Gift Boxes

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The next 24 hours went like a blur, the king and queen stayed within their palace. The king leaving for a few hours here and there to continue with his duties, coming home to check on his love. Whilst she spent more of the hours letting her body rest from the madness she once experienced.

The kings heart was full with her about, she was the only one that could tame the beast within him.The thought of losing her, terrified him. It was his worst fear, which made him feel weak when his queen went missing. But he knew that his world was a family girl, who loved her father, brother and little sister more then anything in the world. Besides from him of course. The queen never particularly got along with her mother, of course she told her mother that she loved her. But she was always daddy's little girl, daddy's soldier.

The day continued, the queen waking up. She hated staying inside all day, getting changed. She walked to the Whyrm. The weirdly homely smell of rich scotch and cigarette smoke made her smile, sliding the door open. Heads turned towards in her direction.

"Lucifer!" Sweetpea and Fangs cheered, smiling and walking towards them. Sweetpea grabbed me into a tight hug, feeling my ribs scream slightly.

"Hi Sweetpea." I hugged back, he spun me in a circle. Klaus's loud voice filled through the whole bar.

"Sweetpea! Careful! She's still bruised." Sweetpea placed me down, still having me in his grip.

"Klaus, I'm not glass." I told him.

"I know love, but you need to still be careful and I thought you were gonna stay home?" He replied, Sweetpea resting his head on top of mine.

"C'mon Klaus, we both know that Lucifer hates wasting a day inside." Sweetpea stated, me clicking and pointing towards Sweetpea as if I was saying exactly.

"Don't-." I then cut Klaus off from having a go at Sweetpea.

"No! Klaus, I'm going to hang around for a while. Talk and see my family, I'm meeting Jug and dad at the trailer later. So if it makes you feel any better, you can drop me off later. Ok?" Klaus sighed heavily, nodding.

"I have work to do." He walked back upstairs, leaving Sweetpea to burst into laughter.

"I don't know how you do it Lucifer, you tame the beast."

"Many years of practice." I patted his chest, seeing Fangs standing there. Wanting a hug, Sweetpea letting go of me. Fangs eyes were full, seeing he was scared I might've never came back. Knowing how much I mean to him, due to how I took care of him a lot when he was younger. "Hi baby." Fangs brought me into a softer hug, feeling his body sigh into me. I kissed his cheek as he looked to me. "I'm ok, you and Sweetpea continue with your pool." Leaving them be, I headed towards Toni. Who just looked at me smiling. "What?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"You're so motherly towards Fangs, it's nice." She shrugged, looking back to her. I pulled a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm just looking out for him, he's partly my responsibility. Anyways, are we going to just talk work or are you actually gonna hug me?" I smirked, her bursting into happiness. She kissed my cheek as we brought each other into a hug. Swaying side to side, she started to make me a light drink. 

"So, whats been going on? Besides from the hospital, Penny and that." She begun, both of us turned our heads. Hearing Klaus's heavy boots leave the bar, rolling my eyes. Toni knew this was going to have to be another time. "Better go and see your other half."

"Love you." I whispered, going after Klaus. I looked, seeing him storming his way towards the forest. I started jogging to catch up with him. "Klaus! Klaus!" I called out, reaching him. I kept up with his large strides.

"Lucifer, I don't have time to chat. This is not going to end while Penny is still breathing."

"Klaus... Klaus listen to me." I grabbed onto his arm, making him face me. "You are still not in a clear head space, I know how much fear you were in when I went missing. Jug told me everything, you were mad. Borderline going insane-."

"I thought you were dead, if I ever lost you. I don't know what I would do with myself! I hate seeing you in pain, the condition you were in when you came back! My heart broke-!" I crushed my lips against his, feeling his hands grab onto my hips. Pulling me towards him, like he was using himself to keep me from being hurt by the evil. Our lips slowly leaving from one another, we rested our foreheads on one another's for breath.

"I love you so much, even when you're on your crazy angry, protective highs." He smirked. "If you want to keep an eye on me, we can go Christmas gift shopping instead. I can catch up with Dad and Jug later on." I explained, him shyly nodding. Pecking his lips, walking back hand in hand. The king and queen left to their duties, within the trailer parks. The king before Klaus, walked back inside his van. Seeing the young prince, cross legged sitting on the couch. With three giant duffel bags on the coffee table in front of him.

"Did you open them?" Fp asked his son, closing the door behind him.

"No, dad. Out of respect for you. But your parole officer, Mr Walsh, he sure was curious."

"Walsh was here?" The older man quizzed, taking off the leather on his back to hang it up.

"Yeah. Don't worry. I got rid of him. But he already has heard that the serpents are moving into narcos territory." The young prince rose to his feet, as the older man zipped open one of the three duffel bags.

"Ta da."

"Gift boxes? With drugs in them?" The young prince questioned, confused.

"No, with gifts in them, for you, your mum, Lucifer, Klaus , Jellybean. Christmas Day, I thought us four we'd take a ride to Toledo and relieved them in person." The king bent down in the corner, taking of his heavy ragged boots off.

"Dad. This isn't gonna work. Today, it's gifts tomorrow, it's drugs, or weapons, or god knows what." The older man rose back up, throwing his hands into the air. He walked into the kitchen, the prince taking a few steps closer to him. "How long is this gonna go on—?"

"As long as Penny wants."

"If her favours keep getting bigger, which you know that they will, what happens when she asks for more serpents on this?" The young prince rambled, voice cracking of fear of the unknown.

"Then I'll bring more serpents! You know what? You're right this isn't gonna work, you and I living together." The older man stomped over to his son. "So maybe you can go back and live with Luci, go back to Fred's or go to Betty's."

"Betty? I split with Betty to—."

"Then what do you want me to say?!" The father exclaimed.

"I just want you to let me help fix this mess that I made." Jughead kept his voice calm, in need.

"Get this through your thick skull, Jughead." Fp begun, lowering his voice. "We're trapped. We got no leverage. If that means I gotta be penny's dancing money for the time being, so she doesn't touch Lucifer. Then that's how it goes." It went quiet through the van, tension. The young prince feeling more and more guilt that couldn't be possible for a human. "I'm gonna get some rest. I have a long night ahead of me." Within that, the older man left his son in the living room. Standing there, with the only thoughts of his sister and father. Being ruled by the charmer.

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