It Was Always You Two

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Walking into Archie's room, hearing the tv on high. The killing of monsters and robots, I gagged at the smell of male B.O. with the hint of humidity in the air. "Oh my god."

"Hey Luci." They both replied casually, still eyes peeled on the tv.

"Jesus guys, if I'm going to be sharing a room with you two. God, please open the damn window." I stated, watching Archie stand up.

"I've got it." Archie said as he closed the window, seeing Fred come up beside me.

"Hey it's getting late, wow it's ripe in here." He begun.

"Yeah, that's what I told them." I added, walking over to my phone on charge.

"Settling in Luc and Jug?" Fred quizzed us.

"It's like Archie, Luci and I are just roommates in a college dorm. What about you Luci?"

"It's like sharing a room with my two little brothers." I replied with a smile to jug, who just laughed at how simple mine was.

"Great, does that make me the dad?" Fred joked.

"Yep, slash the fourth roommate." Archie finished, making Fred laugh.

"All right, guys. I got a big day tomorrow." Fred begun.

"Oh yeah, you're beginning on the SoDale project. Right?" Archie quizzed, while I plopped myself in between jug and arch.

"Yeah. Indeed we are. Sorry. I know that's kind of a sore spot with you, Jughead and Lucifer, about the drive in."

"As long as you build something beautiful in its place." I stated, laying my head down on Jugs lap.

"I don't know about beautiful, but, uh, it's gonna be big. Night guys."

"Night dad." Archie finished, watching Fred close the door as he left. A heavy exhale came out of my lips.

Heading to bed, my mind scattering through memories. Feeling jughead sigh as he rolled over, my mind returned to a memory of where Jellybean and Klaus had a moment. Walking past the tall oak trees, where klaus and I once upon a time carved our names into the trunk. Like any typical teen movie, standing there. Listening. Jellybean and klaus hand by hand, her telling him all sorts of things. Her problems, her saying how much she loved him. How she was scared that kids at school wouldn't like her, he brought her to a stop. Going down on his knees, he held her face. Stating that no one in this world would touch a hair on her pretty little head as long as he was around. She asked him two simple things, one. Was why the man that people feared, would give a damn about a young girl. The second being, why klaus and I are called the soon to be king and queen. All he said was that us two together, we're stronger together than apart. Then lastly saying that his heart is full of love for two special ladies, one me and her. That memory of jellybean bring klaus into a hug, was the reason if I ever had a child. It was going to be with him.

Getting smacked on the head, In reflex I kicked. Catching jugs head before it smashed against the wooden rim of Archie's bed. "Thanks." Jughead sighed in relief.

"Luckily I love you still, even though you smacked me in the head. Why aren't you at school?" I asked, seeing Archie walk through the door dressed.

"Morning." We exchanged one another.

"Cause we are just leaving, you were having one of your dream/memory thingies of klaus weren't you?" Jug asked as he got to his feet, looking up I raised an eyebrow.


"You clench onto your pillow when you do." He explained, coming over and kissing my cheek. Archie followed, kissing my cheek as well. "Talk to you later."

"Have fun." I replied sarcastically.

Hearing my phone buzz, I reached over grabbing it off the charger. Seeing klaus's name pop up on my phone, him asking if I could meet. Getting up and changed, I smiled seeing klaus leaning up against his car at the local Southside park.

"You made it." He smiled in return, walking half way. Kissing each other on the cheek, we walked over to the park bench. "How's living with the boys?" He asked, seeing how cold I was in my thin coat. He chucked over his over coat around me.

"Thanks... yeah it's not to bad, if you take away the awful stench of B.O. and them smacking me in the face awake."

"Typical of when those two are together, the jock and the prince." I was glad he used that instead of the many other words people have use against Jug.

"Then there was you and I in art, playing footsies under the table. Cause." I begun laughing at the memory, seeing klaus know what I was about to say.

"Cause we got in so much trouble and mischief together, the teacher wouldn't let us be side by side."

"I would've gladly slapped that cow on the occasion." He stated, watching him smile at two brothers playing with one another on the swing.

"Don't worry, I was right with you on that one. She gave us detention cause I held your hand, then gave you an after school detention cause you hugged me."

"With you waiting outside the door, demanding for her to let me out. You definitely didn't like older people back then." He smirked, looking at him. His emerald eyes seeking into my mind, I shook my head smiling.

"Don't worry, I still don't like a lot of people. You were one of the very few."

"Literally, all I remember a majority of the time was you wagging. Going off to help Jug with something, whether it was school work, to talk to a teacher about his grades or to go and punch up a kid." We both laughed. "It was always you two, hip by hip."

"Well." I begun. "It still is."

"Hey! You two still have me." He was offended, I rolled my eyes. Looking up to him.

"Yeah I know, I've always got your pain in the ass by my side. No matter what." I replied, seeing a smile come across his lips. The fairytale prince and princess would've jumped up and hid away from the world, taking very few moments for themselves. Embracing one another, yet the real truth is. They did, but not in that sense of the way many think of. The soon to be crowd queen and king, did embrace one another. But not in a way many think of them, talking about their past history with one another. The soon to be queen hid in her soon to be kings side from the brutal cold, the kings hesitated for a split moment. So confused of the matter that was happening, he eased into that same tingly feeling he once got once upon a time.

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