You Don't Owe Me Anything

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After dropping jughead and Archie off at school, I went walking around town. Looking through all the shops, smiling as I saw the one that I spent most of my time in. Besides from the garage, it was the small art store. The most vintage one you could think of, walking in. I smiled seeing the paintings up on the walls, from bright and vibrant ones to the ones that represent your worse nightmares.

"Lucifer Jones!?" A small old ladies voice echoed through the store, looking towards the back of the shop. I saw Mrs Reece, the one who helped me get into art.

"Mrs Reece! Hi!" I smiled, bringing her into a hug. Her small figure reached up to hold my face.

"Look at you, still as young, strong and beautiful as I remembered you."

"Aww thank you, I was wondering if you still had my usual paints here?" I questioned, seeing her facial expression change to thinking. Without saying anything she left to out back, laughing to myself. I looked around up at the walls, coming across the one that she painted of me when I was younger. Walking around, being so curious in the world of art. She added into my shadow, angel wings up against the wall. She said even though I am classed as the devil, he was once an angel.

"Lucifer Jones?" A stronger male voice called out, looking towards the door. Seeing the sheriff walk in and coming towards me, I gulped seeing him bring out handcuffs. He spun me around and pressed my chest against the wall. "I'm going to need you to come down to the station with me.

"What?!" I exclaimed, shaking my head at how unbelievable this is. Keeping my mouth shut and getting stuffed into the back of the cop car. I looked to my car. "I'll be back." I whispered to her.

Getting driven to the cop station, being dragged into an interview room. I got the cuffs off as the sheriff sat down across from me. I sat there with my arms folded, watching the sheriff slid over a folder. He explained to me the situation with jughead, involving jughead and Betty's prints at the crime scene of where Jason's car was torched. "When I found out about jugheads prints and that his was already on file, it surprised me that your prints were also there from an incident that happened six years ago... where you two spent some time at the Riverdale Juvenile Delinquent Centre for, uh." He begun, looking at the reason. "Attempting to burn down Riverdale Elementary School, but at that time you were in the second year of attending high school. How did you end up there?"

"Jughead was getting bullied, I went there to sort something's out. I then saw him playing with matches and that's a pretty tenuous connection for a sheriff." I stated.

"Well, principal weatherbee also allowed me to have look at your old school records." He started, opening up my old file of Bs and Cs. With the only A in art. "You have a long and rough history, Miss Jones. Bullied a lot, like jughead."

"Yeah, my name is Lucifer."

"You were mostly bullied by the 'popular' girl group. But on your file, it says you've had a few run in's with the football team. I can only assume that would have included Jason Blossom. Knowing your history of getting into fights to protect him, so... tell me your whereabouts on the week of July 11th."

"This is crazy. You think, I killed-." I said as sheriff then continued.

"Lucifer, a kid like your raised on the wrong side of the tracks by a deadbeat dad, being the one to have to take care of your little brother from kids like Jason blossom. I mean, who wouldn't want to lash out at that?" Looking down at my hands, I then asked.

"Where's Jug?"

"Other room." My eyes widened.

"I'm not talking to you anymore. I want a lawyer and I want to see my brother, now."

With the sheriff leaving, I sat there in the room. Looking right at the one way glass, I tapped my fingers against the table. Looking up, I was semi what confused and relieved at the same time seeing Betty walk in. "Hi Luci." She begun, sitting down across from me.

"Hey, have you seen Jug? Is he ok?" I asked frantically.

"He's the best he could be right now, all he wants is to see you right now and your dad." She explained, smiling at how alike someways him and I are.

"Is our dad here yet?"

"No, but Archie's here with his dad. They're talking to the sheriff and Archie's trying to explain that you weren't even in town the week of July 11th. No one knows where your dad is."

Getting aloud to go, walking down the hall. I saw jughead emerge from a room, sighing in relief. He turned around to face me. "Luci!" He cheered, running up to me like he use to when he was younger. Bringing him into a hug, I kissed his head as I was so happy to see him. Walking with him out in the waiting area, we both brought Betty, Archie and Fred into a hug. Walking outside and down the back stairs, I walked beside Archie.

"Jughead! Lucifer!" Dads voice echoed, looking up. Seeing him walk around the corner, he added. "Sorry. I came as soon as I got the messages. My phone, the freaking battery. I forgot to plug it in last night." He laughed. "What the hell happened?"

"Nothing." I spat.

"It's fine now." Jughead finished. "Mr Andrews took care of it.

"What jacked up crap did they accuse you two of in there, huh? Those bastards trying to throw you in jail like they did your old man? Well, screw that!" I knew dad was still drunk, letting go of Archie. I stood by my brothers side. "I'll rip Keller a new one for trying to pull that on you-." He was cut off as Fred stopped him in his tracks.

"FP, settle down."

"Hey! Hey! They're my kids. They're my kids, Fred! You'd do the same for your boy." Jughead and I stopped dad ourselves.

"Dad." We begun.

"Don't, make things worse." I told him. "Please." I whispered, he nodded.

"Yeah." He backed off. "Yeah, all right, then. You two, uh. You coming home with me?" Dad quizzed, starting to walk away.

"They-- they can stay with us, mr Jones. We already offered to jug, I didn't get the chance to ask Luci." Archie said to him, making him stop in his tracks. I leant up against jug. Due to him being slightly taller then me now.

"Is that what you two want?" Dad looked to us, we just looked to ourselves. "Um, that might be for the best if you don't mind Fred?"

"Whatever you want FP. It's between the three of you."

"I'll- I'll go with you dad." Jughead and I replied, with a slight crack in our voices. Walking over to him, he held both of our shirts with a hand each. Sniffing, I stood loosely.

"You two listen to me. I'm gonna do what you two want and get my act together. I'm gonna get your mum and jellybean home so we're all under the same roof. I promise, I'm just going to need a little time." He stated, tears were in both my brother and I's eyes. Looking to one another, we face our father. "Not a lot. Not long. A money, two at the most. But hey." He held our faces. "Then we'll be back on track...alright? You two, uh- believe that, don't you?" Looking into the sorrow in his eyes, I bit my tounge.

"Yeah. I believe you, dad." Jug told him, dad looked then looked to me for an answer.

"I believe you." I said softly, feeling dad place his foreheads on ours. We grabbed one another into a little group hug.

"Alright." Dad finished, watching him walk off. We sniffled, trying to fight back the tears. Standing there, Betty came up to jug. Before they walked off, jughead kissed my cheek. Looking towards Fred and arch, arch saw the pain in my eyes. Coming towards me, he brought me into a hug. A hug that gave off he'll protect me. "I owe you." He whispered, looking towards him. I told him the straight fact.

"You don't owe me anything... but thank you for this."

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