Merry HoHo

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The young prince gathered around the young serpents, circling. Stating. "All Of you know that Penny Peabody, almost got my sister killed. Now, Penny Peabody has got my dad dealing drugs. I know this, cause she had me doing it before him. Lucifer took my debt, before my dad took my debt off of her. Now she's roped in Tall boy and Sweetpea."

"Man, if you're pissed because your old man tapped me—." Sweetpea started, before Jughead cut him off.

"No, Sweetpea, I'm pissed because I don't want the serpents to end up like the ghoulies. And I doubt that any of you became serpents just to be at the beck and call of a drug queenpin. I know where this ends. Death. Jail. Which is why in the interest of self preservation... we have to take out Penny."

"Snake charmers helped some of us." Sweetpea included.

"Oh, Yeah?" The young prince begun. "What did she ask for in return, Sweetpea? How many favours? Don't forget, she almost got Lucifer killed." The young prince looked between Fangs and Sweetpea. "I know how much Lucifer means to the both of you, so think about that." The two lowered their heads, while the prince continued talking. "Now, if we don't stop Penny tonight...she is going to get every single one of us in on this. I promise you. I promise you, Sweetpea. What I'm asking is, are you willing to risk your necks to save my dad and sisters life?"

"What is the first law?" Toni questioned the group, standing up from her bike.

"No serpent stands alone." Sweetpea answered, slowly getting to his feet. He added. "I'm in."

"Me too." Toni concluded, as the young serpents gathered around the bin fire. The prince left to visit his sister and future brother in law. Walking through the giant doors, he was debating whether or not to tell them his plan.

"Hey you." I smiled, seeing my brother walk towards me.

"Hey." A smile grew on his face, seeing piles of gifts beside me. "What's this?"

"Christmas gifts, one for dad, Klaus, mum, jelly and one for my little prince." I pointed to each, his eyes widened at the size of this. "Anyways, anything interesting happen at the whyrm today?"

"Uhhh, no."

"Lies." I bluntly replied, knowing him to well.


"What happened?I know when you're lying Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third."

"Oh, we were just playing this game and Sweetpea confessed that he's liked you since he was young." I raised an eyebrow, shaking it off. I changed the subject.

"Um, Klaus went to see his dad again. So do you think it'll be alright if I come around tonight? You, dad and I have dinner at home?" I quizzed.

"Yeah, Of course it should be fine. Why's Klaus seeing his dad again? Is everything ok?" Jug looked at me worried.

"I sent him to see him, Klaus has been on rage protective mode. Cause of Penny, so I done it to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." I explained, adding. "Also his father is great on giving him advice on not to do dumb shit." He smiled. "I would really like you to meet him one day."

"Same. He sounds awesome."

"He is... do you want anything to eat?" I offered.

"Oh Lucifer, you know I can't take down that offer." He smiled.

"Help yourself, I'm heading to the Supermarket. Want to come?"

"Nah, I'll see you later back at home?"

"See you then. Lock up when you leave." Heading out, grabbing things I needed. Standing in front of the fridge as I packed it up to the brim, the familiar ding in my back pocket. Bringing out my phone, I smiled. Seeing Klaus's name pop up on my screen. Hey beautiful, just arrived at the hotel room. I'll be seeing dad early tomorrow morning, then I'll be right back to you after that. Hope you're staying out of trouble x

Laughing to myself as I shook my head. That's good, stay safe. Don't forget to ask him that question we were talking about earlier, can't wait to see you x

Closing the fridge, I grabbed my keys and headed outside to the misty cool afternoon which always occurred. Seeing Mrs Parker walking across the road, she waved as I waved back. Getting into the impala, I drove to the little shack I once spent my childhood in. Parking beside dad's bike, I walked inside. Seeing the two staring at me. "Hi guys." I smiled, walking to dad's side.

"Hey Luc." They both replied.

"What's all this?" I asked, seeing the giant pops bag.

"That's what I just asked." Dad added.

"This is a celebratory dinner." Juggy explained, walking over as he grabbed the giant paper bag. "Penny didn't show up for your pickup, did she dad?" Jug asked him, feeling my gut twist of guilt. Dad gave my shoulder a tight squeeze.

"No." Dad begun, whilst we walked over to him. "No, she didn't. Why? Do you know something about that?" I folded my arms.

"She's gone, dad and Luci. I rallied the younger serpents. We drove her out of Riverdale. I got my pound of flesh in the process."

"Are you nuts?!" Dad and I exclaimed.

"She'll be back. Better believe that!" I threw my hands into the air.

"She won't!" Juggy yelled back at me, making me grit my teeth. "I was very persuasive. And even if she does, we will take care of it. You two, me and the other serpents. In unity, there is strength." Dad threw his hands into the air as he sat down on the couch, I leant against the draws. "That's the sixth law. While you were in jail, I recited that. I lived by that."

"Jug." He then cut me off.

"You wanna take my jacket?" He looked between dad and I. "You wanna relegate me to toys for tots? Fine. But I'm still a serpent, dad and Luci. And this? This life you two wanted to protect me from? I'm proud of this, I'm proud of standing with you and Klaus, Lucifer. I'm proud of who I am. You two can't take that away from me." The older king, the prince and the queen stood in the room full of silence.

The next day rolled around quickly, where the king made his way home quickly to his queen. The merry spirit ran throughout Southside and Northside, Hearing the roaring sound of the beast rolling up at the front of the palace. The queen opening the front door, leaning against the frame. I smiled, seeing him take of his helmet. Looking right up at me, he spotted the Santa hat on my head. Jogging up the stairs, a massive smile came across his lips. "Merry hoho." I pointed up, him looking up. He laughed seeing the mistletoe dangling above us. Him grabbing hold of my face, he crushed his lips against mine.

"Merry Christmas." Walking back inside, I went to put on some toast for him. Thinking to myself of how much of a great fiancée I am, making my soon to be husband toast. Sitting on then bench, he stood between my legs.

"Sorry I couldn't make you anything better then... toast." I huffed, he smiled. His hands either side of me.

"It's fine, I'm just happy I'm with you. I talked to dad about that question."

"Yeah? What did he say?" I quizzed.

"He's happy." He smiled. "So if we want to do it, we can." I squealed of excitement, pecking Klaus on the lips.

"You ready for your Christmas present?" I asked, his eyebrows shot up. Nodding, I jumped down from the bench. Grabbing it, I saw he brought out a present himself. Both of us held small boxes. Sitting back up on the bench, he gave me my gift first. Opening it, was a necklace. A stone with L + K carved into it very tiny. "Klaus, this is beautiful. This is so kiddish I love it." He kissed my head as I looked at the detailing in it. Placing it aside, I passed him my gift to him. Biting my bottom lip, watching him open the box. He looked at it confused.

"What is it? A metal cylinder?" He held it between his fingers, I just shook my head at him.

"It's my birth control implant." I simply told him, seeing his eyes look up at me. Widened.

"S-so?" His eyes filled with hope.

"It means baby bakery is up and running for business." I smirked, Klaus placing the implant aside. He grabbed me around the waist, wrapping my legs around him. We both cheered, as he spun us around. It was as if this little secret between us and Klaus's father. Was like the world couldn't touch us, like the world couldn't take this from us.

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