Take Advantage of the Good Things

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Arriving at the whyrm, I narrowed my eyebrows. Seeing all the young serpents laughing around the pool table. "Hey!" I exclaimed, getting all their attention. "What's going on, why aren't you at school?"

"Southside got shut down, we're free and we're going to all different schools!" Sweetpea cheered.

"Then why are you all standing around here? Huh? Get going, you're gonna be late to school! Get out of my bar!"

"Yes mum!" They all cried out, sighing. Fangs walked over to me, smiling as I raised my eyebrows. 

"Hey you, you ok?"

"Yeah, Luci... I am. I just wanted to say hi, properly." He smiled.

"Hi. Uhhh, Oh! When you get to school, tell the administrator to get my name put down for the serpent kids please. Just in case anything happens." I asked of him.

"You've got it." He smiled, walking past me as he kissed my cheek. I sighed, running my hand through my hair. I watched as all the young ones left, Tall boy looked to me. Nodding towards me, I smiled. Seeing the respect being shown. The day continued in its usual manner, the guys drinking, coming and going to their jobs. I narrowed my eyebrows, pulling my phone out. Seeing that the high school was ringing me, walking back into the office. I took a deep breath as I answered. "Hello Principal Weatherbee, What can I do for you?"

"Lucifer Jones, I need you to come to the school and see me in my office. It's regarding your Southside snakes."

"Be right there." I replied, faking the happiness in my voice. Hanging up, adding. "Bitch." Heading to the school, forgetting I was still wearing my jacket. Eyes all landed on me, Hearing cat calls. I rolled my eyes, standing in front of weatherbees office. I looked towards my voice being called.

"Lucifer?!" Jug questioned, seeing Toni and Fangs with him. I just stared while they begun walking towards me.

Hearing the door open in front of me, I turned to face him. "Lucifer Jones, long time no see. Come in." He stepped aside.

"Thank you." I replied, before entering his office. I glared towards the three, giving them a reassuring nod. I stepped inside the office, hearing the door close behind me. I sat down across from weatherbee, placing my leg over the other. I raised an eyebrow as I asked. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Your so called 'little snakes' have been vandalising the school, painting over our emblems with snakes. I will not tolerate this behaviour." He started, all I could do was laugh. "Is something funny, Miss Jones?"

"Yes, cause I know all of the 'little snakes' since before they were born. I have helped raised a majority of them, they all know better not to do that. They know when they get brought into a place where it can be beneficial for them, not like how Southside high was. But, even when Klaus Reagan and I were going to school here. The students who weren't born on the side of the track we were, did not accept us. Klaus and I had to fight, so... to finish proving my point. If your students poke at the group, they'll react 10 times worse."

"So, What are you saying Miss Jones? That my students are trying to get your gang of bikers in trouble?" Wow he's actually got some brain cells.

"Correct, you see. It's quite simple in this situation." I stood up, placing my hands on his desk. "Let me simplify this for you... this school is a metaphor for a village. There is the two groups of peasants, the survivors and the people who get everything given to them. They both have rulers, if one goes after the leader. The rest attack, that's how this is going to go down. So, before this little war begins. Sort it and do your job." I left, heading back to the Whyrm. Doing paperwork up in the office, I sighed heavily. Hearing the sound of multiple pairs of boots walk through the bars door. Shaking my head at a rampaging voice. Opening the office door, I said as I begun walking down the stairs. "I thought I could hear the sound of an angry prince."

"Your talk with weatherbee didn't work!" He yelled at me, raising my eyebrows. I poked him in the chest.

"Don't, you dare yell at me like that. Tell me what happened." I ordered, looking in between him and tony.

"He's telling us what to wear. What's next? Brain implants controlling what we think?" Jug said as I looked to Toni, needing a further explanation.

"We can't wear any 'gang' wear, we have to hide our tattoos and all that." She explained. "Also, Jughead. You're sounding like a conspiracy nut. A school closed down."

"A crappy school." Sweetpea added.

"Now were at a better one, with a computer lab and textbooks-." Toni begun the list of good things. Sweetpea adding again.

"And toilets that flush."

"Jug, getting transferred to Riverdale High is the best thing. For all of you, what did I teach you guys?" I questioned them.

"Take back whats ours." Sweetpea stated.

"No, the other thing Sweetpea." I told him.

"Take advantage of the good things we get given."

"That's it, so. Excuse me, I have to go and see my fiancée."

"Bye mum." Toni said softly, whilst I walked over to Klaus. A big smile grew on his face.

"How was the visit to hell?" He asked.

"Great." I replied sarcastically. "Weatherbee is still a dick. Jugs taking a stand, saying we can't shed our skin. Cause weatherbee wants no gang wear and they have to hide their tattoos."

"What! He can't do that, I'm with Jug on this one."

"Klaus, I'm seeing this on an educational level. They couldn't get the education they need at Southside, at Northside at least Jug can get something out of his writing. We're supposed to be a team with this and if you want to be a-." Klaus held my face.

"I'm with you on this, I want this and I want to have a child." He begun.

"Jughead is stubborn, like you. But even if I couldn't get you to see the truth and the clear picture. There was one person who could get through to you in the entire world."


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