We laid side by side, looking at one another. I brushed his black hair out of his face.

"You good after today?" I asked in a whisper, so we wouldn't wake up the drunken.

"Little bit, still have no idea how you got dad to go to Fred's."

"I just told dad the information and the true facts straight, you know my little brother. Get some rest, you've got school in the morning and I'm going to drop you and arch off like I use to." I smiled slightly.

"Ok." He said so softly that only a mouse could hear, watching him close his eyes. I raised up on my elbow, placing a kiss upon his forehead.


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